Pending litiga. tion not affected. owners thereof after ten days' notice from said commis- 17. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed so as to affect any existing litigation. Preamble. Street identified. CHAPTER 111. An Act respecting a Street in the Town Plot of Chester. Whereas, in or about the year 1872, the council of the municipality of Chester caused a certain street to be laid out in the town plot of Chester from the east foot of Regent street along the water's edge northerly to Duke street; And whereas, after the said street had been so laid out all the papers or plans in connection with same were lost, and doubts have since arisen as to the legality of said street; And whereas, said street was resurveyed and defined on the 20th of March, 1900, by Charles E. Williams, Wallace Cole and E. C. Smith, commissioners appointed for that purpose by the council of the municipality of Chester; And whereas, said street is defined in the report of such commissioners, dated November 20th, 1900, with plan annexed, now on file in the office of the clerk of the municipality of Chester; Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. That the street as laid out and defined by said commissioners from the east foot of Regent street along the water's edge northerly to Duke street in the town plot of Chester, and referred to in the report of said commissioners, dated Nov. 20th, 1900, is hereby declared to be the same street as originally laid out and defined in the year 1872, and that said street was legally laid out in the year 1872, and that encroachments made upon said street since the year 1872 were illegally made, and that the action of the commissioners of streets for the town plot of Chester in the year 1903, in removing the encroachments upon said street was lawful. His Majesty. 2. That the soil in said street, and the land originally or Soil vested in now covered by water within the said lands of said street, is hereby declared to have been vested in her late Majesty the Queen and his present Majesty the King for the use of the public since the year 1872. tion not affected. 3. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed so Pending litiga as to affect any pending litigation. CHAPTER 112. An Act to amend Chapter 109, Acts of 1903, entitled, "An an Electric and Gas Plant," as amended. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:: additional sum. 1. In addition to the sums authorized to be borrowed by Power to borrow chapter 109 of the Acts of 1903, as amended by chapter 118 of the Acts of 1903-4, the town of Pictou is authorized and empowered to borrow the sum of twelve thousand dollars for the purpose of paying the balance due upon the electric light plant, and for the extension thereof. The provisions of sub-sections 2, 3 and 4 of said chapter 109 of the Acts of 1903, shall be applicable to the moneys borrowed under the authority of this Act. 2. The town council shall annually set aside out of the Reserve fund. earnings derived from electric lighting, a sum equal to two Reserve fund, per centum of the total amount borrowed for the purpose of installing and operating the electric light plant, exclusive of the sum of five thousand three hundred dollars appropriated for said purpose out of the amount borrowed under chapter 94 of the Acts of 1900, as a reserve fund to cover depreciation in the said plant. 3. Such reserve fund shall be kept in some chartered when deposited. bank in the province of Nova Scotia, to the credit of an account to be called "Town of Pictou Electric Light Reserve Fund Account," on deposit bearing interest, and shall be applied towards making good depreciations in the said plant. CHAPTER 113. An Act to enable the Trustees of School Section Number 13, River John, in the District of North Pictou, to Power to borrow. Debentures. Debentures, when paid. 3. Debentures, when paid. 4. Assessment. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. The trustees of school section number thirteen. River John, in the district of North Pictou, are hereby authorized to borrow on debentures a sum not exceeding three thousand five hundred dollars, to be used for the erection and completion of a new school house at River John, and for furnishing and equipping the same. 2. Such debentures shall be issued in the form in the schedule, for one hundred and seventy-five dollars each, shall be numbered consecutively, shall be redeemable one in each year until paid, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent. per annum payable half yearly, and shall be signed by the trustees of section number thirteen, and countersigned by the secretary, and when so issued shall be a charge upon all the property ratable for school purposes for said school section. 3. One of said debentures shall be payable in each and every year for a period of twenty years from the date thereof, to the respective holders thereof, at the office of the secretary of school trustees at River John. 4. The sum necessary to pay the interest on all out- Assessment. standing debentures, and also the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars. the amount of one of such debentures, shall, in each year, be added to the sum required for the support of schools in the said section, and the same shall be rated and collected in the same manner and with the like remedies as other school rates, and shall be used to pay off the said debentures as they mature. amerce. 5. Should the sum necessary for the purposes mentioned Judge may in the next preceding section, be not rated and collected in any year, a judge of the supreme court may on application, amerce such school section for such sums. to apply. 6. The provisions of "The Municipal Debentures Act "Debentures Act shall apply to the loan authorized by this Act in so far as the same are not inconsistent herewith. SCHEDULE. TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL SECTION NO. 13, COUNTY OF PICTOU. " The trustees of school section number thirteen, River John, in the county of Pictou, will pay to bearer on the.... day of.... A. D. 19..... one hundred and seventy-five dollars, lawful money of Canada, and interest for the same at the rate of per centum per annum, payable half-yearly, upon the .... day of... and... in each year, at the office of the secretary of trustees, River John, County of Pictou. .... ..... Issued at River John, in the county of Pictou, this...... day of.... A. D. 1905. [L. S.] Trustees. Secretary. Schedule. COUPON. No. (of debenture.) The trustees of school section No. 13, county of Pictou, will pay to bearer.... ..dollars, in lawful money of Canada, at the office of the secretary, at River John, on of..... . A. D. 19...., being six months' interest on debenture No..... issued of.... A. D. 19.... Secretary. Preamble. CHAPTER 114. "An. An Act to amend Chapter 125, Acts of 1901, entitled, Whereas, pursuant to public notice, legally given, a public meeting of the ratepayers of the town of Liverpool was held on the sixth day of March, 1905; And whereas, a vote of the ratepayers present having been duly taken, a resolution was approved at said meeting by a majority of the ratepayers legally voting at such meeting, and in manner provided by law, the said resolution being as follows: "Resolved, that this meeting of the ratepayers of the town of Liverpool, approves the expenditure by the town of Liverpool of the sum of five thousand four hundred dollars, in addition to the amount of fourteen thousand dollars already authorized by said ratepayers, in respect to or for or in connection with the public square and the town building therein, and the issue of debentures under the provisions of and for the purposes contemplated in chapter 125 of the Acts of 1901, for such additional expenditure." |