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of his merey, in all the omnipotence of his love? The gospel is this manifestation; and when it is fully displayed in its simplicity and extent, it so alarms the conscience, and moves the affections, that multitudes exclaim, "Is not this the Christ?"

5thly, We may observe of this species of evidence, that as it necessarily includes an exhibition of the essential and distinguishing doctrines of the gospel, so it is accompanied with that measure of Divine influence which the Saviour has pledged himself to vouchsafe, as the attestation of his presence and power in the diffusion of his religion. Reasoning alone never yet formed a true Christian.

The philosophy of Christianity, its metaphysics, and its external evidence, might be dwelt upon for centuries, and investigated with intense interest by millions of minds; and yet not one of them all would by these means be converted to Christ. Only the truths which convey the knowledge of salvation are ever attended with a saving efficacy; and this efficacy is not alone to be sought in the truths themselves, but in the influence of that Holy Spirit whose Divine agency accompanies them, as "a Spirit of knowledge, of understanding, and of might, and of the fear of the Lord." Christianity as a system is indeed founded on argument, and shrinks not from the closest examination of its pretensions. If in this view it rested on any different basis, it would be ill-adapted to the human mind; and could have no other than a miraculous existence in the individuals to whom it might be supernaturally revealed. But as a religion of power, carrying forward the great designs of the moral government of God in the redemption of mankind, it is indebted for its progress and success not to human reason but to Divine energy: "Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power." They are made willing not by coercion, but influence; and the truths of the gospel are the medium through and the instrument by which it operates. There is no essential moral difference between the

mere speculative believer and the unbeliever of Christianity. It is this Divine influence, renovating the spirit and moulding it into new forms of which it was before un susceptible, and which no reasoning, argumentation, or persuasion would have effected, which constitutes the grand distinction between the true follower of Christ and every other description of character. Whatever therefore in the shape of evidance is most favourable to the exercise of this discriminating and supernatural influence, must be of the greatest value and importance; and such is that evidence which exhibits the gospel as its own witness, and derives its greatest force from its distinguishing and peculiar doctrines. In farther strengthening this position, I remark,

6thly, Finally, That the species of evidence for the superiority of which I am contending, converts every individual believer who feels its power into a dispenser of the blessings with which it has enriched him.

It is one thing to be reasoned into a persuasion that Christianity is from heaven; another to imbibe its holy and beneficent spirit, to feel its worth, and to be zealous in making it known. The first impression produced by a cordial reception of the gospel as it affects our own prospects and destiny is a sentiment of devout, animated, and humble gratitude to its Divine Author and glorious subject; the second, an intense desire to benefit others by the celestial communication. What a dreary and appalling spectacle does the moral state of the world present to one who is powerfully affected by a contemplation of its alienation from God, its ignorance, guilt, and ruin! How degraded in his view is the lot of his fellow immortals! How sunk in abject wretchedness is the whole family of man! The impulse of principle is excited, the new convert becomes a preacher to his family and his neighbourhood. Fraught with the tenderest compssion, he says to each and all, "Come see a man which told me all things that ever I did. Is not this the

Christ?" Come, behold him in the sanctuary, where I have beheld his power and glory. Come and see the trophies of his grace, the wonders of his redeeming power and mercy. Come, for unless you see him for yourself and not another, you will remain unblest by the manifestation of his love which passeth knowledge. He is the Christ, the Saviour of the world: believe in him, for he is able to save to the uttermost. O hear his voice as I have heard it! Even now the enchanting sounds linger on mine ear like the melody of heaven: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." O listen ; now is the accepted time, this is the day of salvation! Hear him-hear him for yourself, rely not on my testimony alone. Arise, he calleth theeeven now his heart yearns over your misery. Is not this the Christ? Come, see the man! Behold him bright with the Father's glory: behold him touched with the sympathy of your own nature, yet undefiled-the man without sin, overflowing with love to sinners. Come, and faith will make you whole! The good Shepherd is ready to enfold you in his arms, to number you with his flock, and to lead you to green pastures beside the still waters of comfort. Wander no more. In him there is life, everlasting life; come and let experience prove his wondrous power to save. To this spirit Christianity was mainly indebted for its early and amazing triumphs. Every new convert became, under its influence, invested with the character of an evangelist. Thousands thus took up the burthen of John the Baptist, and, addressing their fellow-men, exclaimed, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." What good

was thus instrumentally effected by the woman of Sychar. Her single efforts roused a whole city, and multitudes listened to her earnest persuasions, and felt the power which bowed and sanctified her heart. By the same simple means will the gospel gain the victories of the millennium. The decay of this spirit is the decline of religion. Where it is no longer cherished, the gospel instead of advancing, retires. When ministers of the sanctuary suffer themselves to be drawn away from its simplicity and energy, they may be learned, they may be orthodox, they may even be popular, but they will lose their reward! They will not, they cannot win souls to Christ. When congregations and churches forget the claims of their Redeemer and Lord, and leave the task of evangelizing to those only who are clothed with the sacred office, the great end of their conversion and of their continuance upon earth is defeated; while they give too much reason to fear that they have never been penetrated by the power of that wonderful evidence of the infinite value of the gospel, which if truly felt must render it the all-absorbing consideration of their moral being; the perpetual theme of their converse; the object of their unwearied solicitude. The demonstration of the Spirit is the only demonstration which sends its converts throughout the world, each exclaiming, "Come, see a man which told me all things that ever I did. Is not this the Christ?" It was thus the chief of sinners became an apostle, and the most polluted of the sons and daughters of men have been elevated to the dignity of saints;—a dishonoured appellation in the world; but the only one that will survive its proud distinctions and shed lustre upon the glories of eternity! J. S.

SHALL CHRISTIANS DANCE? (From the Christian Treasury.)

WHY not Christians, if anybody? We would not advise a sinner to dance. A sinner is an enemy to God-and shall he

dance? A sinner must repent, or perish -and shall he dance? A sinner is on the road to hell, and may be there in an

hour-shall he dance? There is some

thing supremely shocking in the idea of a dancing sinner. What fearful declara- | tions are those of Job!-"They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance. They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave," Job xxi. 11, 13.

But a Christian is a redeemed sinner: "He is bought with a price"-"He is washed, he is sanctified, he is justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." "He is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." The Christian is the image of Christ, and is to show to the world that he has been with Jesus, and has learned of him, "who was meek and lowly in heart, and went about doing good." The Christian is "crucified to the world, and the world unto him:" so that "he rolls round his dying eyes upon a dying world." The Christian is, in a little while, to be in heaven, beholding and enjoying, and for ever to enjoy, the glory of God. Let him sing for joy, and dance too before the Lord, as David did, if such an exercise be suited to his present condition, and adapted to promote the glory of God and the salvation of men. For this is the apostolic exhortation :-" Whether, therefore, ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

Shall Christians dance? Then they must have a time to dance. At what point of time between one communion season and another shall it be; just before, or just after, they sit down at the table of the Lord? Is it the kind of preparation which fits them for that scene which Calvary beheld? Will the dance help them to "examine themselves?" Will it enable them to deny themselves as they should, after they have been anew to see Christ crucified? Or will they fix the time at a point equally distant from the celebration past and the celebration to come, so that they may forget, or almost forget, the command, "This do in remembrance of me?" Can they, at the dance, think intensely upon the scenes in

the garden, in the palace of the high priest, in the hall of Pilate, on the way to Calvary, at the nailing of the victim, and at the innocent Sufferer's cry of agony, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" This cry, under Almighty wrath, crushing him to death for our sins, makes the ears of Christians tingle. How can they forget it, so as to find a time to dance between one communion season and another?

Shall Christians dance? Then they must have leisure to dance?-"Wot ye not," said Jesus, "that I must be about my Father's business?" He began early, and continued to the end, to be about his Father's business; so that in the end he could say to his Father, "I have glorified thee upon earth; I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." Then he was ready to depart, and with his last breath cried, "It is finished." Duty and suffering were completed. Are Christians, the followers of such a Saviour, at leisure, so that their work is done long before their sun is set? Do they understand God's word so well, that they need study it no more? Are all their duties to God, in the closet, in the family, and in his house, diligently and faithfully performed? Do they perform all that is needful for the young, for the aged, for the church, for the world, and then find leisure to unite with gay companions in moving to the sound of the viol, amid the mazes of pleasurable dissipation? Is the soul duly cared for? And from the dance can they return home to commune with God, to pray for all saints and the ministers of Christ, with all prayer, and without ceasing? Can they " visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and keep themselves unspotted from the world?”

Shall Christians dance? Then they must be imitated by others. Allowing that Christians have time, leisure, and money, for the dance, and that it may be proper for them to dance, still a question remains-Is it expedient? If it be lawful in the sight of God, does it tend to edification? Is it attended with no dan

ger to others? Will the gay and the thoughtless be likely to derive benefit from such examples of Christians? Did the apostle Paul say, "If meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend?" Should not we also look to the welfare of others? If it be not perilous to ourselves, yet if it be so to others, charity requires us to abstain. If we would not advise sinners to dance, we certainly should not set the example. If but one member of a church be found in the ball-room, who will not know it? Will not every eye be fixed on that individual? Will not some be ready to say in heart, "Did not I see thee at the Lord's table?" Will it not be reported the next day? And will not the echo fly among the circles of the lovers of pleasure? Will not the thoughtless urge this example, as a plea for the indulgence which conscience forbids? And will not many be emboldened, not only near by, but far off, to do what no sinner should venture to do, as it must be at the peril of his soul? And will not those gay

companions of yours despise you for your vain indulgence?

Dear Christian friend, how can you have any delight in this amusement, or in any other pastime in which they delight who are strangers to holy and refined enjoyments? When all the sweets of paradise are before us, need we covet the forbidden tree? Can you recommend Christ and him crucified to your jovial companions? Can you converse seriously on the salvation of the soul, while on the way with them either to or from the merry meeting? Allowing that it is no worse than other vain amusements, is this the criterion of your duty? Dear friend, how came you to be in this vascilating state of mind? You did not feel as you do now when you first hoped in Christ, when you joined yourself to the Lord and his people. Did you not then find your happiness in God, choose his people for your people, his law for your rule, his heaven for your home? Are you become, or are you about to become, one of those who draw back to perdition?



Ir, in the order of Providence, it should be your duty to seek a home in the house of a stranger, be very cautious in your choice of a situation. Endeavour, first, to secure one in a family that resides sufficiently near to the place of worship. you have been accustomed to attend, so that your teachers and pastor may not entirely lose the oversight of you. If this be not practicable, try to obtain one near another place belonging to the same religious denomination as that with which you have been connected. Again, stipulate that you shall be permitted to attend public worship at least once on the sabbath, stating that you shall be willing to make such extra exertions on the Saturday as will enable you to enjoy that privilege without seriously inconveniencing your employers. No Christian and well

ordered family will object to such an arrangement as this, if they have reason to believe that the applicant is sincere in her wish to spend the sabbath in a proper manner.

In order to accomplish these objects, you must be prepared to make some sacrifices. It may be that two places are mentioned to you, one of which is, on many accounts, more eligible than the other. In one you may have a fellow-servant, and on that account the situation may be considered more respectable; or the washing may be put out, and you may therefore conclude that it will be easier; or the wages may be higher, and you think it will be more profitable: but in that family there is no altar for the daily worship of God, and the servants are allowed to go out only

every other sabbath. In the other you may be the only domestic kept; or you may have to take the whole of the work; or the wages may be lower than you hoped to obtain: but in that household God is daily worshipped, and the sabbath is sacredly kept holy. Under such circumstances, which situation ought you to choose? Remember the solemn admonition, “What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall he give in exchange for his soul?"

A few weeks since, I called on a pious woman who had lately been left a widow with a large family. After conversing some time, I inquired about her eldest daughter, and asked if she were in place now? "Not exactly, ma'am," was the reply; "she is stopping with a lady whose servant has gone home ill. If she do not recover, Elizabeth will take her place; and if she do, the lady will look out for a situation for her." "I can tell you of a good one," observed I, and named the neighbourhood in which my friend lived. "A lady from that neighbourhood called a few days since," replied the mother; "but when my daughter said she would like to attend her own place of worship once every sabbath, the lady only laughed at her, and said the thing was out of all reason. And so Elizabeth declined the offer, though the wages were very tempting; they were much higher than where she is gone to." I told the good woman that if her daughter did not stay where she was, she must come to me for my friend's address; but she did not need it, and is now comfortably settled in a family who like her the better for wishing to "keep holy the sabbath day." This young person did not forget the exhortation of our Saviour, in his sermon on the mount, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Let me advise

you to follow her example. Another incident of a contrary kind, I may mention as a warning. A young woman who had been for some years a

zealous and active member of a Christian church, and who had been allowed, when living with a religious family, to attend public worship at least once each sabbath, was so inconsistent as to take a situation in a decidedly worldly family. Here she never heard the Bible read nor a prayer offered from week to week. At first this was a painful trial to her; but she soon became indifferent to it. She had been promised a "Sunday out," and she thought it would be very pleasant to take tea with a friend, and then go to chapel in the evening. But she found that, work as hard as she could all Sunday morning, it was very late before she could get out in the afternoon; so that, by the time she had taken tea it was quite service-time. Still she went, though late, for a few weeks; but as winter advanced, she felt so tired with her work and her walk, that she preferred sitting and talking with her friend at the fireside, to waiting with the worshippers of God in the appointed place. When I saw her first she had not been in any place of worship during several months. When I talked to her seriously on the subject, she said that she felt quite indifferent about religion now, and had no comfort or pleasure either in reading the Scriptures or in private prayer. By repeated conversations, she was brought not only to confess but to feel that she had acted a very wicked part, in thus forsaking and in effect denying Him who had bought her with His precious blood. We very soon found her another situation, where she had again an opportunity of observing the sabbath: but it is much to be feared that she has never regained the ground she lost whilst she so entirely neglected all religious ordinances. In this instance, as in many others, one false step led to others; and, but for the watchful care of a kind Providence, there is no knowing how low she might have fallen. This is a solemn warning to those who may be inclined to look upon religious privileges as a secondary consideration in the choice of a situation.

As far as possible, you should keep

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