Authority to cut dyke. Cost, how provided. CHAPTER 79. An Act to permit the overflowing of Hamilton Marsh in the County of Colchester. SECTION. (Passed the 7th day of April, A. D. 1905.) 1. Authority to cut dyke. SECTION. 2. Cost, how provided. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly,. as follows: - 1. The commissioner in charge of Hamilton Marsh, in the county of Colchester is authorized and empowered to flow the said marsh and the public highway passing through the same, with water, by cutting the dyke, for such time and upon such conditions for securing the safety of the public, and the placing of such highway in as good state of repair as it was before such flow, as the municipal council determines. 2. Any additional expense incurred in consequence of the flowing of said public highway, shall be included in the amount to be rated upon the proprietors of said marsh under the provisions of the Marsh Act, and shall be collected as part of the rate. Power to borrow. CHAPTER 80. An Act to enable the Town of Truro to borrow money.. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. The town of Truro is authorized to borrow on the credit of the town, the sum of seven thousand dollars, for the following purposes, that is to say: (a) For sewerage on Walker Street from McMullen to Queen Street and West to Church Street and sewerage of (b) For sewerage on Prince Street from Lepper Brook to Wood Street, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. (c) For sewerage on Lyman Street from Prince street to south end of water pipe line on Lyman Street, one thousand five hundred dollars. (d) For sewerage Forrester Street, eight hundred dollars. (e) For water extension on McMullen Street, four hundred dollars. 2. The said town shall issue debentures for said sum re- Debentures.. deemable in thirty years, which debentures shall be for such amounts as the mayor and town council may determine, and which shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding four per cent. per annum. The money borrowed under this Act and the interest thereon, shall be a charge upon the property and funds of and shall be paid by the town, and the council thereof shall annually make provision by rate and levy for paying the interest on such debentures and providing a sinking fund to pay such debentures at maturity. Such debentures shall be subject to the provisions of the Municipal Debentures Act, 1902, and amendments thereof, in so far as the same are consistent with this Act. whom paid. 3. The money borrowed by virtue of this Act shall be Money, to paid into the hands of the treasurer of the town of Truro and shall be by him paid out as the town council of said town determine for the purpose mentioned in the first section of this Act and for no other purpose. 4. The sinking fund for the payment of such debentures Sinking fund. required by the second section of this Act, shall be provided for and applied in accordance with and in the manner provided for by chapter 125 of the Acts of Nova Scotia, 1903, entitled, "An Act relating to the Debenture Debt of the Town of Truro." dispensed with. 5. Inasmuch as the ratepayers of the said town have in Town meeting the manner by law provided, already authorized the town council to apply to the legislature for authority to borrow said moneys and to make said expenditures, it shall not be necessary to convene any additional meeting of the said ratepayers, either under the provisions of the "Towns' Incorporation Act," or under this Act, as a condition precedent to the borrowing of the moneys, the issuing of the towns' debentures therefor, or the doing of any matter or thing by this Act authorized. Power to borrow ¿Debentures. Money, how paid out. CHAPTER 81. An Act to enable the Town of Truro to borrow money. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. The town of Truro is authorized to borrow on the credit of the town the sum of three thousand dollars, for the following purposes, that is to say: (a) For putting down permanent sidewalks...$1000 2000 2. The said town shall issue debentures for said sum, redeemable in thirty years, which debentures shall be for such amounts as the mayor and town council determine, and which shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding four per cent. per annum. The money borrowed under this Act and the interest thereon, shall be a charge upon the property and funds of and shall be paid by the town, and the council thereof shall annually make provision by rate and levy for paying the interest on such debentures, and providing a sinking fund to pay such debentures at maturity. Such debentures shall be subject to the provisions of the municipal debentures Act, 1902, and amendments thereof, in so far as the same are consistent with this Act. 3. The money borrowed by virtue of this Act shall be paid into the hands of the treasurer of the town of Truro, and shall be by him paid out as the town council of said town shall determine for the purpose mentioned in the first section of this Act, and for no other purpose. 4. The sinking fund for the payment of such debentures Sinking fund. required by the second section of this Act, shall be provided for and applied in accordance with and in the manner provided for by chapter 125, of the Acts of Nova Scotia, 1903, entitled, "An Act relating to the Debenture Debt of the "Town of Truro." payers dispensed 5. Inasmuch as the ratepayers of the said town have in Vote of ratethe manner by law provided, already authorized the town with. -council to apply to the Legislature for authority to borrow said moneys and to make said expenditures it shall not be necessary to convene any additional meeting of the said ratepayers, either under the provisions of the "Towns' Incorporation Act," or under this Act, as a condition precedent to the borrowing of the moneys, the issuing of the town's debentures therefor, or the doing of any matter or thing by this Act authorized. CHAPTER 82. An Act to enable the Town of Amherst to borrow money for School Purposes. SECTION. 1. Authority. (Passed the 7th day of April, A. D., 1905.) 2. Debentures Act to apply. 3. Loan, how repaid. SECTION. 4. Binking fund. 5. Vote of ratepayers dispensed with. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. The town of Amherst is hereby authorized to borrow Authority. upon the credit of the town, a sum of money not exceeding thirteen thousand five hundred dollars ($13,500), for the purpose of building and equipping a new school house on the old academy grounds on Acadia Street in the said town of Amherst, for finishing and equipping the Duke Street school in said town, for heating, lighting and plumbing the said school buildings, and also for the purpose of acquiring additional lands adjoining the new academy grounds in Debentures Act to apply. 1 Loan, how repaid. Sinking fund. Vote of ratepayers dispersed with. said town of Amherst, and for fencing, grading and other-wise improving the school properties of the town. 2. For the purpose of effecting the said loan the council of the town is empowered to make and issue, subject to the provisions of the "Municipal Debentures Act," "from timeto time as the council may deem expedient, the town's debentures, each in the sum of one hundred dollars or multiples thereof, bearing interest at such rate as the council shall determine, not exceeding however five per centum per annum and redeemable at periods not exceeding thirty years from the issue thereof. 3. The council of the town shall annually add to the estimates to be rated each year upon the town for general purposes, a sum sufficient to pay the annual interest accruing upon the moneys borrowed on the authority of this Act, and such sum shall be rated and collected in the same manner and with the same remedies as the other rates and taxes in said town. 4. The council of the town shall also add to the estimates to be levied upon the town for general purposes, such sum as the council may by resolution determine, not however in any case to be less than two per cent. of the amount borrowed under this Act, as a sinking fund, subject to the provisions of the said Debentures Act, and such sum shall be rated and collected in the same manner and with the same remedies as other rates and taxes in said town. 5. Inasmuch as the ratepayers of the town have in the manner by law provided, already authorized the town to apply to the Legislature for leave to borrow said moneys, it shall not be necessary to convene any additional meeting of the said ratepayers under the Towns' Incorporation Act or otherwise as a condition precedent to the issuing of debentures or the doing of any other matter by this Act authorized. |