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FRISSELL, of West Virginia; Wм. A. B. NORCOM, of North Carolina; JOHN S. BILLINGS, U. S. Army; JOSEPH WILSON, U. S. Navy.

Committee on Necrology.—Dr. S. C. CHEW, of Maryland, Chairman; Drs. B. R. JONES, of Alabama; A. H. SCOTT, of Arkansas; HENRY GIBBONS, JR., of California; G. W. RUSSELL, of Connecticut; L. P. BUSH, of Delaware; W. W. JOHNSTON, of District of Columbia; E. J. KIRKSCEY, of Georgia; W. M. CHAMBERS, of Illinois; THAD. M. STEVENS, of Indiana; J. W. H. BAKER, of Iowa; D. W. STORMONT, of Kansas; L. P. YANDELL, SR., of Kentucky; ALONZO GARCELON, of Maine; A. SAGER, of Michigan; A. W. STINCHFIELD, of Minnesota; WM. M. COMPTON, of Mississippi; A. J. STEELE, of Missouri; J. H. PEABODY, of Nebraska; J. H. WHEELER, of New Hampshire; JOHN BLANE, of New Jersey; W. H. BAILEY, of New York; GEO. MITCHELL, of Ohio; W. C. WARRINER, of Oregon; HORATIO C. WOOD, of Pennsylvania; CHAS. W. PARSONS, of Rhode Island; A. N. TALLEY, of South Carolina; JOHN H. CALLENDER, of Tennessee; S. D. THURSTON, of Texas; LEVIN S. JOYNES, of Virginia; ROBERT W. HAZLETT, of West Virginia; N. M. DODSON, of Wisconsin; J. J. WOODWARD, of United States Army; JOSEPH WILSON, of United States Navy; C. J. O'HAGAN, of North Carolina; J. R. BRONSON, of Massachusetts.

Judicial Council.--Drs. LEVIN S. JOYNES, of Virginia; R. N. TODD, of Indiana; ROBERT BATTEY, of Georgia; JAMES E. MORGAN, of District of Columbia; THOMAS B. FLAGLER, of New Jersey; SILAS N. BENHAM, of Pennsylvania; A. DUNLAP, of Ohio, in place of the seven whose terms expire at this meeting. The rest of the present Council continued.

Committee on Prize Essays.-Drs. SAMUEL D. GROSS, F. G. SMITH, ALFRED STILLÉ, ELLERSLIE WALLACE, and H. C. WOOD, all of Pennsylvania.

Special Committees.-Dr. FRANKLIN STAPLES, of Minnesota, to report on influence of climate on pulmonary diseases in Minnesota. Dr. CHARLES DENNISON, of Colorado, to report on same in Colorado.

Dr. E. T. SABAL, of Florida, to report on same in Florida. JAMES R. WOOD, Chairman.


Secretary of the Committee.

On motion, the report as read was unanimously adopted.

On motion of Dr. J. MORRIS, Maryland, the following were appointed Trustees of the McDowell Memorial Fund:-

Drs. WASHINGTON L. ATLEE, Pennsylvania; W. H. BYFORD, Illinois; J. M. KELLER and J. D. JACKSON, Kentucky; and J. MARION SIMS, New York.

Dr. L. P. YANDELL, Chairman of Committee on Prize Essays, reported as follows:-

The Committee on Prize Essays beg leave to report that they have received a number of essays, carefully written, and marked by various degrees of merit. But after as careful an examination of them as the committee have had time to make, they are not prepared to recommend any as worthy of the prize offered by the Association. One of the papers submitted to your committee is a work of vast dimensions. It makes four volumes, and an aggregate of more than twelve hundred pages. The committee have found it utterly impracticable in the time at their disposal to look through this elaborate paper. It treats of "Excision of the Larger Joints," and strikes the committee as worthy of a careful examination. They would therefore recommend that it be submitted to a committee of experts, to be reported upon at the next meeting of the Association.

Respectfully submitted,



The report was received and the recommendation adopted. Drs. S. ASHHURST, S. D. GROSS, and D. HAYES AGNEW, of Pennsylvania, were appointed as the committee.

On motion, it was

Resolved, That in consideration of the increased labor upon the Permanent Secretary, instead of $500 the sum of $750 be and is hereby appropriated to compensate him for his services.

On motion, Dr. H. R. STORER was appointed a delegate to the Italian Medical Association.

The hour of 10 having arrived, Dr. H. I. BOWDITCH, Massachusetts, Chairman of Section on State Medicine and Public Hygiene, delivered his address.

On motion of Dr. DAVIS, the address was referred to the Committee of Publication.

On motion, the resolutions attached were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That each year, until otherwise ordered, the President elect and the Permanent Secretary be directed to appeal, in the name of the Association, to the authorities of each State where no State Board of Health exists, urging them to establish such boards.

Resolved, That the Permanent Secretary is hereby directed annually to report the names of States where boards of health exist, and also of those which decline to establish them; said report to form a part of the annual proceedings of the Association.

Dr. DAVIS, Illinois, offered the following, which was unanimously adopted:—

Resolved, That in the death of the late Dr. JAS. MCNAUGHTON, of Albany, N. Y., we recognize the loss of one of the earliest, oldest, and most distinguished members of the Association; one who for more than half a century had been a noble example of the upright citizen, the untiring physician, the enthusiastic teacher, and the true Christian gentleman.

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolution be communicated to the family of the deceased.

The minutes and papers of the various sections were reported, and referred to the Committee of Publication.

The President appointed as the Committee on Rank of Medical Corps of the Army: Drs. H. A. JOHNSON, Illinois; J. P. GRAY, New York; E. LLOYD HOWARD, Maryland; GEORGE F. SHRADY, New York; H. C. WOOD, Pennsylvania.

On motion, Dr. E. S. GAILLARD, Kentucky, was appointed a special committee to report on the medical and surgical uses of the aspirator.

The Special Committee of the Section on Obstetrics, etc., recommended that the author of the paper on "Congenital Occlusion and Dilatation of Lymphatic Channels," be permitted to make such use of the material, plates, and illustrations as he may deem proper.

On motion, this was agreed to.

The following, from the State Medical Society of Georgia, was read, and ordered to be entered on the minutes :-

Whereas, As is generally admitted, the rank and pay of the medical officers of the United States Army are not commensurate with the professional standing of its members as a body, nor as they compare in attainment with other army officers;

And whereas, Congress at its last session totally ignored the wishes of the profession, plainly and generally indicated by memorials and petitions from all parts of the country: therefore,

Resolved, That we disapprove of this want of congressional action, and we reaffirm our opinion that the medical officers of the army should receive at least equal rank and pay with the officers of the line of the army, and with the medical officers of the navy.

Resolved, That we endorse the previous action of the American Medical Association on this subject, and recommend to that body renewed effort,

Resolved, That a committee be appointed, to consist of a chairman at large and one member from each congressional district, whose duty it shall be to personally explain to the various members of the Georgia legation the wishes of the physicians of Georgia, as well as to carefully present the matter before Congress. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be laid before the American Medical Association at its approaching meeting, and that the local societies throughout the State be invited to cooperate.

The Permanent Secretary presented a communication from Dr. J. F. HIBBARD, of Indiana, which was, on motion, referred to the Section on Practice of Medicine, etc.

On motion, Drs. E. ANDREWS, of Illinois, and T. KENNARD, of Missouri, were added to the Committee on the special legislation to present the spread of syphilis.

On application of Dr. S. D. GROSS, permission was granted him to use his paper published last year.

The same was granted to Dr. W. H. MUSSEY.

On motion of Dr. BOWDITCH, of Massachusetts, it was Resolved, That the American Medical Association presents its sincere and hearty thanks to the physicians of Louisville and to the following citizens: Mr. and Mrs. James Trabue, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Butler, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Yandell, Capt. and Mrs. James Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Caldwell, Capt. J. McFerran, Mr. and Mrs. J. Watts Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Carter, and other citizens who may have offered civilities to individual members for the unbounded hospitality with which the Association has been received, and to the gentlemen of the press representing the CourierJournal, the Commercial, and the Ledger.

On motion of Dr. W. S. HUSELTON, of Pennsylvania, it was Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered the ladies of Louisville, for the cordial and hospitable manner in which they have entertained the members of the American Medical Association during its session, thereby adding much to their enjoyment and toward making the visit one long to be remembered. On motion of Dr. BRODIE, of Michigan, it was

Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be extended to all those railroad and steamboat lines that have commuted their rates of fare to this Association.

On motion of Dr. KELLER, of Kentucky, it was

Resolved, That the thanks of the Association are due and hereby tendered to the agreeable poet and gentleman, Mr. Will S. Hays, the superintendent of the Hall.

On motion, the thanks of the Association were tendered to Dr. EDWARD RICHARDSON, and the members of the Committee of Arrangements, for their untiring energy in making the session of the Association a complete success.

On motion of Dr. DAVIS, the cordial thanks of the Association were tendered to the President and Secretaries for the faithful manner in which they have performed their duties.

The amendments to the Constitution offered at last session were, on motion, indefinitely postponed.

After addresses breathing the warmest friendship, etc., by Drs. BOW DITCH, BALDWIN, GROSS, HANEY, and others, the Association adjourned, to meet on the 1st Tuesday of June, 1876, at Philadelphia.

Permanent Secretary.

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