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when administered in indicated conditions. If palatability is a factor with you in choosing remedial agents then write Cord. Ext. Ol. Morrhuae Comp. (Hagee) when orderng a product of this character.

PANOPEPTON as a food for the sick has the all-round qualities of perfection, from the standpoint of the food specialist, the physiological chemist, the physician.

The purpose of Panopepton is best realized when the patient is made to understand that it is not to be taken as a medicine, not diluted with water, perhaps impure water sometimes; not kept in a warm place, but taken cold, straight from the refrigerator, or after an instant's contact with clean cracked ice; or with very hot water like a consomme.

STANOLIND LIQUID PARAFFIN does not deplete the patient's strength by irritating the delicate lining of the intestines and inducing undue peristaltic activity. On the contrary, it conserves strength by lubricating the entire alimentary canal, thus assisting in a more complete evacuation of the bowel content.

This important characteristic of Stanolind Liquid Paraffin is an eloquent illustration of its superiority over salines, aperient waters and purgative drugs, and is, for example, of signal importance in the cases of patients about to undergo an operation.

Stanolind Liquid Paraffin is a safe and dependable agent for continued internal administration.

PRURITUS, CHAFINGS, AND IRRITATIONS have been relieved in so many instances by the use of K-Y Lubricating Jelly that we feel we owe it to our patrons to direct their attention to the usefulness of this product as a local application, as well as for surgical lubrication.

No claim is made that K.Y Lubricating Jelly will act with equal efficiency in every case; but you will secure such excellent results in the majority of instances that we believe you will continue its use as a matter of course.

It contains no grease to soil the clothing.

PIL CASCARA COMP.-Robins is a well-balanced compound of Cascara, Podophylin, Colocynth and Hyoscyamus, put up in 1 gr. tablets (mild), and 4 grs. (strong).

They normalize peristaltic action instead of inhibiting, as so many evacuants and cathartics do.

They stimulate a flow of secretions, thus encouraging a normal

physiological evacuation. A trial will convince you-so send for samples and literature to A. H. Robins Co., Richmond, Va.

THIRTY FEET OF TROUBLE is often found in the intestinal canal; and Obstipation, Stasis and Autotoxemia claim many victims. Treatment to be efficient needs lubrication, which you can effectively secure by Interol.

It is of correct body, effective viscosity, hyper-refined, safe and free from flavor or odor.

Constipated and stasic patients can be greatly relieved by Interol, a safe and effective mineral oil.

IN CLINICAL RESULTS nothing approaches Antiphlogistine applied hot and thick-in its unique power to relieve by osmosis and nerve stimulation, the congestion of inflammation; thus benignly assisting Nature in restoring normal circulation—the requisite for healthy cellgrowth. Uniformly and consistently, it is the same reliable "Antidote for Inflammation-in Summer's Heat or Winter's Cold."

A SAFE SOPORIFIC IN NEURASTHENIA:-The danger of prescribing the ordinary opiates and hypnotics in neurasthenia, particularly in females, would be sufficient reason for preferring Pasadyne (Daniel), even if it did not possess a distinctive therapeutic value and one which entitles it to a place in the foremost rank of calming agents. It frequently happens that the need for a reliable soothing product arises in the management of a neurasthenic, and when it does, no better choice than Pasadyne (Daniel). Samples may be had by addressing the laboratory of John B. Daniel, Inc., 34 Wall Street, Atlanta, Georgia.

PEPTENZYME:-Anorexia-Or Loss of Appetite: Two teaspoonfuls of Peptenzyme Elixir before meals, with one drop of Fl. Ext. Capsicum. Entero-Colitis: Five grains of Peptenzyme Powder in counjunction with five grains each of Salol and Soda Bicarb. after meals.

Cholera Infantum: One-half a teaspoonful of Peptenzyme Elixir or two grains of Peptenzyme Powder hourly till relief.

THE PROPORTION OF MALTOSE AND DEXTRIN in Mellin's Food is that best suited to the Carbohydrate needs of the infant. Mellin's Food was the first preparation of maltose and dextrins presented to physicians in serviceable form, and it stands to-day as a true representation of Liebig's principles, which are now so generally applied to scientific infant feeding.

"PARALDEHYD" possesses many of the good without the evil qualities of chloral. Used in Insomnia resulting from various causes. The objectionable taste of the chemical is, to a great extent, disguised in Robinson's Elixir Paraldehyd, (see ad. page 13 this issue), which is an elegant preparation.

NOTWITHSTANDING THE GREATLY INCREASED PRICE for many drugs and pharmaceuticals, the reliable "stand-by," Pepto-Mangan, (Gude), is still sold at the old price. Furthermore, it still maintains its wellearned reputation for obtaining satisfactory results.

"I USED THE SAMPLES of Tongaline Liquid and Tongaline and Lithia Tablets for my wife, who was suffering from a severe attack of the grippe, with such success that she made a prompt and thorough rerovery."

"I am pleased to inform you that I have had wonderful success with Tongaline during our epidemic of grippe here in Boston."


THE TREATMENT OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS:-The present outbreak of acute anterior poliomyelitis in Greater New York has already attained alarming proportions and the occurrence of cases in various other localities would seem to show that our country is threatened by an epidemic of this still mysterious disease. That it is of infectious nature has been definitely established; that the virus enters the system chiefly by way of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, especially the former, is also very probable. The fact that the morbific agent is contained in the nasal secretions and in the cerebro-spinal fluid, as demonstrated by experiments on monkeys, gives good basis for the hope that an effective immune serum will be discovered, and judging from recent statements made by Professor Flexner, the foremost investigator in this field, this hope may soon be a reality. At present, however, little if anything can be done to stay the progress of the inflammatory process in


the spinal cord and brain to prevent the resulting paralysis. The treatment in the pre-paralytic stage consists mainly in aiding nature to eliminate the virus by mild but thorough evacuation of the bowels and by urging the child to drink freely of water; in relieving pain and reducing fever by medication and baths; in maintaining as complete, rest as possible in a comfortable position and in a quiet and darkened room. Perhaps, the intraspinal injection of adrenalin, as suggested by Meltzer, will help to arrest the inflammatory process. As soon as the paralysis sets in the progress of the muscular atrophy, which sometimes develops very rapidly, must be resisted with every means at our command. Much can be accomplished by electricity, massage, passive movements and graduated exercises in the prevention of future deformities and disability, but only in expert hands. There is no good reason why a month or two should be allowed to elapse before initiating their use, as recommended by some authors, for every day of delay may mean additional atrophy. Even in the early stage of paralysis marked benefit is said to be derived from the cautious application of mild high-frequency faradic and galvanic currents, supplemented by gentle massage in a warm bath, and in the chronic stage scientific electro-therapy has proved an efficient and indispensable adjunct to orthopedic procedures. In making this statement we are aware that it is not in accord with the views of some prominent orthopedic surgeons, but we also know that results can be obtained by an expert in electrotherapy which are unattainable by one not versed in its scientific application. There can be no question, however, as to the great value of massage, passive movements, resistance exercises, muscle training and re-education, to which should be added the therapeutic exercises performed before a mirror described by Frauenthal which represent muscle effort directed by mental concentration on the act. All these measures can be carried out properly only by a skilled masseur and an expert in physical culture under

the careful supervision of the orthopedic surgeon, for, as has been emphasized by Lovett, if the weakened, partially paralyzed muscles are over-exercised or subjected to strong and prolonged massage, the return of function may be delayed or total paralysis may result. Extreme care must also be exercised in the selection and application of splints, braces and other corrective and supportive apparatus, especially avoiding constriction and heavy and cumbersome appliances. It is only when non-surgical treatment has been patiently, persistently and thoroughly tried without any improvement of the paralysis, that operative procedures are to be considered. The reaction of degeneration is not always a reliable guide, and even muscles which have constantly failed to respond to electric currents have sometimes regained more or less power after a year or more. Brilliant results have been achieved by tendoplasty, the use of artificial tendons and ligaments, muscle transference, nerve grafting and transference, arthrodesis, etc., but in view of the predominance of partial over total paralysis of the muscles as shown by Lovett, all surgery is to be regarded as meddlesome which is resorted to before nature has been given every opportunity to repair the damage in the affected nerve centers.-International Journal of Surgery.

VINCENT'S METHOD OF PROPHYLAXIS IN INFANTILE PARALYSIS:-Vincent of angina fame once published a thorough method of disinfection of the upper air and food passages which has been used extensively in the prophylaxis of cerebrospinal meningitis, grip, anginas, etc. Quite recently Coulomb applied it to 600 soldiers, each of whom rinsed his mouth and gargled his throat with iodized water or Labarraque's solution 50 to 1,000. Under a couple of days' use the daily number of anginas reported fell to zero. When cerebrospinal meningitis was epidemic and all other methods had failed to arrest the outbreak, that of Vincent was

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