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When Act shall go into operation.

20. This Act shall not go into operation until fifty per cent. of the capital stock is subscribed and twenty-five per cent. of the same actually paid.

Section 3 amended,

Section 5 amended.

Section 1 amended.

Section 12 amended.


An Act to amend Chapter 179, Acts of 1903, entitled, "An
Act to incorporate the Empire Trust Company,

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(Passed the 7th day of April, A. D., 1905.)

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Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. Section 3 of chapter 179 of the Acts of the Legislature of Nova Scotia for the year 1903, is amended by adding thereto the following words: "The shareholders shall have power from time to time to increase the capital stock of the company to an amount not exceeding in the whole five hundred thousand (500,000) dollars, upon the authority of a vote of the majority of the shareholders present, in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for that purpose, or at any general meeting of the company."

2. Section 5 of said chapter 179, is amended to read as follows:

"5. The number of directors of the company shall be as prescribed by the by-laws of the company, and the directors from time to time may by bylaw delegate such of their powers and duties as they may see fit to an executive committee, consisting of not less than three members of the board."

3. Section 1 of chapter 179, is amended by striking out the word "limited" in the 8th line of said section.

4. Section 12 of said chapttr 179, is amended by striking out the words "with the word limited after it or forming part of the said name," wherever they occur in said section.


An Act to amend Chapter 158, Acts of 1902, entitled, "An Act to incorporate The Nova Scotia Fire Insurance Company."

(Passed the 7th day of April, A. D. 1905.)

SECTION I. Section II amended.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:


Section 11 of chapter 158 of the Acts of 1902, entitled, "An Act to incorporate The Nova Scotia Fire Insurance Company," is amended by striking out the words "within the province of Nova Scotia" from the first and second lines of said section.

Section II amended.


An Act to further amend the Acts relating to the Acadia
Fire Insurance Company.

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Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

ter 77, Acts of

1. Section 3 of chapter 77 of the Acts of 1862, entitled, Section 3, chap. "An Act to incorporate the Acadia Fire Insurance Com-1862, amended. pany," as amended by chapter 74 of the Acts of 1873, is hereby amended by striking out the words "within this province," in the fifth line of said section.

2. Section 2 of chapter 121 of the Acts of 1887, is here- Section 2, char by repealed, and the following substituted therefor :

"The head office of the company shall be in the city of Halifax, but the company shall have full power and authority to comply with the laws of Canada and of any province in the Dominion of Canada wherein it proposes to

ter 121, Acts of 1887, repealed.

carry on business so far as such laws are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or the Acts hereby amended, or with the laws of Canada, and the Directors may open agencies and appoint agents and sub-agents in such cities, towns and places as they consider necessary or expedient for conducting or extending the business of the company, and may make regulations for the guidance of such agents and sub-agents.

Power to do business.

Act, when in force.


An Act respecting The Pictou County Farmers' Mutual
Fire Insurance Company.

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Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The Pictou County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, having its head office at Pictou, in the county of Pictou, is hereby declared to have become on the 22nd day of September, 1904, and to be a body corporate under the provisions of chapter 46 of the Acts of 1903-04, notwithstanding the failure of said company to comply with the provisions of section 4 of said chapter 46, as to filing documents in the office of the registrar, and the said company is declared to have been since the 22nd day of September, 1904, and to continue to be entitled to receive applications, to issue policies of insurance, and to transact all the business which a Mutual Fire Insurance Company, duly formed under said chapter 46, may lawfully do, in respect to the business of insuring isolated dwelling-houses, farm-buildings, churches, halls, school-houses, barns, and other useful, non-hazardous buildings, and the ordinary contents of such buildings against loss by fire or lightning.

2. This Act shall not come into force until a certificate signed by the registrar of deeds for the registration district of the county of Pictou that true copies of the documents mentioned in section 4 of chapter 46 of the Acts of 1903-4, have been filed in his office, has been furnished to the

registrar of joint stock companies, and the fee mentioned in section 74 of said chapter 46, has been paid.

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Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:


do business.

1. The Kings Mutual Fire Insurance Company, a body Authority to politic, incorporated under the provisions of chapter 46 of the Acts of 1903-4, and having its head office at Berwick, in the county of Kings, shall be deemed to have been entitled since it became a body corporate and politic under the provisions of said chapter, and shall be entitled hereafter to receive applications to issue policies of insurance and to transact all the business which a mutual fire insurance company duly formed under said chapter may lawfully do in respect of the business of insuring isolated dwelling houses, farm buildings, churches, halls, school houses, stores and other useful non-hazardous buildings against loss by fire or lightning.

not to apply.

2. Sections 71 to 73, both inclusive, of said chapter, Sections 71 to 73 shall not apply and shall be deemed not to have applied in the case of said company.


An Act respecting the LaHave Marine Insurance
Company, Limited.



(Passed the 7th day of April, A. D., 19c5.)


Limited liability.


Powers confirmed.


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Books open

for examination.




"Painting" and "affixing.
Application of earnings.

Directors' remuneration.

18. Negotiable papers.





No dividends out of capital.

Allotments of new issue of stock-
Resolution confirmed.

Copy of by-laws to be filed with regis..
trar of companies.

Whereas, the LaHave Marine Insurance Company, Limited, hereinafter called "the company," was by let ters patent under the great seal of the province of Nova Scotia, dated 12th day of April, 1894, duly incorporated under and by virtue of chapter 79 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, fifth series, for the purpose of carrying on a marineinsurance business;

And whereas, it is in contemplation to increase the capital of said company from $40,000.00 to $80,000 00;

And whereas, it is desirable to extend the objects of the


Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as. follows:

1. The power and authority given the La Have Marine Insurance Company, Limited, by said letters patent, are hereby confirmed and granted to the company.

2. The objects of the company are hereby extended and shall include:

(a) The purchase, lease, hire, letting and sale, of any real estate necessary for the purposes of the company.

(b) The making of contracts of insurance upon cargoes, ships or vessels of any description, and the freight of such ships or vessels, the outfit and

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