Gambar halaman
[blocks in formation]

com-bus-tion kom-büs'tshun in-struc-tion com-pul-sion kom-pul'shun in-struc-tive com-punc-tion kom-punk'shun mis-trust-ful con-cur-rence kon-kur'rense noc-tur-nal con-cus-sion kon-kush'shun ob-struc-tion con-duc-tor kön duk'tür oc-cult-ness con-junc-tion kon-junk'shun oc-cur-rence con-sump-tion kon-um'shun per-cus-sion con-sump-tive kon-sum'tiv per-cur-sor

in-struk ́tiv
ŏk-kur rense
pĕr-kür sür

de-struc-tion de-struk'shun pre-sump-tion pre-sùm'shun dis-burse-ment dis-burse'ment pro-duc-tion

dis-col-our dis-kul'lur pro-duc-tive

prō-duk'shun prō-duk'tiv


dis-kum'fit re-cov-er


[blocks in formation]



en-com-pass ĕn-kum'păs re-pul-sion rē-pul ́shun

en-cum-brance en-kum ́brănse re-pul-sive

es-cutch-eon ĕs-kutsh'in se-duc-tion



[blocks in formation]

Herculaneum was a populous and splendid city of Italy, situated amidst all that nature could produce of beauty and profusion';-all that art could collect of science and magnif

icence; the growth of many ages, the residence of enlightened multitudes;--the seat of fashion', of festivity', and of merriment. But in one fatal moment', it was destroyed as by a spell'.

2. Its palaces', its temples, its streets, and its gardens', glowing with unceasing spring', and its inhabitants', in the full enjoyment of all life's luxuries', were obliterated for ever from their place in the universe. Not by disease', not by war', not by famine', but it vanished in a single night', as by magick, amid the conflagration of nature herself:-presenting to the world', a spectacle on which the wildest flights of fancy might grow weary in aping the terrible reality`.

3. The eruption of Vesuvius', by which this city and Pompeii, were overwhelmed', is chiefly described in the letters of Pliny', the younger', relating to the fate of his uncle', and the situation of himself and mother`. His uncle', the elder Pliny', had just returned from the bath', and entered his study', when he observed a small speck' like a cloud', which seemed to ascend from the summit of mount Vesuvius.`

4. The cloud gradually increased', until it assumed the fig ure of a newly withered pine tree';--the trunk composed of earth and dense vapour', and the leaves', of red cinders`. Pliny immediately ordered his galley', and pushed forward to examine the phenomenon. On approaching the shore', he humanely and venturously employed his boat in saving the inhabitants of the beautiful villas that studded this enchanting coast'.

5. The catastrophe commenced about mid day`; but a deeper darkness than that of winter night', had closed round the ill-fated inmates of devoted Herculaneum. In this portentous gloom', the whole region of country, was enveloped for nearly three days'; and when the sun again rose on the spot where the lovely city stood', his rays fell upon an ocean of moulten lava`.

6. There was neither plant` nor shrub, nor house' nor living creature';-not even a remnant of what human hands had reared`:--one black, unbroken surface, still teeming with mephetic vapour', and swelling in calcined waves by the force of heat and the undulations of the earthquake', was all that met the astonished eye of those who gathered to the spot to be hold the ruin`.



PROMISCUOUS EXERCISES IN ARITHMETIC.--LESSON 35. (1) What is the interest of $752 for 101 days, at 7 Ans. $14.367. ? annum per (2) A gave his note, Jan. 1, 1780, on demand, for $1000 at 6 per cent. per ann. on which were endorsed, April 1, 1780, $24; Aug. 1, 1780, $4; Dec. 1, 1780, $6; Feb. 1, 1781, $60, July 1, 1781, $40:--what was due on the 1st of June, Ans. 1103.82. 1784?

(3) What is the compound int, of £450, for 3 years, at 5 Ans. £70-18-7-2. per ct. per annum? (4) Bowes D $100 payable half in 2, and half in 4 mo. :-what is the equated time, the int. at 6 per cent. and the amt.? Ans. 3 mo. $1.50 $101.50. (5) How much sugar at 9d a lb. must be bartered for 6 1-2 Ans. 10 cwt. 12 1-2 lbs. cwt. of tobacco, at 14d a lb.? (6) B bought 9 cwt. of cheese, at £2-16 a cwt. and retailed the same at 7d a lb. :--what was gained on the whole, and what was the rate per cent.? Ans. £4-4 and 16 1-2 (7) In £100 New-York currency, how much in the curAns. £58 1-3 of S. Carolina? (8) A endorsed B's note for $1650.75 and sold it; he charged 1 1-2 per cent. commission--what was his fee? Ans. $24.76.





RULE 26. In the use of words and phrases, which relate to each other in point of time, the proper order of time should be preserved.

The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken away, is improper language, for the act of giving must have been prior and complete, before the act of taking away could have happened; hence, hath given, should be gave. Thus, the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away.

I remember the family more than twenty years. I have They have recompleted the book more than a week ago. sided in the south until within a few months, for the benefit of their health.

NOTE. This rule is too frequently perverted, even by good speakers. In many cases it is not easy to give specific rules for the management of words that, in point of time, relate to one another, so as to render the whole proper and consistent. It may be of some use to the pupil however, to observe, that the moods and tenses, and the proper order of time should be preserved, and the requisitions of the sense strictly enforced.

OBS. Conjunctions that are of a positive nature require the indicative mood after them. As, he is healthy, because he is temperate.

When the conjunction implies something contingent or doubtful, it is followed by the subjunctive mood. As, though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.

If, though, unless, except, and whether, are generally foiAs, unless lowed by the 2d form of the subjunctive mood. he wash, he cannot be clean. Whether it were I or they, so we preach.

With this form of the verb, there is always the implied association of future time. As, though he should slay me, &c.




ăn-ncence sphe-roi-dal

sfé-ré dăl










[blocks in formation]





dē-vòût lē


ĕm-plòě ur



cn-large-ment ĕn-làrje'měnt

[blocks in formation]

em pou ir


pome-roy-al pum-ròĕ'ă!


re-join-der re-join dur





1. On returning to Naples', we stopped at a large sand bank about ten miles from town'. This bank is that which destroyed the beautiful city of Pompeii in the year A. D. 79% In Murat's time', four thousand men we were at its walls`. were employed to disentomb the place, and nearly one third lies uncovered'.

2. There are few incidents which cross the path of man more strikingly strange than a walk through the silent streets of a vast city', which', for more than seventeen hundred years', has been hid from the light of day, and the eye of the world'. Here the manners and every day scenes of an age so remote, stand revealed, unchanged, and palpable to the touch'.

3. The streets are narrow', but paved', and the tracks of the carriage wheels along the crusted lava', are still perceptible. The houses are small; only two stories high', but beautifully painted. We walked up a street which appears to have been


devoted to merchandize`; for, on each side were the mosaic sellers, statuaries', bakers`, &c. with the owner's name painted in red', and the sign of his shop rudely carved above the door'. The mill in the baker's shop and the oven', were objects of curiosity`.

4. We passed through the hall of justice`, the temple of Hercules, the villa of Cicero', and the villa of Sallust The only villa of three stories which we found, belonged to a man named Arrius Diomedes`;--in the cellar beside some jars for wine', still standing entire', was found the skeleton of the man', with a purse in one hand', and some trinkets in the other', followed by one bearing some silver and bronze vases. They probably tried to escape by taking refuge in the cellar.

5. Many other curious objects have been laid open to view`. From a ticket of sale stuck upon the wall of a house', it appeared that one man had no fewer than nine hundred shops to let. The street of the tombs', is the most beautiful and impressive. One for the gladiators has a representation of the different modes of fighting carved upon it; from this it would seem they occasionally fought on horseback'; a fact unknown before the discovery of Pompeii.

6. Under the guidance of Salvadori', we made a visit to the top of mount Vesuvius'. The crater is nothing like the thing I expected to have found it'. It presents a gulf of immense size', and appalling aspect. I could hardly believe our guide when he observed the crater was four and a half miles in circumference, and above two thousand feet deep'. Here and there dense smoke is seen curling up the rocky sides`; but no other signs of agitation appeared.

7. On every side of the mountain', is presented a dark and gloomy waste of lava, which descends in some places to the very ocean's wave`;-while near the foot of the hill stand the beautiful vineyards which furnish the world with the richest wines. In spite of the awful example of Herculaneum and Pompeii', villages are sprinkled here and there along the base of the mountain', some of which have been destroyed more than a dozen times'.


(9) A bought goods to the amt. of $109.64, at 9 months credit; how much present money will pay the debt, at 6 et. per ann. discount? Ans. $104.92.


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