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THE following Resolutions adopted at different meetings of the Association, though not incorporated into the Plan of Organization, constitute a portion of the Regulations for the government of the Association.


(See TRANSACTIONS, vol. iv.)

Resolved, That committees of three be appointed to investigate and report severally on the following subjects:

1st. Causes of tubercular diathesis.

2d. Blending and conversion of the types of fever.

3d. The mutual relations of yellow fever and bilious remittent fever.

4th. Epidemic erysipelas.

5th. Acute and chronic diseases of the neck of the uterus.

6th. Dengue.

7th. The milk sickness so called.

8th. Endemic prevalence of tetanus.

9th. Diseases of parasitic origin.

10th. Physiological peculiarities and diseases of the Negro. 11th. The action of water on lead pipes, and the diseases which proceed from it.

12th. The alkaloids which may be substituted for quinia. 13th. Permanent cure of reducible hernia.

14th. Results of surgical operations for the relief of malignant diseases.

15th. Statistics of operations for removal of stone in the bladder. 16th. Cold water dressings.

17th. The sanitary principles applicable to the construction of dwellings.

18th. The toxicological and medicinal properties of our cryptogamic plants.

19th. Agency of the refrigeration produced through upward radiation of heat as an exciting cause of disease.

20th. Epidemic diseases of New England and New York.

21st. Epidemic diseases of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.

22d. Epidemic diseases of Virginia and North Carolina.

23d. Epidemic diseases of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.

24th. Epidemic diseases of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas.

25th. Epidemic diseases of Tennessee and Kentucky.

26th. Epidemic diseases of Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin.

27th. Epidemic diseases of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan.

Resolved, That a Committee on Nomination be appointed, whose duty it shall be to nominate one chairman for each of the above committees.

Resolved, That each of the chairmen thus nominated shall select, at his earliest convenience, two members of the Association, to complete the committee.

Resolved, That the delegates to the Association be requested to appoint committees, at one or more central points within their respective States, for the purpose of aiding the Committee of Publication in procuring subscribers, and in distributing the printed volumes of Transactions to said subscribers, as well as to the members of the Association residing within the neighborhood of the said committees respectively. (Vol. vii. p. 22.)

Resolved, That this Association appoint a special committee for each State and Territory represented of members, whose duty it shall be to report upon its medical topography, epidemic diseases and the most successful treatment thereof, and that the same shall continue to hold their office for three years.

Resolved, That, as other States and Territories, not now represented, become so by delegates duly appointed to this National Association, similar committees shall be appointed for like purposes, and that they also shall hold their office for three years.

Resolved, That in the appointment of gentlemen of education and experience in the affairs of their own State we have the best guarantee that the important objects we seek will be more satisfactorily accomplished, and the profession as well as the public. interest thereby better served.

Resolved, That the committees heretofore appointed by this Association, at its session in Charleston, for a similar object, be and the same are hereby discharged. (Vol. viii.)

Resolved, That the resolutions adopted by the Association at its session in St. Louis, in 1854, requiring the Committee of Públication to be selected from the place where the meeting should be held, be repealed. (Vol. ix. p. 24.)

Resolved, That the general meeting of the Association, after this day, shall be restricted to the morning sessions; and the afternoon sessions, commencing at three o'clock, shall be devoted to the hearing of papers and discussions in the several sections.

Resolved, That each section shall choose its own officers, and make its own rules of order.

Resolved, That all essays, voluntary communications, and reports, except those of the officers of the Association, the reports of the Committees on Medical Education, Medical Literature, and Prize Essays, shall be first presented to the Association by a brief abstract, and referred to the appropriate sections, in which they shall be examined and discussed, after which they shall be returned to the Secretary of the Association, accompanied by an expression of opinion, as to whether they are worthy of publication or not. And the Secretary shall pass.all such as are thus designated to be worthy, directly to the Committee of Publication; and such as are not so designated, shall be retained by the Secretary, or returned to their authors, as the latter may indicate. (Vol. x. pp. 28, 29.)

Resolved, That this Association will not recognize, as regularly organized, any college which does not require evidence of suitable preliminary education from all applicants for collegiate instruction. (Vol. x. p. 33.)

Resolved, That this Association recognizes, as a regularly organized medical college, one which has been represented at any meeting of this Convention, and which complies with the preceding rules and directions. (Vol. x. p. 34.)

Resolved, That no one appointed on a special committee, who fails to report at the meeting next succeeding the one at which he is appointed, shall be continued on such committee, or appointed on any other, unless a satisfactory excuse is offered. (Vol. x. p. 38.)





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