Gambar halaman

jury 101. Security for costs,
when 101. Sale of goods con-
demned 101. Appeal, right
of, and to what tribunal 101.
Present judges confirmed in
office 101. Salary of judges
of 118. Court of admiralty
continued in Williamsburg
136. Marshal's fees 232. Sa-
lary of the judges rated in to- |
bacco 277.

A jury to esti-

mate the value of the tobacco
in money 277. Court of ad-
miralty may sit any where
ou proper occasions 408. Sa-
lary of judges, in specie 493.

In court of admiralty, how ap-
pointed 99. Tenure of office

Military agents to be appointed
71. Their duty and compen-
sation 71. Salary of commer-
cial agent 278.


Vestry of Albemarle parish in

tion 174. Market days 175.
Officers, how removable for.
misconduct 175. Penalty for
refusing to execute office to
which elected 175. Common
council, how summoned 175.
Property heretofore vested in
trustees of Alexandria, trans-
ferred to corporation 176.-
Town of Winchester incor
porated in same manner as
Alexandria 176. Style of cor-
poration 176. Jurisdiction
176. Certain sales and leases
of lots made by trustees of A-
lexandria confirmed 192,-
Certain lots laid off by John
Alexander annexed to the
town of Alexandria 192. Pro-
prietors allowed a further time
after the end of the present
war, to build upon and save
their lots 193. Naval officer
of district of south Potow-
mack to appoint a deputy to
reside in Alexandria 208.

county of Sussex dissolved Who deemed aliens 129.


Certain lots laid off by John A-
lexander annexed to the town
of Alexandria 192.

Towns of Alexandria and Win-
chester incorporated 172.-
Officers, how elected 173.--
Style of corporation of Alex-
andria 173. Mayor, recorder
&c. how qualified 173. How
long mayor eligible 173. Ju-
dicial and ministerial powers
of mayor, recorder & alder-
men 173. Powers of serjeant
174. Limitation of jurisdic-

Form of oath of allegiance or
fidelity 22. Oath of gover-
nor, council, jand others 22,
23. Acts imposing treble tax-
es on those refusing to take
the oath of allegiance repeal-
ed 194. Such taxes, when &
how reimbursed 194.

Deserters from army or navy of
our allies, how apprehended

Judges of superior courts autho-
rised to make allowances to
their officers 118.


Boundaries of parishes of Am-
herst and Lexington, in the
county of Amherst altered



Lead mines, the property of
John & Mead Anderson, to
be assessed for taxes, accord-
ing to the value of the soil
only 193.

When to sit at Richmond 89,
152. Court of appeals esta-
blished 89. Terms 90. Of
what judges constituted 90.
Precedence of judges 90.-
Oath of judges 90. Jurisdic-
tion 90. Clerk, tipstaff and
crier 91. Sheriff to attend 91.
Appeals, writs of error, &c.
how prosecuted 91. Duty of
clerks, as to records, bonds,
&c. 91. Docketting causes
91. Statements of cases 92.
Decisions, how certified 91.
Certain land claims to be
laid before court of appeals
and there decided 48. Court
of appeals to sit at Richmond
152. Terms of court of ap-
peals altered 455. Court of
appeals may sit beyond their
term, and then the term of the
high court of chancery to
commence the next day 455.
To court of appeals, how pro-

secuted 91. From decisions
of court of admiralty, how
made, & to what tribunal 101.
Penalty on masters receiving
any consideration for the en-
Y 3

listment of their apprentices
335. County courts below
the falls of the rivers shall
bind out at least half their
male orphans to the sea 385.
Arms belonging to this state or
United States, how recovered
from those who have the un-
lawful possession 218.
Volunteers to be raised 18. How

organized 18. Officers and
staff 18. How appointed 19.
Chaplains 19. Pay, rations,
&c. same as continental 19.
Spirits and sugar, how fur-
nished 19. Bounty and term
of service 20. Volunteers for
western frontiers 20.


&c. how furnished 20. Where
posted, & time of service 21.
Pensions and provision for
wives & indigent parents 21.
Additional bounties to sol-
diers, sailors and marines 23.
Land bounty 24. Pensions
24. Exempted from personal
taxes 24. Goods at stipulated
prices 26. Half pay for life,
to generals, field officers, cap-
tains, subalterns, chaplains,
physicians, surgeons and sur-
geons' mates 25. Recruiting
officers, how appointed 25.
Their powers, duty and com-
pensation 25. Troop of ca-
valry for protection of Illi-
nois 26. Land bounty to vo-
lunteers under colonel George
Rogers Clarke 26. To sol-
diers for protection of Illinois
27. Four troops of cavalry
for eastern frontier 27. Land
bounty to those who enlist

during the war 27. Cavalry
to be raised, during existing
invasion 28. Four regiments
to be raised; two for the de-
fence of the western, and two
for the eastern frontiers 32.
Pay and emoluments 34.-
Military agents to be appoint-
ed 71. Their duty and com-
pensation-71. Board of war
to furnish lists of articles for
accommodation of army 72.
Board of trade to procure such
articles 72. How transmitted
to army 72. Invoices & pri-
ces to be sent with goods 73.
Accountability of agents 73.
Duty of board of war in as-
certaining wants of army
73. One 25th man of the mi-
litia to be drafted for 18
months 82. Act to enable the
governor and council to sup-
ply armies and navies of Uni-
ted States with grain & flour
further continued 107, 142,
426. All acts empowering
county courts to provide for
the wives, parents & families
repealed 212. Proviso in fa-
vor of those in indigent cir-
cumstances 212. Officers of
the Virginia line, and of the
two state regiments and of
artillery authorised to re-en-
list their men 214. Bounty
214. Executive authorised to
send assistance to our sister
state of South Carolina 214.
Militia and state troops to be
sent 214. Drafts under for-
mer laws to be completed 214.
New organization of state
troops 215. Cavalry and in-
fantry 215. Garrison and ar-

tillery regiment 215. Regi-
inent for defence of western
frontiers 215. Enlistments by
county lieutenants, how long
to continue 216. Money re-
ceived for enlisting men, how
accounted for 216. Summary
remedy 216. Militia embo-
died for relief of South Ca-
rolina 221. Provisions for
the army procured by pur-
chase or impressment 233.-
Various regulations concern-
ing 234-236. Additional for-
ces to be raised to complete
this state's quota of troops on
continental establishment 257
One 15th man of the militia
258. Militia to be laid off in-
to divisions, and each divi-
sion to recruit a man 258, If
not recruited in 30 days to be
drafted 259. Term of service
259. Substitutes admitted
259. Bounty 260. Place of
rendezvous 260. Returns to
be made to governor 260.—
Fines for delinquencies 260.
A division or draft producing
a deserter, relieved from ser-
vice 261. Mutiny, how pun-
ishable 261. Quakers or men-
onists drafted, exempted from
service, but a substitute to be
provided at expense of socie-
ty 261. Allowance to widows
and aged parents of soldiers
dying in service 262.
exempting millers, and per-
sons employed at iron works
(except for the public) re-
pealed 262. Additional troops
for the war to be raised 326.
Number to be furnished by
each county 327. Taxes for,

when and how collected 329.
Mode of recruiting men for
three years or the war 330.
Additional bounty 331. Land
bounty, 300 acres to soldiers
who have enlisted, or shall en-
list and serve to the end of the
war 331. If quota not recruit-
ed to be drafted for eighteen
months 333. Troops how re-
viewed, furloughed and ren-
dezvoused 333. Mutiny or
resistance to this act, how
punishable 334. Quakers &
menonists drafted, exempted
from personal service, but a
substitute to be furnished at
expense of society 335. De-
sertions, how guarded against
335. Sick soldiers provided
for 335. Waggons procured
by impressment 335. Penal-
ty on masters receiving any
consideration for the enlist-
ment of their apprentices 335.
Penalty for selling recruits
336. Additional penalties for
concealing deserters 336.-
Person enlisting a soldier for
the war exempted from all o-
ther drafts or militia duty 337.
Clothing for the army to be
furnished by certain counties,
in what proportion, and of
what to consist 338. Mode of
furnishing the clothing for the
army in each county 339.-
Beef for the army, how fur-
nished by the several coun-
ties 340. Waggons for the
army, how furnished by the
several counties 342. Act for
procuring a supply of provi-
sions for the use of the army
revived and amended 344.

Prices of provisions 344.-
Continental officers of this
state reduced 373. Officers to
supply themselves with cloth-
ing 374. Their pay and ra-
tions to be made equal to spe-
cie; also the soldiers' pay 374.
Public stores discontinued &
clothier general appointed
374. Half pay to widows &
children of officers dying in
service 374. Paid by scale of
depreciation 374. Officers to
have half pay for life 374.-
Land bounty to general offi-
cers 375. Bounty in lands en-
creased to other officers 375.
Legal representatives entitled
to bounty 375. Land given
to Baron Steuben 375. Funds
vested in agent, for clothing
for the army 376. Public
vessels may be employed in
transporting clothing 377.-
Provided that one armed ves-
sel and a tender shall be em-
ployed on the Chesapeake
377. Corn may be exported
in exchange for salt 377.-
Two legions to be raised 391.
Number, officers, & staff 391.
Pay and emoluments 392.-
Further time allowed to exe-
cute the acts for recruiting
this state's quota of troops for
the continental army, and for
supplying the army with
clothes, provisions and wag-
gons 393. Troops in the two
legions exempted from drafts
410. Term of service 411.
Persons opposing laws for
calling out military force, de-
clared civilly dead 414. Of-
ficers appointed to enlist sol-


diers for two years or the war
433. Expenses of recruiting,
how paid 434. Bounty and
immunities 434. Officers in
- the state line reduced 449.-
Regiments consolidated 449.
Not to affect general Spots-
wood's legions 449. State
quarter-master's, commissa-
ries, commissioners, &c. not
absolutely necessary to be
discharged 449. Executive
to call a officers reduced or
discharged to account 450.
Sarpius stores, &c. transfer-
red to similar continental of-
ficers 450. For what time
pay and subsistence of officers
and soldiers to be made equal
to specie 462. Auditors to ad-
just accounts according to
scale of depreciation & give
printed certificates payable
with interest 462. Also of of-
ficers and soldiers dead 462.
Or, out of the service, for
the time they served 463. Au-
ditors to return a list of cer-
tificates to the treasurer 463.
Advance to officers 463. Fu-
ture pay in specie 463. Offi-
cers to account for money ad-
vanced 463. In what man-
ner 464.
And for clothing
464. Certificates to be re-
ceived on sale of forfeited es-
tates 464. If sales paid for in
specie, that to be reserved for
redeeming certificates 464.-
Scale of depreciation 464.-
Further tract of territory al-
lotted for officers and soldiers
in lieu of that fallen into
North Carolina 465. When
and how their lands may be

surveyed 466. Return to be
made of state officers & their
merits 466. Their pay & sub-
sistence to be made equal to
continentals 467. Also their
bounty in lauds, to be sur-
veyed as the regulars 467.-
Cavalry the same advantages
as infantry 467. Officers and
seamen of the navy, same as
land service 467, Tobacco
received for confiscated es-
tates to be sold and the mo-
ney to redeem certificates 467.
Act for supplying southern
army with waggons and hor-
ses 482. Penalty on sheriffs
and justices for neglect 482.
How recoverable 482. Wag-
gons and teams how disposed
of 483. Governor & council
to appoint persons to pur-
chase waggon horses 483.-
Virginia line on continental
establishment to be recruited
for two years or the war 499.
Recruiting expenses 499.-
Advance of money 499. Sol-
diers enlisting for two years
or the war, entitled to same
bounty and immunities as o-
other continentals 499. Per-
son furnishing a soldier for
two years or the war, exemp-
ted from militia duty 500.
To be published 311. Militia in
actual service, subject to 416.
Artificers employed at iron

works exempted from militia
duty 397. Act continued 425,

Officers of artillery regiment, in

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