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another stool almost black in color, clammy, with many ascarides and yellow spots like fat, attended with a feeling as if a stream of fire passed through the abdomen. In the afternoon, a stool of intense yellow color, with green and yellow flakes. In the evening, a stool exactly like the white of an egg, with no fecal matter whatever. The following day, the feces are entirely enveloped in froth. Tenesmus.

Urine.-During the first twelve days the urine is red to saturation. On the seventeenth day, it looks as if mixed with blood; after standing a short time, small, dark red, almost black points of the size of a pin's head rise to the surface, and much mucus is deposited on the bottom of the vessel. The urine remains more red than normal during the whole of the proving.

Male Sexual Organs.-Painful stitches in the urethra, repeatedly. Ulcerous excoriations on the glans, resembling chancre, with a pus-like secretion, (disappearing in a few days from washing with urine.) Copious perspiration of the gen Erections without lust, particularly in the morning.

Coryza.-At first dry, then fluent coryza during the first few days, with much sneezing. Subsequently, a blowing out of some blood from one nostril for several days.

Larynx and Chest (Heart).—Pain in the larynx. The breath smells like pepper. Necessity to inspire hurriedly, followed by a sensation of oppression. Want of breath like asthma, often very great, particularly after eating and after smoking a little. Pain in the right lung. Pain like the pricking of a needle in the region of the heart. Contracting pain in the heart.

Back.-Stinging, transitory stitches between the shoulder-blades. Itching and red blotches on the back. Pain in the loins like lumbago.

Superior Extremities.-Pain in the left shoulder and soon afterwards in the right, like rheumatism. Pain in the bones of the left arm. Rheumatic pains in the fore-arm down to the fingers. Numbness of the right hand. Violent itching in the hands and fingers.

Inferior Extremities.-Pain in the hips like coxalgia. Rending pains in the knees and up to the hips, especially while walking, and also in the morning when rising. The ankle feels as if it were sprained. Pains in the bones of the left ankle; drawing in the soles and in the toes. Pain as if from corns, so that the bed-cover seems too heavy. Violent itching on the legs, particularly on the knees.

The duration of the action of Asclepias tub. appears to be very long. The indications of the foregoing proving extended to the forty-second day; but it must be added that symptoms were excited until the sixtieth day at least, which circumstances did not allow to be recorded.



Perhaps the following case, showing the curative effect of Hamamelis virginica, may be interesting to your readers.

Mary F., aged fourteen years, has always enjoyed tolerable health until within the last eighteen months, when she menstruated. The first time, there was considerable pain in the head and back for several days preceeding it, accompanied by nausea, vertigo, &c. The flow was natural and recurred two succeeding months quite regularly, and without any of the unpleasant sensations which preceded the first. When the fourth period came round, there was no indication of menstruation, but in place of it quite free epistaxis; this continued for several months increasing in severity each month. She was then placed under the care of an eclectic physician, who had treated her until I was called to visit her, as above stated, at the end of eighteen months. She was emaciated very much; no color in the cheeks or lips; pulse 140, and feeble; action of the heart very labored, but not giving any signs of organic lesion. Extremities considerably bloated; stomach very irritable; bowels constipated; urine scanty and clear; some cough and great dyspnoea.

It was the day that the bleeding was to return, and I watched the case; there was over a quart of blood lost, it was thin, forming but very slight coagula. I gave her Hamamelis sixth and thirtieth dilutions in alternation, two doses of each in the twenty-four hours, which was all the medicine she got during the month following, except a few doses of Arsenicum for the dyspnoea when it was troublesome. When the next month came round, she menstruated regularly and had no more bleeding; and from this time, she went on rapidly to a perfect recovery, using no other remedy but the Hamamelis.


(From L'Homeopathe Belge.)

M. J., aged seventy-seven years, has been blind four years. She is small, emaciated and of sallow complexion. She has had three children. The account she gave of the exciting cause of her disease, was very unsatisfactory. She could only say that several years ago, in consequence of a cold, she was attacked with inflammation of the conjunctiva and that, from that time, her vision became more and more feeble. She saw snow-flakes and spider webs continually in the atmosphere; surrounding objects appeared to her to be enveloped in a thick mist, which prevented her from distinguishing with accuracy the external margin of an object; the light of a candle was encircled by a halo; she could distinguish everything more clearly in the evening than in the morning; artificial light she could not well tolerate.

The patient came to our institution (Brussels Policlinique) April 29th, 1856. At this time she could hardly distinguish light from darkness; the pupils were dilated and the mobi lity of the iris was partially impaired; the crystalline lens was obscured, of a whitish color and uniformly shaded. The patient complained of no pain; her disposition was much.

affected however, and she had, for four years, found it impossible to apply herself to her accustomed occupation. All bodily functions were normal.

We began our medical treatment, 29th April, with Euphrasia"; three globules were dissolved in six ounces of water, and a tea-spoonful taken every night and morning.

May 16th. The patient reported an improvement. She could already better distinguish day from night. The same remedy was continued, but in a higher potency, and the three globules to be taken all at once.

August 4th. The patient began to distinguish objects, but they appeared distorted. Cannabis" was prescribed, three globules to be dissolved in five ounces of water, and a teaspoonful of the solution to be taken every morning and evening. This remedy was allowed to act undisturbed until Dec. 1.

The condition of things was unchanged. The high potencies were then resorted to. Sulph.", three globules, was given. On the 2nd March, the crystalline lens appeared to be less clouded. The patient could distinguish persons although they appeared to her as if in a mist. After this time she was able to come to the clinique unattended. Caust.200 was given.

April 30th. She still saw black spots floating before the eyes, but vision kept gradually and steadily improving. Silicea" was ordered, to be taken as the previous remedies.

At the end of the month of May, the patient, quite overjoyed at her condition, informed us that she could readily distinguish all objects; could clearly recognize the letters in a book; that she could devote herself again to her usual occupations, but that she saw a halo around the light of a candle. Phosphorus was the last remedy which the patient received. Two months later she came to render thanks for the benefits she had received, assuring us that her vision had improved to such a degree that she could thread a needle, could sew, and could read with ease.


Before publishing this history, we have made enquiries respecting the good woman who has now reached her eightieth year, and learn that the happy result, thus attained by her through Homœopathy, has continued to the present time. D.



The AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY commenced its Seventeenth Annual Session at Philadelphia, June 6th, 1860.

The members assembled at the Homœopathic College in Filbert Street, and in the absence of the Secretaries, were called to order by Dr. P. P. WELLS, of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dr. WILLIAM E. PAYNE, of Bath, Me., was elected Chairman pro tem.
The Roll of Members was called and corrections made thereto.

The election for officers being in order, Drs. J. R. Coxe, Jr., C. H. Skiff, and W. Williamson were appointed Tellers, and the following gentlemen were unanimously elected :

Chairman: E. C. WITHERILL, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio, General Secretary : JACOB BEAKLEY, M.D., New York. Provisional Secretary: HENRY M. SMITH, M.D., New York. Treasurer: C. H. SKIFF, M.D., Brooklyn.

Board of Censors (to examine the credentials of Candidates for membership): S. R. Beckwith, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio; J. R. Piper, M.D., Washington, D.C.; J. D. Middleton, M.D., Baltimore, Md.; L. Dodge, M, D., Buffalo, N. Y.; G. D. Beebe, M.D., Chicago, Ill.

The Chair appointed the following

Committee to audit Treasurer's Account: J. P. Dake, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa.; I. M. Ward, M.D., Newark, N. J.; J. R. Coxe, Jr., M.D., Philadelphia; W. E. Payne, M.D., Bath, Me.; S. M. Cate, M.D., Salem, Mass.

Dr. C. H. SKIFF presented the Treasurer's Report, showing a balance in the treasury of $126.21, which was referred to the Auditing Committee.

Dr. D. M. DAKE presented his report on Medical Education, which was laid on the table for furture consideration.

Dr. W. E. PAYNE presented the report of the Central Bureau on Materia Medica; composed of Drs. B. F. Joslin, W. E. Payne, E. Bayard, M. J. Rhees, C. J. Hempel. Dr. Payne had made some provings of Glonoine: Drs. Joslin and Bayard, Inula helenium: Dr. Hempel, Senaria canadlansis, and Dr. C. Wright, Rumex crispus.

On motion of Dr. P. P. WELLS, the report was referred to committee on publication. Dr. Wells informed the Institute, that a very full proving of Glonoine was published in a work on American Provings by Dr. Hering, which had never been translated into English, but which he hoped would be as it contained a fund of valuable information.

Dr. R. LUDLAM's report on Stomatitis Materna was received and laid over for future consideration.

Dr. N. H. WARNER as committee on Bi-Carbonate of Soda, Tartrate of Potassa and Carbonate of Soda as Articles of Diet had not been able to firnish his report, and another year was granted him.

Dr. H. D. PAINE not having had sufficient time to report Diphtheria, was continued as the committee on that subject.

Dr. T. W. DONOVAN was continued as the committee on Intermittent Fever.

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