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a-pro-pos ap'pro-po, to the purpose, seasonably, by and by. au-to-de-fe aw'to-de-fe', act of faith, burning heretics. bag-a-telle bag-ā-těl', a trifle.

beau bō, a man of fashion.

beau-monde bō-mond', people of fashion. belle bell, a woman of fashion.

belles-lett-res běl-let'tr, polite literature. bil-let-doux bille-dô, a love letter.

bon-mot bon-mo', a piece of wit.

bon-ton bon-tong', fashion.

bou-doir bô-dwòr, a small private apartment..
carte-blanch kart-blăntsh', unconditional terms.
chat-eau tshǎt-o', a country seat.
chef-d'œu-vre tshe-dèû'vr, a master-piece.
ci-de-vant sẽ-de-văng, formerly.
corps kōr, body of forces, army.

coup-de-grace kô-de-gràse', the finishing stroke.
coup-de-main kô-dē-màin', a sudden enterprise.
coup-d'œil kô-d'-el', view or glance.

de-but de-bu', beginning.

dern-ier-res-sort děrn-yàr ́rĕs-sòr', the last resort. de-pot de-po', store or magazine.

dou-ble-en-ten-dre dô-bl-on-tōn'dr, double meaning. dou-ceur dô-sèûr', a bribe or present.

ec-lat ěk-lâ, splendour.

en-flute àn-flute, carrying guns on the upper deck only. en-masse àn-măs', in a mass.

tn-pas-sant an-pěs-sàng, by the way.

enn-ui àn-we', tiresomeness.

en-tree àn-tră, entrance.


Our life passes as a tale that is told.

1. The last days of youth, why, indeed, ye are come!
And the tints of life's morning will soon fade
I once vainly fanci'd my cheek's purple bloom,
Immortal as angels, would never decay.
Nor can I believe the cold words of my tongue,
When it falters, that I am no more to be young.

But yesterday, I was a boy and I wore

My jacket of blue and my bow round the neck, 2. And I danc'd, and I sang, and I laughingly bore

To my fair little mates, wreaths of flow'rs to deck
Our ivory foreheads, where clusters of gold

Hung so bright: could you think they would ever grow old?

3. Bless'd years of the past! how I love to retrace,
With memory's pencil, your images dear,
Like a painter call'd late to take the sweet face
Of a beautiful babe, lying dead on the bier.
But, oh, as your picture, I fondly pursue,
A soft-stealing tear-drop, my eyelids bedew.
4. No wonder, for who can unmov'd bid adieu
To mysterious raptures warm youth only knows;
And on the world's dim, awful threshold to view
The opening scenes of his joys and his woes!
Who gazes,-nor sighs, with a heart deeply wrung,
Why can we not always be blooming and young?

A Greek in Exile.-FELICIA HEMANS.

A Greek Islander, on being taken, a prisoner, to the Vale of Tempe, and asked to admire its beautiful scenery, replied?



"Yes, all is fair, but the sea! where is it?”

Where is the sea?—I languish here

Where is my own blue sea,

With all its barks of fleet career,

And flags and breezes free?

I mis that voice of waves;-the first
Which broke my childhood glee;

The measur'd chime,--the thund'ring burst:-
Where is my own blue sea?

3. Oh! rich your myrtle's breath may risc,
And soft your winds may be;

Yet my sick heart within me dies:-
Where is my own blue sea?

4. I hear the shepherd's mountain flute;
I hear the whisp'ring tree:-
The echos of my soul are mute:-
Where is my own blue sea?


Practical Exercises.

1. B gave his note for $1400, payable in 90 days, and at the end of 60, paid $1000; what is the equated time for the

balance, and what its am't. supposing he allowed 8 per cent. per ann. on the bal.? Ans. $400.59. 2. B bought 10,000 bush. of corn, and agreed to pay 48 cts. a bush. in cash, or 50 cts. a bush. at 2 mo.; will he gain or lose by borrowing the money at S per ct. per

ann.? Ans. lose $136. 3. A cask contains a mixture of brandy at 8s, wine at 7s, cider at is per gallon, and water at 0; what is the number of gallons of each kind?

Ans. Brandy 9, wine 9, cider 5, and water 5.

A and B hired a pasture for 18 mo. and paid $262; at first A put in 100 sheep, and 8 mo. after, 50 more; B put in 275 sheep, and 4 mo. after, took out 70; what must each man pay? Ans. A $96.109, B $165.891.

5. B would set out 864 trees, in such a way that the length should be to the breadth as 3 to 2; what is the number in length and breadth? Ans. 35 in length and 24 in breadth.

6. A ball 8 inches in diameter weighs 72lbs; what is the diameter of another of the same metal, which weighs only 9 lbs? Ans. 4 in.

7. Noah's Ark had 300 feet keel, 50ft. beam midships, and 30ft. hold, what was its burden as a man of war, and what as a merchant's ship? Ans. 4500 tons as a man of war,

4737 tons nearly, as a merchant's ship. 8. How many cubic feet is there in a load of wood 9ft. long, 3ft. 5in. high, and 4ft. 3in. wide?

Ans. 130ft. 8in. 3". 9. What is the cubic measure of a square stick of timber, 30ft. long, 12in. square at one end and a point at the other? Ans. 10ft.

10. B's wine cask is 30in. through the bulge, 25in. at each extremity, and 40in. long; what will it hold both of wine and ale? Ans. wine 112.1, ale 90.5 gall. 11. A broker lent money at 6 pr. ct. a year, and at the end of 10 years received for prin. and int. £1200; what did he loan? Ans. £750.

12. A asked B the price of his span; he said, had they cost me three times what I gave for them, and 15 dollars more, they would have stood me in $300; what was their cost?

Ans. $95.

13. B drew a bill on his agent in London for 250 £'s sterling at 60 days, and sold it to D at 5 pr. cent. advance; the bill was protested for non acceptance, and for non payment, at an

expense of 10 shillings sterling each time, and the postage out and back was 5 shillings sterling; damages on the am❜t 10 pr. cent., how many dollars did B refund?

Ans. $1289.315.

14. A, of Baltimore, made a draft on B, of Boston for £356 at 30 days which was accepted, and discounted by the Massachusetts' bank, at 6 pr ct. rebate; at the close of 30 days A and D had both failed, and the bank compounded with them at 31 1-4 cents on the dollar; what did they pay and what was the rebate? Ans. $101.25, rebate, $1.77.


Faulty Composition.

He shall pass away as a dream.

I dreamed I saw a ruddy rosy child

With golden ringlets to the zephyrs playing
He cropped the rose and then a distance straying
Whence the proud butterfly his feet beguiled.

He changed in summers prime I stepped aside
To let him pass his face with manhood gleaming
And his full eye of blue was fondly beaming
On a kind fair one whom he called his bride

He changed again it was even and the cheerful fire
I saw a group of hopeful youth's surrounding
The room with harmless pleasantry resounding
And in the midst there sat the smiling sire

Anon me thought arose the dawn
I heard the coach wheels rolling
The parish bell slow tolling

Alas the white haired man was gone

faux-pas fo'pà', fault or misconduct.

jeu-de-mots zhěû-de-mo', play upon words.

jeu-d'esprit zhěû-d'espre'; play of wit.

lar-gent làrzh-zōng money or silver.

mal-a-pro-pos mal-à-pro-po', unseasonable or unseasonably. mau-vaise-honte mō-vāz-hont', unbecoming bashfulness.

non-cha-lance non-shă-lǎnse', indifference.

ou-tre ô-tra', preposterous.

per-due per-du', concealed.

pe-tit-mai-tre pē'tit-ma-tr, a fop.


pro-te-ge prō'te-zhă, one patronized or protected.
rouge rôge, red, or red paint.
sang-froid săng-froàu, coolness.
sans sâng, without.

sa-vant să-vâng', a learned man.
soi-di-sant swâ-de-zâng', pretended.

tete-a-tete_tāte-â-tāte, face to face, two in private converse. trait tră, feature.

val-et-de-chambre väl-e-de-shâmb, foot man. vive-le-roi vev-le-rwà, long live the king.

NOTE. There are many other words and phrases borrowed from the Latin and French languages, and introduced into ours, without very high authority, and entirely in the face of correct taste. He that would write in English, would at least manifest his modesty, by expressing his ideas simply in that language. It is sufficiently copious for any subject either useful or ornamental.


David's lamentation over the dead body of Absalom.
1. "Alas! my noble son, that thou should'st die!
Thou who wert made so beautifully fair!
That death should settle in the glorious eye,
And leave his stillness in this clust'ring hair!
How could he mark thee for the silent tomb,
My lov'd boy, Absalom!

2. Cold is thy brow, my son! and I am chill,
When to my bosom I would try to press thee;
How was I wont to feel thy pulses thrill
Like a rich harp string, yearning to caress thee,
And hear thy cry "My Father" from those lips
Cold and dumb:-Absalom!

3. The grave hath won thee;—I shall hear the gush
Of music and the chorus of the young;


And life will pass me in the mantling blush,
And the dark tresses to the soft winds flung;

But thou no more with thy sweet voice shall come
To meet me, Absalom!

4. And oh! when I am stricken, and my heart
Like a bruis'd reed, is waiting to be broken;
How will its love for thee, as I depart,
Long for thine ear to catch its dying token!
It were so sweet, amid death's gathering gloom,
To see thee, Absalom?

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