ENGINEER'S YEAR-BOOK FOR 1911. Comprising Formula, Rules, Tables, Data and Memoranda. Forming a Compendium LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Among the many Engineers and others who have furnished valuable informa. tion, or assisted in the revision of the present or former issues, the following call for special recognition :-WM. H. BOOTH, C.E. (Cotton Mills, Cranes, Fuels, Gas, Oil, and Air Engines, Pumps, Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Turbines, &c.); Prof. C. A. CARUS-WILSON, M A., M.I.E.E. (Electrical Engineering); BRYSSON CUNNINGHAM, B.E., A.M.I.C.E. (Harbours and Docks); E. HENRY DAVIES, F.G.S. (Gold-Mining); ALEX. DREW, M.I. Mech. E. (Reinforced Concrete); Prof. T. CLAXTON FIDLER, M.Inst.C.E. (Girders and Bridges); PERCY A. HILLhouse, B.Sc., M.I.N.A. (Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering); W. HOWARD. SMITH, A.M. Inst. C. E. (Electrical Engineering, Tramways, Railways); George HUGHES, M.I. Mech. E. (Locomotives); G. H. LANCHESTER (Motor Cars); H. O'CONNOR, F.R.S.E., A.M.I.C.E. (Gas and Gas Works); C. SEYMOUR, C.E. (Railways, Piles, Dams, Caissons); E. J. SILCOCK, M. Inst. C.E., F.G.S. (Sanitary Engineering); HERBERT STONE (Timber); OSWALD STOTT (Ventilation); J. VEITCH WILSON (Lubrication); The ENGINEERS of the principal British Railway Companies (Locomotives, Rolling Stock, and Permanent-Way Plant). . 3/6 ENGINEMAN'S POCKET COMPANION, and Practical Educator for Enginemen, Boiler Attendants, and Mechanics. By MICHAEL REYNOLDS. With 45 Illustrations and numerous Diagrams. Fifth Edition. Royal 18mo, strongly bound for pocket wear. EXCAVATION (EARTH AND ROCK). A Practical Treatise by CHARLES PRELINI, C.E. 365 pp., with Tables, many Diagrams and Engravings. Royal 8vo, cloth Net 16/0 FACTORY ACCOUNTS: their PRINCIPLES & PRACTICE. A Handbook for Accountants and Manufacturers, with appendices on the nomenclature of machine details; the Income Tax Acts; the Rating of Factories; Fire and Boiler Insurance, &c. Including also a glossary of terms and a large number of specimen rulings. By E. GARCKE and J. M. FELLS. Sixth Edition, Revised and considerably extended. 314 pages. Demy 8vo, cloth. [Just published. Net 6FOUNDATIONS AND CONCRETE WORKS. With Practical Remarks on Footings, Planking, Sand and Concrete, Béton, Pile-driving, Caissons, and Cofferdams. By E. DOBSON. Crown 8vo FUEL, ITS COMBUSTION AND ECONOMY. 1/6 Consisting of an Abridgment of "A Treatise on the Combustion of Coal and the Prevention of Smoke." By C. W. WILLIAMS, A. Inst.C.E. With extensive Additions by D. KINNEAR CLARK, M.Inst.C.E. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth 3/6 FUELS: SOLID, LIQUID, AND GASEOUS. Their Analysis and Valuation. For the use of Chemists and Engineers. By H. J. PHILLIPS, F.C.S., formerly Analytical and Consulting Chemist to the Great Eastern Railway. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth GAS AND OIL ENGINE MANAGEMENT. 2/0 A Practical Guide for Users and Attendants, being Notes on Selection, Construction, and SELECTING AND FIXING A GAS ENGINE-PRINCIPLES OF WORKING, &C.-FAILURES AND DEFECTS-VALVES, IGNITION, PISTON RINGS, &C.-OIL ENGINES-ĜAS PRODUCERS -RULES, TABLES, &C, GAS ENGINE, A HANDBOOK ON THE. A Practical GAS-ENGINE HANDBOOK. A Manual of Useful Infor mation for the Designer and the Engineer. By E. W. ROBERTS, M.E. With Forty Full-page Engravings. Small F'cap. 8vo, leather. Net 8/6 GAS ENGINES, With Appendix describing a Recent Engine with Tube Igniter. By T. M. GOODEVE, M.A. Crown 8vo, cloth 2/6 GAS ENGINES. See also INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. GAS-ENGINES AND PRODUCER-GAS PLANTS. A Treatise setting forth the Principles of Gas Engines and Producer Design, MOTIVE POWER AND COST OF INSTALLATION-SELECTION OF AN ENGINEINSTALLATION OF AN ENGINE-FOUNDATION AND EXHAUST-WATER CIRCULATIONLUBRICATION-CONDITIONS OF PERFECT OPERATION-HOW TO START AN ENGINE-PRECAUTIONS-PERTURBATIONS IN THE OPERATION OF ENGINES-PRODUCER-GAS ENGINES -PRODUCER-GAS-PRESSURE GAS-PRODUCERS-SUCTION GAS-PRODUCERS-OIL AND VOLATILE HYDROCARBON ENGINES-THE SELECTION OF AN ENGINE. GAS MANUFACTURE, CHEMISTRY OF. A Practical . PREPARATION OF STANDARD SOLUTIONS-ANALYSIS OF COALS-DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS TYPES OF FURNACES-PRODUCTS OF CARBONISATION AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES-ANALYSIS OF CRUDE GAS-ANALYSIS OF LIME-ANALYSIS OF AMMONIACAL LIQUOR-ANALYTICAL VALUATION OF OXIDE OF IRON-ESTIMATION OF NAPTHALINANALYSIS OF FIRE-BRICKS AND FIRE-CLAY-ART OF PHOTOMETRY-CARBURETTED WATER GAS-APPENDIX CONTAINING STATUTORY AND OFFICIAL REGULATIONS FOR TESTING GAS, VALUABLE EXCERPTS FROM VARIOUS IMPORTANT PAPERS ON GAS CHEMISTRY, USEFUL TABLES, MEMORANDA, &C. GAS WORKS. Their Construction and Arrangement, and the 6/0 Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas. By S. HUGHES, C.E. Ninth Edition. Revised, with Notices of Recent Improvements by HENRY O'CONNOR, A.M. Inst.C.E. Crown 8vo, cloth GEOMETRY. For the Architect, Engineer, and Mechanic. By E. W. TARN, M.A., Architect. 8vo, cloth GEOMETRY FOR TECHNICAL STUDENTS. 9/0 By E. H. SPRAGUE, A.M.Inst.C.E. Crown 8vo, cloth GEOMETRY OF COMPASSES. BY OLIVER BYRNE. Coloured Plates. Crown 8vo, cloth GUNNERY. See RecOIL OF GUNS. 3/6 3/6 HEAT, EXPANSION OF STRUCTURES BY. By JOHN HYDRAULIC_MANUAL. Consisting of Working Tables and Explanatory Text. Intended as a Guide in Hydraulic Calculations and Field Operations. By Lowis D'A. JACKSON. Fourth Edition, Enlarged. Large crown 8vo, cloth 16/0 HYDRAULIC POWER ENGINEERING. A Practical Manual on the Concentration and Transmission of Power by Hydraulic Machinery. By G. CROYDON MARKS, A. M. Inst. C. E. Second Edition, Enlarged, with about 240 Illustrations. 8vo, cloth Net 10/6 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS:-PRINCIPLES OF HYDRAULICS-THE FLOW OF WATER HYDRAULIC PRESSURES-MATERIAL-TEST LOAD-PACKING FOR SLIDING SURFACES -PIPE JOINTS-CONTROLLING VALVES-PLATFORM LIFTS-WORKSHOP AND FOUNDRY CRANES-WAREHOUSE AND DOCK CRANES-HYDRAULIC ACCUMULATORS-PRESSES FOR BALING AND OTHER PURPOSES-SHEET METAL WORKING AND FORGING MACHINERY -HYDRAULIC RIVETERS-HAND AND POWER PUMPS-STEAM PUMPS-TURBINESIMPULSE TURBINES-REACTION TUrbines-DESIGN OF TURBINES IN DETAIL-WATER WHEELS-HYDRAULIC ENGINES-RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS-PRESSURE OF WATERACTION OF PUMPS, &c. HYDRAULIC TABLES, CO-EFFICIENTS, & FORMULÆ. For Finding the Discharge of Water from Orifices, Notches, Weirs, Pipes, and Rivers. With New Formulæ, Tables, and General Information on Rain-fall, Catchment-Basins, Drainage, Sewerage, Water Supply for Towns and Mill Power. By JOHN NEVILLE, C.E., M.R.I.A. Third Edition, revised, with additions. Numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth 14/0 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. Their Theory, Construction, and Operation. By ROLLA C. CARPENTER, M.M.E., LL.D., and H. DIEDERICHS, M.E., Professors of Experimental Engineering, Sibley College, Cornell University. 610 pages, with 373 Illustrations. Medium 8vo, cloth Net 21/0 INTRODUCTION, DEFINITIONS AND CLASSIFICATIONS, INDICATED AND BRAKE HORSE-POWER-THERMODYNAMICS OF THE GAS ENGINE-THEORETICAL COMPARISON OF VARIOUS TYPES OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES-THE VARIOUS EVENTS OF THE CONSTANT VOLUME AND CONSTANT PRESSURE CYCLE AS MODIFIED BY PRACTICAL CONDITIONS-THE TEMPERATURE ENTROPY DIAGRAM APPLIED TO THE GAS ENGINECOMBUSTION-GAS ENGINE FUELS, THE SOLID FUELS, GAS PRODUCERS-THE GASENGINE FUELS, LIQUID FUELS, CARBURETERS AND VAPORISERS-GAS Engine Fuels, THE GAS FUELS, THE FUEL MIXTURE EXPLOSIBILITY, PRESSURE, AND TEMPERATURE -THE HISTORY OF THE GAS ENGINE-MODERN TYPES OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES-GAS ENGINE AUXILIARIES, IGNITION, MUFFLERS, AND STARTING APPARATUS -REGULATION OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES-THE ESTIMATION OF POWER OF GAS ENGINES-METHODS OF TESTING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES-THE PERFORMANCE OF GAS ENGINES AND GAS PRODUCERS-COST OF INSTALLATION AND OF OPERATION. IRON AND METAL TRADES' COMPANION. For Expeditiously Ascertaining the Value of any Goods bought or sold by Weight, from Is. per cwt. to 1125. per cwt., and from one farthing per pound to one shilling per pound. By THOMAS DOWNIE. Strongly bound in leather, 396 pp. 9/0 . IRON AND STEEL. A Work for the Forge, Foundry, Factory, and Office. Containing ready, useful, and trustworthy Information for Ironmasters and their Stock-takers; Managers of Bar, Rail, Plate, and Sheet Rolling Mills; Iron and Metal Founders; Iron Ship and Bridge Builders; Mechanical, Mining, and Consulting Engineers; Architects, Contractors, Builders, &c. By CHARLES HOARE, Author of "The Slide Rule," &c. Ninth Edition. 32mo, leather 6/0 IRON AND STEEL CONSTRUCTIONAL WORK, as applied to Public, Private, and Domestic Buildings. By FRANCIS CAMPIN, C.E. Crown 8vo, cloth 3/6 IRON & STEEL GIRDERS. A Graphic Table for facilitating the Computation of the Weights of Wrought iron and Steel Girders, &c., for Parliamentary and other Estimates. By J. H. 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A Complete and Practical Work on the HISTORY OF THE LATHE UP TO THE INTRODUCTION OF SCREW THREADS-ITS DEVELOPMENT SINCE THE INTRODUCTION OF SCREW THREADS-CLASSIFICATION OF LATHES-LATHE DESIGN: THE BED AND ITS SUPPORTS-THE HEAD-STOCK CASTING, THE SPINDLE, AND SPINDLE-CONE-THE SPINDLE BEARINGS, THE BACK GEARS, AND THE TRIPLE-GEAR MECHANISM-THE TAIL STOCK, THE CARRIAGE, THE APRON, &C.TURNING RESTS, SUPPORTING RESTS, SHAFT STRAIGHTENERS, &C.-LATHE ATTACHMENTS-RAPID CHANGE GEAR MECHANISM-LATHE TOOLS, HIGH-SPEED STEEL, SPEEDS AND FEEDS, POWER FOR CUTTING TOOLS, &C.-TESTING A LATHE-LATHE WORKENGINE LATHES-HEAVY LATHES-HIGH-SPEED LATHES-SPECIAL LATHES-REGULAR TURRET LATHES-SPECIAL TURRET LATHES-ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN LATHES. LATHE-WORK. A Practical Treatise on the Tools, Appliances, and Processes employed in the Art of Turning. By PAUL N. HASLUCK. Eighth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth 5/0 "We can safely recommend the work to young engineers. To the amateur it will simply be invaluable."-Engineer. LAW FOR ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS. See EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER. A Handybook of the Principles of Law and Equity. By a Barrister. Forty-eighth (1911) Edition, Revised and Enlarged, including Abstracts of the Legislation of 1910 of especial interest to Engineering Firms and Manufacturers. Large crown 8vo, cloth, 838 pages. [Just published. Net 6/8 "No Englishman ought to be without this book."-Engineer. "It is a complete code of English Law written in plain language, which all can understand. Should be in the hands of every business man, and all who wish to abolish lawyers' bills."— Weekly Times. "A useful and concise epitome of the law, compiled with considerable care."-Law Magazine. LEVELLING, PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE OF. Show ing its Application to Purposes of Railway and Civil Engineering in the Construction of Roads; with Mr. TELFORD'S Rules for the same. By FREDERICK W. SIMMS, M. Inst. C. E. Ninth Edition, with Law's Practical Examples for Setting-out Railway Curves, and TRAUTWINE'S Field Practice of Laying-out Circular Curves. With 7 Plates and numerous Woodcuts. 8vo 8/6 "The publishers have rendered a substantial service to the profession, especially to the younger members, by bringing out the present edition of Mr. Simms's useful work."—Engineering. LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS, MODERN. An Illustrated Supplement to the Report of the Lightning Research Committee of 1905, also the Phoenix Fire Office 1910 Rules, with Notes as to the Methods of Protection, and Specifications. By KILLINGWORTH HEDGES, M. Inst. C. E., M.I.E.E., Honorary Secretary to the Lightning Research Committee. Second edition, with additions. 132 pages with Illustrations. Medium 8vo, cloth. Net 6/6 "The work now appears with some additions that noticeably enhance its value."-Scotsman. "The most important innovation is the Phoenix Co.'s Rules. There are several new illustra. tions, including remarkable picture of the interior of Barham Church, which was struck with lightning on February 8, 1906."-Ironmonger. "Some 77 illustrations are included, many of which are of a particularly interesting nature, especially those showing the effect of lightning strokes on protected and unprotected buildings." -Hardware Trade Fournal. 16 CROSBY LOCKWOOD & SON'S CATALOGUE. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. The Autobiography of an old Locomotive Engine. By ROBERT WEATHERBURN, M.I.M.E. With Illustrations and Portraits of GEORGE and ROBERT STEPHENSON. Crown 8vo, cloth. Net 2/6 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE DEVELOPMENT. A Popular Treatise on the Gradual Improvements made in Railway Engires between 1803 and 1903. By CLEMENT C. STRETTON, C.E. Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Crown 8vo, cloth Net 4/6 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE DRIVING. A Practical Manual for Engineers in Charge of Locomotive Engines. By MICHAEL REYNOLDS, M.S.E. Twelfth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3/6; cloth boards 4/6 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. A Rudimentary Treatise on. By G. D. DEMPSEY, C.E. With large Additions treating of the Modern Loco. motive, by D. K. CLARK, M. Inst.C.E. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth 3/0 LOCOMOTIVE (MODEL) ENGINEER, Fireman and Engine Boy. Comprising a Historical Notice of the Pioneer Locomotive Engine and their Inventors. By MICHAEL REYNOLDS. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3/6 cloth boards 4/6 HIGHLY LOCOMOTIVES, THE APPLICATION OF MARINE ENGINEER'S POCKET-BOOK. |