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A thoughtful fadness sits on all,
Expecting where the full-charg'd clouds will fall:

But if the heavenly bow

Deck'd like a gaudy bride appears,
And all her various robes displays,

Painted by th' conquering fun's triumphant rays,
It mortals drooping spirits chears ;

Fresh joy, new light, each visage wears :

Again the feaman trusts the main,

The jocund swains their coverts leave again;
Again, in pleasant warbling notes,

The chearful poets of the wood extend their tuneful



Then, then, my Muse, raise with the lyre thy voice, And with thy lays make fields and woods rejoice :

For lo! the heavenly pledge appears,

And in bright characters the promise bears :

The factious deluge shall prevail no more;

In vain they foam, in vain they rage,
Buffet in vain the unmov'd shore,

Her charms, and Charles's power, their fury shall asswage.

See! fee! how decently the bashful bride

Does bear her conquest; with how little pride

She views that prince, the captive of her charms,
Who made the North with fear to quake,
And did that powerful empire shake;
Before whose arms, when great Gustavus led,
The frighted Roman Eagles fled.

V. WhatV.

Whatever then was his defire,

His cannons did command in fire :

Now he himself for pity prays, His love in timorous sighs he breathes, While all his spoils, and glorious wreaths Of laurel, at her feet the vanquish'd warrior lays. Great prince! by that submission you'll gain more Than e'er your haughty courage won before; Here on your knees a greater trophy gain, Than that you brought from Lunsden's famous plain; Where, when your brother, fired with success, Too daringly upon the foe did press, And was a captive made, then you alone Did with your single arm support the throne : Your gen'rous breast, with fury boiling o'er, Like lightning through their scatter'd troops you flew, And from th' amazed foe the royal prize in triumph bore.


You have your ancestors in this one act out-done, Though their successful arms did this whole isle o'er-run. They, to revenge a ravish'd lady, came,

You, to enjoy one spotless as your fame : Before them, as they march'd, the country fled,

And back behind them threw

Their curses as they flew;

On the bleak shore, expecting you, they stand,
And with glad shouts conduct to land :

Through gaping crowds you 're forc'd to press your way,

While virgins figh, the young men shout, and old ones


And i

A thoughtful fadness fits on all,
Expecting where the full-charg'd clouds will fall :

But if the heavenly bow
Deck'd like a gaudy bride appears,
And all her various robes displays,
Painted by th' conquering fun's triumphant rays,
It mortals drooping fpirits chears;

Fresh joy, new light, each vifage wears :

Again the feaman trufts the main,

The jocund fwains their coverts leave again;
Again, in pleafant warbling notes,

The chearful poets of the wood extend their tuneful



Then, then, my Muse, raise with the lyre thy voice,
And with thy lays make fields and woods rejoice :

For lo! the heavenly pledge appears,
And in bright characters the promise bears :

The factious deluge shall prevail no more;

In vain they foam, in vain they rage,

Buffet in vain the unmov'd shore,

Her charms, and Charles's power, their fury shall asswage.

See! fee! how decently the bashful bride

Does bear her conquest; with how little pride

She views that prince, the cap

Who made the

And did th

Before whof

The frigh




Whatever then was his defire,

His cannons did command in fire :

Now he himself for pity prays,

His love in timorous fighs he breathes,
While all his fpoils, and glorious wreaths
Of laurel, at her feet the vanquish'd warrior lays.
Great prince! by that fubmiffion you'll gain more
Than e'er your haughty courage won before;
Here on your knees a greater trophy gain,
Than that you brought from Lunfien's famous plain;
Where, when your brother, fired with fucceis,
Too daringly upon the foe did prefs,
And was a captive made, then you alone
Did with your fingle arm fupport the throne:
Your gen'rous breast, with fury bouling over,

Like lightning through their scatter'd troops you few,

And from th' amazed for the royal prize in triamga bore.


You have your ancestors in this one act out-done,

Though their fuccefsful arms did this whole file s'er-cam.

They, to revenge a ravish'd lady, cane,

You, to enjoy one fpotles as your fame:

Before them, as they march'd, the

march'd, the country find,

tehind them thuen


Mild and ferene the peaceful current flows,
No angry foam, no raging furges knows;
No dreadful wrecks upon his banks appear,
His crystal stream unstain'd by widows tear,
His channel strong and easy, deep and clear.
No arbitrary inundations sweep

The plowman's hopes, and life into the deep;
His even waters the old limits keep.

But oh! he ebbs, the smiling waves decay,
For ever, lovely stream, for ever stay!
To the black sea his filent course does bend,
Where the best streams, the longest rivers, end.
His spotless waves there undiftinguish'd pass,
None fee, how clear, how bounteous, sweet, he was.
No difference now, though late so much, is seen,
'Twixt him, fierce Rhine, and the impetuous Seine.

But lo! the joyful tide our hopes restores,
And dancing waves extend the widening shores.
James is our Charles in all things but in name :
Thus Thames is daily loft, yet still the fame.

ODE on the Marriage of the Princess ANNE and Prince GEORGE of DENMARK,


WHILST black defigns (that direful work of Fate)

Distract the labouring state;

Whilft (like the fea) around loud difcords roar,
Breaking their fury on the frighted shore;

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