Gambar halaman


Page 172, line 11, dele of.

Page 173, line 23, for Life, read Live.

Page 957, line 19, for Shetucke, read Shetucket.

Page 957, line 24, for Lucius, read Lewis.





[Vol. V, 543, 618.]

Concerning the Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Com


Resolved by this Assembly, SEC. 1. That the proceedings of the Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company, whereby by indenture dated March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, they conveyed their railroad and property in mortgage to Robert H. Berdell, Dudley S. Gregory, and John C. Bancroft Davis, trustees of the bondholders in said mortgage mentioned, to secure the holders of said bonds the payment of the same, are hereby ratified and confirmed; and said company is authorized to create, issue and dispose of the mortgage bonds to be secured thereby, in form and manner as in said mortgage is provided.

SEC. 2. Whenever and as soon as any bonds authorized to be issued under said indenture shall be created, issued, negotiated and sold, the holders of the six per cent. bonds issued by the Boston and New York Central Railroad Company, secured by their mortgage dated March seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and the holders of the six per cent. bonds and mortgage notes issued by the New York and Boston Railroad Company, and secured by their mortgage dated December thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and each of them, shall have the right within two years from the time when any of said bonds under said indenture shall be created, issued, negotiated and sold, to exchange their said bonds or mortgage notes for the bonds to be issued under said indenture, upon the following terms, to wit: Upon the surrender to the

Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company of the said bonds of the Boston and New York Central Railroad Company, or of the said bonds or mortgage notes of the New York and Boston Railroad Company, in sums of not less than one thousand dollars, with all the unpaid coupons, the said Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company shall give in exchange a seven per cent. Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad bond for one thousand dollars, to be issued under said indenture, drawing interest from January first, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and for all sums smaller than one thousand dollars certificates shall be issued exchangeable into said Boston, Hartford and Erie Company bonds whenever they are presented to said Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company in sums of one thousand dollars. And the holders of the seven per cent. bonds issued by the Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company and secured by their mortgage dated February second, eighteen hundred and sixtyfour, and each of them shall have the right, within the same time, to exchange their said bonds for the bonds to be issued under said indenture, upon the following terms, to wit: Upon the surrender to said Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company of said bonds of said Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company, with all the unpaid coupons, the said Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company shall give in exchange seven per cent. Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad bonds, to be issued under said indenture for the amount so surrendered, with certificates as aforesaid for all sums smaller than one thousand dollars.

SEC. 3 Said mortgage shall be recorded in the office of the secretary of this state, which shall be a sufficient recording of the same. Approved, May 11th, 1866.

[Organized April, 1864, under general law.]

Changing the Name of the Elting Woolen Company to Clinton Mills Company.

Upon the petition of the Elting Woolen Company, a joint stock corporation, located and doing business at Norwich:


Resolved by this Assembly, That authority be, and hereby is granted to the said Company, at a meeting of their stockholders called for the purpose, to change their corporation name to Clinton Mills CompaBut such change shall not affect, in any manner, the rights, powers and privileges, or the liabilities, obligations, and duties of said corporation; nor shall it affect any suit now pending. And the said corporation shall cause copies of the resolution or vote by which the said change may be made, to be certified by their president and secretary, and deposited with the secretary of state and the town clerk of the town of Norwich, to be by them respectively recorded in the records of joint stock corporations.

Approved, May 23d, 1866.

[Organized December, 1865, under general law.]

Incorporating the Bridgeport Steamboat Company.

WHEREAS, The Bridgeport Steamboat Company, a corporation organized and hitherto and still conducting their business under the joint stock law of this state, and now owning and running a line of steamboats for the transportation of passengers and freight between the town of Bridgeport, in the county of Fairfield, and state of Connecticut, and the city of New York; and whereas, said corporation find it necessary for the better and more successful carrying out of their business to have and exercise more definite and extended powers in respect thereto: now therefore,

Resolved by this Assembly, SEC. 1. That said Bridgeport Steamboat Company may, and shall hereafter have the right to, and exercise their corporate franchise, and have and enjoy all the rights, powers, and privileges herein granted, and after their acceptance of this present act, conduct and carry on their business under the provisions hereof exclusively, in the same way and manner, and to the same extent, in all respects, as if said corporation had been originally organized under a charter containing like provisions.

SEC. 2. That said Bridgeport Steamboat Company shall have and enjoy their said corporate franchise, and all the rights, powers, and privileges herein granted, for the purpose of transporting passengers and freight, and towing vessels by the power of steam, or otherwise, and transacting other business incident thereto, in the most advantageous manner. And in and by their said corporate name they and their successors and assigns shall be, and are hereby authorized and empowered, in addition to the goods, chattels, vessels, engines, boilers, machinery, property, and effects now belonging to said company, to purchase, take, hold, occupy, possess, and enjoy, to them, their successors and assigns, any other goods, vessels, chattels, and effects of whatever kind they may be, the better to enable them to carry on such business to the best advantage, and also to purchase, hire, lease, take, hold, occupy, and enjoy any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, wharves, piers, or landingplaces in the town of Bridgeport, and state of Connecticut, and elsewhere, as shall be necessary for the views and purposes of said corporation. Also, to contract for and take a lease or leases for a term or terms of years, of any such wharves, piers, or landing-places in said Bridgeport, for such time, and upon such terms as may be agreed on with the owner or owners thereof, and with the consent and agreement of said owner or owners in said lease or leases expressed, to use, occupy, and enjoy said wharves, piers, and landing-places, during the continuance of such lease or leases, for the uses and purposes of said corporation herein authorized, to the exclusion of any and all other business or persons whatsoever, except with and by the consent of said lessees. Also to make and enter into and become parties to any contract or contracts, with any other corporation, association, or persons, which may be thought desirable and advantageous for the purpose of facilitating the transportation of passengers and freight; which said contract or contracts said other corporations, associations, and persons are hereby au

thorized to make; also, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, answer and be answered unto in any court of record or elsewhere. The said corporation may have and use a common scal, and may alter the same at pleasure.

SEC. 3. The said corporation, in addition to their present capital of three hundred thousand dollars, now divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each, shall have the power, and are hereby authorized to increase the same from time to time to an amount not exceeding in the whole five hundred thousand dollars, and issue and dispose of the same in such manner as the directors shall order. The capital stock of said corporation shall be deemed and considered personal property, and transferable only on the books of said company, in such form as shall be prescribed by the directors. Said company shall at all times have a lien upon the stock and property of its members invested therein for all debts due from them to said company.

SEC. 4. The stock, property, and affairs of said corporation shall be managed after the acceptance of this act, and until others are chosen in their place, by the then present directors, and thereafter by not less than three nor more than nine directors, one of whom they shall apoint their president, who shall hold his office for one year, and until another is chosen, which said directors shall be stockholders, and shall be annually elected in the month of January in each year, at such times and places as the by-laws of said corporation shall prescribe. Notice of all stockholders' meetings shall be given at least five days prior to such meeting, in such way and manner as the directors shall order. A majority of said directors shall, in all cases when met in accordance with the by-laws of said company, constitute a board for the transaction of business, and a majority of the stockholders present at any legal meeting shall be capable of transacting the business of such meeting, each share entitling the owner thereof to one vote, which vote may be given by said stockholder in person or by lawful proxy.

SEC. 5. The president and directors for the time being, or a major part of them, shall have power to fill any vacancy which may happen in their board by death, resignation, or otherwise, for the then current year; to appoint and employ from time to time a secretary, treasurer, and such other officers and employees as they may deem necessary and proper; and may require said secretary, treasurer, and other officers to give such security, by bond or otherwise, for the faithful discharge of their trusts and duties, as said directors shall deem proper.

SEC. 6. The existing by-laws of said corporation shall continue in force until the same are altered or repealed by a vote of the stockholders, and said stockholders at any meeting shall have power to alter or repeal said by-laws, and to make and establish such other by-laws, rules, and regulations as they shall deem expedient for the better management of the concerns of said corporation, and the same to alter and repeal at pleasure provided always, that such by-laws, rules, and regulations be not inconsistent with the laws of this state or of the United States. And said directors shall and may, as often as the interests of the stockholders shall require, and the affairs of said company will permit, declare a dividend or dividends of profits on each share, which shall be paid by the treasurer of said company.

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