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Index to Volume One.

[The References from 17 to 184 are to the Classified and General Indexes included in

Abbey, in Monastic Life, 265, 269.

Glastonbury, Past aud Pre-ent, 275. ABC Books and Teaching, 27, 209, 351. Absenteeism, School, 49, 611, 614. London School Board, 614.

Parental Responsibility for, 646. Aca lemies, American, 49, 200. Academies in England and France, 421. Dissenters, 417. Female, 429.

Defoe's Projects, 426. Military, 428. English Lang'g, 427. Music, 422.

Academy, Defined, by Defoe, 422.

this Volume.]

Ac and, ir T.,Oxford Local Examinations,555. Acland, H. W., Science Teaching, 480.

Activity of Children, 210.

Active Temperam nt in Teacher, 498.
Act of Profession, a Nun, 701.

Adams, John, in American Education, 49.
Adams, John Quincy, 19, 49.

Adult Schools, 49.

[blocks in formation]

Arnold, Dr., 51, 346.

Armenian Club at Jena, 782.
Art of Education, 468.

Art, Training for, 51, 727.
Artificial value to Studies, 529.

Arundel, Countes, Medical Skill, 396.

Ascham, Roger, cit d, 547.

The School-master, 19.

Ashburton, Lord, Progressive Studies, 478. Assembly's Catechism, 227.

Assisium. 261, 691.

Asylums for Infants. 649 653.
Associations. Educational, 35, 51.

Athanasius, Saint, 689.

Athens, Populace and University Life, 51.
Athletic Gains, and Exercises 367.
Athletic Sports, 51; Holwyl, 367.
Atkinson, Academy in 1805 200.
Attendance at School, 51, 646.

Voluntary and Compulsory, 611, 626.
Parental Duty, 646,

Attention, Power, and Habits, 525.
How developed. 51. 484, 504.

Audition, Power of, 540.

Augmentation of Salary, 570.

Augustine, and Augustinian Order, 257, 692. Augustinian Nuns, 693.

Austen, Jane, ci ́ed, 554.

Austin Friars, 262.

Austria, Schools and Education, 51.

Aiguillon, Duchess, aid to Vincent de Paul, 439. Authority in the Teacher, 51.

Agriculture, Schools for, 49.

Agriculture, for Reformatories, 49, 664.

Alabama, Schools and Education, 50.

Albert, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 260.

Alcott, Will am A., Memoir, 19, 50.

Impaired by exce-sive use, 502.

Autobiographical Sketches-School Life, 51, 77.

Alfred the Great, 50.

Algebra, the Cossic Art, 50.

Am-giving and Public Help, 395.

Alphabet, Methods of Teaching, 27, 50.

New England Schools, 209.

Althorp, Lord, and Popular Education, 561.
American Journal of Science, 50, 248.
American Journal of Education, 17, 49.

American Public Schools, 50.
American Schools, 50, 197, 512.

Rigg, and Fraser, 576, 624.

Analysis, to aid memory, 509.

Anatomy, 50; Professorship in Dublin, 754.

Ancient Languages and Literature, 50.

Ancient Religious Orders, 257.

Angela, Saint, of Merici, 712.

Andover, Phillip's Academy, 50, 212.

Angling, 730.

Animals, Kind Treatment, 521, 730.

Anthony, Saint, Founder of Cenobitic Life, 689. Apathy, Public, 605.

Aphorisms on Education, 27, 50.

Apprentice-hip, 722.

Appropriation of Ieas, 537.

Arab Class of City Boys, 616.

Arbor culture, 50, 763.

Archery, Universal Practice, 428.

Architecture for Schools, 37, 51, 293, 584. Plans for Rural Districts, 297. Aristocracy in Public Schools, 365. Arithmetic, 51.

Educative Power, 496.

Arkansas Schools and Education, 51.

Bewick, 727.

Hutchinson, Mrs., 391.

Coleridge, 344.

Lamb, 344.

Cowper, 342.

Lofft, 340.

DeQuincy, 337.

Oliver, 269.

[blocks in formation]

Awe and Reverence, 51.

Bacon, Francis, Education and Studies, 51
Bacon, Lady, Mother of Francis, 401.

Bacon, Leonard, 51, 240.

Bacon, Lord, 51; Art deined, 469.

Motiv s for Study, 541.

Baden, Schools and Education, 51.

Baldwin, R., Trinity College. Dublin, 751.
Ballinasloe, St. Jo eph's Reformatory, 679.
Barnabites, O, der f. 263.

American Journal of Education-Clas-ified
General Index,

Index to Vols. 1-16, 17.

Barnard, F. A. P.. Memoir and Views of, 52.
Bartley, School Cen-us an 1 Ignor inc, 613.
Baschi, Founder of Capuchins, 261.
Basedow, Educa ioral W rk, 52.

Influence on German Schools, 557.
Basil, St., Rule of Cenobites, 690,
Battesea, Training School, 52, 564.
Bavaria, 52.

Bedell, W.. Dublin University, 746.

Beer Drinking in Ge man University Life, 788. Belgium, Schools and Education, 52.

Bell, Andrew. Life and System, 20, 52.
Benedict, Saint, 52.

Rule of Monastic Life, 692.
Benedictine Abbey, 271, 274.
Lenedictine Nuns, 693.
Benedictine Order 257.

Benefactors of Education, 37.

Beneke, 5; cited on Reading, 496.
Bearzi and The Servite-, 262.
Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne, 753.
Westward, the Star of Empire. 753.
Berlin, Schools and University, 53.
Brndines, 258.

Berulle, Cardinal de, 262.

Bewick, Thoma, Art Culture-Engraving, 727.
Autobiography-School and Home, 728.
Early Wood Engraving in England, 731.
B ble, Schoius. 52.

B cknor, A, a d University of Dublin, 738.
B furation, 52

Biographies of Teachers, 38. 52.

Birch, In-trume tof School Punishment,52,331.
B-hop, Nathan, Memoir ad Views, 20, 52.
Bishops in Ca holic Church, 697.

Epi cop 1 Seminaries, 292.

Bishop of Manchester-Frazer, 60, 618, 624.
Back-bour, Early use of, 52.

Val of. 505. 509, 510.

Blackie. Ancient and Modern Poetry, 478.
Blind, Schoo s for, 52.

Blue- Wan, in German School Discipline, 327.
Boltz, Introduction to Ge: man, 537.
Book of Nature, for Science-teaching, 474.
Books and Discourse in Popular Education, 53.
Books, in Science-teaching, 473.

Boks on Euct on a d School, 11, 36, 53.
Book-work in a Foreign Language, 541.
Boole, Abridged Notation, 531.

Borromeo, Char'es, 292.

Seminaries and chools in Milan, 292.

Cadets, and Cadet Corps, 54.
Calderwood, Henry, 47.

Teaching, its Ends and Means, 497.
Requisites for Success, 500.
Faculty of Di-cipline, 500.
Power of Communicating, 504.
Natural Curiosity, 505.

Sympathetic Relations with Pupil, 511.
Formation of Character, 513.

Limits to Teacher's Power, 514.

Individu lizat on, Self-control, 517. [519. Repression of the Wilful and Stabburn, National Vices to be Guarded against, 521. Instruction, Training, Salaries, 525. California, Schools and Education, 54. Calmaldoii, Order of, 257.

Cambridge University, 54, 533.

Camp, David S., Educational Work, 54.
Canons, Regular, 259.

Captives in Africa, Christian, 441.
Capitation Grants, 569.
Caraffa, John Peter, 263.

Ca elessness in Written Exercises, 584.
Carlyle, Thomas. 54; Cited, 218.

Education of Frederick II., 305.
Carpenter, Mary, 20, 615, 677.
Carmalite Nuns, 696.

Carmalite Order, 260.

Carthusian, Order of, 258.

Castalion's D alogues, 582.

Catechisms, 54, 227.

Catholic Church, and Schools, 54.
Reformatory Schools. 676.
Industrial Schools, 685.
Orphanages, 683.

Cathed al Schools, 54, 291.

Catholics, Itish Disabilities. 705.

Cazalana, T. J., and the Schola Pia, 263.

Celestines, Order of. 258.

Cenobitic and Erematical Life, 257.

Borrowing Money, Power of School Boards, 391. Census, National, 54.

Indebt, dness in 1875, 605.

Boston Schools, 53, 209, 6:4.

Botanic..l and Foot Excursions, 59, 267.
Botany ani Botanic Gardens, 27, 53.

Dublin University, 750. 754.
Bounties on Certain Studies 457.
Bourne, Vinny, Cowper's Notice, 343.
Boxing in Public Schools, 339.
Boyle, Earl of Cork, 892.

Bys, Socie y o', how governed, 360.

Vote on Standing and Promotions, 362.

Bré 1, on School preparation of Lessons, 544.
Brewster, John. Memoir of Moises, 352.
Brin-ly, John, 53.

British and Foreign School Society, 53.
British Birds, Bewick's Illustrations, 735,
British Isls, Schools and Educ.tion, 53.
Brooks, Charles. 20, 53.

Brougham, Henry, 20, 53.
Browne, Sir Richard, 369.

Brunswick, Public lustruction, 53.
Bruno, St., and Cart' usians. 258.


Buchanan, J.. a d Early Infant School, 411.
Building, London School Boards Plan, 610.
Special Provi-ion fo Infants, 611.
Buildings for English Elementary Schools, 604,
American Roral School, 297.
Burgher Schools, 27, 53.

Burke, Edmund, in Trinity College, 705, 753.
Method of Study, 20.

Burleigh, Lord, 53, 741.

Burschen chaften, 53 767, 779.

Busby, 295: Severity in Punishment, 329.
Bushnell, Horace, Views. 53.
Business, Education for, 53.

Cabinets of Natural History, 54.
Gibbs, in Yale College, 248.

Cajetan, St., Order of Theatins, 263.

Centraliza ion of School Authorities, 54.
Certificated Teachers, 497, 599.

Character, Formation of, 492, 513.
Pupils' own Work. 514.
Teacher can aid, 514.

Growth, 516.

Charges, Tuition in Free Schools. 81.

Charity, Examples of, 395, 396, 433.

Charity, Sisters of, and St. Vincent, 440.
Charity, University of Dublin, 41.

Charles II., and University of Dublin, 749.
Charter House, or Chartreuse, 258.
Cheaver, Ezeki 1, 54.

Chemistry, 54; in Yale College, 231.
Chesterfield. Lord, 54, 706.
Chicago, Public Schools, 54.

Child Emigrat on, Advantages of, 618.
Children, Discipline, 343.

Education, 343.

Curiosity, 199.

Children's Hours of Labor, 412, 601.
Choir Sisters, 721

Christ Hos, ita School, Flogging, 332.
Carist Church Hospital, 41.

[blocks in formation]

Class, Separation to be Avoided, 608.
Classical Studies, Views respecting, 55.
Hodgson, 478.
Todhunter, 532.

Classification in Public Schools, 55.
Clare, Founder of the Poor Clares, 694.
Clergy, Duty to Schools, 55, 345.
Clerks, Regular, living by Rule, 263.
Cloistered Nuns, 715.

Clonekitty, Catholic Industrial School, 684.

Cluni, Order of, 257.

Cochin, M., and Infant Asylums, 654.

C education of the Sexes, 55.

Coleridge, S. T., School Reminiscences, 344. Colleges, Origin of, 290.

American, 55, 238.
Comenius, Orbi- Pictus, 55.

Commencement and Forms, 55, 758.
Comment, German Students' Code, 777.
Commerce, Early School in Lisbon, 342.
Committee of Council on Education, 561.
Companionship, 515.

Competitive Exmination, 55, 536.
Composition, Exercises in, 55.
Compulsory Attendance, 55. 592.

Differing Opinions, 611, 646.

Conduct, Advice respecting, 58, 530.

[blocks in formation]


Congregations and Religious Orders, 715.
Conscience, Clau-e in English Act, 579.
Scotland, Law of 1872, 647.

Cooke, Sir Anth ny, Education of Daughters,
COOPER, W. M., The Rod, 325.
Cordeliers, or Ob-ervatins, 261.

Cork, Ursuline Convent and School, 435, 711.
Cornell, Ezra, and Cornell University, 56.
Corporal Punishment, History, 325.
Corps, Burschen, at Jena, 787.

Country Life and Rural Scenery, 56, 226, 733.
Cowper, William, 55; at School, 342.

Cradle Schoo's in Paris, 650.

Cramming, Essence of, 56, 480, 540.
Crêches, or Day Nurseries, 621.
Crime and Ignorance, 56, 676.

Crime, and Prevention, Cost of, 676.
Criminal Class, 677.

[ocr errors]

Cromwell, Oliver. University of Dublin 747.
Cross-Bearers or Assistants of the Sick, 263.
Cross, Daughters of the, 721.
Cruelty to Animals, 730.
Cruikshank's Ogan, 334.
Cumulative Vote, 588,

Curiosity of Children, 56.

Cypher and cast Accounts, 195.

Daily Routine 56, 512.

Dalzell, Graeca Minora, 218.

Dame de la Charite, 440.

Dame Schools, 208, 56.

Damianists, or Mitigated Clares, 695.

Dana, James Dwight, 255.

Tribute to Prof. Silliman, 255.

Daughters of the Cross, 721.

Educational Establishments, 272, 725.
Prisons and Refuges, 721.

Workhouse Schools, 723.

Orphanages, 723, 725.

Night Schools. 723.

[blocks in formation]

Deduction and Induction, 465.

Defint and Vicious Pupils, 519.
DEFOE, DANIEL, 417–432.

Review in 1704, 419.

Plan of University for London, 421.
Academy of Music 422.

Popular Sunday Concerts, 423.
Scholar and Pedant, 424.

Essay on Projects, 426.

Improvement of English Language, 427. Extirpation of Swearing, 427.

Academy for Women, 429.

Military Studies and Exercises, 428.


Rules of Conduct-the Dumb Pailosopher,

Degrees, Acad mic, 56, 741, 75%.

Delaware, 54; Schools in 1805, 203.
Delbruck, Cradle Schools, 652.

DeMetz and Mettray, 57.

Denominational Inspec ion, 573, 600.
Denominational Schools, 57, 565 598.

Government Aid and Cooperation, 566 598. Denominations, Religious, 563.

Departments in Eglish School System, 601.
DeQuincy, School Reminiscences, 337.
Development, Education for, 490.

Limitations of Time and Means, 491.
Devotional Exercises, 57, 524.

Dictation, in Foreign Languages, 543.
Diderot, cited, 543.

Difficulties of Scholars, 511.

Diligence in Study and Work, 19.
Dilworth's Spelling Book, 195.
Discipline, Scholastic, 57.

Instruments or Means-Eye, 501.
Voice, 502.

Occupation, 12.

Monitors, 57, 69. ⚫ Punishment, 12, 502. Disraeli, Government and Schools, 579. District of Columbia, 57.

District School, School-houses for, 291.
Divestment of Property, Religious, 703.

Dixon, S., the Birmingham League, 579.
Dogmatic Knowledge, 472.

Domestic Economy, 57.

Domestic or Home Education, 226, 355, 390, 397. Domestic Life, English, in 16th Century, 369. Evelyn Family, 369.

Mrs. Walker, 385.

Mrs. Hutchinson, 391.
Lady Fanshawe, 399.

Countess of Warwick, 392.
Duchess of Newcastle, 397.

Dominic, St., and Dominican Order, 57, 262.
Introduction into England, 262.

Dominicans and University of Dublin, 737.
Dominican N$ 18, 695.

Convents in Great Britain, 695.

Crêche, and Industrial School, 695.


Science of Education, 481.

Public Primary School, 488.

Limitatious of the School, 490.

Requisites in a Revised Code, 496.

Lowe's Revised Code, 595.

Dorchester, Early Grammar School, 57.

Double Translatious, Aschum's plau, 537.

Drawing, Kinds and Methods, 57.

Dresden, School System, 57.

Drogheda, Catholic Industrial School, 684.
Drunkenness a Nati nal Vice, 522.

Dublin, Schools and Museums, 57.

Dublin University, 737.

1. Historical Development, 737, 761.
Projects in 1311, 1318. 1358, 1465, and 1496, 738.
Charter of Trinity College, 741.
First Commencement in 1616, 742.

Irish Students Abroad, under Elizabeth, 744.
James I..Charles I.,Cromwell, Charles II .746.
Trinity Hall Kings College, James II., 749.
Botanic Garden, Lending Libra y, 750.
New Chairs, 750.

Dublin University, 737.

Swift, Goldsmith, Berkeley, Burke, 752.
Observatory. Removal of Catholic, 754.
Gladstone, Plan of Univer. Reform, 761.
2. Organization in 1875, 757.

Terms, Deg ees,Orders, Fellowships, 758,767.
Dublin University Magazine, cited, 272.
Duel, Frequency at Jena, 777.

Duhan, Prince, and Frederic II., 306.
Dumb Philosopher, Defoe, 432.

Rules of Conduct, 430.

Dunn, Henry, Manual of Methods, 57.

Daruv, M, Secondary Special Schools, 57.
Dwight, Timothy, 58.

Prof. Sill man's estimate, 241.

Ea ly Impressions, 59, 226.
Early Instruction, Processes, 480.
Early English Sc ool-books, 80.

Earl Religious Training, Silliman, 227.
Early Witlid aw 1 from School, 620.
Edg worth, Maria, cited, 479.
Edinburgh, Schools and University, 58.
Education and Instruction, 492.
Educa 1on, Art of, 468, 527.

[blocks in formation]

E dowed Grammar Schools, 337.

English Free Schools, 60.

English Home Lite of 17th Century, 369, 463.

Evelyn Family, 369,

Mrs. Harison, 399.

Mrs. Hutchinson, 391.

Mrs. Sadler Walker, 385.

Bo le Family. 392.

Countess of Warwick, 392.

Duc' ess of Newcastle, 397.

Lad F nshawe, 399.

Lady Bacon, Burleigh, 401.

English Language, Subject of Study, 58.
English Pedagogy-Old and New. 801.
English Popular Education, 58 561.
Historical Development, 561.
Elementary School Acts, 577, 640.

chool Boards and Voluntary Systems, 599.

English Popular Education, 58, 561.
London School Board, 609.
Manchester Schools, 624.

Official Returns of Schools, etc., 625.
Elementary Teaching, 634.

English Universities, 61.

Engraving, Bewick's Apprenticeship, 731.
Enthusiasm and Practicability, 609.

Episcopal Seminaries in Catholic systems, 289.
Decree of Council of Trent, 291.

Action of Archbishop Borromeo, 292.
Equivalents, in Foreign Languages, 537.
Erasmus. Educational Views, 51, 58.
Erasmus Smith's School Trustees, 751.
Evelyn Family, 369.

Home Life and Home Education, 381, 384.
Woman's Duty, 384.

Everett, Edward, Memoir and Views, 59.
Examinations, 530, 555.

Examinations, Different Kinds, 59.
Example, Power of, 72, 73. 161.

Exceptional Classes Provided with Schools, 623.
Exclusion from Public Schools. 520.

Exercise of Faculties, Law of Growth, 467, 546. Expenditures for Schools-Great Britain,

England, 1875, 633; Scotland, 648; Ireland, 756. Experience, 471.

Experiments and Experimenter, 59, 467, 534.
Explanation, May be Excessive, 469, 545.
Expression, Power of, 59.

Experimental Philosophy, 524.

Eye, Pow.r of, in Discipline, 500.

Fach System and Schools, 59.
Factory Population, 59.

Owen's Plans, 403.

Facts, Observation, and Investigation, 468.
Foundation of Science Teaching, 470, 472.
Fagel Library, in Trinity College, 750.
Fagging in English Public Schools, 59, 340.
Family Life, and the State, 499,

Fanshawe. Lady. Advice to her Son, 399.
Faraday, Michel, 59.

Fathers of the Mission, 435.
Faults, Habit of finding, 502.

Fear as a Motive, 59, 363, 510.

Fees, in Scotch system, 645.

Experience of London Board, 618.

Fees, or Tui ion, Paid by Parents, 592, 618.
Fellenb rg, Emanuel de, 359.

Establishment &t Hofwyl, 359.

Female Education, 369, 391, 399, 429, 556.
Colleges in 17th Century, 381.

American, b fore 1800, 207.

Female Education as it Was before 1800, 207.

Female Reformatories, 675, 678.

Female Teachers in England, 59, 576.

Female Train ng Colleges, 629.

Fencing and Fencing Masters, 367, 799.
Experience at Hofwyl. 367.

Fenéion, Memoir and Educational Views, 59.
Fenélon's Télémaque, Jaco ot's Text-book, 546.
Ferrula, Virga, Flagellum, 212, 325.

Finland, Public Instruction, 59.

Fisher, G. P., Life of Prof. Silliman, 225.
Flogger, Professional in Greece, 326.

Flogging, National Practice, 59.

Dutch, 326.

English, 327, 335, 345.
French, 326. 327.
Grecian, 326.

Flegging, English Public
Christ Hospital, 330.
Eton, 331. 338.
Rugby, 331.

Merchant Taylor, 327.
Norwich, 330.

German, 325, 327.

Jewisb, 326, 336.
Roman, 325.

Scotch, 334, 363.
Schools, 59.

St. Mary's, 79, 330.
St. Paul, 79.
Westminster, 329.
Shrewsbury, 12, 330.
Newcastle. 355.

Fondes, M, St Vincent de Paul's Charity, 449. Fontevrault, Order f, 259.

Fools, Asylum for, propo:ed by Defoe, 426.

Foreign Education, Dangers of, 205.
Foreign Schools and Travel, 81, 205.
Silliman's Experience, 243.
Forgiveness, Power of, 520.
Formation of Character, 513.

Owen's E-say on, 415.
Forrestry, Schools of, 59.

Foster, W. E., Elementary School Act, 577.
Foot-excursions, Hofwyl, 267.

Foundation of Science-teaching, 471.
Foundlings, Asylums for, 443.

Fowle, W. B., 60.

Francis, St., and Franciscans, 261.
Conventual, and Observatins, 261.
Poor Clares, 261, 694.
Tertiares, 261.

Lay Associations, 261.
Franciscan Nuns, 694.

France, Schools and School Systems, 60.
Supplementary Schools, 649.

Franke, A. H., Memoir and Views, 60.
Franklin, cited, 480.

Fraser, James, B shop of Manchester, 60.
Mauchester and Boston Schools, 624.
Frederick II., Education and Reforms, 305.
1. Education, by Thomas Carlyle, 305.
Teachers, Methods and Results, 306.
Frederick William, 305.

Plan of Education for his Son, 307.
Importance Attached to Military Science, 308.
Teachers, Tutors and Examples, 309.
Limited Pcket Money, Latín excluded, 310.
Teaching Religion, Alienation, 314.
Free, as applied to Schools, 60.
Free Graminar School defined, 60.
Freedmen's Schools, 60.

Freedom of Instruction, 432, 458.

Fretting by the Teacher, 508.

Friar Preachers, 60, 260, 262.

Froebel's Kindergarten System, 60, 621.

Frugality, Virtue of, 318, 387.

Fry, Elizabeth, 455.

Gallaudet, Thomas H., 60.
Galley Slavery in France, 435.

Vin eut de Paul's Labors tor, 434.
Hospitals and Missions, 439.

Games in Public Sch ols, 51, 267.
Gardens and Garden Culture, 60.

Harden with Re-idence for Teacher, 643.
Garderies, in France, 650.

Gentleness and Good humor, 432.

Geography, Modern Methods, 60, 485, 494.
German Proficiency, 511.
Geography and History, 60, 485, 510.
American Schools prior to 1800, 105.
American Colleges down to 1825, 210.
Geology in Yale College, 246.
Geometry, 60

Georgia, 60, 204.

[blocks in formation]

Gilbert, Sam, of Sempringham. 259.

Glastonbury Abbey-Past and Present, 273.
Influence of Ancient Monastic Life, 273.
History of the Abbey Buildings, 274.
The Great Church, Sacristy, Treasury, 279.
Library, Scriptorium, Lavatory, 281.
Common Room, Common Treasury, Ce'ls, 293.
Refectory, Guest House, Almoury, 284. [286.
Hospitality, Alm--giving, School for Boys,
Routine of a Monastic Day, Centuries, 287.
Glastonbury Thorn, 288.

Glasgow, Schools and University, 61.
Reformatory School, 678.
Catholic Orphanage, 678.
God, in Education, 61, 309.
Goethe, cited, 548.

Gondi, Family, and Vincent de Paul, 434.
Government in Education and schools, 597.
Government Training College. 563.

Substitutes for, Voluntary and Church, 564. Governor, or Training for Commonwealth, 58. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER, 61.

Government of Public Schools, 327, 347, 360.
Government and Primary Schools, 495.
Good Teachers and Inspection, 496.
Good-humor in Teachers, 500.

Good Dispositions to be encouraged, 523.
Government, and Denominational Schools, 565.
Denominational Inspection, 573.
Graded Schools in America, 61, 624.
Graham, Sir James, 564.
Grammar School, Ancient. 61.
Grammar as a Study, 61, 470.
Grandmont, Order of, 258.

Grants, Government in Aid of Schools, 561,594.
Gras, Madame Le, 489.

Gray Friars, or Recollects, 261.

Gray Sisters, 452.

Great Public Schools, 339.

Greece, Ancient and Modern, 62.

Greek Language, 61.

Greek Lexicon, Early, 219.

Greek. Instruction in, in England, 61.

Ground and Yard to Public School, 295.

Rural School, 300, 302.

Guardian (English) ci ed. 198.

Guizot, Ministry of Public Instruction, 62.
Guthrie, Dr., cited, 520.

Gymnasia, German, 62.

Gymnastic Apparatus, 62, 296.

Practice at Hofwyl, 367.

Habit, or Dress of Religious Orders, 251, 695.
Habits, Formation of, 62, 454.

Hacket, a Scotch Flagellator, 334.
Half-timers, 616. 626.
Hallam, cited, 433.
Hall, S. R., 22, 62.

Hamilton, Sir W., 62.

Hammond, Charles, Academies, 62.

Hanover, Public Instruction, 62.

Happiness in Activity, 472.

Harding, Stephen. 25.

Hartford, Public Schools, 62.

Hartlib, English Editor of Comenius, 62.
Harvard College, 62, 201.

Hauy, and the Blind, 62.

Hayslop, A B C Teacher about 1900, 209.

Head-ma-ter in Public Schools, 62.

Heart, Learning by, 546.

Health in Education, 62.

Heber, Bishop, 319.

Hedge Schools in Ireland, 62.

Gibbs, George, and the Gibb Cabinet, 247, 248. Heildelberg University, 62.

Gilbertines-Monks and Nuns, 259. Girls. Eucation and Schools, 61.

English Elementary Schools, 584.

Girls' Reformatories, 677.
Gadstone, William, Memoir, 61.
Irish University Reform, 761.

Help, Conditions of timely, 516.

Direct and Indirect, 523.

Helps, Sir Arthur, 389.

Henry, Joseph, 22, 62.

Herder, Educational Work, 62.

High School Public. 32.

Hill, Recorder, Labor in Reformatories, 677.

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