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Deed validated.


An Act respecting the Registration of a certain Deed from
Gideon I. Wood to Benjamin Wood.

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Whereas, by deed bearing date the 6th day of September, A. D., 1892, recorded in the registry of deeds for the registration district of King's county, Gideon I. Wood conveyed to one Benjamin Wood, certain lands situate in King's county:

And whereas, said deed was witnessed by one " I. Morise;"

And whereas, said "I. Morise" is absent from the province of Nova Scotia, and his whereabouts cannot be discovered;

And whereas the said Gideon I. Wood has departed this life and said deed has been lost;

And whereas, the signature and handwriting of the said Gideon I. Wood to the said deed was proved by the affidavit of Rachael C. Wood, as required by section 12 of chapter 84 Revised Statutes, fifth series, then in force, which said affidavit omitted to state the absence from the province of Nova Scotia of the witness to said deed;

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The entry and copy in the registry of deeds for King's county, in book 61, page 413, of a certain deed between Gideon I. Wood and Benjamin Wood, dated the sixth day of September, A. D., 1892, shall be a valid and effective registry of such deed for all purposes, notwithstanding any non-compliance with the provisions of any Act now or heretofore in force respecting the registry of deeds.


An Act to vest certain real estate in Fuller Lodge, No. 5,
Independent Order of Oddfellows.

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Whereas, Alexander Murison, of the city of Halifax, mer- Preamble, chant, and Elizabeth Margaret Murison, his wife, did, by deed bearing date the 17th day of February, A. D. 1859, convey to one James Wilson, of the Albion Mines, in the county of Pictou, Innkeeper, certain lands and premises situate on the west side of the East River of Pictou, in said county, particularly described in said deed as duly recorded in the office of the Registrar of Deeds at Pictou in said county, in book 46, page 11;

And whereas, the said James Wilson did, by writing under his hand and seal, bearing date the 17th day of March, A. D. 1859, and recorded in the office of the Registrar of Deeds aforesaid, in book 46, page 12, acknowledge and declare that he held the land and premises described in the above mentioned deed in trust for the members of Fuller Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F., located at Albion Mines aforesaid, and did agree and bind himself and his heirs to make and execute a deed of the said property to the said body or lodge when incorporated;

And whereas, the said lodge was in the year A. D. 1860 incorporated by Act of the Legislature of Nova Scotia, and the said James Wilson has, since the making of the said declaration of trust, died, and the whereabouts of the heirs unknown;

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. All the estate, right, title and interest conveyed or Property vested. intended to be conveyed to the said James Wilson by said deed from Alexander Murison and Elizabeth Margaret Murison, his wife, in all that lot of land and premises hereinafter described, that is to say, all that certain lot of land situate, lying and being on the west side of the East River of Pictou, in the county of Pictou, abutted, bounded and described as follows, that is to say: Beginning on the

east side of the main road leading from the Albion Mines, up the west branch of the said East River at the northwest corner of a lot sold by the said Alexander Murison to Donald Gray, forty feet from the south-west corner of a lot sold by one Alexander Chisholm to John McBride, and running thence northwardly along the east side of the said main road fifty feet; thence easterly at a right angle with the east side line of the said road until it comes to a lot owned by the said Donald Gray; thence southerly along the front or west line of the said last mentioned lot fifty feet, to the north-east corner of the said lot sold by the said Alexander Murison to the said Donald Gray; and thence westerly along the north line of the same to the place of beginning; with all and singular the houses, buildings, ways, waters, water courses, privileges and appurtenances to the said lot of land and premises belonging or in anywise appertaining, is hereby vested in Fuller Lodge, No. 5, Independent Order of Oddfellows.


Real and personal estate.


An Act to incorporate Harbor Light Lodge Independent
Order of Oddfellows, of Wood's Harbor,

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Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. P. W. Stoddart, Colin C. Nickerson, Sylvanus Nickerson, Arthur Goreham, Sr., Frank Mood, and such other persons as are or shall become members of the lodge hereby incorporated according to the rules and by-laws thereof, are created a body corporate by the name of "Harbor Light Lodge, No. 91, Independent Order of Oddfellows," for the purpose of holding the property and managing the affairs of the lodge aforesaid.

All the personal and real estate in which the said lodge has any right, title or interest, and all property held by any person in trust for the said lodge, and all debts and

claims due the said lodge, are hereby vested absolutely in the corporation hereby created, which may purchase, take and hold real estate not exceeding in value the sum of ten thousand dollars, and may sell, mortgage, lease, convey or otherwise dispose of the same for the benefit of the said lodge.

3. The corporation may collect all arrears due it, or to Power to collect become due under the by-laws of the lodge.


4. Nothing herein contained shall affect private rights Private rights other then herein before stated.

not affected.

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Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly,

as follows:

1. Frederick A. Crowell, E. LeRoi Willis, Albert D. Incorporation. Ingraham, Frank C. Bezanson, Albert W. Cruise and Samuel P. Challoner, all of Sydney, in the county of Cape Breton, and such other persons who may hereafter become shareholders in the said association and their successors, are hereby constituted a body corporate under the name of "The Sydney Carnival Association."

2. The said association shall have power to hold carni- Powers. vals, regattas, sports, races, concerts, public celebrations and exhibitions in the city of Sydney from time to time; and to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire lands and use real estate and personal property for such purposes, to erect buildings, to let, sell, mortgage, or dispose of any property, franchises or rights which it may at any time own, and to do all other things (not inconsistent with the laws of the province) which may be necessary or useful for the purposes aforesaid or any of them.







Affairs, how administered,

3. The association is empowered to receive grants, donations or subscriptions from the city council of Sydney, the council of any town or municipality or from any corpora tion or person for the purposes of the association.

All sums of money remaining in the hands of the persons named in the first section of this Act, which have been paid to them as subscriptions in aid of a summer carnival in the city of Sydney, are hereby vested in this association.

5. The association shall have power to appoint an execu-tive committee or board of directors for the management of the affairs of the association,

6. The capital stock of the association shall be ten thousand dollars, divided into 2000 shares of five dollars each.

7. The persons named in the first section of this Act, are hereby constituted the directors of this company until replaced by others duly appointed in their stead.

8. The directors of the company shall have full power in all things to administer the affairs of the company, and to make or cause to be made for the company any description of contract which the company may by by-law enter into, and may from time to time make by-laws not contrary to law, to regulate the allotment of stock, making of calls thereon, the payment thereof, the issue and registration of certificates of stock, the forfeiture of stock for non-payment, the disposal of forfeited stock, and of the proceeds thereof, the transfer of stock, the declaration and payment of dividends, the number of the directors, their term of service, the amount of their stock qualification, the appointment, functions, duties and removal of all agents, officers and servants of the company, the security to be given by them to the company, their remuneration, and that (if any) of the directors, the time at which and place where the annual meetings of the company shall be held, the calling of meetings, regular and special, of the board of directors and of the company, the quorum, the requirements as to proxies, and the procedure in all things of such meetings, the imposition and recovery of all penalties and forfeitures admitting of regulation by by-law, and the conduct in all particulars of the affairs of the company; and may from time to time repeal, amend or re-enact the same, but every such by-law, and every repeal, amendment or reenactment thereof, unless in the meantime confirmed at a

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