The Statutes of Nova ScotiaQueen's Printer, 2003 |
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Hasil 1-3 dari 16
Halaman 48
... Cape Breton North , consisting of , in the County of Cape Breton , that part of Cape Breton Regional Muni- cipality bounded by a line described as follows : starting at a point where Highway 125 meets the North West Arm of Sydney ...
... Cape Breton North , consisting of , in the County of Cape Breton , that part of Cape Breton Regional Muni- cipality bounded by a line described as follows : starting at a point where Highway 125 meets the North West Arm of Sydney ...
Halaman 65
... Cape Breton , ( ii ) that part of Cape Breton Regional Municipality bounded by a line described as follows : starting where the Victoria County and Cape Breton County boundary ( Aconi Brook ) meets the shore of the Atlantic Ocean ; then ...
... Cape Breton , ( ii ) that part of Cape Breton Regional Municipality bounded by a line described as follows : starting where the Victoria County and Cape Breton County boundary ( Aconi Brook ) meets the shore of the Atlantic Ocean ; then ...
Halaman 133
... Cape Breton Barristers ' Society Act R.S. 1989 , c . 58 ; amended 1995-96 , c . 18 ( not proclaimed ) s . 7 , 1995-96 , c . 18 ( not proclaimed ) Cape Breton Hospital Act R.S. 1989 , c . 59 ( formerly 1984 , c . 4 ) ; repealed 1988 ...
... Cape Breton Barristers ' Society Act R.S. 1989 , c . 58 ; amended 1995-96 , c . 18 ( not proclaimed ) s . 7 , 1995-96 , c . 18 ( not proclaimed ) Cape Breton Hospital Act R.S. 1989 , c . 59 ( formerly 1984 , c . 4 ) ; repealed 1988 ...
Cap Title Page | 72 |
An Act to Amend Chapter 334 of | 84 |
An Act to Amend Chapter 379 of | 104 |
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1-4-97 by proclamation 12 not proclaimed 16 in force 23 in force 2nd Sess 3-8-94 by proclamation 9 in force 9 ss Act R.S. Act to Amend Act to Incorporate adding immediately amended by adding amended by striking Amendments by Chapter Amendments by Section Assembly as follows Assented to November Cape Breton Cape Breton County Chapter & Amendments Chapter 450 Chief Electoral Officer Citation Commission Act R.S. Conseil Corporation Act R.S. County boundary District effective enacted by Chapter extra-provincial LLP following clauses further amended Governor and Assembly Governor in Council Halifax Regional Municipality Highway 102 immediately after clause limited liability partnership line and substituting list of electors northeast northwest Nova Scotia LLP Number offering memorandum Pari-Mutuel Betting partner Protection Act R.S. pursuant Registrar repealed in force Revised Statutes Sainte-Anne Section amended Section ss Services Act R.S. shore southeast southwest straight line Tax Act R.S. Université Université Sainte-Anne Université-Collège vote