Gambar halaman

bury the ax and send
captives home, 325;
stopped by Vaudreuil,
325-326; sent envoys to
Albany, 327; bring to
Quebec English scalps,
327; set out to avenge
the loss of, at North
Yarmouth, 327; return
from Albany, 327; to
visit New England with
a large army, 330; their
trade with Albany pro-
hibited, 330; the old de-
sire peace, the young
desire war, 331; to make
a peace at Boston, 331,
333; always true to
France, 342; claimed as
subjects of England,
342, 343; would be sad
to see their priest taken

386; treaties of, broken,
365-370; claim that the
English encroach upon
their ground, 378; pre-
vented from making
peace by Jesuits, 379.
380, 381, 382-384; cap-
ture Daniel Goold, 383-
384; capture Samuel
Harris, 384-385; told
what to say by Vau-
dreuil, 387; demands of,
387; claimed by the
French as subjects,
390; mentioned, 1, 337.
Instructions to the Com-
missioners for Canada,
Iripegouans, the, 193.
Iroquois, the, 41, 108, 115,
116, 182, 183, 201, 252,

from them, 345; the Isle of St. John, 300.
English the cause of

the depredations, 345; Jakis, the, 193.

the depredations of, to James II., exiled, 14; men-
be reported to the gov
tioned, 35.

ernment, 349; treaty of Jaques, Benjamin, 244.
peace must be made in Jaques, Daniel, 242.
the presence of Vau-Jaques, Marianna, 244.
dreuil, 351, 377, 387; Jaques, Mary, 244.
induced by the French Jaques, Mary Williams,
to make slaves of the 242.

English, 352, instigated Jaques, Lieut. Richard,
by the French, 352, 369, son-in-law of Johnson

Harmon, 239, 243; frus-
trated the design of
Moulton, 242; caught
Ralé in the act of load-

ing a gun, 243; de-
manded the priest to
surrender, 243; shot the
priest, 243, 260; his
story doubted, and he
reprimanded by Moul-
ton, 244, 260, 261; went
to his grave the self-
acknowledged slayer of
Ralé, 261; biographical
notice of, 242.
Jeffries, John, 318.
Jesuit Catalogue, cited,


Jesuites, Relations des,
cited, II.
Jesuits, people misled in
regard to their complic
ity in the depredations
of the Indians, 1, 16;
the people of New Eng-
land had no doubt of
their attempt to ruin the
English colonies, 2-3;
their character a strange
commingling of diverse
elements, 8; society of,
formed, 8; followed the
track of the great voya-
gers, 9; achieved a meas-
ure of success, 9; the

product of their age, 9;
pioneers in the work of
uplifting men, 9; pre-
ceded the Puritans, 12;
in dangerous proximity
to the English, 12; not
indifferent to the en-
croachments of the
English, 12; encouraged
the Indians to repel the
English, 12-13, 16, 27-
28; influential in shap-
ing the government's
proposals for an Indian
outbreak in 1689, 16,
17; missions extended
into Maine, 17; consid-
ered by the English as
their enemies, 21; abund-
ant proof to show that
they identified them-
selves with the savages,
29; those who taught
peace and not war, 32,
33, n.-34, n., their
names should be held in
grateful remembrance,
34; to oppose all com-
munication between the
Indians and English,
42, 43, expelled from
Massachusetts, 43;
priests driven from New
York, 44; endeavored
to break the friendly


relations between the
English and Indians, 46;
had command of the In-
land Indians, 52;
ceived medical aid from
the English, 66, 67; pre-
dicted the end of the
world soon, 89; accused

353, 379; prevent the
Indians from making
peace, 379, 380, 381;
would kill the peace
commissioner, 381; men-
tioned, 276, 288, 319,

322, 323, 325, 329, 331,

of lieing, 91-92; is no Job, Capt., 323.
cipher, 96; is not a Bax- John, Capt., 318.
ter or a Boston minister, Jordan, Capt., 277.

104; influenced the In- Jordan, Samuel, Indian
dians to make war upon
interpreter, 70; desired
the English, III, 167; by the Indians as lock-
the authors of the smith, 82; mentioned,
threatening letter sent 70, 282, 292.
to Gov. Shute, 119; re Jordan, Capt. Samuel,
ward for capturing, 168;
Declaration of, 375.
the war of 1722 traced Joseph, Capt., 282, 287.
to, 174; forbidden within Journal of the Commis-
English territory, 174, sioners to Canada,
308, 371; kept the Indi- 350.

from Boston to Port
Royal, cited, 22.

ans faithful to the Journal of the Expedition
French, 216, 221; a book
of high authority
among, 247; Martyrs de
Canada Bibliogr, Les,
cited, 267; instigate In-
dians, 167, 280, 288, 298,
352, 374; headed Indi
ans at Arrowsic, 322,
323; desired a continu-
ance of the war, 329; in-
fluenced Vaudreuil, 352,

Kadesquit, mission to be
established at, 10.
Katholisches Kuche in
dem Vereinigten
Staten, Die, 267.
Kenduskeag, mission to
be established at, 10.
Kennebec Indians, 281.

Larrabee, Benjamin, state-
ment of, in regard to
Ralé's death, 261.
Laurels, 137, 138.
Laurone, Mons., 376, 378,

Kennebec Mission, In- | Lancaster, 317.
dians from, at Casco Languile, Gov., 325.
conference, 44, men- Lannerjat, letter of, to
tioned, 41.
Ralé, 338; mentioned,
Kennebec River, English
settlements on, pre-
vented by Ralé, 67;
mentioned, 25, 29, 79,
81, 86, 95, 105, 108, 113,
115, 128, 134, 156, 215,
237, 242, 291, 309.
Kennebec Savages, 91.
Ketermogus, desired to
remain at peace with the
English, 101; obnoxious
to Ralé, 101, N.
Kettera, 292.
Ketterremuggus, 282, 291,

[blocks in formation]


the Indians to make
war, 174.

Le Clerc, Nicholas, 135.
Le Ronde, Sieur, 336, 337.
Lefevre, 343.
Lettres Edifiantes et
Curieuses, par quelques
Missionaires, see Chasse,
Rev. Peter de la.
Locksmith, wanted by In-
dians, 82.

[blocks in formation]

of the Jesuits, 7; bio- | Maine Historical Society,
graphical notice of, 7.

2, 123.

Lynde, Benjamin, 58, 384, Maine Historical Society


Lynde, Samuel, 279, 281.
Lyons, 10.

Lyons, Province of, 35.

Machova, 190.
Mackinac, Ralé at, 37.
Macuas, the, 350.
Madelaine, Jean, 392, 393.
Magerlaine Island, 300.
Maine, Jesuit missions ex-
tended into, 17; war

Archives, 90.

Maine Historical Society
Collections, cited, 32,

Maize, 141.

Malaowins, the, 300.
Manitou, 191, 192.
Manuscrits, Collections de,
cited, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25,
26, 28, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42,
63, 66, 94, 95.
Maple Sugar, 141.

party to set out against, Maquas, the, 350, 353,
18; leaders of the war 355.

party, 18; Jesuits active Marblehead, 383, 384.
in inciting the Indians Martin, Père, Les Jesuit
of, 27-28; Indians in-
duced to leave, 36; In-
dians of, debauched by
the Jesuits, 52; the
English again took root
in, 64; the Indians ex-
cited by the French to
prevent settlements in,

Maine, Indians of, sent a

protest to Shute, 108;
mentioned, 317.
Maine, History of, see
Williamson, William D.
Maine Historical Quar-
terly, cited, 91, 108.

Martyrs de Canada,
cited, 35.
Maruelet, 391.
Mary, the, 383.
Maskoutings, the, 193.
Massachusetts, Jesuits ex-
pelled from, 43; men-
tioned, 13, 57, 315, 346,
350, 356, 357, 364, 365,
368, 385, 386.
Massachusetts Archives,
cited, 168, 263, 264.
Massachusetts General
Court, resolved to ar-
rest Ralé, 92, 119, 167,

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