may administer Claims, and to provide for the payment of certain demands for quarter- loyal citizens durmaster stores and subsistence supplies furnished to the Army of the ing the rebellion United States," and acts amendatory thereof, to investigate and report oaths. upon all claims filed under said act, are hereby authorized to administer oaths and affirmations and to take depositions of witnesses. R. S., §§ 300 A, 300 B. 1874, June 16, ch. 18, ch. 80. pars. 7, 8. Such claims not 285. 1875, Feb. SEC. 3. That all claims not presented and filed under said act, and the acts amendatory thereof, prior to the first day of January, anno presented Domini eighteen hundred and eighty, shall be forever barred. [March 3, 1879.] before January, 1880, forever barred. R. S., §§ 300 A, 300 B. 1864, ch. 240 (13 Stat. L., 381). 1874, June 16, ch. 285. 1875, Feb. 18, ch. 80, pars. 7, 8. RESOLUTIONS. NUMBER 1. JOINT RESOLUTION FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF THE December 21, 1878. UNITED STATES TO THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Revised Statutes, second edition, to be distributed to Post-Office Department officers. 20 Stat. L., 487. Office Department Res. 1878, No. 2, p. 387. Be it resolved, &c., That out of the fifteen thousand copies of the new Revised Statutes edition of the first volume of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2d edition) to be required by the fourth section of the "Act to provide for the preparation distributed to Postand publication of a new edition of the Revised Statutes of the United officers. States," approved March second, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, 1878, March 2, to be printed and bound, the Secretary of State shall furnish to the ch. 82. Post-Office Department, upon the requisition of the Postmaster-General not exceeding two hundred and fifty copies for the use of the officers and special agents of the department and for postmasters at offices of free delivery; no provision having been made for the Post Office Department in the "Joint resolution providing for the distribution and sale of the new edition of the Revised Statutes of the United States," approved May twenty-second, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight. [December 21, 1878.] NUMBER 15. JOINT RESOLUTION RELEASING THE REVERSIONARY CLAIM AND INTEREST OF THE Reversionary interest in certain lands in Michigan released to State. Be it resolved, &c., That the United States hereby releases to the State of Michigan any and all reversionary interest which may remain in the United States in such of the lands granted to, and acquired by the said State of Michigan by act of Congress of June third, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and certified to the said State in accordance with the said act, as were granted to aid the construction of the road from Grand Haven to Flint, and thence to Port Haron. This release shall not in any manner affect any legal or equitable rights in said lands, which have been acquired, but all such rights shall be and remain unimpaired. [March 3, 1879.] March 3, 1879. 20 Stat. L., 490. Reversionary incertain terest in lands in Michigan released to State. 1856, ch. 44 (11 Stat. L., 21). GENERAL LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES ENACTED BY THE FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS-FIRST (EXTRA) SESSION, IN THE YEAR 1879. [NOTE.-The omitted chapters and parts of chapters are private, special, local, or temporary acts not In the margin and in the notes, the letters R. S. refer to the Revised Statutes, and STAT. L. to the CHAPTER 5. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FOURTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN, FOURTEEN HUN- R. S., § 1417. Enlisted men of Navy not to exceed Apprentices, &c., to be preferred in R. S., § 1418. Enlistments of boys and others. R S., § 1419. Minors between ages of 15 and 18 R. S., § 1420. R. S., § 1624. Art. 19. Penalty for enlisting prohib- Be it enacted, &c., That section fourteen hundred and seventeen of the Revised Statutes of the United States be amended so as to read as follows: Enlisted men of Navy not to exceed 8,250. Substitute for R. S., § 1417. 1876, June 30, ch. 159. "SEC. 1417. The number of persons who may at one time be enlisted into the Navy of the United States, including seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, mechanics, firemen, and coal-heavers, and including seven hundred and fifty apprentices and boys, hereby authorized to be enlisted annually, shall not exceed eight thousand two hundred and fifty: Provided, That in the appointment of warrant officers in the naval Apprentices, service of the United States, preference shall be given to men who have &c., to be preferred in appointbeen honorably discharged upon the expiration of an enlistment as an ment of warrantapprentice or boy, to serve during minority, and re-enlisted within three officers. months after such discharge, to serve during a term of three or more years: Promotion of Provided further, That nothing in this act shall be held to abrogate the provisions of section fourteen hundred and seven of the Revised seamen as warStatutes of the United States." 483 rant-officers not af fected. R. S., § 1407. That section fourteen hundred and eighteen be amended so as to read as follows: "SEC. 1418. Boys between the ages of fifteen and eighteen years may be enlisted to serve in the Navy until they shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years; other persons may be enlisted to serve for a period not exceeding five years, unless sooner discharged by direction of the President." That section fourteen hundred and nineteen be amended so as to read as follows: "SEC. 1419. Minors between the ages of fifteen and eighteen years shall not be enlisted for the naval service without the consent of their parents or guardians." That section fourteen hundred and twenty be amended so as to read as follows: "SEC. 1420. No minor under the age of fifteen years, no insane or intoxicated person, and no deserter from the naval or military service of the United States, shall be enlisted in the naval service." That article nineteen of section sixteen hundred and twenty-four be ameuded so as to read as follows; "SEC. 1624. ARTICLE 19. Any officer who knowingly enlists into the naval service any deserter from the naval or military service of the United States, or any insane or intoxicated person, or any minor between the ages of fitteen and eighteen years, without the consent of his parents or guardian, or any minor under the age of fifteen years, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct." [May 12, 1879.] CHAPTER 7. May 14, 1879. 21 Stat. L., 4. Three additional assistants to Libra AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE EMPLOYMENT OF THREE ADDITIONAL ASSISTANTS IN THE Three additional assistants to Librarian of Congress. Be it enacted, &c., That the Librarian of Congress be authorized to employ three additional assistants, at a yearly compensation of twelve rian of Congress. hundred dollars each; and the sum necessary is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. [May 14, 1879.] R. S., § 91. CHAPTER 8. May 17, 1879. 21 Stat. L., 4. All parties to AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIFTY-FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY OF THE REVISED STATUTES. All parties to conspiracy to defraud United States liable to penalty if one does any act, &c. Be it enacted, &c., That section fifty-four hundred and forty of the conspiracy liable Revised Statutes of the United States of America be amended so as to to penalty if one read as follows: does any act. Substitute for 1 Lowell, 266. If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States or to defraud the United States in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such parties do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy all the parties to such conspiracy shall be liable to a penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for not more than two years or to both fine and imprisonment in 3 Wood, 47. the discretion of the court. [May 17, 1879.] 11 Blatch., 168. 16 Blatch., 15, 21. 2 Wood, 175, 197. 4 Dillon, 128, 145, 407. 5 Dill., 58. 3 Hughes, 553. 100 U. S., 33. CHAPTER 11. AN ACT TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTION OF CONTAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES SECTION 1. Vessels from foreign ports where infectious disease exists subject to certain regulations before entering United States. -proceedings in case of violation. 2. to obtain sanitary certificate of consul or medical officer, &c. -to pay fee for certificate. Medical officers of inspection, &c., detailed to service in foreign ports. Penalty when vessels from such port, without certificate, enter United States. 3. National Board of Health to co-operate with State boards, &c., and in certain cases may make regulations to prevent introduction of disease, &c. -to make regulations to be observed by vessels at foreign ports of departure, &c., where discase exists. -penalties for violating such regulations; when to attach. 4. to obtain information of sanitary condition of foreign ports and places, and of ports, &c., in United States, and to publish and distribute same. Be it enacted, &c. June 2, 1879. 21 Stat. L., 5. infectious disease [SECTION 1], That it shall be unlawful for any merchant ship or vessel Vessels from forfrom any foreign port where any contagious or infectious disease exists, eign ports where to enter any port in the United States except in accordance with the exists subject to provisions of this act, and all rules and regulations of State boards of certain regulations health and all rules and regulations made in pursuance of this act; before entering And any such vessel which shall enter, or attempt to enter, a port of United States unthe United States, in violation thereof, shall forfeit to the United States violation. der penalty for a sum, to be awarded in the discretion of the court, not exceeding one thousand dollars, which shall be a lien upon said vessel, to be recovered by proceedings in the proper district court of the United States. And in all such proceedings the United States district attorney for such district shall appear on behalf of the United States, and all such proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and laws governing cases of seizure of vessels for violation of the revenue laws of the United States. R. S., §§ 47924796. 1878, April 29, ch. 66. proceedings in case of violation. - officer, &c. SEC. 2. All such vessels shall be required to obtain from the consul, to obtain sanivice consul, or other consular officer of the United States at the port of tary certificate of departure, or from the medical officer, where such officer has been de- consul or medical tailed by the President for that purpose, a certificate in duplicate setting forth the sanitary history of said vessel, and that it has in all respects complied with the rules and regulations in such cases prescribed for securing the best sanitary condition of the said vessel, its cargo, passengers, and crew; and said consular or medical officer is required, before granting such certificate, to be satisfied the matters and things therein stated are true; And for his services in that behalf he shall be entitled to demand and to pay fee for certificate. receive such fees as shall by lawful regulation be allowed, to be accounted for as is required in other cases. Medical officers That upon the request of the National Board of Health the President is authorized to detail a medical officer to serve in the office of the con- of inspection, &c., sul at any foreign port for the purpose of making the inspection and may be detailed to giving the certificates hereinbefore mentioned: Provided, That the number of officers so detailed shall not exceed at any one time six: Provided further, That any vessel sailing from any such port without such certificate of said medical officer, entering any port of the United States, shall forfeit to the United States the sum of five hundred dollars, which shall be a lien on the same to be recovered by proceedings in the proper district court of the United States. to serve in foreign Penalty and proceedings when veswithout certifi sels from such port, cate, enter United States. 1879, July 1, ch. 61, § 6. |