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It is chiefly for the sake of conforming to a custom which is as old as the trade of book-making that these few prefatory lines are addressed to readers of the following pages.

Prefaces, although seldom read, contain, generally, some remarks which are pertinent and of value, as well as many which are unimportant and unnecessary; among the latter of which may be classed those insincere apologies which authors so frequently offer in advance,-much the same as the skillful housewife of a quarter of a century ago used always to make pretended apologies to her guests when setting before them a repast which was really excellent, and which she herself knew to be so. It has been told how, on one such occasion, when the good lady of the house had despairingly assured her favorite pastor that he would find the meats very badly cooked, and the bread really not fit to be eaten, the reverend gentleman disappointed and mortified her by the inquiry, "Then why, my dear madam, do you place them before me?" The reply was most appropriate; and a similar one might well be addressed to those writers who, while acknowledging their works to be faulty and inferior, yet do not hesitate to offer them to readers who have the right to expect and demand that they shall be of an opposite character. ·

In the preparation of this work, the object steadily kept in view has been to furnish a reliable and exhaustive history of Genesee County, in all its departments,―pioneer, agricultural, manufacturing, civil, military, educational, and religious. To accomplish this object many months (equivalent to more than two years' time of a single person) have been spent, and neither labor nor expense have been spared in any particular. Something has been gathered from published works; more from the State archives, the county and township records, and the files of old newspapers; and still more (as it is designed to be especially a history of pioneers and pioneer enterprise) from information furnished by the oldest residents and best informed people in the county. In Flint City, and in the eighteen townships, many such persons have been called on, and all-with a single exception-have most obligingly imparted such information as they were able to give. To all and each of these sincere thanks are returned for the assistance they have so kindly and willingly contributed. The name of each would be given separately in acknowledgment, but on account of the great number (exceeding three hundred) who have rendered valuable aid, such separate mention is impracticable.

Especial acknowledgments are due to the editors and proprietors of the several newspapers, the pastors of the churches, and the officers of the county, the townships, and the public institutions; all of whom have responded promptly and courteously to requests for assistance.

The History of Genesee County is now presented, without apology, to its patrons, and their verdict is awaited, in full confidence that it will be a favorable one.

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1, 1879.

F. E.


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