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Section 5. Vacancies in the board of directors may be filled by election by the remaining members, the persons so elected to continue in office until the next annual meeting.

Section 6. The president shall preside at all meetings of the society, and in case of his absence or inability to act one of the vice presidents shall preside in his stead, and in case neither president nor vice president shall be in attendance, the society may choose a president pro tempore.

Section 7. The officers shall perform the duties usually devolving upon such offices, and such others as may from time to time be prescribed by the board of directors. The treasurer shall keep a strict account of all receipts and expenditures and pay out money from the treasury only as directed by the board of directors; he shall submit an annual report of the finances of the society and such other matters as may be committed to his custody to the board of directors within such time prior to the annual meeting as they shall direct, and after auditing the same the said board shall submit said report to the society at its annual meeting.


Section 1. The membership of this Society shall consist of five classes to-wit: Active, Life, Affiliated, Corresponding and Honorary.

Section 2. Any person may becoine an active member of this society upon payment of such initiation fee not less than one dollar, as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Any person entitled to be an active member may upon the payment of twenty-five dollars be admitted as a life member with all the privileges of an active member and shall thereafter be exempt from annual dues.

Section 4. County and other historical societies, and other societies engaged in historical or archeological research or in the preservation of the knowledge of historic events, may upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors be admitted as affiliated members of this Society upon the same terms as to the payment of initiation fees and annual dues as active and life members. Every society so admitted shall be entitled to one duly accredited representative at each meeting of the Society who shall during the period of his appointment be entitled as such representative to all the privileges of an active membership except that of being elected to office; but nothing herein shall prevent such representative becoming an active or life member upon like conditions as other persons.

Section 5. Persons not active nor life members but who are willing to lend their assistance and encouragement to the promotion of the objects of this Society, may, upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, be admitted as corresponding me.nbers.

Section 6. Honorary membership may be conferred at any meeting of the Society upon the recommend n of the Board of Directors upon persons who have distinguished themselves by eminent services or contributions to the cause of history.

Section 7. Honorary and corresponding members shall have the privilege of attending and participating in the meetings of the Society.


Section 1. There shall be an annual meeting of this Society for the election of officers, the hearing of reports, addresses and historical papers and the transaction of business at such time and place in the month of January in each year as may be designated by the Board of Directors; for which meeting it shall be the uty of said Board to prepare and publish a suitable program and procure the services of persons well versed in history to deliver addresses or read essays upon subjects germane to the objects of this organization.

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Section 2. Special meetings of the Society may be called by the Board of Directors. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or any two members of the Board,

Section 3. At any meeting of the Society the attendance of ten members entitled to vote shall be necessary to a quorum.


Section 1. The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and entitled to vote, at any annual meeting; Provided that the proposed amendment shall have first been submitted to the Board of Ditectors, and at least thirty days prior to such annual meeting notice of proposed action upon the same, sent by the Secretary to all the members of the Society.


On page 110, for Leonard Sweet read Leonard Swett.

On page 112, last line, for later read latter.

On page 116, for Mr. Thompson, Speaker pro tempore, read Mr. Jamison.

On page 196, for Captain Moore read Captain Mower.

On page 196, for General John A. Wool read General John Ellis Wool.

On page 197, for General Packenham, read General Pakenham.

On page 201, for Fanning read Fannin.

On page 205, for Travers read Travis.

On page 213, for Point Isabelle read Point Isabel.

On page 213, for General Urea read General Urrea.

On page 216, for Col. George Groghan read Col. George Croghan.
On page 217, for Capt. John A. Veache read Capt. John A. Veatch.
On page 227, for Pass Cavallo read Pass Carallo.

On page 245, for Brinckerhoff & Fenton, read Brinckerhoff & Penton.
On pages 276, 278, for John Milcot Ellis read John Millot Ellis.
On page 360, for Timothy Gard read Seth Gard.




The Illinois State Historical Society met in annual session, January 25, 1905, at 9 o'clock a. m. In the absence of President J. F. Snyder, the first vice president, Paul Selby, A. M., called the meeting to order and presided over the sessions. The secretary offered a communication from President Snyder in which he resigned from the presidency of the society. This paper, at the request of the chair, was read by Professor E. E. Sparks.

Professor Sparks offered resolutions on the services to the society of Dr. Snyder. Captain J. H. Burnham made some remarks appreciative of Dr. Snyder's services, and explanatory of his views. Dr. Chamberlin also spoke at length of the debt of gratitude which the society owes Dr. Snyder and asked permission to read a bill prepared by Dr. Snyder and embodying his views as to the future interests of the society. This bill to be presented to the General Assembly of the State, and efforts made to secure its passage.

The bill was read by the secretary.

Professor Greene called for action on the resolutions presented by Professor Sparks. The resolutions were again read and were unanimously adopted by the society, and the secretary was directed to send a copy of them to Dr. Snyder, and to spread them upon the records of the society.


WHEREAS, Dr. J. F. Snyder, for the past two years president of the Illinois State Historical Society, has given to the organization unsparing effort, untiring devotion and the benefit of his ripened experience in the local history of the State, and

WHEREAS, Much of the prosperity of the society during that period is attributable directly to his administration; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the society accepts with regret the resignation of Dr. Snyder from the presidency of the organization; also

Resolved, That the society hopes to have the continued aid of Dr. Snyder in its further work.

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the society. Captain J. H Burnham asked that the secretary read the proposed bills for legislation affecting the interests of the society. The secretary read the bills as directed.

Remarks were made on the provisions of the bills by Judge McCulloch, Captain Burnham and Dr. Chamberlin.

Professor E. B. Greene spoke at some length on the same subject, during the course of which he reviewed the work of the board of trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library. The bill which had been sent by Mr. J. P. Dunn, secretary of the Indiana State Historical Society, and which is a copy of the one recently introduced in the legislature of Indiana, was read by the secretary. It was voted that all these bills be approved in a general way, and that they be referred to the committee on Legislation for final action.

It was announced by the chairman (Mr. Selby) that nominations for officers for the coming year January 1905-1906 were in order.

It was moved by George N. Black and seconded by E. A. Snively that the chair appoint a nominating committee of five. This motion. was carried.

The chair announced the nominating committee as follows: Messrs. Burnham, Snively, Chamberlin, Jayne, McCulloch.

Captain Burnham declined to serve and General Smith D. Atkins was appointed in his place, and the nominating committee retired to the Historical library room.

During the absence of the nominating committee the chair called. for the report of the secretary and treasurer. It was suggested that as these reports were made to the board of directors they should be approved by it before being read to the society, but there being no further business meeting of the society announced to be held at this annual session, the secretary and treasurer was asked to read the reports.

The reports of the secretary and treasurer were read, and were accepted by the society and referred to the board of directors.

The chair called for reports of committees.

The report of the committee on local historical societies prepared by Judge David McCulloch was read by Captain J. H. Burnham. The report was accepted and approved.

The report of the program committee was made by Mrs. Weber, and was accepted and approved. The report of this committee was verbal and asked active work from its members. Judge McCulloch reported from the committee appointed to attend the meeting of the Illinois Press Association at Galesburg. The report which was a verbal one was accepted and approved.

General Orendorff moved that the secretary be directed to prepare a circular on the relations which now exist and which should exist between the Illinois State Historical Society and the Illinois Press Association. This motion was seconded and on being put to a vote

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