title to block fourteen, Baker City, Oreg., confirmed to Baker County... grant to Washington Territory for insane asylum
LANDS (Public)—Continued. Homestead, pre-emption, and timber
pre-emptors on, in Minnesota, allowed fur- ther time in which to make proof and payment.... homestead entries on, within railway grants
&c., to extend to 160 acres to each set- tler....
pre-emptors of certain lands in Minnesota and Dakota to have until October, 1880, to make proof and payment... time for sale and payment of pre-empted lands in Bitterroot Valley, Montana, extended......
benefits of homestead laws extended to said lands.....
certain entries not made in strict conform- ity to homestead laws legalized..... purchasers in Missouri, as swamp lands, to have priority to pre-empt or for homestead, if not in fact swamp lands... odd sections of land granted in aid of Mis- souri and Arkansas open to home- stead settlers to extent of 160 acres each....
unclaimed swamp, in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, released to adjoining owners on payment, &c.....
grant to Placerville and Sacramento Val- ley Railroad Company, forfeited and to be sold as public lands.... for construction of wagon roads in Ore- gon; patents to issue when roads completed, &c......
to Stockton and Copperopolis Railroad forfeited, to be sold as public lands.. railroad companies relinquishing lands in their grants entered for pre-emption or homestead, may select other lands. grants to, not thereby enlarged................. .title of settlers in such cases may be per- fected......
act of 1871 ceding to Ohio certain lands in Virginia military district defined.... grant of right of way Oregon Central Pa- cific Railway
furnished by secretaries of Territo- ries.....
Homestead, pre-emption and timber- culture,
suspended entries to be decided by Sec- retary of the Interior, &c..... certain Indians may have benefit of home- stead laws...
persons who have paid fees, &c., for certain entries of sailors' and soldiers' home- steads which have proved void to have money refunded..
settlers changing entries from pre-emption to homestead, when may perfect ti- tle.. .299, 325, 348 settlers whose lands were injured by grass- hoppers in certain years granted fur- ther time, &c. .42, 121, 212, 299, 326, 368 in any year .211, 501 when homestead or pre-emption claimants become insane, how their claims may be perfected
when any entries on public lands are can- celed or not confirmed fees and pur- chase money to be refunded.... refund of excess where parties have paid double price for what were errone- ously supposed to be alternate rail- road sections..
appropriation and warrants..
Act to encourage cultivation of timber. [8], 348 planting seeds, nuts, or cuttings deemed compliance with law in certain
notice to be filed of intention to make final proof for pre-emption and homestead entries...
eight years, &c., on, entitled to patent....
other provisions concerning.
notice of contests under homestead and
pre-emption and timber-culture laws, how published.............
proof of residence, occupation, &c., oaths
required to break and plant certain num-
of persons making entries of home- steads, before whom may be taken.. to be transmitted to register, &c punishment for false swearing.
fee for recording, &c., and for assign- ments or copies of copyrights........ what engravings, cuts, and prints may be entered in, for copyright..
not to be published in newspapers....... 44, *137 bills, orders, resolutions, &c., votes of Con-
gress which become laws, to be re- ceived by Secretary of State.......
of New York as to highways, &c., extended to certain Indian villages. Statutes at Large, contract with Little & Brown for publication of, terminated. of each session of Congress to be edited, printed, &c............... pamphlet copies of acts and resolves of each session to be distributed....... bound copies of, to be distributed at close of each Congress....
printed copies of pamphlet and bound edition to be evidence
copies of, to be sold at cost of paper, press-work, and binding, with 10 per cent. added
stealing or injuring books of; how pun- ished.
of vesels on western, northern, &c., waters; how may be issued or renewed in dis- tricts where not owned
to be kept on sale by arrangements with booksellers
printing and binding same, and index...
stations established at numerous points
acts to correct errors of..
first edition; publication of........
second edition; provisions for publica-
tion, distribution, and sale of..285, 387, 481 how far evidence..
at what seasons to be kept open superintendents on the coasts and keepers
of stations, appointment, powers, and duties
assistant superintendents for coast of Long Island
clerks in office of, and their salaries.. may require lights to be maintained on railway ponton bridge over Missis- sippi River, at Prairie du Chien..... property of, no longer needed, may be sold. provisions for adjusting boundaries, road- ways, &c., at Staten Island and Highlands of New Jersey. jurisdiction of, extended over Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri Rivers....
site of old light-station at Nayatt Point to be withheld from sale... may lease grounds for light-house service at mouth of Saginaw River.... may lease pier at Portage Lake Ship Canal, Lake Superior, for pier-head light,
offenses not capital, except under revenue and slave-trade laws, not to be pros- ecuted for after three years...
act of 1875, relating to
Aroostook and Bangor customs districts, what to comprise..
collector and deputy collector for Bangor district Gardiner and Richmond, to be ports of de- livery..
corrections of errors in Revised Statutes as to ports of Brunswick, Kennebunk, Port Arundel, and Cape Porpoise ... *270 customs collectors in, how may agree upon boundaries of certain districts... *270 imports for transportation in bond may be entered at or transported to Portland and Bath .. ...[325],545 MALT LIQUORS,
tax not to be assessed on quantity of mate- rials used....
LIQUORS (See Distilled Spirits, &c.),
128-135 422, 429-440 439 529-534
of 1879, relating to .
imported liquors, stamps, &c
of 1880, in relation to.
penalties on rectifiers, liquor dealers, and
carrying on business without paying special tax; forfeiture of spirits, &c. for affixing imitation stamps on packages of ....
....[133], 430 stamps for, how procured, affixed, &c imported, to be stamped..
special stamps may be issued to dealers in, on railway trains
refunds of certain taxes paid by dealers, &c., under repealed laws.... tax on fermented, not to be assessed on quantity of material used, &c........... special-tax stamps may be issued to retail dealers in, on railway trains.... LOANS AND CURRENCY (See Coin; Cur- rency; Public Debt; National Banks), divisions of, in office of Secretary of Treasury, officers and salaries.... LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CA- NAL,
appropriation to pay debts of, made per-
Secretary of War to take possession of.... to provide for management and repair of. Secretary of Treasury may purchase bonds of to pay directors for stock, have accounts examined, and collect debts, &c.... tolls on, abolished....
may be issued by circuit courts to compel clerks of courts, marshals, and dis- trict attorneys to make returns and perform other requirements of law... 163 MANSLAUGHTER, how punished....
no expensive maps or illustrations to be printed without special order of Con- gress
charts of coast survey to be sold at cost, and not distributed free, except, &c..... members of Congress may have ten of each....
post-route, may be sold at cost...
disbursement of money for, to be by
to what appropriation to be charged.. of topographer's office...
commandant of, to be appointed by Presi-
dent from officers of corps, and to have rank and pay of colonel.....
officers of, to be reduced to seventy-five an officer of, may be appointed Judge-Advo- eate-General of Navy..
supervising surgeon of, to be appointed by President..
not required to make rules in relation to- sanitary condition of vessels from for- eign ports, &c ... ..... [314], 487 duties of officers to prevent introduction of contagious and infectious disease into
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