CHAPTER 83. An Act to enable the Town of Amherst to borrow money for the Extension and Improvement of the Water Works System of the Town. Whereas, by chapter 159 of the Acts of 1903, the town of Preamble. Amherst was authorized to borrow a sum of money, not exceeding forty thousand dollars, for the purposes set forth in sub-sections (a) and (b) of section 1 of the said Act, and of said sum, ten thousand dollars have been borrowed and debentures issued therefor for the purposes set forth in said sub-section (a), and no moneys have been borrowed for the purposes set forth in said sub-section (b), it having been found impracticable to augment the water supply of the said town as proposed under said sub-section; And whereas, it is expedient that the said sum of thirty thousand dollars so authorized to be borrowed under said Act, or so much thereof as may be required, be expended for the purpose of otherwise improving and augmenting and extending the said water supply system under the provisions of this Act, Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: Sub-section (b), chapter 159, Acts of 1903, 1. Sub-section (b) of section 1 of chapter 159 of the Acts of 1903, is hereby repealed, and the said town of Amherst is hereby declared to have had authority under the said Act amended, to borrow the said sum of ten thousand dollars only, for the purpose set forth in sub-section (a) of section 1 of said chapter. borrow money. 2. The said town is hereby authorized to borrow from Power to time to time upon the credit of the town, such sums of money not exceeding thirty thousand dollars as may be required to defray the expenditures of the town incurred and to be incurred for the purpose of increasing and endeavoring to increase the present water supply of the town, for Power of town council. Debentures. Interest, how rated. the erection of a retaining dam or retaining dams across the Nappan river and works incidental thereto for the purpose of storing water for the use of the said town, for the purpose of obtaining an additional supply by gravitation or otherwise, for the purpose of repairing, improving cr otherwise increasing the efficiency of the present reservoir, pumping station, dams and other portions of the said system, for the purpose of paying any land damages or for rights which it may be expedient to acquire in connection with any improvements or enlargements of the said system, for the purpose of defraying any expenditures heretofore incurred or which may be incurred for additional pipe extensions and enlargements of the present system including additional or extended or enlarged mains, together with additional hydrants, service connections and improvements, repairs and additions generally to the present water works system of the town, both in those portions of the town where the system was originally constructed and in other portions thereof to which said system has been or may be extended. 3. The town council in making any extensions of or improvements to the said water system under this Act, shall have all the powers given to the town, to the council and to the water commissioners of the town by chapter 81 of the Acts of 1891 and Acts in amendment thereof. 4. For the purpose of effecting any loans under the authority of this Act the council is enpowered to make and issue, subject to the provisions of the Municipal Debentures Act, from time to time as the council may deem expedient the town's debentures each in the sum of one hundred dollars or multiples thereof, bearing interest at such rate as the council shall determine, not exceeding, however, five per centum per annum, said debentures to be redeemable within such periods, not exceeding thirty years from the date thereof, as the council may determine. 5. The annual interest payable by the town on any moneys that may be borrowed under this Act, shall be rated upon the property situate within the water district of the town, as already defined by the town council under section 11 of said chapter 81 of the Acts of 1891, or upon the property situate within the said district as it may from time to time be enlarged or diminished by the said council under the powers vested in that body by the said Act and. the amendments thereto. 6. In order to provide a sinking fund for the payment Sinking fund. of the debentures authorized to be issued under this Act, the town council shall annually include in the estimates of the sums required for the purposes of the said town such sums as may by resolution be determined by the said council, not however to be less than two per cent. of the amount borrowed under the provisions of this Act, and such sums shall be rated and collected in the same manner and with the same remedies as other rates and taxes. adopted. 7. This Act shall not take effect until the same is adopted Act to be by a meeting of the ratepayers of the town, duly convened in accordance with the provisions of sections 143 and 144 of the Towns' Incorporation Act. And it shall be lawful for the said meeting to direct the town council to borrow the whole or from time to time any part, of the sums mentioned in this Act. 8. A certificate under the hand of the mayor and town Certificate clerk, and under the corporate seal of the town, of a resolu- of adoption. tion passed under the next preceding section of this Act, shall be conclusive evidence of the adoption of the Act, and of the passing of the resolution provided for in said section. may be 9. Upon approval by vote of the ratepayers in accord- When money ance with the provisions of sections 143 and 144 of the borrowed. Towns' Incorporation Act, the town council of the said town is authorized to borrow the sum of thirty thousand dollars, in whole or in part, or in such amounts from year to year as said council by resolution declares to be necessary and expedient, but so that the amount so borrowed shall not in the aggregate exceed the said sum of thirty thousand dollars. Boundaries of town. Property of fire commissioners vested in the town. CHAPTER 84. An Act to enable the Town of Oxford to take over pro- Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: : 1. The boundaries of the town of Oxford shall be the boundaries fixed and defined by section 2 of chapter 94 of the Acts of 1902, entitled, "An Act to enable the inhabitants of Oxford to supply themselves with Fire Protection," provided however, that the change hereby made in the boundaries of said town shall not affect the validity of any assessment, rate, or other act or proceeding of the town council or any official of the said town or any vote of the ratepayers thereof. 2. From and after the passing of this Act all the real and personal property standing in the name of the fire commissioners elected under chapter 94 of the Acts of 1902, and particularly the real and personal property mentioned and described in schedule " A," annexed to this Act, shall become and be vested in the town of Oxford, for the uses and purposes for which the same was held or vested in the commissioners under said Act, and thereafter the town of Oxford shall have and exercise exclusive ownership and control of same, and from and after the passing of this Act, the town council of the town of Oxford shall have, possess and exercise all the rights, powers and duties conferred on the fire commissioners under sections 17, 18, 19 and 20, of said chapter 94, and under the provisions of the "Towns' Incorporation Act," the town of Oxford being hereby required to keep organized and equipped, an efficient fire company for the protection of the town against fire, and are required upon the passing of this Act and thereafter to appoint and maintain a sufficient number of fire wards, fire constables and firemen for the said town. property. 3. As soon as this Act shall come into force the duties, Transfer of powers and authorities of said fire commissioners shall cease, and the said fire commissioners shall execute and deliver to the town of Oxford any and all transfers of property theretofore vested in them as such commissioners and hereby vested in the town of Oxford which may, in the opinion of the town, be necessary to have executed and delivered for the purpose of perfecting the title of the said town to same on the records of the registrar of deeds for the registration district of the county of Cumberland. 4. From and after the passing of this Act the duty of Sinking fund. providing and investing annually a sinking fund to retire debentures, as directed by section 23 of said chapter 94, shall devolve on the town of Oxford, and the said town is hereby required to carry out the directions contained in said section with respect to such sinking fund. how 5. All moneys required for fire purposes and for the pay- Morised. ment of the yearly interest on debentures issued under said chapter 94, as well as the amount necessary for the sinking fund shall be raised by the town of Oxford by an annual rate on the property liable to taxation in said town, and said town is hereby authorized to add such sums necessary for the purpose aforesaid to the estimates of the sums required for the lawful purposes of the town, and to raise the sum by taxation in the usual way. The said town of Oxford, in collecting the same, shall have and exercise all the rights conferred on incorporated towns by any general laws in force in the province relating to assessment. holders. 6. Nothing herein contained shall prejudice the rights Debenture of the holder or holders, or future holders of any debentures issued under the authority of said chapter 94 or the security given for the payment thereof, or the lien created by said Act for the payment thereof. The duty of providing for the payment of the principal sum secured to be paid by said debentures as well as for the payment of the annual interest on the coupons annexed to same shall, upon the passing of this Act, be imposed upon the town of Oxford, and the payment thereof shall be made at the office of the town clerk of Oxford instead of at the office of the said fire commissioners as stated in the said Act. |