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So the preamble and resolutions were ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. Daniel called up for consideration the Report of the Committee on Rules, (page 46.)

Said Report was then taken up, read the third time and concurred in, and the Rules as reported adopted as Rules for the government of the Convention.

On motion of Mr. Cushing,

The Order of the Day, to wit: the Report submitted by Mr. Stirling, from a majority of the Committee on the Bill of Rights;

Was then taken up for consideration on its second reading;

Mr. Briscoe, submitted the following amendment:

Article 1. Insert after the word "times" in the 3rd line the words, "in the mode prescribed in this Constitution;" Pending the consideration thereof;

By general consent, Mr. Briscoe withdrew it.

Mr. Jones, of Somerset, submitted the following amend


Article 1. Add at the end thereof the following: "but this right ought only to be exercised in the mode previously agreed upon and prescribed by the people, whenever a mode of alteration or amendment of their form of government has been previously agreed upon and prescribed by the people in their written Constitution."

Pending the consideration thereof,
The Convention adjourned.

The Convention.met.

TUESDAY, May 24th, 1864.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. McNemar.

Present at the call of the roll the following members:

Messrs. Goldsborough, President, Abbott, Annan, Audoun, Baker, Belt, Berry, of Prince George's, Billingsley, Blackiston, Bond, Briscoe, Brown, Carter, Chambers, Clarke, Crawford, Cunningham, Cushing, Dail, Daniel, Davis, of Charles, Davis, of Washington, Dellinger, Dennis, Earle, Ecker, Edelen, Galloway, Greene, Harwood, Hatch, Hebb, Henkle, Hodson, Hoffman, Hollyday, Hopkins, Hopper, Horsey, Johnson, Jones, of Cecil, Jones, of Somerset, Keefer, Kennard, King, Lansdale, Larsh, Mace, Marbury, Markey, McComas, Mitchell, Miller, Morgan, Mullikin, Murray, Negley, Nyman, Parker, Parran, Peter, Pugh, Purnell, Robinette, Russell, Sands, Schley, Scott, Smith, of Carroll, Smith, of Dorchester, Smith, of Worcester, Sneary, Stirling, Stockbridge, Swope, Sykes, Thomas, Thruston, Todd, Valliant, Wickard, Wilmer, Wooden-83.

The proceedings of yesterday were read.

Mr. Purnell submitted the following order:

Ordered, That the Committee on Accounts, upon the order of the President of this Convention, pay to William R. Hammond, who temporarily discharged the duties of Postmaster, the per diem and mileage allowed to the Permanent Postmaster, for two days service in that capacity at the commencement of the session;

Which was read and referred to the Committee on Accounts.

Mr. Cushing gave notice that on to-morrow he would move to amend Rule 43, by striking out "whole number of members elected to the Convention," and insert "members present."

Mr. Sands submitted the following order:

Ordered, That this Convention shall commence its sessions at 11 o'clock each day until otherwise ordered;

The question being on its adoption, Mr. Hebb demanded the yeas and nays;

The demand being sustained, the yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:

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Mr. Negley submitted the following order:

Ordered, That Henry Tritch, Door-keeper to the last Legislature, be allowed two days pay and mileage for his attendance and services at the opening of this Convention.

Which was read and referred to the Committee on Accounts.

Mr. Pugh submitted the following order:

Ordered, That Harold Wingate be appointed a Page of this Convention.

Which, on motion of Mr. Hebb,

Was laid on the table.

Mr. Schley submitted the following order:

Ordered, That on and after the 27th day of June next, the per diem of the members of this Convention shall cease and be relinquished.

Mr. Daniel moved to lay this order on the table.

On which last motion,

Mr. Barron demanded the yeas and nays.

The demand being sustained,

The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:

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So the order was laid on the table.

Mr. Baker submitted the following order:

Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal that Mr. Schlosser is absent from his seat on account of domestic affliction.

Which was adopted.

Mr. Thomas asked and obtained leave, by unanimous consent, to strike out the word "Comptroller" in the order adopted on Saturday last, (page 85,) and insert "Treasurer' in lieu thereof.

The Order of the Day, viz: the report submitted by Mr. Stirling, from the Committee on the Declaration of Rights, was then taken up.

The question being on the adoption of the amendment submitted by Mr. Jones, of Somerset, to wit:

Article 1. Add at the end thereof the following: "but this right ought only to be exercised in the mode previously agreed upon and prescribed by the people, whenever a mode of alteration or amendment of their form of government has been previously agreed upon and prescribed by the people in their written Constitution.'

Mr. Bond submitted the following amendment to said amendment:

Strike out all after the word "manner," in the 4th line, and insert, "as may be authorized by this Constitution."

Mr. Thomas called the previous question.

On the question being put, "Shall the main question be now put?''

It was decided in the affirmative.

The question being on the amendment to the amendment, as submitted by Mr. Bond,

It was decided in the negative.

The question then recurred on the adoption of the amendment submitted by Mr. Jones, of Somerset.

Decided in the negative.

The question then recurring upon the adoption, on its second reading, of the article, as reported from the committee, Mr. Berry, of Prince George's, demanded a division of the subject.

The question being on the adoption of the first clause of said article, to wit: "That all government of right originates from the people, is founded in compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole,"

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