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of each such lease shall be furnished to the Sergeant at Arms. in this paragraph shall be construed to require the Sergeant at Arms

to enter into or execute any lease for or on behalf of a Senator.

Maximum amount of aggregate square feet for each Senator

(b) The aggregate square feet of office space secured for Senator shall not at any time exceed

(1) 4,800 square feet if the population of his State is less than 2,000,000;

(2) 5,000 square feet if such population is 2,000,000 but less than 3,000,000;

(3) 5,200 square feet if such population is 3,000,000 but less than 4,000,000;

(4) 5,400 square feet if such population is 4,000,000 but less than 5,000,000;

(5) 5,800 square feet if such population is 5,000,000 but less than 7,000,000;

(6) 6,200 square feet if such population is 7,000,000 but less than 9,000,000;

(7) 6,400 square feet if such population is 9,000,000 but less than 10,000,000;

(8) 6,600 square feet if such population is 10,000,000 but less than 11,000,000;

(9) 6,800 square feet if such population is 11,000,000 but less than 12,000,000;

(10) 7,000 square feet if such population is 12,000,000 but less than 13,000,000;

(11) 7,400 square feet if such population is 13,000,000 but less than 15,000,000;

(12) 7,800 square feet if such population is 15,000,000 but less than 17,000,000; or

(13) 8,000 square feet if such population is 17,000,000 or more.

Maximum annual rental rate; maximum aggregate amount for acquisition of furniture, equipment, and other office furnishings

(c) (1) The maximum annual rate that may be paid for the rental of an office secured for a Senator not in a post office or other Federal building shall not at any time exceed the applicable rate per square foot charged Federal agencies by the Administrator of General Services, based upon a 100 percent building quality rating, for office space located in the place in which the Senator's office is located, multiplied by the number of square feet contained in that office used by the Senator and his employees to perform their duties.

(2) The aggregate amount that may be paid for the acquisition of furniture, equipment, and other office furnishings heretofore provided by the Administrator of General Services for one or more offices secured for the Senator is $20,500 if the aggregate square feet of office space is not in excess of 4,800 square feet. Such amount is increased by $500 for each authorized additional incremental increase in office space of 200 square feet.

Senators subject to maximum amount of aggregate
square feet and maximum annual rental rate

(d) (1) Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, the aggregate square feet of office space secured for a Senator who is a Senator on July 1, 1974, shall not at any time exceed, as long as he continuously serves as a Senator, the greater of


(A) the applicable square footage limitation of such subsection;

(B) the total square footage of those offices that the Senator has on such date and which are continuously maintained in the same buildings in which such offices were located on such date.

(2) The provisions of subsection (c) of this section do not apply to any office that a Senator has on July 1, 1974, not in a post office or other Federal building, as long as

(A) that Senator continuously serves as a Senator; and

(B) that office is maintained in the same building in which it was located on such date and contains not more than the same number of square feet it contained on such date.

Mobile office

(e) (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2), (3), (4), and (5), a Senator may lease one mobile office for use only in the State he represents and shall be reimbursed from the contingent fund of the Senate for the rental payments made under such lease together with the actual nonpersonnel cost of operating such mobile office. The term of any such lease shall not exceed one year. A copy of each such lease shall be furnished to the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate.

(2) The maximum aggregate annual rental payments and operating costs (except furniture, equipment, and furnishings) that may be reimbursed to a Senator under paragraph (1) shall not at any time exceed an amount determined by multiplying (A) the highest applicable rate per square foot charged Federal agencies by the Administrator of General Services in the State which that Senator represents, based upon a 100 percent building quality rating, by (B) the maximum aggregate square feet of office space to which that Senator is entitled under subsection (b) of this section reduced by the number of square feet contained in offices secured for that Senator under subsection (a) and used by that Senator and his employees to perform their duties.

(3) No reimbursement shall be made under paragraph (1) for rental payments and operating costs of a mobile office of a Senator unless the following provisions are included in its lease:

(A) Liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 shall be providea with respect to the operation and use of such mobile office.

(B) The following inscription shall be clearly visible on three sides of such mobile office in letters not less than four inches high:

"Mobile Office of Senator (name of Senator)

(4) No reimbursement shall be made under paragraph (1) for rental payments and operating costs of a mobile office of a Senator which are attributable to or incurred during the 60-day period ending with the date of any primary or general election (whether regular, special, or runoff) in which that Senator is a candidate for public office, unless his candidacy in such election is uncontested.

(5) Reimbursement under paragraph (1) shali be made on a quarterly basis and shall be paid upon vouchers approved by the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate.

Pub.L. 93-371, § 101(3)(a)-(d), (f), Aug. 13, 1974, 88 Stat. 428, amended Pub.L. 94-32, Title I, § 101, June 12, 1975, 89 Stat. 183; Pub.L. 94-59, Title I, §§ 106(a), 107, July 25, 1975, 89 Stat. 276.

Codification. Subsec. (e) in the original amended section 58 of this title and was not carried as part of this section. Subsec. (f) in the original, as added by Pub.L 94-32, has been redesignated (e) for purposes of codification.

1975 Amendments. Subsec. (a). Pub.L. 94-59, § 107, designated existing provisions as par. (1) and added par. (2).

Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 94-59, § 106(a), des ignated existing provisions as par. (1) and added par. (2).

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 94-32 added subsec. (e).

Effective Date of 1975 Amendment. Section 106(b) of Pub.L. 94-59 provided that: "The amendment made by subsection (a) of this section [amending subsec. (c) of this section] is effective on and after July 1, 1975."

Effective Date. Section 101(3) (g), formerly (f), of Pub. L. 93-371, as renumbered by section 101 of Pub. L. 94-32, provided that: "This section [which enacted this section and amended section 58 of this title] is effective on and after July 1, 1974."

§ 59a. Purchase of office equipment or furnishings by Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Commissioner-Authorization; conditions

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a Member may purchase, upon leaving office or otherwise ceasing to be a Member (except by expulsion), any item or items of office equipment or office furnishings provided by the General Services Administration and then currently located and in use in an office of such Member in the district then represented by such Member.

Regulations governing purchase; price

(b) Each purchase of equipment or furnishings under subsection (a) of this section shall be

(1) in accordance with regulations which shall be prescribed by the Committee on House Administration, after consultation with the General Services Administration; and

(2) at a price equal to the acquisition cost to the Federal Government of the equipment or furnishings so purchased, less allowance for depreciation determined under such regulations, but in no instance less than the fair market value of such items.

Remittance of amounts received to General Services

Administration; disposition

(c) Amounts received by the Federal Government from the sale of items of office equipment or office furnishings under this section shall be remitted to the General Services Administration and credited to the appropriate account or accounts.


(d) For the purposes of this section

(1) "Member" means a Member of, Delegate to, or Resident Commissioner in, the House of Representatives;


(2) "district" means a congressional district, the District of Columbia (with respect to any office of the Delegate from the District of Columbia situated at any place in the District other than at the United States Capitol), the Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and, in the case of a Representative at Large, a State. Pub.L. 93-462, § 1, Oct. 20, 1974, 88 Stat. 1388.

§ 59b. Purchase of office equipment or furnishings by SenatorsAuthorization; conditions

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a United States Senator may purchase, upon leaving office or otherwise ceasing to be a Senator (except by expulsion), any item or items of office equipment or office furnishings provided by the General Services Administration and then currently located and in use in an office of such Senator in the State then represented by such Senator.

Request to by Senator and arrangement for purchase by Sergeant at Arms of Senate; regulations governing purchase; price

(b) At the request of any United States Senator, the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate shall arrange for and make the purchase of equipment and furnishings under subsection (a) of this section on behalf of such Senator. Each such purchase shall be

(1) in accordance with regulations which shall be prescribed by the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, after consultation with the General Services Administration; and (2) at a price equal to the acquisition cost to the Federal Government of the equipment or furnishings so purchased, less allowance for depreciation determined under such regulations, but in no instance less than the fair market value of such items.

Remittance of amounts received to General Services

Administration; disposition

(c) Amounts received by the Federal Government from the sale of items of office equipment or office furnishings under this section shall be remitted to the General Services Administration and credited to the appropriate account or accounts.

Pub.L. 93-462, § 2, Oct. 20, 1974, 88 Stat. 1388.

[blocks in formation]


60e-11. Same; additional increase in



Same: additional increase in


60e-13. Same; additional increase in



Same; additional increase in
compensation [New].

60f to 60g-1. Repealed.
60g-2. Employment of student Congres-
sional interns by Representa-
tives and Resident Commission-
er [New].

60h. Limitation on salary increases of standing committee clerks [New] 60i. Repealed.

60j. Longevity compensation [New].
(a) Eligible employees.
(b) Rate of compensation; limi
tation on increases; compu-


clerk, chief auditor, assistant superintendent, secretary, and technical assistants; compensation of personnel [New].

61b. Compensation of Parliamentarian of the Senate [New].

61h-1. Appointment and compensation of second assistant parliamentarian [Newj.

61b-1a. Appointment and compensation of third assistant parliamentarian [New].

61b-2. Appointment and compensation of Curator of Art and Antiquities [New].

61c. Compensation of employees of the office of Secretary of the Senate [New]

61c-1. Adjustment of rate of compensation by Secretary of the Senate [New].

tation of service; effective 61c-2. Compensation of Assistants to date of payment.

60j-1. Same; Capitol Police [New].
61-1. Gross rate of compensation of em-
ployees paid by Secretary
of Senate [New].

(a) Annual rate; certification.
(b) Conversion; increase


(c) Reference in other provisions
to basic rates and addi-
tional compensation as ref-
erence to per annum gross

(d) Compensation of employees
in office of Senator; limi-
tation; titles of positions.

(e) Compensation of profession-
al staff members and cler-
ical staff of standing com-
mittees; standing or se-
lect committee employees;
gross rate limitation.

(f) General limitation.
(g) Conversion of compensation
of Capitol telephone ex-
change operators and Cap-
itol Police paid by Clerk
of House.

61-2. Increase in gross rate of compen-
sation [New].
(a) Employees paid by Secretary
of Senate and Clerk of
House of Representatives.
(b) Reference in other provisions
to rates of compensation as
reference to per annum
gross rate.

(c) Adjustment of rate of com-
pensation; notice for in-
crease in compensation.

61a. Compensation of Secretary of the

Senate [New].

61a-1. Compensation of chief clerk of

the Senate [New].
61a-2. Compensation of Postmaster and
of the

Assistant Postmaster
Senate [New].

the Majority and the Minority in the Office of Secretary of the Senate [New].

6ld. Compensation of the

Chaplain of the Senate. 61d-1. Compensation of the Secretary to of the Senate

the Chaplain

61d-2. Postage allowance for office of
Chaplain of the Senate [New].
61e. Compensation of Sergeant at Arms

of the Senate [New].
Compensation of the Deputy Ser-
geant at Arms and Doorkeeper
of the Senate [New].

61f Compensation of employees of the
office of Sergeant at Arms and
Doorkeeper of the Senate [New].

61-1. Employment of additional personnel by Sergeant at Arms of the Senate [New].

61f-la. Travel expenses of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate [New].

61f--2 to 61f-6. Omitted.

61g Compensation of Secretaries for the Senate Majority and Minority [New].



Gross compensation of Secretary for Senate Majority [New]. Appointment and compensation of assistants for Secretaries for Majority and Minority during emergencies [New].

61h. Compensation of Assistant Secretary for the Majority of the Senate and Assistant Secretary for the Minority of the Senate [New]. 61h-1. Compensation of Administrative Assistant in Office of Majority Leader of the Senate and Office of Minority Leader of the Senate [New].

61h-2. Compensation of Legislative Assistants in Offices of Majority leader and Minority Leader of Senate [New].

61a-3. Compensation of Assistant Secre- 61h-3. Executive Secretaries and Cleri

tary of the Senate [New].

61a-4a. Same: authority to appoint an
auditor in lieu of a secretary;
compensation [New, omitted.]


Repealed. 61a-6 to 61a-8. Omitted. 61a-9. Advancement by Secretary of the Senate of travel funds to employees under his jurisdiction for Federal Election Campaign Act travel expenses [New]. 61a-9a. Travel expenses of Secretary of the Senate; advancement of travel funds to designated employees [New].

cal Assistants in Offices of Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate; authority to appoint; compensation [New].

611. Compensation of research assistants for Senate Majority and Minority Leaders [New].

61j. Compensation of Administrative Assistant in Office of Majority Whip of the Senate and Office of Minority Whip of the Senate [New].

61j-1. Legislative Assistants in Offices of Majority and Minority Whips of the Senate; authority to appoint; compensation [New].

61a-10. Appointment of public records 62a. Priority of Sergeant at Arms in

office personnel by Secretary
of the Senate: superintendent,

expending appropriations for surplus property [New].

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