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to fish up a morsel of humor and sushine amongst the "specks in the gravy."

Member Butler: It is certainly a great pleasure to me to have with us a distinguished member of a board of control from the neighboring state of Nebraska. It multiplies the membership of the democratic party in this vicinity at least one hundred per cent and makes me feel as if I was approaching home again.

I have been at a loss to know how to discuss the paper, because I have the grippe and really am in no condition to discuss any paper. In thinking of this subject, I tried to imagine what line of thought he would present, and found difficulty in undertaking to look up anything on the subject. I looked up similar subjects, thinking he might talk along the line of "The hole in the doughnut," or as he said, "the fly in the ointment," or "the Ethiopian in the woodpile." I had looked up some of these, thinking the information I might get would be of use to me in the discussion of this paper, but find it is not of much value along this line of thought.

When we seek for democratic members of boards not only in this vicinity but in neighboring and adjoining states, we find very few. I deplore a most unfortunate thing which occurred yesterday when one-half of the democratic party went out of office here in the state house, in the resignation of our friend, Mr. Reddick. I also regret that our friend has entered upon a business that I have not endorsed very strongly in the past. assume he is getting ready to go over to the republican party.

The paper itself was very interesting and we all enjoyed it. No specific charges were made against either superintendents or the conduct of the board, but all along the line the address touched some things that we all know about and probably some of the older members in the organization have discussed them. I was very much interested and entertained but I do not think it is necessary to discuss the paper because it carries its own lesson. ·


Chairman Strief: The next number on the program is a paper entitled "The Sociological Strain in the Present Crisis,”

by Sidney L. Chandler of the department of sociology at Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa.

The paper will be found on page 97.

Superintendent Sickels: No word of mine can add to this talk. I think we have had one of the finest talks I have ever heard in these conferences.

Commandant Whitehill: Superintendent Sickels took the words right out of my mouth, regarding this splendid talk.

During the talk, however, I thought of what we are doing for our world war soldiers today, as compared with what the country did for the returned Civil war veterans some fifty years ago. Just a few days ago I was talking with one of our veterans of conditions when he returned from the war. Before the war he had taken his young wife and moved from New York to the prairies of Iowa. After getting the land on his homestead partially broken and a simple home established, he enlisted and went to war. During the time he was in the service his wife had gone back to New York to her people, and when he returned, he had to take this trip over again, coming back to Iowa to start life over, and I just thought while talking of this of what this country is doing for the returned soldiers today.

Three of our National Soldiers' Homes have already been turned over for the care of world war veterans. We have five United States hospitals throughout the country to take care of the boys, now almost four years after the close of the war. I sometimes think that we are doing nearly all we can do for the returning veterans of the world war compared with what the country was doing a few years ago.

This fall I took a short trip into Canada and found nothing of the kind being done for returned veterans. Today they have no soldiers' homes, but perhaps have two government hospitals to take care of veterans. They have given homesteads to the returned soldiers. After the excitement of the past years, when the boys go and live alone in the solitude of these places, they are now going insane. Their treatment does not compare with what the United States is doing for our soldiers. I have certainly enjoyed this splendid talk.

Superintendent Stewart: One point in Mr. Chandler's paper in which I was very much interested, was the fact that he speaks before the Legion.

I have had Legion members and their friends drive to the hospital on a Sunday morning and make the statement that they had come to see the "shell shocked" boys. The general public does not understand that there is no such thing as shell shock, and they think soldier boys should not be in a hospital with insane people. Social workers, Red Cross workers, and those working with the Legion do not ask to see insane soldiers, but ask to see shell shocked boys.

In 1917 the government sent out from Washinton instructions not to use the term "shell shock" but to use terms as dementia precox, general paralysis, epilepsy, etc.

If a boy contracts syphillis and after about three years enters the service, only to develop general paralysis, how does he differ from, another boy contracting syphilis and later developing general paralysis without having entered the service? If they have the same disease, should one case be treated differently from the other? If the hospital for insane is the proper place for one, why is it not the proper place for all such cases, whether he had or has not been in the service?

The subject is not generally understood, and I think in speaking before the boys of the Legion, it would be a good thing to mention this fact. One man asked me if these cases of "shell shock" would not all recover, I replied that they were insane and only a small percentage would recover, to which he replied, "I guess that is correct, for my boy is at Woodward, and I do not think he will be cured.”

This subject of "shell shock" should be cleared up and generally understood.


Chairman Strief: The next number on the program is to be a paper entitled, "The Business Aspects of Recreation in Child Life," by C. W. Bond, secretary of the Greater Burlington Association, Burlington, Iowa.

The paper will be found on page 106.

Mr. Bond: This is my first appearance on your program, yet I have watched the work of this board and have been in close touch with the activities of same. When my subject was assigned me, I at first had some hesitancy in accepting this

honor, but I learned early in life to try and help any good cause whenever I can.

Proper play supervision is a big subject today in the minds of business men, eities and schools. It is the foundation on which the future prosperity and happiness of society is based. In reply to the former paper, I am disposed to preface my remarks by Edgar Guest's poem, "Father and Son."

"Be more than his Dad,

Be a chum to the lad;

Be a part of his life

Every hour of the day;

Find time to talk to him

Take time to walk with him,

Share in his studies

And share in his play,

Take him to places,

To ball games and races,

Teach him the things

That you want him to know;

Don't live apart from him,

Don't keep your heart from him,

Be his best comrade

He's needing you so!

"Never neglect him,

Though young, still respect him,

Hear his opinions

With patience and pride;

Show him his error,

But be not a terror,

Grim-visaged and fearful,

When he's at your side?

Know what his thoughts are,

Know what his sports are,

Know all his playmates,

It's easy to learn to

Be such a father

That when troubles gather

You'll be the first one

For counsel, he'll turn to.

"You can inspire him

With courage and fire him

Hot with ambition

For deeds that are good;

He'll not betray you

Nor illy repay you,

If you have taught him

The things that you should.

Father and son

Must in all things be one

Partners in trouble

And comrades in joy,

More than a Dad

Was the best pal you had;

Be such a chum

As you knew, to your boy.'

As head of a business organization, I would like to say that we are interested in all community projects. We are trying to develop each and every group in our community. We are trying to properly take care of the ex-service men of our city, also those who come through our city and who are in need. We believe these men should be properly cared for and hope that none of them leave Burlington hungry. We are assisting in vocational training and helping them find jobs so they will fit in and fill their place in society and in our community.

We are trying to bring out and develop proper man power which makes a good citizen. This foundation is in properly training the boys today.

In discussing my subject, I would say, that business men. cities and schools are realizing as never before the educational and the economic value of properly supervised play. Rotary clubs, the Y. M. C. A., boy scouts and all these movements are directing their thought to proper supervision of the leisure time of our young people.

Chairman Strief: Superintendent Von Krog will open the discussion of this paper.

Superintendent Von Krog: I am rather new here and presume being the youngest child should rather be seen and not heard. Meeting some of the superintendents this morning, one

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