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other navigation, except that which they have reserved to themselves, respectively, by the sixth article of the present treaty.


There shall not be established, in the United States of America, upon the products of the soil or industry of the kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, or of the island of St. Bartholomews, any prohibition or restriction of importation or exportation, or any duties of any kind or denomination whatsoever, unless such prohibitions, restrictions, and duties, shall, likewise, be established upon articles of like nature, the growth of any other country.

And reciprocally, there shall not be established in the kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, nor in the island of St. Bartholomews, on the products of the soil or industry of the United States of America, any prohibition or restrictions of importation or exportation, nor any duties of any kind or denomination whatsoever, unless such prohibitions, restrictions, and duties, be likewise established upon articles of like nature, the growth of the island of St. Bartholomews, or of any other place, in case such importation be made into, or from, the kingdoms of Sweden and Norway; or of the kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, or of any other place, in case such importation or exportation be made into, or from, the island of St. Bartholomews.


All privileges of transit, and all bounties and drawbacks which may be allowed within the territories of one of the high contracting parties, upon the importation or exportation of any article whatsoever, shall, likewise, be allowed on the articles of like nature, the products of the

soil or industry of the other contracting party, and on the importa tions and exportations made in its vessels.


The citizens or subjects of one of the high contracting parties, arriving with their vessels on the coasts belonging to the other, but not wishing to enter the port, or after having entered therein, not wishing to unload any part of their cargo, shall be at liberty to depart and continue their voyage, without paying any other duties, imposts, or charges, whatsoever, for the vessel and cargo, than those of pi. lotage, wharfage, and for the support of light-houses, when such duties shall be levied on national vessels in similar cases. It is understood, however, that they shall always conform to such regulations and ordinances concerning navigation, and the places and ports which they may enter, as are, or shall be, in force with regard to national vessels; and that the custom-house officers shall be permitted to visit them, to remain on board, and to take all such precautions as may be necessary to prevent all unlaw. ful commerce, as long as the vessels shall remain within the limits of their jurisdiction.


It is further agreed, that the vessels of one of the high contracting parties, having entered into the ports of the other, will be permitted to confine themselves to unla. ding such part only of their car. goes, as the captain or owner may wish, and that they may freely depart with the remainder, without paying any duties, imposts, or charges, whatsoever, except for that part which shall have been landed, and which shall be marked upon,.

and erased from, the manifest exhibiting the enumeration of the articles with which the vessel was laden; which manifest shall be presented entire at the customhouse of the place where the vessel shall have entered. Nothing shall be paid on that part of the cargo which the vessel shall carry away, and with which it may con. tinue its voyage, to one, or several other ports of the same country, there to dispose of the remainder of its cargo, if composed of articles whose importation is permitted, on paying the duties chargeable upon it; or it may proceed to any other country. It is understood, however, that all duties, imposts, or charges whatsoever, which are, or may become chargeable upon the vessels themselves, must be paid at the first port where they shall break bulk, or unlade part of their cargoes; but that no duties, imposts, or charges, of the same description, shall be demanded anew in the ports of the same country, which such vessels might, after. wards, wish to enter, unless na. tional vessels be, in similar cases, subject to some ulterior duties.


Each of the high contracting parties grants to the other the privilege of appointing, in its commercial ports and places, consuls, vice consuls, and commercial agents, who shall enjoy the full protection, and receive every assistance necessary for the due exercise of their functions; but it is expressly declared, that, in case of illegal or improper conduct, with respect to the laws or government of the country in which said consuls, vice consuls, or commer. cial agents, shall reside, they may be prosecuted and punished con

formably to the laws, and deprived of the exercise of their functions by the offended government, which shall acquaint the other with its motives for having thus acted; it being understood, however, that the archives and documents relative to the affairs of the consulate shall be exempt from all search, and shall be carefully preserved under the seals of the consuls, vice consuls, or commercial agents, and of the authority of the place where they reside.

The consuls, vice consuls, commercial agents, or the persons duly authorized to supply their places, shall have the right, as such, to sit as judges and arbitrators in such differences as may arise between the captains and crews of the vessels belonging to the nation whose interests are committed to their charge, without the interference of the local authorities, unless the conduct of the crews, or of the captain, should disturb the order or tranquillity of the country; or the said consuls, vice consuls, or commercial agents, should require their assistance to cause their decisions to be carried into effect or supported. It is, however, understood, that this species of judgment, or arbitration, shall not deprive the contending parties of the right they have to resort, on their return, to the judicial authority of their country.


The said consuls, vice consuls, or commercial agents, are authorized to require the assistance of the local authorities for the arrest, detention, and imprisonment, of the deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels of their country; and for this purpose, they shall apply to the competent tribu

als, judges, and officers, and shall, in writing, demand said deserters, proving, by the exhibition of the registers of the vessels, the rolls of the crews, or by other official documents, that such individuals formed part of the crews, and on this reclamation being thus substantiated, the surrender shall not be refused.

Such descrters, when arrested, shall be placed at the disposal of the said consuls, vice consuls, or commercial agents, and may be confined in the public prisons, at the request and cost of those who claim them, in order to be sent to the vessels to which they belonged, or to others of the same country. But, if not sent back within the space of two months, reckoning from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty, and shall not be again arrested for the same


It is understood, however, that, if the deserter should be found to have committed any crime or of fence, his surrender may be delayed, until the tribunal before which the case shall be depending, shall have pronounced its sentence, and such sentence shall have been carried into effect.


In case any vessel of one of the high contracting parties shall have been stranded or shipwrecked, or shall have suffered any other damage on the coasts of the dominions of the other, every aid and assistance shall be given to the persons shipwrecked or in danger, and passports shall be granted to them to return to their country. The shipwrecked vessels and mer. chandise, or their proceeds, if the same shall have been sold, shall be restored to their owners, or to

[blocks in formation]

It is agreed that vessels arriving directly from the United States of America, at a port within the do minions of his majesty the king of Sweden and Norway, or from the territories of his said majesty in Europe, at a port of the United States, and provided with a bill of health granted by an officer having competent power to that effect, at the port whence such vessel shall have sailed, setting forth that no malignant or contagious diseases prevailed in that port, shall be subjected to no other quarantine than such as may be necessary for the visit of the health officer of the port where such vessel shall have arrived; after which, said vessels shall be allowed immediately to enter and unload their cargoes; provided always, that there shall be on board no person who, during the voyage, shall have been attacked with any malignant or con. tagious disease; that such vessels shall not, during their passage, have communicated with any vessel liable, itself, to undergo a quarantine; and that the country whence they came shall not, at that time, be so far infected or sus. pected, that, before their arrival an

and erased from, the manifest exhibiting the enumeration of the articles with which the vessel was laden; which manifest shall be presented entire at the customhouse of the place where the ves sel shall have entered. Nothing shall be paid on that part of the cargo which the vessel shall carry away, and with which it may continue its voyage, to one, or several other ports of the same country, there to dispose of the remainder of its cargo, if composed of articles whose importation is permitted, on paying the duties chargeable upon it; or it may proceed to any other country. It is understood, however, that all duties, imposts, or charges whatsoever, which are, or may become chargeable upon the vessels themselves, must be paid at the first port where they shall break bulk, or unlade part of their cargoes; but that no duties, imposts, or charges, of the same description, shall be demanded anew in the ports of the same country, which such vessels might, after. wards, wish to enter, unless na. tional vessels be, in similar cases, subject to some ulterior duties.


Each of the high contracting parties grants to the other the pri. vilege of appointing, in its commercial ports and places, consuls, vice consuls, and commercial agents, who shall enjoy the full protection, and receive every assistance necessary for the due exercise of their functions; but it is expressly declared, that, in case of illegal or improper conduct, with respect to the laws or government of the country in which said consuls, vice consuls, or commer. cial agents, shall reside, they may be prosecuted and punished con

formably to the laws, and deprived of the exercise of their functions by the offended government, which shall acquaint the other with its motives for having thus acted; it being understood, however, that the archives and documents relative to the affairs of the consulate shall be exempt from all search, and shall be carefully preserved under the seals of the consuls, vice consuls, or commercial agents, and of the authority of the place where they reside.

The consuls, vice consuls, commercial agents, or the persons duly authorized to supply their places, shall have the right, as such, to sit as judges and arbitrators in such differences as may arise between the captains and crews of the vessels belonging to the nation whose interests are committed to their charge, without the interference of the local authorities, unless the conduct of the crews, or of the captain, should disturb the order or tranquillity of the country; or the said consuls, vice consuls, or commercial agents, should require their assistance to cause their decisions to be carried into effect or supported. It is, however, understood, that this species of judgment, or arbitration, shall not deprive the contending parties of the right they have to resort, on their return, to the judicial authority of their country.


The said consuls, vice consuls, or commercial agents, are authorized to require the assistance of the local authorities for the arrest, detention, and imprisonment, of the deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels of their country; and for this purpose, they shall apply to the competent tribu

nals, judges, and officers, and shall, in writing, demand said deserters, proving, by the exhibition of the registers of the vessels, the rolls of the crews, or by other official documents, that such individuals formed part of the crews, and on this reclamation being thus substantiated, the surrender shall not be refused.

Such deserters, when arrested, shall be placed at the disposal of the said consuls, vice consuls, or commercial agents, and may be confined in the public prisons, at the request and cost of those who claim them, in order to be sent to the vessels to which they belonged, or to others of the same country. But, if not sent back within the space of two months, reckoning from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty, and shall not be again arrested for the same


It is understood, however, that, if the deserter should be found to have committed any crime or of fence, his surrender may be delayed, until the tribunal before which the case shall be depending, shall have pronounced its sentence, and such sentence shall have been carried into effect.


In case any vessel of one of the high contracting parties shall have been stranded or shipwrecked, or shall have suffered any other damage on the coasts of the dominions of the other, every aid and assistance shall be given to the persons shipwrecked or in danger, and passports shall be granted to them to return to their country. The shipwrecked vessels and mer. chandise, or their proceeds, if the same shall have been sold, shall be restored to their owners, or to

those entitled thereto, if claimed within a year and a day, upon paying such costs of salvage as would be paid by national vessels in the same circumstances; and the salvage companies shall not compel the acceptance of their services, except in the same cases, and after the same delays, as shall be granted to the captains and crews of national vessels. More. over, the respective governments will take care that these compa. nies do not commit any vexatious or arbitrary acts.


It is agreed that vessels arriving directly from the United States of America, at a port within the do. minions of his majesty the king of Sweden and Norway, or from the territories of his said majesty in Europe, at a port of the United States, and provided with a bill of health granted by an officer having competent power to that effect, at the port whence such vessel shall have sailed, setting forth that no malignant or contagious diseases prevailed in that port, shall be subjected to no other quarantine than such as may be necessary for the visit of the health officer of the port where such vessel shall have arrived; after which, said vessels shall be allowed immediately to enter and unload their cargoes; provided always, that there shall be on board no person who, during the voyage, shall have been at tacked with any malignant or con. tagious disease; that such vessels shall not, during their passage, have communicated with any vessel liable, itself, to undergo a quarantine ; and that the country whence they came shall not, at that time, be so far infected or sus. pected, that, before their arrival an

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