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The question being upon the adoption of the amendment, Mr. Clarke demanded the yeas and nays;

The demand being sustained,

The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:

[blocks in formation]

So the question upon its adoption was decided in the negative.

Mr. Chambers submitted the following amendment :

Article 22, first line, strike out the word "man" and insert the word "citizen."

The question being upon the adoption of the amendment, Mr. Billingsley demanded the yeas and nays;

The demand being sustained,

The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

So the question upon its adoption was decided in the nega


On motion of Mr. Stirling,

The 23d Article was informally passed over.

Mr. Stirling submitted the following amendment:

Article 26, strike out all after the word "that," in the first line, and insert: "No conviction shall work corruption of blood, nor shall there be any forfeiture of the estate of any person for any crime except treason, and then only on conviction."

Mr. Clarke submitted the following amendment to the amendment:

Add the words "which forfeiture of estate shall only continue during the life of the person convicted."

The Convention adjourned.

The Convention met.

TUESDAY, May 31st, 1864.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Patterson.

Present at the call of the roll the following members:

Messrs. Goldsborough, President, Abbott, Annan, Baker, Belt, Berry, of Baltimore county, Billingsley, Blackiston, Bond, Briscoe, Carter, Chambers, Clarke, Crawford, Cunningham, Cushing, Daniel, Davis, of Charles, Davis, of Washington, Dellinger, Dennis, Duvall, Earle, Ecker, Edelen, Farrow, Galloway, Greene, Harwood, Hebb, Henkle, Hollyday, Hopkins, Horsey, Johnson, Jones, of Cecil, Jones, of Somerset, Keefer, Kennard, King, Larsh, Lee, Marbury, Markey, McComas, Mitchell, Morgan, Mullikin, Murray, Negley, Noble, Nyman, Parker, Parran, Pugh, Purnell, Ridgely, Robinette, Russell, Sands, Schlosser, Scott, Smith, of Dorchester, Sneary, Stirling, Stockbridge, Swope, Sykes, Thomas, Thruston, Todd, Turner, Valliant, Wickard, Wilmer, Wooden-74. The proceedings of yesterday were read.

Mr. Scott submitted the following order:

Ordered, That hereafter the Convention hold afternoon sessions daily, commencing at half past three P. M.

The question being on the adoption of the order,

Mr. Barron moved to lay it on the table, and demanded the yeas and nays;

The demand being sustained,

The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

So the question upon its adoption was decided in the affirmative, and the order laid upon the table.

On motion of Mr. Ridgely, it was ordered to be entered upon the Journal, that the continued absence of Mr. Berry, of Baltimore county, has been occasioned by his necessary presence at Baltimore as Adjutant General of the State, in the business of organizing the troops, now being enlisted under the late proclamation of the Governor.

Mr. Greene submitted the following order:

Ordered. That the Committee on the "Legislative Department" be instructed to inquire into the expediency of incorporating into the Constitution, a provision enabling the Legislature to accept the accession to this State of any territory contiguous thereto, of the States of West Virginia, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, with the consent of the Legislatures of the said States, and of the Congress of the United States;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Sykes submitted the following order:

Ordered, That the Convention hold two sessions each day, the morning session to meet at eleven o'clock, and adjourn at two P. M., the afternoon session to meet at four o'clock and adjourn at seven P. M.

Which was rejected.

On motion of Mr. Duvall,

It was ordered to be entered on the Journal that Mr. Peter,

of Montgomery, is detained from his seat in the Convention by indisposition.

Mr. Clarke submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That a select Committee to consist of nine members, of which Committee the President of the Convention shall be Chairman, be appointed by the Chair, whose duty it shall be to confer with the President of the United States, our Senators and Representatives in Congress, and the appropriate Committees of Congress, to ascertain and report to this Convention, what appropriation if any, will be made by Congress, in pursuance of the recommendations contained in the messages of the President of the United States, of December 1862, and December 1863, and the joint Resolutions of Congress No. 26, approved April 10th, 1862, to aid the State of Maryland in the adoption of a system of Emancipation, and "to be and by said State in its discretion to compensate for the inconveniences, public and private, produced by such change of system.

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Goldsborough, (Mr. Purnell in the Chair,) submitted the following orders which were adopted:


Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary, be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting for the action of this Convention an elective system for the Judges of the Court of Appeals, based on the following suggestions:

1st. That the said Court consist of five Judges, two of whom shall be chosen from the Eastern Shore, and three from the Western Shore counties of the State.

2d. That one of said Judges be selected from the Eastern Shore, and one from the Western Shore counties of the State, who shall be elected by a majority of the legal votes cast in the whole State.

3d. That the other three Judges of said Court, be chosen, one from each of the present Gubernatorial Districts of the State, who shall be elected by the legal voters of said respective districts, from other counties in said district than those from which the two Judges elected by the people of the whole State may have been selected.

4th. That each of said Judges be elected for the period, of twenty years, be required to reside at least eight months of the year at the seat of Government, be not less than thirty

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