Gambar halaman

SEC. 9. That no board or commission of which the governor is ex which governor officio a member (the board of public works excepted) shall be abolished was a member con- by this act, but the members of the same, other than the governor, shall constitute such board of commission.

Commissions of


Act of District

SEC. 10. That the act of the legislative assembly of the District of Colegislature author- lumbia entitled (5) "An act to fund unsettled liabilities of the city of izing issue of cer- Washington, and providing for the issuing of the bonds, and levying tain bonds approved, &c. and collecting taxes to pay the same" approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, is hereby ratified and approved; but none of the bonds authorized by said act remaining unsold shall be negotiated or sold at less than par. [June 20, 1874.]

(5) Under the act of the legislative assembly of June 20, 1872, here ratified and approved, there were issued what are called the "funding loan bonds" of the District, to the amount of one million six hundred thousand dollars, in denominations of $50, $100, $500, and $1,000, bearing date November 1, 1872, and payable to bearer in thirty years from date (November 1, 1902), with six per cent. annual interest, in coin, payable semi-annually, on the first day of May and November. Coupons attached.

June 20, 1874.

18 Stat. L., 121.

Vessels for nau

R. S., § 417.

ch. 141.



Vessels for nautical school at certain ports to be
furnished to States.

- officers of Navy may be detailed as instructors,
&c., for.

to be restored on discontinuance of school, &c. -not to be used as places of punishment.

Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Navy, to promote nautitical school at cer- cal education, is hereby authorized and empowered to furnish, upon the tain ports to be application in writing of the Governor of the State, a suitable vessel furnished to States. of the Navy, with all her apparel, charts, books, and instruments of navigation, provided the same can be spared without detriment to the 1881, March 3, naval service, to be used for the benefit of any nautical school, or school or college having a nautical branch, established at each or any of the ports of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, and San Francisco, upon the condition that there shall be maintained, at such port, a school or branch of a school for the instruction of youths in navigation, seamanship, marine enginery and all matters pertaining to the proper construction, equipment and sailing of vessels or any particular branch thereof:

-officers of Navy

And the President of the United States is hereby authorized, when may be detailed as in his opinion the same can be done without detriment to the public instructors, &c., for. service, to detail proper officers of the Navy as superintendents of, or instructors in, such schools:

- to be restored on

Provided, That if any such school shall be discontinued, or the good discontinuance of of the naval service shall require, such vessel shall be immediately restored to the Secretary of the Navy, and the officers so detailed recalled:

school, &c.

-not to be used

And provided further, That no person shall be sentenced to, or received as places of pun- at, such schools as a punishment or commutation of punishment for crime. [June 20, 1874.]




June 20, 1874.

18 Stat. L., 121.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

3. Receivers and registers for said districts.

[SECTION 1], That all the western portion of the State of Kansas, included as follows, to wit, commencing at the northeast corner of township

ten of range sixteen, and running thence west to the western boundary of R. S., § 2256, 2d the State; thence south, along said boundary line, to the fourth stand- ed., p. 409. ard parallel; thence east, along said parallel line, to the southeast corner of Rush County; thence north to the place of beginning, be, and hereby is, constituted a new land district, to be called the western land district.

Kansas estab

R. S., § 2256, 2d

SEC. 2. That all the western portion of the State of Kansas, included Arkansas Valley as follows, to wit, commencing at the northeast corner of Barton County, land district in and running thence west to the northwest corner of said county; thence lished. south to the southwest corner of said county; thence west along the fourth standard parallel line to the western boundary of the State; ed., p. 409. thence south along said boundary-line to the southern boundary of the State; thence east along said boundary-line to the southeast corner of Barbour County; thence north to the place of beginning, be, and hereby is, constituted a new land-district, to be called the Arkansas Valley land-district; and shall, in addition, include in the district the lands lying in Rice and Reno counties.


SEC. 3. That the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Registers and reSenate, is hereby authorized to appoint a register and a receiver for each ceivers for said disof said districts who shall discharge like and similar duties and receive R. S., §§ 2234– the same amount of compensation allowed to other officers discharging 2247. like duties in the other land offices of said State. [June 20, 1874.].




1. Del Norte land district in Colorado established.

-office of, to be at Del Norte, but may be changed by President.

Be it enacted, &c.

June 20, 1874.

[blocks in formation]

Del Norte land

rado established. R. S., § 2256, 2d

[SECTION 1], That all that part of the Territory of Colorado commencing at a point on the south boundary line of Colorado Territory district in Colobetween ranges sixty-nine and seventy west of the sixth principal meridian; thence running north to the northern boundary of township ed., p. 412. twenty-eight south; thence west, on a line between townships twentyseven and twenty-eight south, to the western boundary of range seventythree west; thence north, on said boundary of range seventy three west, to a point where the line between townships forty-eight and fortynine north, New Mexico meridian, will intersect the same; thence west, between said townships forty-eight and forty-nine north, to the western boundary of the Territory; thence south, with said boundary line, to the southwest corner of the Territory; thence east, on the line of the southern boundary of the Territory, to the place of beginning, shall constitute a separate land district, to be called Del Norte land district, the office of which shall be located at Del Norte, in Conejos County: office of, to be at Provided, That the President of the United States may change the Del Norte, but may location of said land office from time to time, as the public interest may President. be changed by require.

SEC. 2. That the President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a register and a receiver of public moneys for said district; and said officers shall reside in the place where said land office is located, and shall have the same powers and shall receive the same fees and emoluments as the like officers now receive in the other land districts in said Territory.

register and receiver for.

R. S., § 2234.

Unfinished busi

SEC. 3. That all persons in said district who, prior to the opening of said Del Norte land office, shall have filed their declaratory statement ness in other disor application for pre-emption or homestead rights in any other land tricts relating to

lands in, to be office in said Territory, shall thereafter make proofs and entries at said transferred to, &c. Del Norte land office; and all unfinished business in any other land office relating exclusively to lands in said Del Norte land district shall be transferred to said Del Norte land office when notified by the officers of the opening thereof. [June 20, 1874.]

June 20, 1874.

18 Stat. L., 123.



district in Mon

tana established.



[blocks in formation]

[SECTION 1], That all that portion of the Territory of Montana, lying east of the range line between ranges two and three west of the prinR. R., § 2256, 2d cipal meridian and south of the first standard parallel north of the base ed., p. 413. line, of the public land surveys of said Territory, shall be constituted a separate land district, to be known as the Bozeman land district,

- office of.

-register and receiver for.

R. S., § 2234.

The office of which shall be located at Bozeman, but may be changed from time to time, by the direction of the President of the United States, as the interests of the public service may require.

SEC. 2. That the President shall appoint, by and with the consent of the Senate, a register and a receiver of the public moneys of the United States for said district; and said officers shall reside in the place where the land office is located, and they shall have the same powers and receive the same emoluments as are or may be prescribed by law in relation to land officers of the United States in other Territories. [June 20, 1874.]

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]



3. To deposit in Treasury five per cent. on cir-
culation for redemption thereof, and counted

as reserve.

-notes of, to be redeemed on presentation at
Treasury; how disposed of, &c.
-mutilated notes of, to be redeemed and de-
stroyed, and others forwarded to the banks.
-to reimburse Treasury for cost of trans-
porting and assorting notes, engraving, &c.

Be it enacted, &c.

5. Charter number to be printed on notes. 6. Limit of issue of United States notes.

7. Equalization of apportionment of circulation.

8. Proceedings when bank fails to comply with requisition of Comptroller.

9. Redistribution of circulation withdrawn.

[SECTION 1], That the act entitled (1) "An act to provide a national currency secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for R. S., § 5133- the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June third, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, shall hereafter be known as "the national-bank act."



Banks need not SEC. 2. That section thirty one of the "the national-bank act" be so keep reserve on ac- amended that the several associations therein provided for shall not count of circula- hereafter be required to keep on hand any amount of money whatever, R. S., § 5191, by reason of the amount of their respective circulations; but the moneys 5192. required by said section to be kept at all times on hand shall be determined by the amount of deposits in all respects, as provided for in the said section.

NOTE (1) The provisions of the act of 1864, ch. 106 (13 Stat. L., 99), here referred to, are incorporated into the Revised Statutes in the several sections noted in the margin.

SEC. 3. That every association organized, or to be organized, under Banks to deposit the provisions of the said act, and of the several acts amendatory in Treasury five thereof, shall at all times keep and have on deposit in the Treasury of per cent. on circulation, and counted the United States, in lawful money of the United States, a sum equal as reserve. to five per centum of its circulation, to be held and used for the redemption of such circulation; which sum shall be counted as a part of its 5192. lawful reserve, as provided in section two of this act;

R. S., § 5191,

And when the circulating notes of any such associations, assorted or notes of, to be reunassorted, shall be presented for redemption, in sums of one thousand deemed on presentation at Treasury; dollars, or any multiple thereof, to the Treasurer of the United States, how disposed of, the same shall be redeemed in United States notes. All notes so re- &c. deemed shall be charged by the Treasurer of the United States to the 1875, March 3, respective associations issuing the same, and he shall notify them sev. ch. 130, § 3. erally, on the first day of each month, or oftener, at his discretion, of the amount of such redemptions; and whenever such redemptions for any association shall amount to the sum of five hundred dollars, such association so notified shall forthwith deposit with the Treasurer of the United States a sum in United States notes equal to the amount of its circulating-notes so redeemed.

And all notes of national banks worn, defaced, mutilated, or otherwise -mutilated notes unfit for circulation shall, when received by any assistant treasurer or and destroyed, and of, to be redeemed at any designated depository of the United States, be forwarded to the others forwarded Treasurer of the United States for redemption as provided herein. And to the banks. when such redemptions have been so re-imbursed, the circulating-notes so redeemed shall be forwarded to the respective associations by which they were issued; but if any of such notes are worn, mutilated, defaced, or rendered otherwise unfit for use, they shall be forwarded to the Comptroller of the Currency and destroyed and replaced as now provided by law:

Provided, That each of said associations shall re-imburse to the Treas to reimburse ury the charges for transportation, and the costs for assorting such Treasury for cost notes; and the associations hereafter organized shall also severally re- and assorting of transporting imburse to the Treasury the cost of engraving such plates as shall be notes, engraving ordered by each association respectively; and the amount assessed upon plates, &c. each association shall be in proportion to the circulation redeemed, and 1875, March 3, be charged to the fund on deposit with the Treasurer:

And provided further, That so much of section thirty-two of said national-bank act requiring or permitting the redemption of its circulating notes elsewhere than at its own counter, except as provided for in this section, is hereby repealed.

ch. 130, § 3.

not to redeem notes


than at their own counters.


R. S., § 5192, 5195, 5226.

[ocr errors]

how may withdraw

circulation and take up bonds deposited.

R. S., §§ 5159,

SEC. 4. That any association organized under this act, or any of the acts of which this is an amendment, desiring to withdraw its circulat ing notes, in whole or in part, may, upon the deposit of lawful money with the Treasurer of the United States in sums of not less than nine thousand dollars, tåke up the bonds which said association has on de- 5222. posit with the Treasurer for the security of such circulating notes; 16 Opin. Att'y which bonds shall be assigned to the bank in the manner specified in Gen., 663. the nineteenth section of the national-bank act; and the outstanding notes of said association, to an amount equal to the legal tender notes deposited, shall be redeemed at the Treasury of the United States, and destroyed as now provided by law:

Provided, That the amount of the bonds on deposit for circulation shall not be reduced below fifty thousand dollars.

charter number

SEC. 5. That the Comptroller of the Currency shall, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, cause to be printed on the charter numbers of the association to be printed upon all nationalbank notes which may be hereafter issued by him.

notes of.

R. S., § 5172.

Limit to issue of

SEC. 6. That the amount of United States notes outstanding and to be used as a part of the circulating-medium, shall not exceed the sum United States of three hundred and eighty-two million dollars, which said sum shall notes.

R. S, 3582.

[blocks in formation]

Equalization of


R. S., § 5179. 1875, Jan. 14, ch. 15, § 3.

appear in each monthly statement of the public debt, and no part thereof shall be held or used as a reserve.

SEC. 7. (2) (Sup.) [That so much of the act entitled "An act to proapportionment of vide for the redemption of the three per centum temporary loan certificates, and for an increase of national bank notes" as provides that no circulation shall be withdrawn under the provisions of section six (3) of said act, until after the fifty-four millions granted in section one of said act shall have been taken up, is hereby repealed; and it shall be the duty of the Comptroller of the Currency, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to proceed forthwith, and he is hereby authorized and required, from time to time, as applications shall be duly made therefor, and until the full amount of fifty-five million dollars shall be withdrawn, to make requisitions upon each of the national banks described in said section, and in the manner therein provided, organized in States having an excess of circulation, to withdraw and return so much of their circulation as by said act may be apportioned to be withdrawn from them, or, in lieu thereof, to deposit in the Treasury of the United States lawful money sufficient to redeem such circulation, and upon the return of the circulation required, or the deposit of lawful money, as herein provided, a proportionate amount of the bonds held to secure the circulation of such association as shall make such return or deposit shall be surrendered to it.]


sition of Comptroller.

1875, Jan. 14, ch. 15, § 3.

SEC. 8. (Sup.) [That upon the failure of the national banks upon when bank fails to which requisition for circulation shall be made, or of any of them, to comply with requi- return the amount required, or to deposit in the Treasury lawful money to redeem the circulation required, within thirty days, the Comptroller of the Currency shall at once sell, as provided in section forty-nine of the national-currency act approved June third, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, bonds held to secure the redemption of the circulation of the association or associations which shall so fail, to an amount sufficient to redeem the circulation required of such association or associations, and with the proceeds, which shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, so much of the circulation of such association or associations shall be redeemed as will equal the amount required and not returned; and if there be any excess of proceeds over the amount required for such redemption, it shall be returned to the association or associations whose bonds shall have been sold. And it shall be the duty of the Treasurer, assistant treasurers, designated depositaries, and national bank depositaries of the United States, who shall be kept informed by the Comptroller of the Currency of such associations as shall fail to return circulation as required, to assort and return to the Treasury for redemption the notes of such associations as shall come into their hands until the amount required shall be redeemed, and in like manner to assort and return to the Treasury, for redemption, the notes of such national banks as have failed, or gone into voluntary liquidation for the purpose of winding up their affairs, and of such as shall hereafter so fail or go into liquidation.]



R. S., 5178.

SEC. 9. (Sup.) [That from and after the passage of this act it shall of circulation be lawful for the Comptroller of the Currency, and he is hereby required, to issue circulating-notes, without delay, as applications therefor 1875, Jan. 14, ch. are made, not to exceed the sum of fifty-five million dollars, to associa 15, § 3. tions organized, or to be organized, in those States and Territories having less than their proportion of circulation, under an apportionment made on the basis of population and of wealth, as shown by the returns of the census of eighteen hundred and seventy; and every association hereafter organized shall be subject to, and be governed by, the rules,

NOTES. (2) Sections 7, 8, and 9 are superseded and rendered inoperative by the act of 1875, January 14, ch. 15, § 3.

(3) The provision of the act of 1870, ch. 252, § 6 (16 Stat. L., 253), here referred to, is incorporated into Revised Statutes in section 5179, noted in the margin.

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