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observation with which, at parting, he wantonly aspersed the advancement of a member of the bar. Lord Manners had objected to Mr. Doherty upon the ground of his juniority. He was not, himself, of as long standing at the English Bar when he was created Solicitor-General. Mr. Doherty was at the head of his circuit, where he had evinced as high qualifications as a speaker as any gentleman in the whole profession. Lord Manners was unemployed at the bar, except when he got a brief from his brother-in law, a solicitor of Lincoln's Inn. Lord Manners' objection to the exercise of parliamentary or political interest seems to be equally strange. What but the power of the house of Rutland could ever have raised a man of his feeble understanding and slight acquirements to the office of Lord Chancellor of Ireland, to the discharge of whose duties he was so utterly incompetent, that his able and erudite successor can scarcely refrain from expressing astonishment at the spirit of blunder in which almost every one of Lord Manners's orders, which came before him for revision, is conceived?


After Lord Manners had delivered his valedictory commemoration of his own deserts, he proceeded to his house in Stephen's Green, for the purpose of receiving a deputation from the Corporation of Dublin, between whom and his Lordship twenty years of devoted adherence to the cause of loyal monopoly had established a profound sympathy. The Corpora

Stephen's Green is a square in Dublin, an Irish mile in circumference, if you walk round it by the houses: an English mile, if you measure by the circumference of the area within surrounded by iron railings. I should mention that Irish longitudinal exceed English miles, in the proportion of 11 of the former, to 14 of the latter.- Miss Edgeworth told a story of a traveller who complained to a Paddy, of the narrowness of the roads. "True enough," said Pat, "but what you lose in the breadth, you gain in the length." In my time the roads were excellent and not deficient in width. The system of Macadamization, as it is barbarously called, was practised on the Irish turnpike roads a hundred years before a canny Scot" filched it, from Ireland, and made a fortune out of, and won a title from, John Bull, for passing it off as his own discovery. In 1847, under the Labor Expenditure system, some of the finest roads in Ireland were torn up, under the idea of improving them, and, the funds failing, before the "improvements" commenced, the poor roads were left in the ruined condition to which they had been reduced!- M.


tion of Dublin, it must be on all hands admitted, were under extraordinary obligations to Lord Manners: a deficiency in their accounts to the amount of upward of forty thousand pounds had been the subject of a bill in Chancery, at the suit of Mr. Brossley, who, at the instance of the Chamber of Commerce, had taken proceedings in order to compel them to disgorge the produce of their systematic extortion from the citizens of Dublin. To the astonishment of the whole Bar, Lord Manners refused all relief. I well remember the indignation of Mr. Plunket, when the Chancellor pronounced his decree. He shook his hand in mingled scorn for his intellect, and anger at the everlasting effrontery of the decision. The decree has been since opprobriously reversed in the House of Lords.

But the Corporation were grateful for the manifestations of his Lordship's good-will; and accordingly on the day of his departure, and after he had taken his farewell of the bar, the Lord-Mayor, the sheriffs, and Sir Abraham Bradley King, together with a train of civic baronets and knights, with whom his Majesty has repaired the exhausted aristocracy of Ireland, waited upon Lord Manners. The following is an extract from their address, taken from the faithful record, from which a relation has been already made: "We are not insensible that by your undeviating loyalty to your Sovereign, and attachment to the true and genuine principles of an unrivalled Constitution in Church and State, you have been exposed to the malignant attacks of base and dastardly demagogues, upheld by the vile vituperations of a licentious press."

The Evening Mail proceeds to state, that after the TownClerk had concluded (for it seems that a Lord-Mayor does not enjoy the advantages of Dogberry, and that reading and writing do not come to him by nature), his Lordship placed his hand upon his heart, and read the following answer: "After a residence of upward of twenty years in your capital, where my conduct in public and private life must be well known to you, this mark of approbation from the highly-respectable and loyal Corporation of the City of Dublin can not fail to be extremely gratifying to me: I receive it with pleasure, and

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shall remember it with gratitude. If I have any claim to be distinguished by you, it must arise from my having anxiously confined myself to the judicial duties of my office, and carefully abstained, as far as was consistent with the trust reposed in me, from interfering in party or political topics. This line of conduct has justified me in the consideration of your constitutional body, and may, in some degree, have entitled me to those expressions of kindness and good opinion which accompany your address, and for which I return you my warmest acknowledgments. I do assure you, my Lord-Mayor and gentlemen, I shall always feel a strong interest in the prosperity of your Corporation, and a grateful sense of the obligations I owe to Ireland."

The Evening Mail mentions that the Chancellor then handed the address to the Lord-Mayor; but it omits to record that the worthy functionary stood before the Chancellor in a state of cataleptic astonishment. The whole of his attendants, from the High-Sheriffs down to the Rev. Tighe Gregory, and Mr. David McCleary, the oratorical tailor, who cut out Sir Abraham Bradley's surtout, participated in the feeling of the Lord-Mayor, and stood with their eyes fixed upon the Chancellor, like the statues of amazement in all its different forms.*

The assurance given by his Lordship that he had never interfered in politics, struck them into stupefaction. Lord Manners was at a loss to account for this phenomenon, and vainly endeavored to rouse the Lord-Mayor from the influences of wonder to a consciousness of external objects. He placed the address in his hand, but it dropped out of it. He

Sir A. B. King, Dr. Gregory, and Davy M'Cleary, were members of the Corporation of Dublin, in those days, and (as such) violent partisans and politicians. King was Stationer to the Crown, and the Grey Ministry broke his patent, thereby annulling the lucrative appointment. King, nearly ruined, and half heart-broken, went to O'Connell, against whom he had been making speeches for twenty years, and placed himself and his case in the hands of his old opponent. O'Connell devoted himself to the matter, obtained a pension of twelve hundred pounds sterling, for King, as compensation, and the Orangeman's death-bed words were of gratitude to O'Connell. M'Cleary is also dead. Gregory got a rich living in Ireland, and expecting no more gain by politics, is now a rational man.- M.

adopted various other expedients, but in vain. At length, however, he bethought himself of an artifice, which was attended with instantaneous success; and, as the Evening Mail has it, "invited the Lord Mayor and Corporation to partake of a collation prepared for them." The doors of an adjoining room were thrown open, and the moment the enchanting spectacle which was presented by a splendid banquet was disclosed, at the sight of "cold meats, fowls, turkeys" (they are thus enumerated in the gazette of loyalty), the effect was sudden and complete; they recovered at once from the petrifying power of astonishment, and precipitated themselves upon the viands which were prepared for them, with a voracity which well became "the ancient, loyal," hungry, and bankrupt Corporation of Dublin.*

* It was for calling it "a beggarly Corporation," in 1815, that Mr. D'Esterre challenged Mr. O'Connell-which ended in his own death.- M.


CERTAIN of the bar, consisting, to a great extent, of the eternal perambulators of the Hall, have recently subscribed for a piece of plate, which is to be called "The Manners Testimonial, or Forensic Souvenir." It was originally intended to throw the contributions of the profession into a silver cup, wherewith his Lordship might deeply drink to the memory of King William and to the oblivion of himself; but it was discovered that this ingenious idea had been forestalled by the Corporation, and it was determined, after mature consultation, to present the late Chancellor with a massive salver, upon which the principal incidents of his life should be represented. For the purpose of completing the commemorative donation, it became necessary to impose a new rate upon the loyalty of the bar. To this proposition the Commissioners of Bankrupts, notwithstanding their obligations to his Lordship, were at first strenuously opposed, not a single docket having been lately struck but upon the change of Ministry, a rumor having gone abroad that Lord Manners was to return to administer justice, as he always did, indifferently in Ireland, the prudential objections of the judicial dignitaries of the Royal Exchange were laid aside. A sufficient fund has been collected, after a good deal of application to the political virtue and individual gratitude of the friends and admirers of Lord Manners, and a very fine piece of plate has been produced. It is not as yet quite finished; but, through the interest of Sergeant Lefroy with the pious silversmith to whom it has been intrusted, I have succeeded in obtaining an inspection. The salver contains, in exquisite relief, a record of the chief adventures of his Lord


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