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according to the experiments and observations on the sick bed, the medicines, in the dilutions are conveyed into the interior of the organism to such an extent that if they come in contact with a pathological locality belonging to its sphere of action; similar to the Natron evaporation in a room by Bunsen and Kirchhof finding a flame, and show the effects with the same clearness as by the spectre lines here by the relief of suffering, showing itself in a short time, no matter how distant was the place of application from the place of reception.

He forcibly reminds Liebig that in the natural sciences the organic laws are superceded by the vital power, the establishment of which determines the difference between organic and inorganic bodies. Dr. Grauvogel closes this open letter to Professor Liebig by telling him that the opposition he exhibits to Homœopathy is a phantom, and void of all scientific foundation, that it may be reduced to an opposition made again and again by irresponsible ill informed opponents, destitute of the experiment, and only worthy of observation as coming from a man occupying such a high position among men of learning, and as it beomes evident that the opposition arises from a want of understanding, the information of homœopathic doctrines are now submitted to his perusal. He says, "while communicating these pages to your judgment. you will have either after mature reflection, to reject all the doctrines and natural laws on which Homoeopathy is based, and if so I beg for information and a refutation of all my accusations against the physiological school in a critic, based on natural laws, not by a perusal of individual and indiscriminate judgments; or you will acknowledge the said doctrines and natural laws as true, and reject the allopathic, or the so-called physiological school of medicine, and if so I beg you at once to recant all accusations you have made against Homœopathy, and to use your influence that all hindrance to the free practice of Homœopathy may be removed."

The fundamental doctrines of Homoeopathy are now submitted to Professor Liebig on the following 125 pages:

The philosopher and thinker appears on every page: his clearness of demonstration and his universal knowledge of medical and natural sciences is just as apparent as his exemplifications are convincing.

For the sake of our cause it is much to be hoped that this as well as the former work of Dr. Von Grauvogal will find a place in the English homoeopathic literature, and that the good time is coming when the great amount of trashy and inferior literature, now forced upon the American public, will give place to a better class of authors and translators. Dr. Von Grauvogel addresses himself altogether to the learned and the scholar, and he hopes by convincing them he will further the propagation of Homoeopathy more than by popularizing a science, the merit of which cannot be made fully apparent in ordinary terms, and will not be appreciated by the ordinary understanding. Dr. Grauvogel strictly adheres to Homœopathy as introduced by Hahnemann, and demonstrates fully and satisfactorily that all discoveries and scientific developments, all recently discovered laws of nature and unknown to Hahnemann, only add lustre to his merits, as all of them only add proof to the correctness of his theories and establish the doctrines on which Homoeopathy is based. Grauvogel and Wolf on the one side theoretically, on the other side practically confirm Hahnemann's doctrines, and do so because they have followed him and comprehended him.


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mary of the Principles of M.D. 12mo., pp. 398.

SWEDISH MOVEMENT CURE; Together with a Sum-
General Hygiene. By GEORGE H. TAYLOR, A.M.,
New-York, Fowler and Wells.

THEORY AND PRACTICE OF THE MOVEMENT CURE, by the Swedish System of Localized Movements. By CHARLES FAYETTE TAYLOR, M.D. 12mo. pp.

396. Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston.

As considerable has been published on the Movement Cure by the Authors of the above Works in the various homoeopathic as well as other journals, it is unnecessary for us to attempt any expose of it.

The works before us contain all that has been published in the journals with considerable addition. Those who were interested in the subject as it appeared in series, will be glad to have the whole matter in one volume as convenient as the above, rather than be obliged to refer to several volumes of journals for information on the subject.

The circulation of the above works among the publlc will do much toward preventing the injuries often consequent upon the indiscriminate use of calisthenic exercises.

Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston.

8vo. pp. 837.

This work of Dr. Gross is the third of the kind published in this country. The first was published by Dr. J. Thacher in 1828, the second by Dr. S. W. Williams in 1845. There are published the biographies of several, such as Rush and Warren, whose names are known not merely as connected with the medical profession, but who have figured considerably in our country's history, which gives to the work additional interest.

As the Author intimates that another volume may be published, we would suggest that the work would be rendered doubly interesting to the whole profession, as well as to the public, by publishing the lives of those who have, by their success in its practice, caused Homoeopathy to be so favorably regarded by the community.

THE HISTORY AND HEROES OF THE ART OF MEDICINE. By J. RUTHERFORD RUSSELL, M.D. 8vo. pp. 479. London, John Murray. This able and highly interesting history includes the lives of Aesculapius, Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna, Dioscorides, Roger Bacon, Cardan, Paracelsus, Lord Bacon, Van Helmont, Harvey, Des Cartes, La Boe, Boyle, Sydenham, Stahl, Hoffmann, Boerhaave, Haller, Cullen, John Brown, Jenner and Hahnemann.

The distinguished founder of Homœopathy occupies about one-fifth of the volume. We doubt whether there can any where be found a more graphic and philosophical account of the men who have principally distinguished themselves in the medical history of the world. It should be found in the library of every physician. B. F. J.

CONSUMPTION; (PHTHISIS) Its Nature and Treatment. By JOHN EPPS, M.D. 8 vo., pp. 292, London, Sanderson, 1860.

This truly homoeopathic and valuable work gives a graphic and familiar description of the structure and uses of the lungs, the organ affected, a history of consumption and of the pathological phenomena, including extracts from ancient and modern writers, a history and explanation of the different stages of this disease, the cachectic state, lung debility, the prevalent ideas respecting the incurability of consumption, and his own views of the curative means for different stages. In regard to this last topic he gives the symptoms of different medicines adapted to its different stages, pointing out their relation to the symptoms of this malady. Next come general remarks on the treatment, auxiliary means and illustrative cases.

The plan and execution of the work is such as to render it highly valuable to the homoeopathic practitioner and in its general exemption from unnecessary technicalities, it is adapted to intelligent laymen.

Dr. Epps has been bold and felicitous in the selection of topics in each of his two larger works. In the first he attacked the system of purgation which is undermining the health of nearly all mankind in civilized countries except so far as Homoeopathia has extended her beneficent reign; so in his last, the volume under consideration, he has selected from among natural diseases, as his mark, the arch-destroyer-consumption, of all maladies that which has the most numerous victims. The general prognosis of our author slightly abbreviated is as follows:

Homœopathy opens up the legitimately founded hope of the cure of phthisis ; legitimately founded, first, because Homœopathy presents a law by which the action of medicines on the diseased body is regulated—a law which makes it certain that if a medicine can be found which has the power of producing symptoms similar to those present in the disease, it will cure the disease so medicinally homoeopathized; secondly because Homoeopathy presents, by the vicarious sufferings of Hahnemann and his followers, a knowledge of the pure effects of medicines; and thirdly because the law being true and the knowledge of medicines being sufficiently extended to embrace those which produce pathogentic effects that cover the special phenomena present in every special case of phthisis, the use of such medicines must be curative.

The auther throughout aims to be true to the law and the Materia Medical In the seventh chapter, the first on treatment, he points out minutely the relation between the symptoms of the different stages of phthisis and those of the most efficacious remedies for them; i. e. Calcarea, Lycopodium, Nitric acid, Sulphur and Sepia, and gives a more general statement of some features of Kali carbonicum, Causticum, Arsenicum &c.

The scientific and pains-taking method of this conscientious and benevolent physician is worthy of imitation by all who attempt to write practical homoeopathic books; and the world is greatly indebted to Dr. Epps for his judicious labors in this direction.

B. F. J.


Abscess of the Liver, Case of, by B. F. Joslin, jr., M.D


Acalipha indica in Pulmonary Hæmorrhage, by W. H. Holcombe, M.D... 274
Aconite, Monograph on, Review by E. M. Kellogg, M.D. .....
Advantages of the High Potencies, translated by Carroll Dunham, M.D., 209
Esculus hippocastanum, by H. M. Paine, M.D.



[blocks in formation]

Are Homœopathic Doses Nothing or Something, translated by C. Wessel-

hoeft, M.D.


Arsenical Poisoning, by M. J. Rhees, M.D.,...


Asclepias tuberosa, translated by M. J. Rhees, M.D.,.


Avoidable Causes of Disease,....


Baird, W. P., M.D., Drug Provings...



Bloss, R., M.D., Obituary of Dr. R. Bryan,

Bond Street Homœopathic Dispensary,..

Barker, J., M.D., Case of Croup ....

Bayard, Edward, M.D., Effects of Dulcamara on the Horse,

Belladonna, Pathogenetic Effects of, by N. H. Warner, M.D.,..

Bowers, B. F., M.D., Proving of Rumex crispus,.

Bonninghausen, Dr. C. von, Advantages of High Potencies,



Proving of Rumex crispus,







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Borax, Remarks on, translated by Carroll Dunham, M.D.,


Boston Academy of Homœopathic Medicine,.....
Bryan, R. S., M.D., Obituary, by R. Bloss, M.D.,



Case of Abscess of the Liver, by B. F. Joslin, jr., M.D.,
Case of Albuminuria, by H. J. Cate, M.D.,
Case of Convulsions, by A. M. Cushing, M.D.,

Case of Croup, by J. Barker, M.D.,

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498, 502











Cases of Double Cataract, translated by Carroll Dunham, M.D.,
Cases of Insanity treated at Home, by B. F. Joslin, jr., M.D.,

Cases of Mineral Poisoning, by M. J. Rhees, M.D.,

Case of Tetanus, by J. H. Payne, M.D.,.

Case of Trismus, by D. Springsteed, M.D.,

Cases, Reporting of, by B. F. Joslin, jr., M.D.,.

Caspari's Homoeopathic Domestic Physician,

Cataract, Case of Double, translated by Carroll Dunham, M.D.,

Catarrhus pulmonalis, Cylamen in,..

Cate, H. J., M.D., Case of Albuminuria,

Causes of Malarious Fever, by F. W. Hunt, M.D.,

Central Homœopathic Dispensary of New-York,

Chase, I. P., M.D., Homœopathy a century ago,

Chicago City Hospital, by George E. Shipman, M.D.,..

Choice of the Remedy, translated by Carroll Dunham, M.D.,
Chlorine and Spasmus Glottidis, by Carroll Dunham, M.D.,
B. F. Joslin., jr., M.D.,..

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Chronic Diarrhoea, Case of, cured by a single dose of a high potency, by

Carroll Dunham, M.D.,

Chronic Tetanus, Case of, by J. H. Payne, M.D.,

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Clinical Cases and Observations of High Potencies, by B. Fincke,

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Clinical Effects of Cyclamen, translated by M. J. Rhees, M.D.,

Clinical Observations of Hamamelis, by Dr. Davison, .

Clinical Observations of Kalmia, by L. M. Kenyon, M.D.,
Clinical Reports,

Colchicum, by P. P. Wells, M.D.,


24, 220




Value of, by C. G. McKnight, M.D.,


Colleges, Hahnemann Medical,



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