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Debentures, how signed.

Debentures Act to apply.

numbered consecutively, shall be redeemable one in each year until paid, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent. payable half yearly, and when so issued shall be a charge upon all the property ratable for school purposes for said school section.

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3. The debentures hereby authorized, shall be signed by the trustees and countersigned by the secretary, and shall be in the form of schedule to this Act.

4. The amount annually required for the payment of the debentures issued under the authority of this Act, as they respectively mature and the interest thereon, shall be added to the amount required for the support and maintainance of the public school in 'said section during each year and the same shall be rated and collected at the time, in the same manner and with the same remedies as the sectional school rates and taxes.

5. The provisions of the Municipal Debentures Act, 1902, and amendments thereto, shall apply to the loan authorized by this Act, where not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.






(Issued under the authority of chapter 128 of the Acts of the Legislature of Nova Scotia for the year 1905.)

School section No. 1, Baddeck, Victoria County, will pay
to the order of.....
at the office of the secretary

of trustees, in and for the said school section,...
dollars, in.....

.years from this date, with interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable half yearly as per interest coupons hereby annexed.

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