lars or some multiple thereof each, and shall be signed by the mayor and clerk of said town, and such debentures, when so issued, shall form a lien upon and be a charge upon all the real and personal estate and property of or situate within the town of Glace Bay and all the revenues of the town. Such debentures shall state the object for which the proceeds of the debenture loan are to be used, and shall be styled: "Water Extension Debentures." whom paid. 10. The money borrowed under the provisions of this Money, to Act shall be paid into the hands of the town clerk and treasurer of the town of Glace Bay, and shall by him be paid out as the town council of said town may determine, for the purposes mentioned in this Act and for no other purpose. water supply, The moneys accruing from the annual income of the Income of water supply when extended, shall be appropriated and ap- how applied. plied in the first place to discharge the current expenses incurred in the execution of the requirements of this Act; and in the next place towards the payment of the half yearly interest of the debentures issued under the authority of this Act; and in case the whole income shall not be sufficient for the purposes above mentioned, the deficiency shall be made good and supplied by an annual rate under the provisions of this Act, or by any by-law made under authority of this Act. 12. (1) For the purpose of providing a sinking fund Sinking fund.. for the payment of the debentures authorized to be issued under this Act, after five years from the date of the first issue of such debentures the town council shall annually add to the amount to be rated upon the town such sum as may by resolution be determined by the said council, not however, to be less than one per cent. of the amount borrowed under the provisions of this Act, and such sum shall be rated and collected in the same manner and with the same remedies as other rates and taxes in said town are rated and collected. (2) Such sums when collected, shall be deposited in some chartered bank in the province of Nova Scotia to the credit of an account to be called "The Glace Bay Water Works Extension Sinking Fund Account," on deposit bearing interest and such sums shall be used for payment of the debentures issued under the provisions of this Act and for no other purpose. By laws. Penalties. 13. The town council have full power from time to time to make such ordinances, by-laws, rules and regulations as such council deems requisite and necessary for regulating the supply of water by means of the said system when extended under the provisions of this Act, and for preventing any person, firm or corporation supplied with water from wasting, vending or improperly disposing of the same, and for prohibiting the use of the water by other than those to whom the same may be by the town supplied, and for prevention of bathing, fishing, trespassing or creating a nuisance in or about any reservoir or stream belonging to or used in connection with the said system, whether the same shall be within the boundaries or not, of said town. And said town council shall also have full power to lay off and define such portion or portions of the area of the town of Glace Bay approximate to, or in the vicinity of the main and service pipes, as they deem requisite into a water district defined by such boundaries or pipe line, and to levy upon the assessable property lying within and without such boundary or pipe line respectively, such portions of the water rates as they deem expedient or requisite, and shall also have power to make such ordinances, by-laws, rules and regulations as to them may seem expedient for the purpose of defining what proportion of the water rates shall be levied on assessable property within the said boundary or pipe line, and what proportion, if any, shall be levied on property not within such boundary or pipe line, and all rates and taxes rated or assessed under the provisions of this Act shall be collected or enforced in the same manner and with the same remedies as ordinary taxes are now or may hereafter be collected or enforced, and also generally regarding every matter or thing which may be necessary or expedient to regulate or direct the carrying out the provisions of this Act, and in order to secure the inhabitants of the town a continued and abundant supply of water. 14. The town council may enforce such by-laws, rules and regulations by affixing penalties for the violation thereof, and provide that in default of payment thereof any such penalty may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender and may enact in and by any such by-law in case any such offender being other than a body corporate, that such offender may in the discretion of the stipendiary magistrate either in default of immediate payment or for want of goods and chattels whereon to levy to satisfy such penalty and costs, be imprisoned for such period as in the said by-law shall be prescribed. Such prosecution shall be brought before the stipendiary magistrate of the town under the provisions of chapter 161, Revised Statutes, 1900, and Acts in amendment or in substitution thereof, and such stipendiary magistrate may in and by any conviction, award costs against such offender. 15. Said by-laws and each of them when passed by the Effect of by-laws. town council and approved by the Governor-in-Council, shall have the force of law and be as valid and effectual as if the same and each of them were incorporated in and formed a part of this Act. The production of a copy of said by-law so approved, purporting to be certified under the hands of the mayor and town clerk and the seal of the town of Glace Bay, shall be sufficient proof thereof in any court of justice. commissioners. 16. It shall be lawful for the town council to appoint Water three persons, one of whom may be a member of the town council, to be called water commissioners, who shall hold office at the pleasure of the town council, and who shall have such powers and perform such duties relating to the construction of the work contemplated by this Act, or otherwise, as the town council may direct, and who may be remunerated for their services at the discretion of the council. take effect. 17. This Act shall not take effect until the same is When Act shall adopted by the ratepayers of the town, duly convened in accordance with the provisions of sections 143 and 144 of "The Towns' Incorporation Act." 18. A certificate under the hand of the mayor and town Adoption of Act, clerk, and under the corporate seal of the town, of a resolu- how evidenced. tion passed under the next preceding section of this Act, shall be conclusive evidence of the adoption of the Act and of the passing of the resolution provided for in said section. to apply. 19. The provisions of the Municipal Debentures Act, Debentures Act 1902, shall apply to this Act in so far as the same are not inconsistent herewith. Section II amended. Amendment, how construed. CHAPTER 68. An Act to amend Chapter 92, Acts of 1903, entitled "An Town of Glace Bay." (Passed the 7th day of April, A. D., 1905.) SECTION. 2. Amendment, how construed. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. Section 11, of chapter 92, Acts of 1903, is amended by striking out the words "fifty cents" after the word "exceed," in the tenth line thereof, and substituting the words one dollar." 2. Said amendment shall be construed and be as effect-ual as if the same had been contained in the said section 11, originally. CHAPTER 69. An Act to enable the Town of Glace Bay to appoint a ment o assessors. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Towns' Incorporation Act, the town council of the town of Glace Bay shall appoint four suitable persons, who shall be town assessors, one of whom shall be appointed as chief assessor. They shall continue in office from year to year until removed by a vote of council. The said assessors shall have the powers, authority, perform all the duties and be subject to all the penalties conferred or imposed upon assessors or chief town assessor respectively, under the provisions of "The Towns' Incorporation Act." how paid. 2. The assessors appointed under the authority of this Assessors, Act, shall be paid such remuneration as the town council -of said town determines. CHAPTER 70. An Act to legalize and confirm the Revised List of Voters and Assessment Roll of the Town of Glace Whereas, the electoral revisors in and for the town of Preamble. Glace Bay, failed to post the preliminary list of voters or electors for said town, as required by "The Nova Scotia Franchise Act;" And Whereas, the asssessment roll, owing to unforseen circumstances, was not completed in the time required by "The Assessment Act;" Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: and assessment. 1. The list of voters for said town of Glace Bay, as pre- Voters' list pared by the revisors for the present year is hereby legalized and confirmed, notwithstanding any irregularities or omissions, or errors in the preparation of said lists or of the preliminary list of electors, or notwithstanding that the revisors were not appointed in accordance with chapter 4 of the Revised Statutes, 1900, or of "The Towns' Incorporation Act," and notwithstanding that such lists both. preliminary and final may not have been completed or posted within the time limit therefor, and notwithstanding any errors or omissions or irregularities as to the time of meeting of said revisors or in the preparation or completion of said lists, or in any proceeding in connection therewith or in the certification thereof. 2. The assessment roll for the town of Glace Bay for Roll legalized. 1905, as revised by the assessors for said town and as filed cr completed in the town clerk's office of the town of Glace |