She toils and labours with the growing weight, And watches carefully the steps of fate; Till all the feeds of providence unite, To fet the hero in a happy light; Then, in a lucky and propitious hour, Exerts her force, and calls forth all her power.
In Nassau's race the made this long essay;
Heroes and patriots prepar'd the way, And promis'd, in their dawn, this brighter day; A public fpirit diftinguish'd all the line, Successive virtues in each branch did shine, Till this last glory rose, and crown'd the great design. Blest be his name! and peaceful lie his grave, Who durst his native foil, lost Holland, fave! But William's genius takes a wider scope, And gives the injur'd, in all kingdoms, hope; Born to fubdue insulting tyrants' rage, The ornament and terror of the age; The refuge where afflicted nations find Relief from those oppressors of mankind, Whom laws restrain not, and no oaths can bind. Him, their deliverer Europe does confefs, All tongues extol, and all religions bless; The Po, the Danube, Bætis, and the Rhine, United in his praise, their wonder join; While, in the public cause, he takes the field, And shelter'd nations fight behind his shield. His foes themselves dare not applaufe refuse: And shall fuch actions want a faithful Muse?
Poets have this to boaft; without their aid, The freshest laurels nipp'd by malice, fade, And virtue to oblivion is betray'd : The proudest honours have a narrow date, Unless they vindicate their names from fate. But who is equal to sustain the part ? Dryden has numbers, but he wants a heart; Injoin'd a penance, which is too fevere For playing once the fool, to perfevere. Others, who knew the trade, have laid it down; And, looking round, I find you stand alone.
How, Sir, can you, or any English Muse, Our country's fame, our monarch's arms, refuse? 'Tis not my want of gratitude, but skill, Makes me decline what I can ne'er fulfil. I cannot fing of conquests as I ought, And my breath fails to swell a lofty note. I know my compass, and my Mufe's fize, She loves to sport and play, but dares not rise; Idly affects, in this familiar way, In easy numbers loofely to convey, What mutual friendship would at distance say. Poets affume another tone and voice, When victory 's their theme, and arms their choice. To follow heroes in the chace of fame,
Afks force and heat, and fancy wing'd with flame, What words can paint the royal warrior's face ? What colours can the figure boldly raise, When, cover'd o'er with comely dust and smoke, He pierc'd the foe, and thickest squadrons broke?
His bleeding arm, still painful with the fore, Which, in his people's cause, the pious father bore : Whom, cleaving through the troops a glorious way, Not the united force of France and hell could stay. Oh, Dorfet! I am rais'd! I'm all on fire! And, if my strength could anfiver my defire, In speaking paint this figure should be seen, Like Jove his grandeur, and like Mars his mein; And gods descending should adorn the scene.
See, fee! upon the banks of Boyne he stands, By his own view adjusting his commands: Calm and ferene the armed coast surveys, And, in cool thoughts, the different chances weighs Then, fir'd with fame, and eager of renown, Resolves to end the war, and fix the throne. From wing to wing the squadrons bending stand, And close their ranks to meet their king's command; The drums and trumpets sleep, the sprightly noise Of neighing steeds, and cannons louder voice, Suspended in attention, banish far
All hoftile sounds, and hush the din of war: The filent troops stretch forth an eager look, Listening with joy, while thus their general spoke,
"Come, fellow-foldiers, follow me once more,
"And fix the fate of Europe on that shore; "Your courage only waits from me the word, "But England's happiness commands my sword: "In her defence I every part will bear, "The foldier's danger, and the prince's care, "And envy any arm an equal share.
"Set all that's dear to men before your sight;
"For laws, religion, liberty, we fight;
"To fave your wives from rape, your towns from flame, "Redeem your country fold, and vindicate her name:
"At whose request and timely call I rose,
"To tempt my fate, and all my hopes expose;
Struggled with adverse storms and winter seas, "That in my labours you might find your ease. Let other monarchs dictate from afar, "And write the empty triumphs of the war; " In lazy palaces supinely rust;
My fword shall justify my people's trust, "For which-But I your victory delay; "Come on; I and my genius lead the way."
He said, new life and joy ran through the hoft, And sense of danger in their wonder loft; Precipitate they plunge into the flood, In vain the waves, the banks, the men, withstood: The king leads on, the king does all inflame, The king-and carries millions in the name.
As when the swelling ocean bursts his bounds, And foaming overwhelms the neighbouring grounds, The roaring deluge, rushing headlong on,
Sweeps cities in its course, and bears whole forests down; So on the foe the firm battalions prest, And he, like the tenth wave, drove on the rest; Fierce, gallant, young, he shot through every place, Urging their flight, and hurrying on the chace; He hung upon their rear, or lighten'd in their face.
She toils and labours with the growing weight, And watches carefully the steps of fate; Till all the feeds of providence unite,
To fet the hero in a happy light;
Then, in a lucky and propitious hour, Exerts her force, and calls forth all her power.. In Nassau's race the made this long essay;
Heroes and patriots prepar'd the way, And promis'd, in their dawn, this brighter day; A public fpirit distinguish'd all the line, Successive virtues in each branch did shine, Till this last glory rose, and crown'd the great design. Blest be his name! and peaceful lie his grave, Who durst his native foil, lost Holland, fave! But William's genius takes a wider scope, And gives the injur'd, in all kingdoms, hope; Born to fubdue insulting tyrants' rage, The ornament and terror of the age; The refuge where afflicted nations find Relief from those oppressors of mankind, Whom laws restrain not, and no oaths can bind. Him, their deliverer Europe does confefs, All tongues extol, and all religions bless; The Po, the Danube, Bætis, and the Rhine, United in his praise, their wonder join;
While, in the public cause, he takes the field, And shelter'd nations fight behind his shield. His foes themselves dare not applause refuse : And shall fuch actions want a faithful Muse?
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