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of January, 1905. may make application for a hotel license up to the 15th day of May, 1905, and the city council of the city of Halifax, notwithstanding the provisions of "The Liquor License Act" or of this Act, may grant a hotel license or hotel licenses to such applicant or applicants up to and including the 15th day of June, 1905."

Section 2, chap. ter 67, acts of


An Act to amend Chapter 26, Acts of 1881, entitled, “An
Act to vest the Court House of Halifax in Commis-
sioners, and for other purposes, and Chapter 67,
Acts of 1899, in amendment thereof."


[blocks in formation]

I. Section 2, chapter 67, Acts of 1899, repealed and substituted.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. Sub-section 2 of chapter 67, of the Acts of 1899, is 1899, repealed repealed and the following substituted therefor:

and substituted.

The Governor-in-Council shall annually appoint one commissioner, the town of Dartmouth one commissioner annually, the municipality of Halifax county shall annually appoint two commissioners, consisting of the warden for the time being of the municipality and one councillor, the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society one commissioner annually and the city council of Halifax shall annually appoint four commissioners consisting of the mayor for the time being and three aldermen. The commissioners so appointed shall for the purposes hereinafter declared form a body corporate and politic under the corporate name of "The Commissioners of the Court House of Halifax." The commissioners shall appoint one of their number to be the chairman of the said corporate body.


"An Act to amend Chapter 52, Acts of 1902, in relation to the appointment of a Second Medical Officer for

the City of Halifax.”

(Passed the 7th day of April, A. D., 1905.)

SECTION 1. Duties of seoɔnd medical officer.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:


Chapter 52 of the Acts of 1902, is amended by add- Duties of second ing the following section:

The second medical officer shall, when requested by the city medical officer so to do, assist the city medical officer in making an examination as to the mental condition of any person in respect to whom an application is made for admission to the Nova Scotia Hospital as an insane pauper chargeable to the city, and making the certificate by law required in that behalf.

medical officer.


An Act to change the name of a settlement in the County of Halifax.

(Passed the 7th day of April, A. D., 1905.)

SECTION I. Name changed.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The settlement in the county of Halifax hitherto Name changed. known as "Hubbard's Cove," shall, from and after the

passage of this Act, be known as "Hubbards."


Assessment, how rated.

Extensions, how assessed.

Exemption, when removed.

Act to cease

An Act relating to the assessment of manufacturing industries in the municipality of Halifax.

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. Any person or company hereafter erecting any building or purchasing any property for the purpose of establishing a manufacturing industry in the municipality of Halifax, shall be rated in respect to the buildings and machinery therein, or connected therewith, on a sum equal to the purchase price for the site or property acquired by him or them, for that purpose, provided that such purchase price shall not be less than the value at which the property was assessed at the assessment next before the erection of such building or the purchase of such property.

2. Any person or company engaged at the time of the passing of this Act in any manufacturing industry in the municipality of Halifax, who enlarges or extends his or their buildings or machinery now used for such industry shall only be rated in respect to all his or their buildings and machinery on a sum equal to the assessment thereof immediately preceding such enlargement, extension or addition, provided, however, where the enlargement or extension of the building involves the purchase of additional land or property, the purchase price of said additional land or property shall be added to his or their assessment. If the purchase price of such additional land or property is less than the value at which the same was assessed at the time of said purchase then the assessed value thereof shall beadded to his or their previous assessment.

3. In case the building or property mentioned in this Act shall cease to be used for one year as and for a manufacturing establishment, then the property and machinery shall be assessed at their actual value in the same way as other real and personal property are assessed in said municipality.

4. This Act shall cease and determine in ten years from and determine, the date of its passage.

to liquids.

5. This Act shall not apply to establishments for the Act not to apply manufacture of liquids.

for schools.

6. All property to which this Act applies, shall be as- Assessment sessed at its actual value and rated on such assessment for the support of public schools.


An Act to amend Chapter 67, Acts of 1898, entitled, An Act to amend Chapter 77, Revised Statutes, "Of Highway Labor," so far as it relates to the County of Halifax.

(Passed the 7th day of April, A. D., 1905.)

SECTION I. Road moneys, how expended.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:


1. Chapter 67 of the Acts of 1898, entitled "An Act to Road moneys, how expended. amend chapter 77, Revised Statutes, Of Highway Labor,' so far as it relates to the county of Halifax," is amended by adding thereto after section 1, the following section :

1a. All road and bridge moneys granted by the legislature to the municipality of the county of Halifax, or to any municipality in which said chapter 67 has been brought into operation, shall be appropriated and apportioned by the municipal councils of said municipalities respectively, and shall be expended in the manner hereinafter provided.

School debentures.




An Act to amend Chapter 56, Acts of 1902, entitled, “ An
Act to consolidate the Acts relating to the

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. For the purpose of raising the money to pay off and discharge certain school bonds maturing on the 8th day of May, A. D. 1906, the mayor of the town of Dartmouth upon being requested thereto by resolution of the town council, shall issue under the seal of the town in the form A in the schedule to the Act hereby amended, debentures not to exceed in the whole the sum of two thousand dollars, such debentures shall be for the sum of one hundred dollars each or any multiple thereof, and to bear interest at such rate, not exceeding five per centum per annum as the town council determines, and shall be redeemable in twenty years from the date of such debentures, and such debentures when so issued shall form a lien and be a charge upon all the real and personal estate situate within the town of Dartmouth, and on all the revenue of the town. The said debentures shall be sold by the town council for the largest amount that can be obtained therefor, and the proceeds shall be placed in some chartered bank to the credit of the town, and shall be withdrawn from time to time, as decided by resolution of the town council, on the cheque of the treasurer, countersigned by the mayor, for the purpose of paying off and discharging said school bonds. No such debentures shall be issued until the issuing thereof has been approved by a vote of the ratepayers as provided by chapter 56, Acts 1902, sections 190 to 195.

2. Upon the requisition of the Dartmouth Ferry Commission, the mayor of the town of Dartmouth shall issue debentures under the seal of the town for the sum of ten thousand dollars, in such amounts and bearing such rate of interest, not exceeding five per cent. as the Dartmouth Ferry Commission determines by resolution, in which de

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