Gambar halaman
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(i. e. not held by or for the issuing corporation) at some time during the year. Corporations in alphabetic order, see page 159.

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deposit. 11 Amounts shown in this column are given substantially as reported by the corporation concerned and may therefore include in particular cases securities whose issue would properly require the further approval of the Commission or which have been only conditionally authorized.


TABLE 305 a: FUNDED DEBT, ELECTRICAL AND GAS CORPORATIONS Figures given, except as noted, are for the issues which were in part at least actually outstanding named in the order of their revenues from electric and gas operations during the year; for names

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Real estate.

Real estate.

Real estate.

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income bonds:

Suffolk Light, Heat and Power Co..


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Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co. 1st ref'd'g 30-year....

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Poughkeepsie Light, Heat and Power Co. 20-year.
Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co. 10-year.
Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co. 10-year.
Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co. 10-year.
Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co. 15-year.

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Empire Gas and Electric Co. first 30-year
Auburn Gas Co. first 25-year.

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Central New York Gas and Electric Co..
Auburn Gas Co. first consolidated 25-year.
General mortgage, 30-year series
A "
Seneca Falls and Waterloo, first 30-year.
Interurban Gas Co. joint first cons. 20-year
Miscellaneous funded debt:

Real estate mortgage, Geneva..
Real estate mortgage, Seneca Falls.
Real estate mortgage, Geneva..
Joint 5-year notes.


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First 50-year gold.

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First and refunding 50-year gold..

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1 This column shows matured interest as reported by the corporation. It is evident in some cases that interest due January 1st has been included under this head; in other cases that such interest has not been included; while in still otner instances the report does not show whether interest due January 1st has or has not been included. * Unclaimed or covered by special

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(CLASSES A AND B), YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923 (continued)

(i. e. not held by or for the issuing corporation) at some time during the year. Corporations in alphabetic order, see page 159.

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deposit. " Amounts shown in this column are given substantially as reported by the corporation concerned and may therefore include in particular cases securities whose issue would proerly require the further approval of the Commission or which have been only conditionally author. ized.

TABLE 305 a: FUNDED DEBT, ELECTRICAL AND GAS CORPORATIONS Figures given, except as noted, are for the issues which were in part at least actually outstanding named in the order of their revenues from electric and gas operations during the year; for names


Corp. No.

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Twin State Gas and Electric: 5

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A " 8-year gold.

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7-year gold..





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Western New York Utilities, Inc.:
First 30-year gold mortgage bonds..



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1 This column shows matured interest as reported by the corporation. It is evident in some cases that interest due January 1st has been included under this head; in other cases that such interest has not been included; while in still other instances the report does not show whether interest due January 1st has or has not been included. 3 Unclaimed or covered by special deposit. made that life has been extended to February, 1939. not authorized by any public authority in State of New York.

4 Original date of maturity of these bonds was February, 1923, but statement is • Connecticut corporation; securities

• The figures are given as re

(CLASSES A AND B), YEARȚENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923 (continued) (i. e. not held by or for the issuing corporation) at some time during the year. Corporations in alphabetic order, see page 159.


Line No.

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90 4.5



96 8 Mar & Sep

97 8 Mar & Sep


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85 5 Apr & Oct


88 5

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99 6 100 6

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ported although $823,700 of respondent's first and refunding 5 per cent 40-year mortgage bonds and $203,900 general 6 per cent 35-year mortgage bonds which have been reacquired at par are shown under "Miscellaneous investments and per contra as funded debt. 11 Amounts shown in this column are given substantially as reported by the corporation concerned and may therefore include in particular cases securities whose issue would properly require the further approval of the Commission or which have been only conditionally authorized.

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