Palestinian Refugees: Mythology, Identity, and the Search for PeaceLynne Rienner Publishers, 2003 - 267 halaman Encompassing history, politics, and political culture, Robert Bowker explores the impact that Palestinian refugee mythologies have (and have had) on the potential settlement of the conflict with Israel. Bowker examines the nature of Palestinian refugee mythologies and their social and political underpinnings. He also discusses how these mythologies - and the manipulation of them - are key elements in the complex relationship between the refugees and UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East). A fair and balanced treatment of a complex subject, Palestinian Refugees grapples with fundamental issues of Palestinian identity in the context of the peace process, as well as equally core questions about the role and identity of international governmental organizations. |
Istilah dan frasa umum
accept agency's Amira Hass approach Arafat Armed Struggle Assembly Bank and Gaza Benny Morris Brynen collective memories compensation concerns conflict context discussed donor countries economic funding GAOR historical host countries host governments Ibid International Law intifada Israel Israeli Israelis and Palestinians Jerusalem Jewish Jordan Jordanian Journal of Palestine Lebanon Middle East nationalist negotiations nonrefugee ongoing Oslo Accords Oslo process outcomes Pales Palestine Refugees Palestine Studies Palestinian Authority Palestinian leadership Palestinian national Palestinian political Palestinian Refugee Problem Palestinian refugees Palestinian side Palestinian society Palestinians and Israelis peace process percent political mythologies popular programs Rashid Khalidi refugee camps refugee issue refugee political refugee population Refugees in International resettlement Resolution 194 responsibility right of return role situation social Status of Palestinian Syria Takkenberg tinian tion United Nations United Nations Relief University Press UNRWA UNRWA Headquarters West Bank Western donor Yezid Sayigh Zionist Zureik
Buku ini dirujuk
Culture in Chaos: An Anthropology of the Social Condition in War Stephen C. Lubkemann Pratinjau terbatas - 2010 |