How to Adopt Internationally: A Guide for Agency-directed and Independent Adoptions

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Mesa House Pub., 2003 - 288 halaman
How to Adopt Internationally is organized around 23 easy-to-follow steps that lead readers through every phase of the international adoption process from finding an agency and organizing a home study to choosing a country to adopt from, working through emigration and immigration, traveling abroad, and adjusting to a new life with a child. The book includes detailed instructions for estimating the cost of an international adoption and also provides samples of almost all forms and documents parents will be required to fill out or provide including sample guidelines used to conduct a home study. The last half of the book provides up-to-date and in-depth information on the adoption laws and requirements for 68 child-placing countries including Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, China, Korea, Guatemala, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia. This latest edition also includes Internet addresses for finding important updates regarding international adoption on the World Wide Web including sites for downloading INS forms, contacting Embassies and agencies overseas, finding country-specific adoptive parent support groups, up-to-date travel information, and much more

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