Hearings, Reports and Prints of the Senate Committee on Appropriations

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Halaman 247 - White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of World War II.
Halaman 247 - The private sector must be brought into the production and financing of low and moderate rental housing to supply the capabilities and capital necessary to meet the housing needs of the nation. The Commission recommends that the federal government: Enact a comprehensive and enforceable federal open housing law to cover the sale or rental of all housing, including single family homes.
Halaman 929 - The purposes of this title are — (1) to protect and enhance the quality of the Nation's air resources so as to promote the public health and welfare and the productive capacity of its population...
Halaman 339 - Its function is to assemble, preserve, and make easily and freely available to all people the printed and other materials that will assist them to: Educate themselves continuously Keep pace with progress in all fields of knowledge Become better members of home and community Discharge political and social obligations Be more capable in their daily occupations Develop their creative and spiritual capacities Appreciate and enjoy works of art and literature Make such use of leisure time as will promote...
Halaman 573 - Office — an increase of $200,000 for the establishment of an Office of Economic and Business Development. Also an increase of $50,000 for the establishment of an Office of Consumer Affairs which if granted will be transferred to the Department of Economic Development Detailed justification for the increases if needed will be presented when the Committee considers the request for same by Budget Activity, as set forth in the Budget submissions. CORRECTION IN FIGURES Mr.
Halaman 573 - The Department of Economic Development is assigned the responsibility for planning, implementing and administering programs for : promotion of economic activities in the District; protection of consumers; business and professional licensing and regulation ; and enforcement of the District's housing, building, zoning and related codes and regulations. The Department is comprised of...
Halaman 731 - The amount of each year's appropriation shall be calculated, on an actuarial basis, as a level percentage of the pay roll of all participants which shall be adequate to cover the liability normally accrued plus a further level percentage of the pay roll computed to be sufficient to liquidate, within a period of approximately thirty years after July 1, 1926, the amount of the accrued liability as of that date.
Halaman 90 - US Bureau of the Census : Local Government Finances In Selected Metropolitan Areas and Large Counties: 1969-70, Series GF70— No.
Halaman 447 - No. 7-D-22(a) amended 7/26/68, Series 1966, provides for corrected reorganization of CID Recommendation completed. RECOMMENDATION 31 The Department should issue an immediate directive prohibiting the use by officers of abusive language or derogatory terms. Action on recommendation : 1. A memorandum entitled "Strengthening of the Citizen-Police Officer Relationship" was issued on November 29, 1966, prohibiting use of abusive language or derogatory terms.
Halaman 246 - First Level of Intensity 1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing Second Level of Intensity 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms Third Level of Intensity 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy...

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