Gambar halaman

Weights and Measures, compar'd with thofe that are at prefent us'd in Rome: (5.) The feveral Treatifes of Prifcianus Cafarienfis, Rhemnius Fannius, Bede, Volufius Merianus, and Balbus ad Celfum, concerning Coins, Weights, Measures, Numbers, and their Characters, and of the old way of cafting up Accounts by the Fingers; Corrected by Elias Vinetus of Santoign, and by J. Frederic Gronovius. The whole Collection is fhut up by a Treatife of Alexander Sardus of Ferrara, concerning Coins, wherein the old Money of the Romans and Greeks is reduced to our standard and way of reckoning.

Perhaps fome one may think it ftrange that he does not in this Volume met with the Names of thofe Famous Men, who have likewife Treated very usefully on the fame Subject, fuch for inftance (not to name any of lefs Note) are; Guilielmus Budaus, Georgius Agricola, Joachimus Camerarius, Leonardus Portius, Henricus Glareanus, Jofephus Scaliger, Petrus Ciacconins, Joannes Fridericus Gronovius, Willebordus Snellius, Matthaus Hoftus, Erycius Puteanus, Daniel Angelocrator, and Eduardus Bernhardus. But the reason why Gravius has left these (and a great many others who have illuftrated the feveral Parts of the Roman Antiquities) out of his Collection, is, because most of their Tracts have been lately Publish'd and are in every Bodies hands. Besides, had he added them to this Collection, he should have fwell'd the Volume to a larger Bulk, than was allow'd him.

The Pfalm Singer's Neceffary Companion: Being a Collection of most fingle and double Pfalm Tunes now in Ufe, with full Directions how to Sing them with the Baffus, Counters, Trebles and Medius's. Compos'd by able Mafters, First Collected for Private Use, and now Printed for Publick Good. London Printed for H. Rhodes 1700. 8vo. pag. 159.


HE Singing of Pfalms is become more fashionable of late both in City and Country, then it has formerly been; and the People are every where, (especially in Town) better skill'd then before in all the proper Tunes of them. Tis thought fuch Helps as this, which now lies before us, have contributed very much to that Skill and Gracefullness with which moft Congrega

H 2



tions Sing the Pfalms at prefent, fo as to make very good Mufick, and Harmony of it.

The Author of this little Manual tells us, that he collected and propos'd the Printing of it, for the good of many young Perfons in and about thofe parts of the Country wherein he lived; that fo they might be furnish'd at a cheap price with Directions how to Sing, and with Tunes proper for the Singing of the whole Book of Pfalms..

Before he proceeds to lay down his own Rules and Directions, he defires his Reader to take in the General Mr. Ravencroft's Advice about Singing of Pfalms, which is as follows: Let Pfalms of Tribulation be Sung with a low Voice and long Measures; Pfalms. of Thanksgiving with an indifferent Voice and Measure; and and Pfalms of Rejoycing with a loud Voice and fhort jocund Metafure.

Our Author begins his Directions with informing his Reader of the meaning and fignification of the feveral Marks and Characters. made ufe of in Singing, fome of which exprefs the length of Time that the Voice is to Sound, and others which fhew the height and lownefs that the Voice is to Sound. Next to this he fets down the Gamut or Scale of Mufick, the which he explains at large and in a familiar way fuitable to the meaneft Capacities.

Afterwards he in feveral pages give us Tables of the Names of all the Notes, according to the ufual Cliffs in the several parts of Musick, viz. The Treble, the Altus, the Mean, the Counter-Tenor, the Tenor, and the Baffus.

His next directions are for tuning the Voice, of which he lays. down feveral Leffons, and then proceeds to treat of the Notes, their Names, Measure and Proportions; of the Pauses, Refts, Pricks, Bars, Repeats, &c. of the Mode or Proportion of time, and of Concords, Cords and Difcords.

After thefe Directions follows a large Collection of the best Tunes both Single and Double, out of moft Authors now Extant, of which you have a Table at the End, referring to the Pages where the Tunes may be found.


The State of Learning.


T LIONS is Printed a Treatife Intituled, Specimen Theolo

Agie Moralis, duo decim Libris comprehenfe, omnia, quoad fieri

potuit, ex facra Scriptura & Patribus, &c. Authore P. Joan. Fran. Malatra, Societatis fefu in Quarto.

At PARIS, Sancti Georgii Florentii Turonenfis Opera omnia; Necnon Fredegarii Scholaftici Epitome & Chronicum, cum fuis Continuatoribus, &c. Operâ & ftudio Domni Theodorici Ruinart, Presbyteri & Monachi Benedictini è Congr. S. Mauri in Fol.

At the fame place, Codex Selectorum Canonum Ecclefia Metenfis, quos obfervari mandavit Illuftriffimus ac Reverendiffimus D.D. Henricus Carolus du Cambont Coiflin, Epifcopus Metenfis, &c. in Octavo.

And another Treatife in Twelves intituled. L' Idée de l' Oraifon dediée à Monfiegneur l'Archeveque de Paris.


Traité abrege des Obligations des Chretiens, par l' Auteur des Livres de la Vie Monaftique, in Twelves.

Thefe two Laft Treatifes, are likewife published at Paris: as. also another in 120. intituled, Hiftoire des cinq, paires de Muscles qui fement à differens mouvemens de la Tête, &c. par M. du Prè Chirurgien

del Hôtel Dieu de Paris..

At ROAN, Differtation fur Sainte Marie Madeleine, pour prouver que Marie Madeleine, Marie faur de Marthe, & la Femme Pecher elle font trois femmes differentes. Par le Sieur Anquetin, Luré des Lyons.

in 120.



T the HAGUE is published, Chriftiani Hugerii Cofmotheoros five de terris cæleftibus earum ornatu conjectura &c. in 4to. At UTRECHT,Infcriptiones Graca Palmynerorum, cum Scholiis & An notationibus Edvardi Bernardi, & Thome Smith. in 8vo.

At AIX LA CHAPELLE, is published, Hiftoire de Provence par Meffire Jean Fr. Ganfridi Confeiller du Roy en la Cour de Parlement de la même. Province, in fol.


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HERE will be published in three weeks, a Book written by the late Ingenuous Mr. Tim. Nourfe, under the following

Compania Felix, or a Difcourfe of the Benefits and Improvements of Husbandry: Containing directions for all manner of Tillage, Pafturage, and Plantation; as alfo for the making of Cyder and Perry, with fome Confiderations, (1) upon Juftices of the Peace, and Inferiour Officers, (2) On Juries and Ale-houses, (3) On Servants and Labourers, (4) On the Poor. To which are added two Effays. (1) of a Country-Houfe, (2) of the fuel of London.

There is likewife in the Prefs and will speedily be published, a Collection of Sermons, preach'd by his Grace the present Lord Arch-Bishop of York upon feveral occafions, to which is Added his Difcourfe concerning Prayer, not before publifh'd. The Whole will be done on a Good Paper, with a fair Character, in 8vo.

The fecond Part of the History of the Canon and Writers of the Old and New Teftament written in French by M. L. E. Dupin Dr. of the Sorbonne, and tranflated into English, is in great forwardnefs and will be published within a few Days.

A New Edition of Hudibras is likewife in the Prefs, and will appear in a fhort time to divert the Publick.

There is lately Published a fecond Edition of a Treatife, intitul'd the Practice of the Spiritual or Ecclefiaftical Courts, &c. To which is added in this Edition a Brief Difcourfe of the Structure and Manner of Forming the Libel or Declaration.





Arrifon's Effay of the Experiments of Wind, &c. · pag. 3:

Receuil des Traites de paix, de Trêve, de Neutralitè, &c. 17.
III. Joannis Clerici Critica & Theologica,
IV. Melanges d' Hiftoire & de Literature.

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VII. An Account of the Court of Portugal, &c. Part II. concer-
ning the Interests of that Court with the other Courts of Europe. 33

VIII. Grabe's Spicilegium, &c. Vol. II. Secul. II. Tom. 1.

IX. An Account of Mr, Lock's Religion out of his own Writings, and

in his own Words, &c.

XII. Thefaurus Romanorum Antiquitatum, Vol. XI. Autore Joanne




Age. 6. 1..32. after, having her tendency to the Sun, Add, as all other.
Cæleftial Orbs have, and the Moon being diftant from the Earth. p. 12.
37. for, that is, r. otherwife. p. 16. L. 17, for impending, r. Impeding..

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