Gambar halaman

Duane, James, letter to, 476

Education, 512, 513, 520, 523 n.,

Europe, relations of America
with, 556

Excise law, 339, 444 n., 463

Fairfax, Bryan, letter from, 19
n., 22 n.; letters to, 15, 16,
23, 104, 441

Fairfax County, Virginia, re-
solves of, 17 n., 21 n.
Fairfax, George William, letter
to, 50 n.

Address, 440, 441,
520 n., 531; authorship of,
532 n.; Hamilton's part in,
536 m.; Madison's part in,
533 n.; publication of, 537 n.
Farewell Orders to the Armies,


Federal Convention, 272, 276,

277 n., 278, 280

Ford, Worthington C., notes by,
60, 76, 88, 346, 407
Foreign influence in America,

Foreign policy of America, 555
Foreign relations of United
States, 330, 413, 414

Forged letters of Washington,

Fort Duquesne, attempts to
capture, 3, 7

Foster, John W., quoted, 415 n.
Fox, Charles James, 119 n., 176
n., 179

France, alliance with, 113, 119 n.,
122, 160, 167, 170, 405 n.;
assistance of, 168, 390; char-
acter of, 425, 429; relations
with, 293, 381, 383, 387 n.,
390, 392, 405 n., 415, 420, 421,
425, 430, 433, 434, 437, 438,
441; war of, with Great Britain,
369 n., 390, 404, 405
Franklin, Benjamin, 3 n., 8 n.,
59 n., 176 n., 511
Frederick the Great, quoted,
269 n.

French and Indian War, 3
French settlers at Detroit, 483

Gage, General, 20, 25

Gates, General Horatio, 96 n.

[blocks in formation]

Grasse, Count de, 174
Grayson, William, letter to,
261 n.

Great Britain, ability of, to con-
tinue the war, 121; addresses
of, to the American army, 121;
army of, 110; breaks the
treaty of peace, 370; refusal
of, to send minister to the
United States, 368; relations
of American colonies with,
8, 9, 10 n., 11-14, 15, 16, 18,
19 n., 21, 24, 28, 29, 50 n., 51,
57-59, 106-108; relations of,
with the United States, 255 n.,
371, 381, 388, 389, 440, 483,
490; restrains commerce of
United States, 417; treaty of
commerce with, 365, 367, 368
n., 372, 372 n., 380, 383, 420,
423, 544; war of, with France,
369 n., 390, 404, 405
Green, John Richard, quoted,


Greene, General Nathaniel, letter

to, 243 n.; quoted, 42 n., 63 n.,
69 n.
Grenville, Lord, 120 n., 387, 390,
391, 420

Hall, W. E., quoted, 414 n.
Hamilton, Alexander, 211; in
the Annapolis Convention,
260 n., defends the Jay treaty,
372 n., 382; stoned, 372 n.,
letters to, 90, 91 n., 241, 280,
305, 306 n., 341, 372, 380, 400,
444, 446 n., 459 n., 460 n.,
520, 536 n.; relations with
Jefferson, 348, 348 n.; opinion
on relation of House of Repre-
sentives to the treaty-making
power requested, 400; opinion
on the Jay treaty requested,
374; opinion on rules of
neutrality, 408 n.; urges Wash-
ington to accept the Presi-
dency, 306 n., 310 n.

Harrison, Benjamin, letters to,
129, 181, 197, 248, 486
Heath, Major-General, letters to,
158, 427 n.
Henderson, Richard, letter to,

Henry, Patrick, quoted, 29 n.;
letters to, 281, 357, 418; urged
to re-enter public life, 361;
offered post of Secretary of
State, 418; comment of Madi-
son on, 420 n.
Hessians, 60, 82

von Holst, Constitutional and
Political History of the United
States, quoted, 508 n.
Howe, General William, 42 n.,
49, 78, 85, 87
Humphreys, David, letters to,
266 n., 282 n., 337, 352, 498

Immigration, 480, 498, 501, 510,

Impost law, 181, 228 n.; action

of Virginia on, 181 n., 228 n.
Impressment of seamen by
Great Britain, 388

Inaugural Address, first, 320;

replies of Senate and House
to, 326 n., 328 n.; second, 350
Independence, 28, 29, 50 n., 51,
59, 60, 115, 122, 169, 170,
177, 217, 218
Indians, relations with, 330,
340, 370, 387, 388, 389, 475,
476, 477, 478, 481, 482, 485
Innes, Colonel, report of, 387,

International attachments and
antipathies, 553

International relations of Amer-
ica, 552

Irvine, Brigadier-General, letter
to, 144 n.

James River, projects for im-
proving its navigation, 493,
501, 503

Jay, John, letters to, 260, 261,

275, 368, 460, 472 n.; opinion
of, on French invasion of
Canada, 128 n.; negotiates
peace with Great Britain,
177 n.; appointed to negotiate
a treaty of commerce with
Great Britain, 369 n.

Jay Treaty, see Commerce,

treaty of, with Great Britain.
Jealousies among the States,
216, 360

Jefferson, Thomas, letters to,
278 n., 300, 348, 354, 404, 513;
Notes on Virginia, 511; rela-
tions with Hamilton, 348, 348
n.; relations with Washing-
ton, 355, 357 n.; opinion of, on
rules of neutrality, 407 n.;
account of Whiskey Insurrec-
tion, 470 n.

Johnson, Governor of Maryland,

urges Washington to accept
the Presidency, 311 n.
Jones, Joseph, letters to, 157 n.,

Judiciary, 413

Justice, public, 216, 219, 552

Kentucky, discontent in, 448
Kirkbride, Joseph, letter to,
120 n.

Knox, Henry, letters to, 271,
282, 316 n.; opinion of on
rules of neutrality, 408 n.
Knowledge, promotion of, 331

La Fayette, Marquis of, 89, 127,
128 n., 178; desires conflict
with America averted, 437;
letters to, 243, 255 n., 257,
290, 293, 294 n., 297, 305 n.,
317, 436, 500, 506 n., 525 n.
Laurens, Henry, letters to,
123; quoted, 128 n.
Laurens, Lieutenant-Colonel
John, letters_to, 162, 164;
mission to France, 164 n.,

Laws, obstruction of, 545
Lee, General Charles, 58
Lee, Henry, letters to, 259 n.,
265, 313 n., 350, 450, 457,
504, 506 n.

Lee, Richard Henry, letters to,
502 n., 507

L'Enfant, Major, 340

Lewis, Fielding, letter to, 154
Liberty Hall Academy, 520 n.
Lincoln, Benjamin, letter to, 311
Livingston, Robert R., letter
to, 196 n.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, quoted,
35 n., 128 n., 373 n.

Long Island, battle of, 62
Long Island, retreat from, 62-

Lowell, James Russell, quoted, 1
Loyalists ("government-men "),

Luzerne on the weakness of

Congress, 250 n.

Mackenzie, Captain Robert, let-
ter to, 26

Madison, James, letters to, 267,
533 n.; on Washington and
the Newburg addresses, 184n.;
on Washington's inviting P.
Henry into his cabinet, 420 n.
Manufactures, encouragement

of, 319, 331
Martial law, 153
Maryland votes supplies for the
army, 143; interest of, in
western trade, 488; action on
the Constitution, 294 n., 298
Mason, George, 10 n., 284, 342;
letters to, 10, 135
Massachusetts, disorders in, 266,
268, 273; manufactures in,
319; revocation of charter of,
15, 20, 29; action on the
Constitution, 295
McHenry, James, letters to, 176,
181 n., 251

Meigs, Colonel, 148, 149
Memorial of the army to Con-
gress, 123

Mercer, General, death of, 86
Mercer, John Francis, letter to,
525 n.

Militia, 66, 71, 73, 87, 225
Mississippi, navigation of, 448,

491, 495, 499, 502 n., 505,
506, 506 n., 507, 508 n., 544
Money, Continental, deprecia-
tion of, 121, 133, 139, 146,
149, 165; emissions of, 129
Monmouth, battle of, lviii
Monroe, James, letter to, 421
Morality and religion, 550
Morgan, Major-General Daniel,
450; letter to, 455
Morris, Gouverneur, letters to,
121, 365, 366, 386; made
unofficial agent to Great
Britain, 365

Morris, Robert, 206, 207, 208;
letter to, 523

Mutiny of Connecticut troops,

Naturalization laws, 331
Navy, use of, in the Revolution,

Nelson, Thomas, letter to, 130 n.
Neutrality, American, motives
of, 359, 391, 404, 412, 419,
420, 424, 427 n., 437, 438, 558,
559; questions concerning sub-
mitted to the Cabinet, 405;
opinion of the Cabinet on,
407 n.; proclamation of, 408;
Washington's relation to law
of, 415 n.; rules of, 409
Neutrality, Armed, of 1780,
161 n.

Newburg Addresses, 183-191,
195, 198-200; authorship of,
185 n.

New Jersey, disaffection in, 79 n.
New York, disaffection in, 79 n.;

evacuation of, 181 n.; and the
Six Nations, 479; interest of in
western trade, 488

10 n., 11-14, 14 n., 16, 21
North, Lord, speech of, 116, 119
North Carolina, action of, re-
garding army officers, 101 n.;
action on the Constitution,
286 n.

Officials, abuse of, 347, 351, 353,

Oswald, British commissioner,
176 n., 180

Paine, Thomas, 59 n., 426, 426 n.
Parties, danger of, 547; influence
of, 548

Patriotism insufficient to sup-
port a long war, 111
Peace establishment, 216
Peace with Great Britain, ex-
pectation of, 158, 176, 178,
179, 180; offers of, 111; nego-
tiation of, 176 n., 180 n.; viola-
tion of treaty of, 262 n., 274
Pendleton, Edmund, letter to,
Pennsylvania Council of Safety,
letter to, 80 n.
Pennsylvania, disaffection

79 n.; powers vested in

president, 151; manufactures
in, 319; interest of, in western
trade, 488, 494, 496
Petitions to Parliament, 15, 18
Pickering, Timothy, letter to,

Pinckney, Charles, letter to,
525 n.

Plundering by the army, in
the Revolution, 75-77; in
the Whiskey Insurrection,458,
459 n.

Potomac River, projects for im-
proving its navigation, 493,
501, 503
Presidency of the United States,
reluctance of Washington to
accept, 306 n., 308, 309, 313,
318, 321; Hamilton suggests
Washington's election, 306 n.;
La Fayette on Washington's
election, 305 n.; re-election to,
346; third term declined, 531
President of Congress, letters to,

37, 42 n., 66 n., 67, 80, 84, 88,
96, 144, 147, 173, 180 n., 183,
235, 473

President of the United States,
duties of, 323; salary of,
declined by Washington, 325;
term, 296

Princeton, battle of, 84-87, 88 n.
Purviance, Samuel, letter to,

Quakers, attempts to free slaves,
334 n., 336, 336 n.; in the mi-
litia, 462

Randolph, Edmund, letters to,

288, 346, 373 n., 383, 384,
471 n.; opinion of, on rules of
neutrality, 407 n.; refuses to
sign the Constitution, 283
Raynal, Abbé, 511

Reed, Joseph, letters to, 40, 42,
47, 58, 135 n., 151
Religion essential to political
prosperity, 550

Remonstrance of the Pennsyl-
vania legislature, 100, 101 n.
Representatives, House of, mes-
sage to, 395

Requisition of supplies for the
army, 80 n., 90, 166

Requisitions on the States, 156,
157 n., 171 n., 226, 232
Revolutionary War, ability of
America to continue, 121, 164,
167; causes of, 10, 15, 18-22,
24, 25, 28, 29, 50 n., 51; ex-
pense of, 139, 155, 166; pro-
longation of, 139, 155, 226;
termination of, 213, 230, 238
Rhode Island, conduct of, 277;
refuses to ratify the Constitu-
tion, 286 n.

Richmond, Duke of, 177
Rittenhouse, David, 178
Rochambeau, Count de, 174
Rockingham, Marquis of, death
of, 176

Rumsey's invention for propel-
ling boats, 497

Russia and the Armed Neutral-
ity, 160, 161 n.

Shay's Rebellion, 266 n., 268
Sheffield, Lord, 473

Shelburne, Earl of, prime minis-
ter, 176, 179

Slavery, 334 n., 523, 525 n.;
relation of Quakers to, 334 n.,
336, 336 n., 523
Smith, Sydney, 270 n.
South, tour of, 337
Spain, assistance from, 122, 160,

167; condition of, 337; rela-
tions with, 418, 490, 492, 544
Sparks, Jared, notes by, 10, 17,
19, 21, 38, 67, 88, 101, 104,
106, 111, 113, 119, 120, 163,
164, 235, 310, 333, 345, 349,
357, 407, 425, 508

Stamp Act, 8, 9, 19 n.
States, formation of, in the West,
484, 485, 499

Steuben, Baron, letters to, 144 n.,

Stirling, Lord, 62

Stuart, David, letters to, 277,
333, 424

Surgeons in the army, 74

Taxation of the American col-
onies, 8, 9, 10 m., 12, 14 n.,
15, 18, 19 n., 21, 25, 106
Taxes as a public necessity, 551
Tea Act, 106

Third term in the Presidency
declined, 531

Thruston, Charles M., letter to,

Tilghman, Colonel Tench, 175;
letter to, 178

Tories, treatment of, in America,
120 n.

Treaty-making power, 378; re-
lation of House of Represen-
tatives to, 393, 394 n., 395,
399 n., 400, 403; Hamilton's
opinion on, requested, 400
Trenton, battle of, 80-83, 88 n.
Trumbull, Colonel Jonathan,

urges Washington to accept
the Presidency, 311 n.
Trumbull, Governor Jonathan,
141 n.; letter to, 141
Tucker, Dean Josiah, quoted,
269 n.

Tyler, Moses Coit, quoted, 31,
60 n.

Union of the States, 216, 217,

241, 243 n., 252, 335, 539;
causes of disturbance of, 270
n., 335, 360, 543; government
of, 544; perpetuity of, 543
University, national, 512, 514,
518, 520, 522 n.; gift to, 513,
514, 518, 522

Valley Forge, condition of the
army at, 96-103

attitude of
Washington towards, 315
Virginia and Kentucky Resolu-
tions, 358, 358 n.
Virginia, declares for indepen-
dence, 60 n.; action of, on the
impost law, 181 n., 197; action
of, on the Virginia and Ken-
tucky Resolutions, 358; in-
terest of, in western trade,
489, 492

War, abolition of, 498; between
France and the Powers, 558;
preparations for, 414
Warren, James, letters to, 138,

Washington, the capital, 340
Washington and Lee University,
520 n.

Washington, Bushrod, letter
to, 284

Washington, John Augustine,
letters to, 5, 52, 60, 61, 78,
79 n., 92

Washington, Lund, letters to,
79 n., 195

Washington, Mrs. Martha, let-
ters to, 6, 35

Washington, William Augus-
tine, letter to, 523 n.
Wayne, General Anthony, 89
Weights and measures, 331
West, settlement of, 221, 474,
477, 481, 503, 509; advan-
tages of settlement by soldiers
475; method suggested, 477–
480; commerce with, 486, 500,
502, 505, 507; water-ways
leading to, 487, 488, 493, 499;
their political importance, 490
499, 502, 505, 507

Western posts held by Great
Britain, 366

Whiskey Insurrection, causes,
444, 463; Jefferson's account
of, 470 n.; proclamation
against, 446 n., 466; suppres-
sion of, 447, 455, 457, 461, 467,
473; how viewed, 451, 453,
461, 472 n.; recompense to
injured officers recommended,

Wirt, William, quoted, 7 n., 30 n.

Yorktown, siege of, 173

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