General powers. Power to hold property. (u) The organization and maintenance of a club or association of Roman Catholic men, of the age of eighteen years or upwards, in the city of Sydney, designed for the promotion and inculcation of benevolence, charity, temperance and the principal social virtues; and generally for the mental, moral and physical welfare of all who are or shall become members of the club, and for the entertainment of the membeis, their friends and visitors. (b) The purchase, erection or lease of such buildings, halls, or apartments, as it may be deemed necessary or advisable to have for the purpose of the club, and the furnishing and equipment of the same. (c) The establishment of a first-class gymnasium in connection with such club, and the holding of any and all kinds of games of skill and any lawful games, including athletics of every sort. (d) The providing, by building purchasing, or leasing of a hall or halls, or of apartments suitable for concerts and other entertainments, and for the cultivation of music, art, science and literature. (e) The providing of libraries, and reading-rooms well supplied with newspapers, magazines and other literature. (f) Procuring instruction and lectures to be given on subjects of general interest or importance, and otherwise aiding in the dissemination of useful knowledge and the cultivation of high moral standards. (g) The doing of anything incidental to the foregoing. 3. The corporation may sue or be sued, and may enter into any manner of contracts and agreements, and may make, accept, indorse, or become parties to, cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, or any negotiable instruments whatsoever, without using thereon the corporate seal; and the name of the corporation may be subscribed thereto, or written thereon by the president or secretary for the time being, or by any officer thereunto authorized by any bylaw, regulation or resolution of the corporation in that regard, or by any officer thereunto authorized by vote of the executive or directors. 4. The corporation may acquire and hold real and personal property to the value of $50,000, and may lease, rent, mortgage, sell or otherwise dispose of the same in the same way and to the same extent as private individuals may now deal with their own property in the province of Nova Scotia. 5. No director, officer or member of the club shall be Limited liability. personally liable for any of its debts, liabilities, or obligations. to a greater amount in the whole than he may owe the club at the time, unless he shall have become surety for the club, or otherwise assumed its obligations. 6. The corporation shall have power and authority to By-laws formulate a constitution, which shall be consistent with this Act, and to make by-laws, rules and regulations, not contrary to any laws of the province of Nova Scotia, all of which shall, when approved by the Governor-in-Council, have the force of law. The directors may in the first instance formulate such constitution and make such by-laws, rules and regulations, and prescribe how by-laws, rules and regulations are to be hereafter made and enforced; but the corporation may annul, amend or vary such by-laws, rules and regulations at any general or special meeting, or in such other manner as may be provided by the constitution, bylaws, rules and regulations to be made as aforesaid, but all such by-laws, rules and regulations, and every repeal, amendment or re-enactment thereof shall have the approval of the Governor-in-Council. 7. The corporation shall have a president, a vice-presi- Officers. dent, a secretary, a financial secretary and a treasurer; and these shall be elected semi-annually at such time or times as may be fixed by regulation or by-law. These officers, together with fifteen other members of the club, shall constitute its board of directors, and shall also constitute its executive committee; and of this board or committee, five shall form a quorum. Such board of directors, or executive committee, shall have the direct and immediate control of the affairs and business of the club, subject to this Act; and any other officers deemed necessary or desirable by the directors may be appointed by them, and the directors may prescribe the duties of all officers. meeting. 8. The three corporators first above named in section 1 Who may call of this Act, may call a meeting of all the corporators at any time after the passing of this Act, and such meeting may be continued or adjourned from time to time, as may be deemed necessary or convenient; and at such meeting or Provisional directors. Qualification cf members. Quorum. Title to property vested. Chapter 255, repealed. meetings the votes and acts of a majority of those present shall be valid, and binding on all concerned. 9. Until the club shall have been organized under this Act, and until officers (including directors), shall have been. appointed, the twenty persons whose names are first above mentioned in section 1 of this Act (being the persons whoare now the executive committee of the partnership or association known as the Catholic Men's Club, at Sydney, aforesaid), shall be provisional directors of the corporation by this Act created, and shall act as a board of directors and as the executive committee; and shall, until their successors are appointed, conduct and administer the affairs. and business of the corporation; and all acts, matters and things that shall be done by a quorum of the provisional directors, their appointees, agents or servants, while in office, shall be valid and binding upon all the corporators and other persons concerned. 10. To become or to be elected members of the club, applicants must be Roman Catholics in good standing, and must comply with any other condition, precedent or qualification that may be prescribed by the constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations of the corporation. The corporation, however, may by its constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations, or by resolution of the directors or otherwise, admit Protestant gentlemen or other non-Catholics, to any or all of the privileges of the club, as "privileged" or "honorary or "temporary" members, but only regular members shall be entitled to vote or to take part in meetings. 11. At regular or general meetings of the club, eleven members shall be a quorum; at special meetings, seven. 12. Immediately after the passing of this Act the right and title to the furniture and other property previously owned or possessed by the partnership or association known as the "Catholic Men's Club," in the city of Sydney aforesaid, shall be vested in the corporation hereby created. 13. Chapter 205 of the Acts of 1902, (2 Edward VII., chapter 205,) entitled: "An Act to incorporate the Sydney Catholic Men's Club," is hereby repealed. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:: 1. Frederick M. Dakin, fisherman; William M. B. Dakin, Incorporation. farmer; Israel H. Hersey, fisherman; Tuttle D. Graham, blacksmith; and Edward D. Wescott, clerk, all of the village of Centreville, in the county of Digby, and their -associates, are hereby constituted a body corporate, under the name of "Centreville Hall Company," hereinafter referred to as "the company." 2. The object of the company shall be to build, acquire Objects. and own a public hall in the village of Centreville aforesaid, and such other property, equipment and fittings as may be necessary for the purposes of the company. and hold 3. The company may purchase, acquire, lease and hold May purchase real and personal property as shall be necessary and proper property. for the purposes of the company, and from time to time may sell, convey, mortgage or lease and let for hire, or -otherwise, as may be required and may accept, hold and manage all such gifts, legacies and bequests as may at any time be given or made to the company. vested. 4. Upon the passing of this Act, the real estate conveyed Real estate to the Centreville Hall Company by George A. Holmes, by deed dated 2nd November, A. D., 1903, and duly registered in liber 88, folios 310 and 311 of the registry of deeds for said Digby county, and all other property, both real and personal, held by or for the said Centreville Hall Company, so-called, shall vest in and become the property of the company. 5. The company may sue and be sued, and may prosecute and defend suits, and shall have power to make such contracts as may be necessary for the purposes of the company. General powers. Directors. Capital. Limited liability. By-laws 6. The company shall be governed and managed by a board of directors, five in number, to be selected at the annual meeting of the company from the shareholders thereof, under the provisions of the by-laws to be made and adopted as herein provided. The directors shall select one of their number to be president and one to be vice-president. They shall also appoint a secretary-treasurer, and the said board shall have power to transact all the business of the company. Until the said directors are regularly appointed at a meeting of the shareholders of the company, the five persons named in section one of this Act shall be the provisional directors of the company. 7. The capital stock of the company shall be one thousand dollars, divided into two hundred shares of five dollars each. 8. No member or director of the company shall be liable-for the debts or liabilities of the company to a greater amount in the whole than the amount of his or her subscription thereto, unless he shall render himself or herself liable for a greater sum by becoming surety for the debts of the company. 9. The company may make and adopt such by-laws for the regulation of its business generally as are not inconsistent with this Act and the laws of the province. CHAPTER 174. An Act to incorporate the Tiverton Hall Company. (Passed the 7th day of April, A. D. 1905.) Incorporation. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. Byron Blackford, Herbert Outhouse, Hadley Blackford, J. A. Loomer, John Clifford, Frank Ruggles, and A. Handspiker, all of the village of Tiverton, in the county of Digby, and their successors in office, are hereby constituted |