Gambar halaman


Acquackanonck (Aquaninoncke, Acqui-

canunck. Aquickanuc, Acquicanum):
Constables provided for, 116.-Inhab-
itants of, to be exercised in military
tactics, 116.-Court of Small Causes
for, 183.-Pound to be built for, 186.-
Representatives for, 189.-Petition of
the inhabitants of, 316, 324, 325.
Acton: Benjamin, 385.
Acts: See Bills and Acts.

Administration: Letters of, 521, 531, 533,

Adultery: To punish, 35, 147, 148.
Albany: Affairs of, See French.
Alberts: Albert, 142.

Allen: Judadiah, Elected Deputy, 143,


Allisson: Capt., 405.
Amboy: Perth, Market at, 151, 152.-Court

of Common Right to be held at, 157.-
Petitions for a commission for a Court
of Small Causes, 164.-Order relative
to vessels bound to, 174.-Collector of
Customs at, appointed, 175.-As a port,
207, 208.-Proclaimed a port, 239.-A
proclamation asserting the authority
of the port at. 241.-Papers relating to
the port of, 274, 275.

Anderson John, Member of Council, and

therein present, 483, 485, 487, 488, 494-
496, 511, 512, 515, 517, 519, 522 524, 525-
527, 558, 561-563.-Of a committee, 495,


514, 520-Messenger, 520.-In relation
to Elisha Lawrence, 503.

Anderson (Andress, Andres, Andresse):
Lawrence, Appointed member of the
Council, 3.-In Council, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15,
17, 49, 51, 57, 59, 64, 67, 69, 72, 75, 94, 96,
99, 100, 123.-Justice of the Peace of
the Quorum, 40, 41.-Renounces all
claim to administer James Bollen's
estate, 50. To meet Committee of
Deputies, 63, 68.-Witness for Capt.
Vicars, 100.-Opinion of, 101.-War-
rant to arrest, 166.
Andress: Ephraim. Elected Deputy, 143.
Anne: Queen, Letter and Instructions
from, relative to the expedition
against Canada, 334.-Addresses to,
355, 365.-Communication from, 470.
Death of, announced, 556.
Arent: John, 103.

Arentson (Arents): Claud (Claus, Claes),
Justice of the Peace of Bergen county,
41. To hear cases in Court for Small
Causes, 48.

Armour: James, 206, 214.
Assembly: See Bills and Acts.
Attorneys: In any court, not to be Jus-

tices, Sheriffs, or Clerks of Courts, 208,
209, 210.-Prohibiting any to be em-
ployed save such as live within the
Province, 219.-An act for regulating,
318, 319.

Bacon: Samuel, 18.
Baillergeau: Jacob, 421.
Bainbridge: Joseph, See Benbridge.
Baker: Capt. John, 12, 13, 16, 28.-Coroner
of Essex county, 40.-Land granted to
him in Elizabethtown, 50.-Justice of
the Court of Common Right, 99-Re-
ferred to, 103.-His removal from office
asked and granted, 115.-Fined and
gives bonds, 138.

Baker: Joseph, 117.
Bankrupts, 440, 446. 448.

Barbaree: John, 313, 345.
Barclay: David, Justice of the Court of

Common Right, 121.-Referred to, 124,
126, 132

Barclay John, 200, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233,
234, 236, 262, 266, 271, 272, 557, 562.
Barclay: Robert, Commissions Lord Neil
Campbell to be Deputy Governor, 160.
--Commissions Andrew Hamilton to
the same office, 187.


Bard Peter, 421, 508, 510, 513, 517, 535, 541.
-Note on, 513.

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Barker: Thomas, 283.
Bartlett: Lord, See Berkley: Lord.
Bartlet: Thomas, 127.
Basse: Jeremiah, Governor of East New
Jersey, 237.-In Council, 239, 241-246,
250, 251, 253-255, 257-259, 261, 263, 264,
266, 274, 275-Written to concerning
the ship Hester, 245.-Speech to the
Representatives, 246-Absent, and
Bowne made Deputy Governor in his
place, 266-Messenger, 309, 361, 380,
388, 389, 390, 410.-Secretary of Coun-
cil, 310, 418, 425, 431, 448, 471, 474, 481,
491, 553, 555, 556, 562.-Charge against
him by Mr. Leeds, 524.

Bayard (Bagard): Nicholas, Justice of the
Peace of Bergen county, 41.
Bayly: John, 103.
Baynes: Jane, 114.
Beachman: Henry, 345.

Beamond: Hanna, 114.
Beaudinott: Elias, 421.

Beckley (Bechley, Bickley): May, 324,
432, 554.- Notice of, 324.
Beechman: John, 345.

Bellamont: Richard, Earl of, 238, 241.
Benbridge (Benbriggs, Bainbridge): Jos-
eph, Petitions for lands to be patented
to him, 7, 10, 97, 125.

Berckley (Barclay): John, Mutilates the
records, 358, 364.

Bergen: Justice of the Peace, &c., 41.-To
select its officers, 116.-A Town Court
in, 119.-Court of Small Causes for,
183, 185, 197-199, 200.-Pound to be
built, 186.-Representatives for, 189.
-Incorporation of the town of, 501,
505, 508, 552.-Petition of, 491.

Berkley (Berkeley, Barclay, Bartlett):
Lord John, one of the Lords Propri-
etors, 7, 50, 120, 152.
Berrow (Borrow): John, 496, 509.
Berry Capt. John, Appointed member of

the Governor's Council, 3-In Coun-
cil, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17-30, 33, 34, 43, 44,
46, 50, 51, 57, 59, 61. 67, 69, 72, 75, 78, 82,
84, 87, 88, 92, 94, 96, 102, 105-108, 110,
111, 114, 117-120, 123, 125, 126 130, 132,
143, 145, 147, 148, 150-157, 160-162, 164,
165, 167-170, 175, 177, 179-182, 185.-Jus-
tice of the Peace of the Quorum, 40,
41. To look after the quit rents, 54.-
Bond returned to him, 57.-To meet
Committee of Deputies, 63, 68, 185.
-Messenger, 77, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 90, 93,
96, 115, 163, 165, 178, 183, 185, 219, 255.
-Appointed Justice of the Court of
Common Right, 99.-Opinion of, 102.
-Asks for a Constable at Hackensack,
115.-Appointed Major, 116.-Chief
Ranger, 117.-Made a member of Gov-
ernor Lawrie's Council, 120, 121.-Re-
ferred to, 126, 142.-Member of Court
of Sessions, 144.-Commissioned a
member of Governor Campbell's Coun-
cil, 161.-To arrest Laurence Andress,
166. To confer with Deputies, 179,
180, 181.
Berry Richard, High Sheriff, 117.-Dep-
uty, 143, 176.-Messenger, 220, 222.
Bills and Acts: To void all courts and
proceedings since 2d of November,
1681, 3, 10, 12.-To constitute a High
Sheriff for the Province, 10, 12.-To
disenable several persons, &c., 13, 15.
-To divide the Province into coun-
ties, 18.-To disenable Samuel and
Robert Vauquellin, 18. 20. 43-To
have four Justices of the Peace in
each county, 19.-For the better
maintaining the authority of the
Province, 35.-To rectify abuses in
some late records, 19, 27, 43, 44.-To
establish Courts of Justices, 19.-For
several laws in East Jersey, 20.-For
settling some courts, 22, 23.-For set-
tling Courts of Small Causes, 24, 25,
185, 186, 197-200, 259, 263.-Relating to
County Courts or Quarter Sessions, 24,
150, 163, 164, 167, 168, 210, 211, 212, 215.
-Relating to Courts of Common
Right, 24, 25, 61, 152, 153, 156, 157, 200,
203, 209, 211, 212.-For the general
laws of the Province, 26, 27, 29, 31.-To
prohibit arbitrary proceedings, 26, 43.
-To prohibit the sale of strong drinks

to the Indians, 31, 33, 81, 85, 86, 90, 107,
190, 200, 203.-Relating to fencing, 31,
33, 43, 63, 106, 108.-Against fugitive
servants, 31, 33.-Entitled the penalty
of drunkards, 34.-To punish profane
swearing, 35.-For maintaining the
authority of the Province, 35.-For
the liberty of the subject, 35.-Entitled
An act for the militia, 35.-To punish
incest, adultery and fornication, 35,
147, 148.-For the better observation of
the Lord's Day, 36, 37.—Obliging all
persons to worship in public or private
or pay 5d., 37.-To prohibit rudeness
and irreligious exercises on the first
day of the week, 42.-To vacate the
entries of some pretended records
made by Robert Vicars, 43.-Directing
subscriptions by magistrates and min-
isters of justice, 43.-Relating to the
country's public debts, 43, 44, 45.-For
Coroners and Constables' subscrip-
tion for faithful performance of their
offices, 45.-For the orderly keeping
of swine, 51, 107, 108, 109.-For making
and setting of highways, bridges and
ferries, 51, 90, 106.-Enabling free-
holders to make orders, &c., relating
to the good and welfare of each town,
52, 59, 60, 63.-For the better proceed-
ings of County Courts, 55.-For killing
wolves, 61, 63, 108, 191, 228.-For set-
tling of fees, 63, 151, 157, 165, 166.-For
warrants from the County Courts, 63.-
Proposing for a private conference (of
both houses), 69.-For settling trained
bands, 75, 76.-For the due regulation
of executions, 81.-For the militia (a
second bill), 81, 85, 86, 90, 111, 112, 113,
203, 212, 215, 326, 327, 328.-To regulate
treaties with the Indians, 82, 90, 111, 112.
-Against trading with negro slaves,
82, 84.-Concerning juries, 87, 89.-To
punish such as take not upon them the
office of Sheriff when commissionated,
87, 88, 89, 90.-To prevent the raising
or imposing any tax, &c., upon the
people by act of General Assembly,
90. To prevent tippling, 108.-For the
regulation of ordinances, 108, 109.-
For regulation of making patents for
lands, 109, 110, 112, 113, 210, 256, 257.-
For trade with the Indians, 109.-For
regulation of abuses in taking up
horses, 110, 119-For enabling persons
to recover debts against non-residents,
110. For a grant of a poll [tax] for the
Governor's charge, 111, 113.-To pre-
vent strangers commencing vexatious
suits, 112.--For making rates for several
persons as Deputies, Clerks, &c., 112-
To build the common jail and pound,
113.-To rectify some proceedings at
law, 115.-To enable two members
only to determine cases in Court for
Small Causes, 115-To fine every mem-
ber of the Deputies 5d. per day for
absence, 117, 201.-For defraying the
public charges, 117, 118, 119.-To pre-
vent vexatious delays in law, 118-
For regulation of marking of cattle,
119, 186.-To pay Deputies three shil-
lings per day in money, pork or corn,
146, 147.-For the form of an engage-
ment for jurymen who cannot take
an oath in the usual form, 146.-That

all actions may be tried by a jury of
the neighborhood where they arise,
148, 149, 167.-To prohibit the removal
of all causes of the Courts of Sessions
where damages are less than twenty
pounds, 149, 150, 151.-For raising the
value of silver money, 149, 161, 162.-
To punish persons for clandestinely
taking away canoes or boats, 150.-For
weekly market at Amboy and two fairs
in the year, 151, 152.-That writs of
debt account shall commence in the
counties where the contracts were
made, 151, 152.-Touching hogs. 152,
153. For the settlement of the Secre-
taries', Surveyors' and all other officers'
fees, 154, 156, 157, 165, 166.-Touching
fences and highways, 153.-Touching
the Court of Sessions, 151, 155, 164, 168.
-For appointing commissioners in the
county of Monmouth to lay out high-
ways, bridges, &c., 155.-Maintenance
of prisoners, 153, 156, 157.-Prohibit-
ing the wearing of swords, daggers,
pistols, &c, 156, 165.-Touching the
taking up of runaway servants, 157,
169. For inhabitants of each town to
meet and make rates, orders, &c., 159,
209, 210, 212, 260, 263, 264.-For the
maintenance of government, 159, 162,
164, 169.-For freeholders to meet and
propose prudential orders and choose
Town Clerks, 162, 163.-Touching Court
of Sessions for Middlesex county, 163.
-Punishing Sheriffs for continuing in
office above one year. 163, 164.-Touch-
ing the Ranger's office, 168, 169, 260,
261, 262-Touching servants, 169.-
For raising a supply of money for the
affairs at Albany, 181, 185, 186.-Touch-
ing the summoning of jurymen by
summons left at their houses, &c., 182,
183.-Relative to errors, mistakes, &c.,
in acts of Assembly of October, 1686,
182. To make a distinct county of
both sides of Raritan river above
Bound Brook, to be called Somerset
county, 183, 219.-For a Court of Small
Causes in Bergen county, &c., 183, 185,
197-199, 200.-For building a pound
for New Barbadoes, &c., 186.-For
repealing the Money act, 190.-For
repealing act touching a feme covert,
190.-Concerning marking of horses,
190, 191.-Declaring all conveyances
of land by letters of attorney good in
law, 191.-For dividing each county
into townships, 191, 200, 201.-For reg-
ulating of ordinances and raising an
excise on strong drinks, &c., 192, 197,
199, 200-203.-For settling standard of
weights and measures, 192, 203.-For
raising 400 pounds for Their Majesties'
service in carrying, 192.-For supply
for defence of the frontiers, 197, 199-
For settling a school and schoolmaster
in every town in the Province, 199,
200, 203, 229.-For establishing a Court
of Oyer and Terminer, 200, 203.-For
regulating licenses for public houses
and marriages, and to take off the
excise, 200-202.-To augment the Dep-
uties' fees and fining absentees, 201.-
To take off the attainder from John
Pike and his father, 202, 203, 207, 265.
-To impower counties to make rate

to defray their debts, 202, 203.-For
raising soldiers for the safety of the
Province and money to maintain
them, 203.-Concerning negroes, 205,
206, 208.-Prohibiting the exportation
of pipe staves, boards, shingles and
all kinds of wood, 208-212, 215, 220.-
Appointing all vessels to enter and
clear at Perth Amboy, 208.-Prohibit-
ing Justices, Sheriffs, Clerks of courts,
&c., to plead as attorneys, 208, 209, 211.
-Concerning ministers, 210.-Con-
cerning trade, 209, 210.-Concerning
indictments and the King's Attorney,
211.-Concerning sheep, 212.-For re-
paying the Governor public disburse-
ments, 215.-Prohibiting other than
resident attorneys-at-law practicing
in the Province, 219.-About towns
defraying their public charges, 219.-
Concerning the ranging of a neck of
land between Raritan and South
rivers, 221, 225.-For raising £150 for
support of government, 222, 225, 228,
229.-For translating deeds and con-
veyances made in Dutch or French,
222, 225.-For the trial of negro or other
slaves for murder, 227.-Concerning
gaming and tippling in public houses,
227.-Establishing fees for members
of Council, 228, 231.-For regulating
Ordinaries, 228, 230, 231.-For opening,
the ports, 228-230.-For impowering
one Justice to summons town meet-
ings, 228.-For punishing and reliev-
ing negroes, 228, 229.-For maintaining
the new road to Burlington, 229–232.——
For £200 for supporting the frontiers,
230, 231, 232, 233.-For a tax for defray-
ing the charge of trying felons, 231.-
For the safety of the Province, 233.-
Against pirates, 253, 257, 258, 263, 264.-
Declaring the rights, &c., of His
Majesty's subjects within this Pro-
vince, 259, 260, 262-265.-Concerning
the Secretary's office, 260.-Declaring
what persons are disabled to sit in the
Assembly, 264.-Concerning elections,
265, 447, 450.-For raising £671 for
redressing a force of our neighboring
Province, 265.-For better regulating,
&c., the offices of Secretary and Clerk
of the Supreme Court, 314, 316, 317,
440, 443, 445.-For regulating the value
of foreign coins, 314, 316.-For pre-
venting swine from running at large,
314-317, 319, 321, 325, 329, 393-396, 398,
410, 425, 498, 499, 501, 548.-For record-
ing, &c., of deeds, 315, 318, 392, 393,
400, 401, 433, 434, 489, 495, 506, 508, 552,-
For destroying woolves and panthers,
315, 317, 323, 325, 329.-For regulating
the qualifications of Representatives,
315, 318, 323, 325, 328.-For explaining
of grants of land by Philip Carteret
and Council, 316, 317, 319, 325, 329.-
For regulating the qualifications of
jurys, 318, 319, 322, 323, 327, 433.-For
regulating the practice of law, 318.
319, 324, 827, 439, 441, 446, 447, 449.-For
regulating attorneys-at-law, 318, 319.-
For the support of government for one
year, 320, 321, 322, 328 -For the relief
of the poor, 320-322, 328.-For regulat-
ing fees, 820, 321, 324.-For dividing
and ascertaining the boundaries of all

counties, 320, 321, 323, 401, 405, 410, 411.
For regulating Ordinaries, 326-328-
For settling a post-office, 326-329.-For
preventing persons leaving the Pro-
vince to avoid serving in the expedi-
tion to Canada, 339, 341, 350, 363.-For
preventing prosecutions by informa-
tions, 358, 359, 391, 392, 40, 411, 413,
414, 433, 434, 489, 490, 493, 541.-For
ascertaining the rates of money for
the payment of debts and preventing
executions, &c., on contracts, &c..
made prior to May 1st, 1709, 358, 359,
375, 376, 380.-For raising £3,000 for
Her Majesty's service 363, 366, 370, 371,
374, 380-For the enforcing the cur-
rency of bills of credit for £3,000, 372,
373 876, 877, 378, 379, 380, 414. 416, 440,
452, 453-For the encouragement of
volunteers in the expedition to
Canada, 373, 374, 381. 382.-For ascer-
taining the place of sitting of the Rep-
resentatives to meet in General As-
sembly, 392, 393, 391, 411.-For repair-
ing of goales and court-houses, 392,
393, 394, 395, 396, 398, 411, 502-For
ascertaining the fees of Representa
tives in General Assembly, 392, 393,
395, 396, 401, 409, 411, 413, 419, 425.-For
reviving Courts of Sessions and Com-
mon Pleas in Gloucester county, 392,
393, 395, 396, 398, 410, 413, 425, 447, 450,
41. 453, 470.-For regulating fences,
392, 393, 391, 395, 396, 395, 410, 425.-For
regulating the fees of the several
officers and courts, 392. 393, 401, 405,
405, 408, 410, 414, 423, 425, 439, 443, 459.
-For regulating of stone-horses, 397,
400, 402, 410, 425.-For settling, &c., the
estate of the General Proprietors in
the Western Division, 397, 399-To
reverse a judgment against William
Slooby and others, 394.-For regula-
ting, &c., public and common high-
ways, 399, 40), 402, 404.-For the better
qualifying Representatives to serve in
General Assembly, and other officers
in places of profit and trust, 399, 400,
403, 411 -For explaining. &c., the act
for the support of Her Majesty's Pro-
vince for one year, 399, 400, 404, 405,
410, 411, 435, 441, 448, 453, 455.-For
ascertaining the punishment of per-
sons deserting in the expedition
against Canada, 419-121, 423.-For call-
ing in and declaring void certain
bills, termed bills of credit, and issu-
ing others, &c., 419, 420.-For amend-
ing the bill for enforcing the currency
of bills of credit for £3,000, 422, 434,
470. For the encouraging of building
of shipping in this Province, 433, 442,
146, 449, 450, 463.-For encouraging of
the fisheries of this Province, 433.-
For ascertaining the qualification of
jurors and enabling Quakers to serve
and enjoy places of profit and trust,
133, 435, 490, 491, 492.-For deterring
negroes and other slaves from com-
mitting murder and other notorious
offenses, 439, 440, 441, 442, 445, 448.-
For preventing corruption in the
courts of justice 440, 446, 453, 489, 491,
494, 541-For relieving the creditors
of persons that are or hereafter shall
become bankrupt in the Kingdom of

Great Britain, 440, 446, 448.-For pre-
venting commencing actions under
ten pounds in the Supreme Court and
removing the same from the County
Court of Common Pleas, 442, 445.-
Declaring all printed copies of acts
passed in March and April, 1708 and
1709, as effectual as the originals, 449-
451, 457, 461-463, 467, 469.-For reliev
ing all persons aggrieved by a certain
act for settling the militia, 450, 456.-
For reviving the Militia act of this
Province, 451, 456, 460, 461. 526, 527,
529, 539, 541.-For raising money to
build and repair goals and court-
houses, and for repealing act of 1709,
456, 459, 464, 465, 466, 467, 469, 490, 491.
493, 516, 519, 528.-For the support of
government, 457, 458, 459, 463, 469-
For enabling owners of meadows, &c.,
on the creek surrounding Island of
Burlington, to stop out the tide, 457,
459. 460, 462, 470.-For preventing the
waste of timber, pine trees, &c., 461,
463, 534, 535, 537, 541.-For levying
money for the encouragement of vol-
unteers in the expedition against
Canada, 479, 480, 481.-For, the cur-
rency of bills of credit in this Colony,
479, 480, 481.-For special juries, 493,
491, 495, 498, 506.-For shortening law.
suits, and regulating the practice of
the law, 491, 495, 497, 503, 541.-That
the solemn affirmation of Quakers be
accepted instead of an oath, and en-
abling them to serve as jurors, 496,
495, 500, 505, 506, 541-To prevent the
concealing of stray cattle or horses,
&c., 498, 499, 501.-Regulating fences,
498, 499, 500, 503, 507, 548.-For en-
couraging the killing of woolves,
panthers and red foxes, 498, 499, 501,
552. To prevent immorality, 502, 530.
-To enable owners of meadows, &c.,
on Manitou creek, to stop out tide,
502, 503, 513, 552.-For laying out,
making and mending highways, 502,
503, 510.-For preventing abuses in
selling strong drink by retail, &c., 503,
504, 512.-For regulating slaves, 501,
505, 514, 520, 522, 524. 541.-For confirm.
ing patent granted by Robert Hunter
for incorporating the town of Bergen,
501, 505, 508, 552-For erecting upper
part of Western Division of New Jer-
sey into a county, 505, 507, 512, 541.-
To naturalize Peter Bard, 508, 510, 513,
517, 535, 541.-To enable owners ad-
joining lands of Sarah Mickle, &c.,
to stop out the tide, 508, 510, 513, 548.-
For reviveing Courts of Quarter Ses-
sions, &c., in Cape May county, 508,
510, 514, 548-To enable Sarah Ed-
wards to sell a tract of land, 509, 510,
523.-To enable executors of Miles
Forster to sell lands, 516, 518, 531, 533,
548. To enable owners of meadows
in the town of Salem to stop out the
tide, 516, 518, 529, 548.-To enable
Thomas Lambert to sell lands, 516,
518, 531, 533, 552.-For laying a duty
on negro. Indian and mulatto slaves,
516, 517, 520, 522, 523, 527, 532, 541.-
To enable Thomas Gordon, Treasurer,
to pay by His Excellency's Warrants,
£987, 517, 519, 521, 523, 528.-For con-

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