| 1708 - 516 halaman
...diftant Times they come, Preferv'd, like Bees, within an Amber Tomb. Poets, (like Monarchs, on an Eaftern Throne, Reftrain'd by nothing but their Will alone)...Amours rehearfe, And blaft her Name with arbitrary Verfc. While "f* one who all the abfence of her Lord, Had her wide Courts with preffing Lovers ftor'd... | |
| John Dryden - 1716 - 416 halaman
...Times they come;. Freferv'd, like Bees, within an Amber Tomb. Poets, (like Monarchs, on an Eaftern Throne, Reftrain'd by nothing but their Will alone)...And, as they pleafe, give Infamy or Fame. In vain the * Ttrian Queen religns her Life,. For the bright Glory of a fpotlefs Wife, If lying Bards may falfe... | |
| William Walsh - 1736 - 264 halaman
...Preferv'd, like Bees, within an Amber Tomb. •. .. •; . Poets Poets, (like Monarchs, on an Eaftern Throne, Reftrain'd by nothing but their Will alone)...And, as they pleafe, give Infamy or Fame. In vain the * Tynan Queen refigns her Life, For the bright Glory of a fpotlels Wife. If lying Bards may falfe Amours... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1737 - 382 halaman
...Foec Poets, (like Monarchs, on an Eaftern Throne, Reftrain'd by nothing but their Will alone) Here cap cry up, and there as boldly blame, And, as they pleafe,...the Abfence of her Lord, Had her -wide Courts with prefling Lovers ftor'dj Yet by a Poet grac'd, in deathlefs Rimes, Stands a chafte Pattern to fucceeding... | |
| 1749 - 280 halaman
...diftant times they come, Preferv'd, like bees within an amber tomb. Poets, like monarchs, on an eaftern throne, Reftrain'd by nothing but their will alone, Here can cry up, and there as boldly biame, And, as they pleafe, give infamy or fame. In vain the * Tyrian queen refigns her life, For the... | |
| 1750 - 434 halaman
...Preferv'd, like Beep, within an Amber Tomb. Poets, (like Monarch?, on an Eaftern Throne, Reilrain'd by nothing but their Will alone) Here can cry up,...And as they pleafe, give Infamy or Fame. In vain the ' Tynan Queen refigns her Life, For ihe bright Glory of a fpotlefs Wife, If lying Bards may falfe Amours... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 842 halaman
...like bees within an amber tomb. Poets (like monarchs on an eaftern throne, Redrsin'd by nothing bat their will alone) Here can cry up, and there as boldly...queen refigns her life, For the bright glory of a fpotlcfi wife, If lying bards may falfe amours rehearfe, And blaft her name with arbitrary verfe; While... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 806 halaman
...diftant time* thrf come, Prcferv'd, like bees within an amber tomb. Poets (like mnnarchs on an eaftcrn throne, Reftrain'd by nothing but their will alone)...can cry up, and there as boldly blame, And, as they plcafe, give infamy or fame. In vain the • Tynan queen rcfigns her life, For the bright glory of... | |
| Samuel Austin Allibone - 1875 - 794 halaman
...verses and the prophecy. WALLER : On English Verse. Poets, like monarchs on an eastern throne, Conf1ned by nothing but their will alone, Here can cry up, and there as boldly blame, And, as they please, give infamy or fame. WALSH. Blessings be with them, and eternal praise, Who gave us nobler... | |
| Samuel Austin Allibone - 1878 - 788 halaman
...verses and the prophecy. WALLER : On English Verse. Poets, like monarchs on an eastern throne, Confined by nothing but their will alone, Here can cry up, and there as boldly blame, And, as they please, give infamy or fame. WALSH. Blessings be with them, and eternal praise, Who gave us nobler... | |
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