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File No. 153.1. 155.2.





25 letters, reports on use of transportation requests, 1928.

150 letters re shipment of employees household goods, 1927 and 1928. 50 letters re freight and express claims, 1928.

25 letters re passenger claims, 1928.

50 letters re rental of office space, through 1927.

150 letters re colonization conference at Washington, December, 1925,

1926, 1927.

192.302. 50 letters re colonization conference at Chicago, March, 1925, through


192.303. 200 letters re southern reclamation conference at Washington, December, 1927, through 1928.







223.07. 223.08.

223.09. 223.13. 223.14.

223.17. 223.20. 223.21. 230.05. 230.09. 241.5.

300 letters re conference on western reclamation, Washington, February, 1928, through 1928.

75 letters, distribution of general expense, district counsels, 1926 and 1927.

25 letters, reports on bonds under contracts, 1929.

100 letters, re numbering contracts, 1928.

200 letters, re leases, sales, and rentals, 1928.

200 letters, re sale of hydraulic and excavation tables, 1929.
600 letters, re sale of maps, 1929.

300 letters, re sale of New Reclamation Era, 1929.

25 letters, re sale of specifications, drawings, designs, etc., 1929.
100 letters, re sale of photos, etc., 1929.

25 letters, re sale of handbook measurements of irrigation water, 1929.
25 letters, re sale of high pressure outlet works report, 1929.
25 letters, re sale of reclamation laws annotated, 1928 and 1929.
50 letters, re sale of forms 1927 and 1928.

25 letters, requests from fiscal agents for additional funds, 1929.
50 letters, re lost and undelivered checks, 1927 and 1928.

50 letters, quarterly reports on estimates of expenditures, 1927.
242 and subs. 75 letters, re transfer of funds between bureaus, 1928.
249.22. 100 letters, quarterly estimates of collections, 1928.
290.01. 50 letters, authorized surety companies, 1928.

290.02. 200 letters re insurance of Government property, 1927 and 1928. 300.32. 25 letters, reports on project water supply condition, 1929. 301.32. 400 letters, board of survey and adjustments, through 1928. 393.0112. 25 letters, minutes of meetings, Federal Specification Board, 1929. 393.012. 150 letters re bureau specifications, 1929.

393.014. 25 letters, copies of minutes of meetings, American Engineering Standards Committee, 1928.

[blocks in formation]

500.1 general and projects. 400 letters, inquiries re opportunities for settlement, 1929.

301 Colorado River- Malone report. 500 letters requesting copies of report, through 1929.

110-B16. 25 letters, lists of irrigation districts, 1916 through June, 1919.

22 and subs. 600 letters re demonstration farms and tree planting, through June, 1919.

23 and subs. 2,000 letters re reclamation forms, through June, 1919.

190-H-general and projects. 500 letters re rental of equipment, through June,


38 general and projects. 1,000 letters re lands, general, through June, 1919. 391 general and projects. 300 letters re rent of post-office boxes, through June,

1919. 873 general and projects. 1,000 letters, general and miscellaneous, through June, 1919.

114 and subs. 1,500 letters re lease of office space, through June, 1919. 114.1 and subs. 1,500 letters re assignment of space in Federal buildings, through June, 1919.

56. 150 letters re available for other assignments, 1928 and 1929. 121-K. 30 letters re promotions, through June 30, 1928. 121-P. 50 letters re transfers on bureaus and departments, 1920. 645. 80 letters, announcements of civil-service examinations, 1928.

121-D-1. 100 letters re leaves of absence, 1926.

675. 75 letters, declining appointments, through 1925. 685-B. 40 letters re requirements for clerks, etc., through 1928. HR-71-3-VOL 2-72

File No.

543. 800 letters, monthly report on personnel, 1926 and 1927.
120. 175 letters, correspondence with the Civil Service Commission, 1902-


121-D. 110 letters, leave regulations and policies, 1909-10.

122. 125 letters, local civil service boards, 1906 through 1908.



200 letters, applications for commissions, Officers' Reserve Corps, 1917
through 1921.

300 letters re lost relatives traced, 1910 through 1916.
225 letters, applications for employment, 1926.

[blocks in formation]

1. Estimates of goods and supplies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929 and 1930.

2. Claims (duplicates) from Nos. 363006 to 369298, the last claim in 1925.

3. Duplicate cash and property accounts of disbursing officers, Indian Service, prior to 1926.

4. Trial balance sheets prior to 1928.

5. Report of unliquidated encumbrances prior to 1929.

6. Duplicate check authorities prior to 1926.

7. Correspondence classed as self-indexing prior to 1929.

8. Duplicate authorities to expend prior to 1928.

9. Certificates of settlement of accounts prior to 1926.

CHARLES F. HAUKE, Chief Clerk.


(Washington office)

Duplicate vouchers, prior to June 30, 1930. The originals of these vouchers are on file in the General Accounting Office, and the accounts of which they form a part have been settled.

Auditors' coupons of automobile and motor cycle permits, and cash register tapes, after they have been audited and the receipts accounted for.

June 30, 1930.

Requests for publications, prior to June 30, 1930.

Prior to

Monthly cost reports, prior to June 30, 1930. These reports have served the purpose for which they were made and are no longer valuable to this service. Application for leave of absence prior to January 1, 1930.

Requests for positions. These requests are for temporary summer employment and are of no permanent or historical value. Prior to 1930.

Requests for supplies prior to January 1, 1930. These are carbon copies of originals which are filed in the division of supplies, Secretary's office. Requisitions for forms prior to January 1, 1930. These are carbon copies of originals, which are filed in the division of publications, Secretary's office. Requests for pictures prior to January 1, 1929. These requests are for pictures of national park scenes, and are of no permanent or historical value. Requests for loan of lantern slides prior to January 1, 1929. These requests are for the loan of lantern slides to schools, clubs, etc., and are of no permanent or historical value.

Supply contracts prior to June 30, 1929. These contracts are copies of originals which are filed in the General Accounting Office and are of no permanent or historical value.

Certificates of settlements prior to June 30, 1929. These statements have served the purpose for which they were made and are no longer valuable to this service.

Requisitions for funds prior to June 30, 1929. These requisitions have served the purposes for which they were made and are no longer valuable to this service. Deposit lists, prior to June 30, 1929. These lists have served the purpose for which they were made and are no longer valuable to this service. Copies of the field general and allotment sheets prior to June 30, 1929. These are carbon copies sent in by the field offices for checking purposes and have

been checked by the Washington office. are no longer valuable to this service. offices.

All files for 1929.

They have served their purpose and The originals are retained in the field


Applications for employment, horse hire, etc., and correspondence in regard to the procurement of same.

Requests for information concerning the park, sale, and other publications, and correspondence in regard to same.

Yearly, special, and individual permits, and correspondence relating to same. (Original permits retained in files of Washington office.)

Copies of proposals, orders, vouchers, invoices, and other papers in relation to procurement of supplies and other services.

Duplicate copies of bills of lading, transportation bills, and other papers in relation thereto.

Storehouse requisitions, monthly cost reports, except final report for completed fiscal year.

Obsolete regulations, circulars, forms, books, catalogues, plans, specifications, etc. (complete set of regulations to be retained in files as historical record). Obsolete general information pamphlets and correspondence in relation thereto. Letters and statements of park employees transmitting to the park superintendent collections on account of automobile and motor-cycle permits. Stubs and duplicate copies of automobile and motor-cycle permits. Records of telephone and telegraph messages.

Monthly reports of park rangers and employees.

Bathing directions, applications for baths and daily bathhouse reports at Hot Springs National Park.

SEPTEMBER 12, 1930.


Acting Associate Director.


3 boxes of duplex labels (record of bulletins mailed in 1929).

12 packages public high-school questionnaries used 1926.

2 packages teachers' colleges and normal schools, and training schools for nurses, 1926 and 1927, used and now obsolete.

20 packages routine correspondence, for which there is not further need, covering period 1925-1929, inclusive. (These packages not to contain any material

pertaining to Alaska.)

Bills for goods purchased.


Requisitions drawn on hospital storeroom for supplies.
Invoices showing receipts of goods purchased.

Various other papers of similar character of no value.
The above papers are dated prior to 1921.


M. SANGER, Assistant to the Superintendent.

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Washington, November 29, 1930.

Washington, D. C.

SIR: In reply to your letter of November 26, transmitting lists of papers from the office of the Secretary, division of appointments, mails, and files; publications division and traffic division; General Land Office; Geological Survey; Bureau of Reclamation; Office of Indian Affairs; National Park Service; Office of Education, and St. Elizabeths Hospital, which the department wishes to destroy under the terms of the Executive order of March 16, 1912:

The matter has had the attention of the chief of our manuscripts division, who now reports that these records do not appear to have any historical value. The lists are therefore returned herewith.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


FEBRUARY 26, 1931.-Ordered to be printed

Mr. WASON, from the Joint Committee on Disposition of Useless Executive Papers, submitted the following


[Public Buildings and Grounds]

The joint select committee of the Senate and House of Representatives appointed on the part of the Senate and on the part of the House of Representatives, to which was referred the reports of the heads of departments, bureaus, etc., in respect to the accumulation therein of old and useless files of papers which are not needed or useful in the transaction of the current business therein, respectively, and have no permanent value or historical interest, with accompanying statements of the condition and character of such papers, respectfully report to the Senate and House of Representatives pursuant to an act entitled "An act to authorize and provide for the disposition of useless papers in the executive departments," approved February 16, 1889, as amended by the act of March 2, 1895, as follows:

Your committee have met, and by a subcommittee appointed by your committee, carefully and fully examined the said reports so referred to your committee and the statements of the condition and character of such files and papers described, and we find and report that the files and papers described in the report of the Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, dated February 14, 1931, to the Seventy-first Congress, third session, are not needed in the transaction of the current business of such offices and have no permanent value or historical interest.

Your committee recommend that, as required by law, the Office of Public Buildings and Grounds sell as waste paper or otherwise dispose of such files of papers upon the best obtainable terms, after due publication of notice inviting proposals therefor, and receive and pay the

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