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The following standing committees, each composed of seven members, shall be organized at every annual meeting, for preparing, arranging, and expediting business for each next ensuing year, and for carrying into effect the orders of the Association not otherwise assigned, namely, a Committee of Arrangements and a Committee of Publication.

The Committee of Arrangements shall, if no sufficient reasons prevent, be mainly composed of seven members, of whom the Assistant Secretary shall be one, residing in the place at which the Associa tion is to hold its next annual meeting; and shall be required to provide suitable accommodations for the meeting, to verify and report upon the credentials of membership, to receive and announce all essays and memoirs voluntarily communicated, either by members of the Association, or by others through them, and to determine the order in which such papers are to be read and considered.

The Committee of Publication, of which the Secretaries, Treasurer, and Librarian must constitute a part, shall have charge of preparing for the press, and of publishing and distributing such of the proceedings, transactions, and memoirs of the Association as may be ordered to be published. The six members of this Committee, who have not the immediate management of the funds, shall also, in their own names as agents for the Association, hold the bond of the Treasurer for the faithful execution of his office, and shall annually audit and authenticate his accounts, and present a statement of the same in the annual report of the Committee; which report shall specify the character and cost of the publications of the Association during the year, the number of copies still at the disposal of the meeting, the funds on hand for further operations, and the probable amount of the assessment to be laid on each member of the Association for covering its annual expenditures.


Funds shall be raised by the Association for meeting its current expenses and awards from year to year, but never with the view of creating a permanent income from investments. Funds may be obtained by an equal assessment of not more than five dollars annually, on each of the delegates and permanent members; by voluntary contributions for specific objects; and by the sale and disposal of publications, or of works prepared for publication.

The funds may be appropriated for defraying the expenses of the annual meetings, including the necessary expenses of the Permanent Secretary in maintaining the necessary correspondence of the Association; for publishing the proceedings, memoirs, and transactions of the Association; for enabling the Standing Committees to fulfil their respective duties, conduct their correspondence, and procure the materials necessary for the completion of their stated annual reports; for the encouragement of scientific investigation by prizes and awards of merit; and for defraying the expenses incidental to specific investigations under the instruction of the Association, where such investigations have been accompanied with an order on the Treasurer to supply the funds necessary for carrying them into effect.


No amendment or alteration shall be made in any of these articles, except at the annual meeting next subsequent to that at which such amendment or alteration may have been proposed; and then only by the voice of three-fourths of all the delegates in attendance.

Provided, however, that when an amendment is properly under consideration, and an amendment is offered thereto, germane to the subject, it shall be in order, and if adopted, shall have the same standing and force as if proposed at the preceding meeting of the Association.

And, in acknowledgment of having adopted the foregoing propositions, and of our willingness to abide by them, and use our endeavors to carry into effect the objects of this Association as above set forth, we have hereunto affixed our names.






The order of business at the annual meetings of the American Medical Association shall at all times be subject to the vote of three-fourths of all the members in attendance; and, until permanently altered, except when for a time suspended, it shall be as follows, viz.:

1st. The calling of the meeting to order by the President elected the preceding year, or, in his absence, by one of the Vice Presi dents.

2d. The report of the Committee of Arrangements on the credentials of members, after the latter have registered their names and addresses, and the titles of the institutions which they repre


3d. The reception of members by invitation. 4th. The election of permanent members. 5th. The reading of notes from absentees.

6th. The hearing of the annual address of the President.

7th. The reception of the reports of all special committees and voluntary communications, and their reference to the appropriate Sections.

8th. The appointment of the committee of one from each State represented, to nominate officers of the Association, and to fill the standing committees.

9th. The reading and consideration of the reports of the Standing Committees of Publication, on Prize Essays, and of Chairmen of Sections.

10th. Resolutions introducing new business, and instructions to the permanent committees.

11th. The selection of the next place of meeting.

12th. The report of the Nominating Committee, and the election of officers of the Association.

13th. Reports from the several Sections.

14th. Reading of the minutes by the Secretary.

15th. Unfinished and miscellaneous business.

16th. Adjournment.


The general meetings of the Association shall be restricted to the morning sessions; and the afternoon sessions, commencing at three o'clock, shall be devoted to the hearing of reports and papers and their consideration, in the following Sections:

1. Practical Medicine, Materia Medica, and Physiology.

2. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children.

3. Surgery and Anatomy.

4. Medical Jurisprudence, Chemistry, and Psychology. 5. State Medicine and Public Hygiene.

The chairman and secretary of the several Sections shall, like other officers of the Association, be nominated by the special committee of one member from each State represented at the meeting, and elected by a vote on a general ticket. They shall hold their office until the close of the proper business of the annual meeting next succeeding their election, and until their successors are appointed.

The Section on State Medicine and Public Hygiene shall be composed of one member from each State, one from the army and one from the navy of the United States, representing, as far as practicable, the State Boards of Health. The officers of this Section to be also designated by the Committee on Nominations.

The chairmen of the several Sections shall prepare and read in the general sessions of the Association, papers on the advances and discoveries of the past year in the branches of science included in their respective Sections; the reading of such papers not to occupy longer than forty minutes for each.

Papers appropriate to the several Sections, in order to secure consideration and action, must be sent to the Secretary of the appropriate Section at least one month before the meeting which is to act upon them. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to whom such papers are sent, to examine them with care, and, with the advice of the Chairman of his Section, to determine the time and order of their presentation, and give due notice of the same; and, after their full examination and discussion by the Section, they shall be sent to the Permanent Secretary of the Association.

No paper shall be read before either of the Sections, the reading of which occupies more than twenty minutes. Such papers shall be referred by the Section to sub-committees especially appointed for their examination. The sub-committees shall be allowed thirty

days for such examination; at the end of which time they shall forward the papers to the Committee of Publication, with such recommendation as they may deem proper. The author of such papers, however, may read abstracts before the Section within the allotted twenty minutes. No member shall address the Section more than once upon the same subject, nor speak longer than fifteen minutes without unanimous consent.

All papers presented directly to the Association, and other matters, may, at the discretion of the Association, be referred to the various sections for their consideration and report.


The following are the Standing Committees of the Association, to be filled by the Committee on Nominations, and to report at the next annual meeting subsequent to their appointment, viz.: Committee of Arrangements; Committee of Publication; Committee on Prize Essays; and Committee on American Medical Necrology.

The Committee of Publication shall append to each volume of the Transactions hereafter published, a copy of the Constitution, ByLaws, and Code of Ethics of the Association. It shall print conspicuously, at the beginning of each volume of the Transactions, the following disclaimer, viz.: The American Medical Association, although formally accepting and publishing the reports of the various standing committees, holds itself wholly irresponsible for the opinions, theories, or criticisms therein contained, except when otherwise decided by special resolution.

The Committee on Prize Essays shall consist of five members, residing in the same neighborhood, whose duty it shall be, in the interval between the present and the next succeeding annual sessions, to receive original papers upon any medical subject, from any persons who may choose to send them; to decide upon the merits of these papers, and to select for presentation to the Association, at its next session, such as they may deem worthy of being thus presented. The Committee shall have power to form such regulations as to the mode in which the papers are to be presented, and as to the observing of secrecy, as they may think proper; and also to award two prizes of one hundred dollars each, to the best two original communications reported on favorably by them, and directed by the Association to be published.

The Committee on American Medical Necrology shall consist of one VOL. XXVI.-32

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