Motor Cars: Or, Power Carriages for Common RoadsCrosby Lockwood & son, 1897 - 200 halaman |
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Halaman 56
... intermediate shaft . Power is transmitted to the driving wheels by chain or sprocket wheels and pitch chains . The ... axle . The compartment for the goods , which has a capacity of 141 cubic feet , is separated from the boiler by ...
... intermediate shaft . Power is transmitted to the driving wheels by chain or sprocket wheels and pitch chains . The ... axle . The compartment for the goods , which has a capacity of 141 cubic feet , is separated from the boiler by ...
Halaman 58
... intermediate receiver is provided between the two cylinders , and continuous lubrication is ensured by the provision ... shaft , which shaft carries a pinion gearing or meshing with a toothed wheel on the driving axle or shaft ...
... intermediate receiver is provided between the two cylinders , and continuous lubrication is ensured by the provision ... shaft , which shaft carries a pinion gearing or meshing with a toothed wheel on the driving axle or shaft ...
Halaman 64
... intermediate shaft are connected by radius bars to the main axle , so as to maintain the proper distance between the two sets of chain wheels , and at the same time allow free play of the springs by which the van is carried . FIG . 19 ...
... intermediate shaft are connected by radius bars to the main axle , so as to maintain the proper distance between the two sets of chain wheels , and at the same time allow free play of the springs by which the van is carried . FIG . 19 ...
Halaman 73
... intermediate or sprocket wheel shaft to the driving wheels by means of pitch chains , the proper distance between the said intermediate sprocket wheel shaft and the rear wheel axle being maintained by means of braces , which latter are ...
... intermediate or sprocket wheel shaft to the driving wheels by means of pitch chains , the proper distance between the said intermediate sprocket wheel shaft and the rear wheel axle being maintained by means of braces , which latter are ...
Halaman 78
... shaft of the engine to a second or intermediate shaft placed in line therewith , through a friction clutch , thereby admitting of the motor being started without at the same time putting the shaft carrying the driving gear in motion ...
... shaft of the engine to a second or intermediate shaft placed in line therewith , through a friction clutch , thereby admitting of the motor being started without at the same time putting the shaft carrying the driving gear in motion ...
Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua
Motor Cars - Or, Power Carriages for Common Roads Alexander James Wallis-Tayler Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2008 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
ALTERNATING CURRENT arrangement axle boiler brake burner carburator chain or sprocket chamber compressed connected Construction CROSBY LOCKWOOD Crown 8vo cylinder D. K. CLARK Demy 8vo driving wheels electric motor Electrical Engineering Engine Road Carriage exhaust valve Explosive Engine feet fitted Form of Roots frame front fuel gasoline gear Handbook heated horse-power ignition ignition tube Illustrations inches in diameter Inst intermediate shaft Internal Combustion Engine IRON Jeantaud latter lever light locomotive machine Machinery MARINE mechanism Medium 8vo motor carriage motor cars Oil Engine Road Panhard-Levassor passengers Petroleum Petroleum or Explosive pinion pipe piston pitch chains Plates pump RAILWAY rear or driving regulated reservoir Revised revolutions per minute screw SCREW THREADS Section shown in Fig Side Elevation speed spindle sprocket wheels STEAM ENGINE Steam Road Carriage steam-carriage STEEL steering wheel stroke suitable supply Tables tank tion toothed transmission tubes tyres vaporiser vehicle vertical weight WIRELESS
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