Gambar halaman


Abraham, hero of faith, 25; in the Cambyses, 193

New Testament, 32

Advent of Jehovah, into family of
Shem, 22; in expectations of ex-
ilic period, 181; in post-exilic age,
203. See Jehovah

Ahab, 83

Carchemish, battle of, 152
Chaldæan Empire, 154
Chronicles, books of, 186
Covenant, with David, 53,75; Book
of the, 76; Jeremiah's ideal of
the new Covenant, 143 f.

Alexander the Great, 199; the As- Cyrus, 155, 158, 190

[blocks in formation]

Asmonæans, 242, 244

Damascus, its wars with Israel, 80,
Daniel, Book of, 157, 188, 201, 261;
apocalyptic in, 214; expectations
of, 214 f.; historical background
of, 232; individualism in, 226
Darius, 191 f., 193 ff., 197
David, his character and achieve-

ments, 48; not the writer of the
Book of Psalms, 60; as a centre
of messianic prophecy, 56, 276;
in Hosea, 97; in Isaiah, 120, 125;
in the exile, 164, 169, 181; in post-
exilic times, 192, 195, 219; in the
post-Maccabæan age, 255; in the
New Testament, 75

Demetrius II, 241

Deuteronomy, 129, 141, 145

Assyria, its advance upon the West, Disruption of the Israelite king-

80, 86-88

Baalism introduced into Israel from

Phoenicia, 83; overthrown, 85

Balaam prophecies, 36

Book of the Covenant, 76


dom, causes and consequences,
79, 81

'E" document of the Pentateuch,
12 note, 77; its outlook, 89
Earth, messianic conception of
victory over, 15, 20

Ecclesiastes, Book of, 189, 239
Ecclesiasticus, Book of, 238
Elijah, his career and teaching, 84;
in post-exilic expectations, 197,
220; in Ecclesiasticus, 254

Hope, Israel's messianic. See Mes-

Hosea, Book of, 79; character of
his teaching, 90, 179; preparation
for, 100; times of, 100

Elisha, his career and service to Humanity, Hebrew ideal of, 15, 229,
Israel, 85


Enoch, Book of, 235 f., 272; the Hyrcanus II, 244, 246

patriarch, 19, 236

Esarhaddon, 131

brew prophet, 29

Exile, literary activity in, 148; spir- | Idealism, characteristic of the He-
itual development of Israel in,
157 f., 183

[blocks in formation]

Habakkuk, Book of, 130

Haggai, Book of, 186; the prophet,
191; work of, 194; expectations
of, 203, 214

Hannah, Song of, 50 note
Hellenism, 201, 242
Herod, 246, 247

Hezekiah, 104-106

Historical method, applied to mes-

sianic prophecy, 4

History of Israel, an organism in
the prophetic conception, 28; sig-
nificant as a history of salvation, 3
History, as conditioning messianic
utterances, 5, 43, 58, 71f., 90, 95,
107, 117, 139, 146, 163, 179, 199,
226, 231, 266 f., 274
Holiness Code, the, 151

Ideals of Israel, see Messianic
Idumæa, 246

Immanuel prophecies of Isaiah,
120, 127

Immortality, in post-exilic expecta-
tions, 227; in post-Maccabæan
times, 256. See Resurrection
Individual, as Messiah, prefigured
in the patriarchs, 25, 27; in the
Mosaic age, 36; in David and
his line, 56 f., 72f., 74; in Isaiah's
child-prophecies, 120 f.; in Jere-
miah, 146; in Ezekiel, 168; in
exilic expectations, the
vant," 182; in post-exilic hopes
225-230, 233; in the Maccabean
age and after, 257-262
Institutions of Israel, as starting

points for messianic hopes, 44
Isaac, the oracle concerning, 23
Isaiah, Book of, 101; the prophet,
times of, 102 f.; call and early
activity, 102; sermons in time of
Ahaz, 104; in time of Hezekiah,
105 f.; his political activity, 106;
view of the future, 107 ff.; ex-
pectation of national deliverance,
117f., 179; child-prophecies, 120 f.;
belief in national permanence,
121; doctrine of the remnant,
122 f.; hope of a world peace,
123 f.; his disciples and succes-
sors, 131, 132

Isaiah xl.-lxvi., 149f., 186, 199;
problems of, 183; expectation of
Jehovah's advent in, 181, 208;
hope of national restoration in,

[ocr errors]

163; the servant in, 171, Jerusalem, in expectations of the

177 f.

Israel, see Nation

"J" document of the Pentateuch,
12 note, 77; its outlook, 89
Jacob, the oracle concerning, 24
Japheth, 21

Jashar, Book of, 76
Jehoiachin, 152

Jehoiakim, 152

monarchy, 69; in Isaiah's oracles,
122; in Jeremiah, 141; in post-
exilic oracles, 203, 208; in Tobit,

Jesus, the culminating figure in
Israel's history, 2; its history a
preparation for him, 3; as fulfil-
ling Israel's messianic ideal, 281,
285; not directly visioned in
messianic prophecy, 6, 60
Job, Book of, 150

Joel, Book of, 189, 200; messianic
expectation in, 209

John Hyrcanus, 243
Jonah, Book of, 189, 228
Jonathan, 241

Jehovah, God of Israel, his purpose
and presence the basis of messi-
anic prophecy, 1; in pre-Mosaic
ideals, 30; in Mosaic oracles,
44; in oracles respecting the
monarchy, 68, 73; his promi- | Josiah, 130, 132f., 147
nence and absoluteness in the
outlooks of Amos and Hosea, 94,
99; the new doctrine of him
presented by them, 95, 96; the
source of deliverance in Isaiah's
oracles, 118; the hope of Jere-
miah, 139; his character the
basis of Ezekiel's expectation,
180; his activity in behalf of
Israel as pictured in Maccabæan
and post-Maccabean times,
248 f., 264 f.; his choice of Shem,
21; the father of Israel, 37; his
universal sovereignty, 210, 265;
his spirit in Israel, 209; his
righteousness, 276f.; his love, | Kingdom, see Monarchy
277; his union with Israel, 278.
See Advent

Judah, the oracle concerning, 26
Judaism, the birthday of, 198;
literature reflecting it, 199
Judas Maccabæus, 201
Judges, period of, 47, 74
Judgment, in Amos and Hosea, 90,
95; in Isaiah, 123; in Jeremiah,
139; the universal judgment in
post-exilic oracles, 214; in Mac-
cabæan and post-Maccabæan
hopes, 248, 250, 264 f.

Jehu, 85

Jeremiah, his book, 130; his pro-
phetic work and position, 133;
his outlooks for the future, 134 ff.;
his faith in Jehovah, 139; his
expectation of restoration for the
people, 140 f.; his new pro-
gramme, 142; his hope of a new
covenant, 143, 179; his typical
character, 146, 147; last years of,
153, 156
Jeroboam I, 79
Jeroboam II, 86, 87

King, the Israelitish ideal of, 40,
69. See Monarchy

Lamentations, Book of, 151, 158
Land of Israel, its happy future,
the patriarchal prospect, 26; in
the messianic expectations of
the monarchy, 70; in Isaiah's
oracles, 124; in Maccabæan
hopes, 254

Law and the Messianic Hope, 231,


Maccabees, age of, 200; uprising
of, 240 f.; expectations of the age
of, 247 ff.

Malachi, Book of, 196 f.

Man, messianic conception of, as
an ideal figure, 14 f.; as victor
over sin, 16-18; in post-exilic
expectations, 229; ideal in other
religions, 32

Manasseh, 129, 131
Marduk, 154

Mattathias, 201

Median kingdom, 132, 155
Melchizedek, 70

Menahem, 102

Merodach-baladan, 104
Messiah (and messianic), Hebrew
conception of, 1; the personal
Messiah in Maccabæan and
post-Maccabæan hopes, 257-
262; the heavenly Messiah of
post-Maccabæan hopes, 267
Messianic hope, narrow and broad
conception of its scope, 3, 7-9;
elements of the broad conception
sketched, 275 f.; in the Mosaic
age external and political, 44f.;
centring about the monarchy,
72; spiritualized and individual-
ized by the earlier prophets, 97 f.;
the national aspect in Isaiah, 125;
and in Jeremiah, 146; stimulated
by the new programme of Jere-
miah, 142; union of spiritual and
temporal elements in the exile
period, 179; and in post-exilic
age, 230; its persistence in spite
of failure in the post-exilic age,
202, 231; its intensity in the Mac-
cabæan age and after, 247; supra-
mundane and mechanical ele-
ments of it in that age, 267, 268;
permanent contribution of that
period, 269 f.; the transcendental
element, 31, 72, 99, 126, 146, 179f.;
270,279 f.; messianic hope in the
New Testament, 287; messianic
hope in other religions, 287
Messianic ideals of Israel, their con-
tent: the ideal of civilization, 19;
of deliverance, 17, 91, 108, 109,
114, 135, 223, 225; of God, 50, 54,

114, 209; of heaven, 225; of
humanity, 15, 211, 227; of judg-
ment, 212, 217, 248, 258; of mon-
archy, 27, 39, 50, 53-55, 61-67, III,
112, 216, 252, 258 f.; of national-
ity, 25, 35, 38, 116, 251, 252; of
priesthood, 42, 52, 216; of proph-
ecy, 41, 252; of religion, 21; of
service, 169, 171, 172; of the con-
summation, 207, 211, 263; of
union with God, 37, 91, 137 f.,
164, 166, 167, 208, 223; of world-
empire, 116, 162, 203, 249. Char-
acterized and estimated: their
broad scope, 274-276; elements
of, 286; their spiritual character,
276-278; problem of continuous
development of, 286; permanent
value and influence of these
ideals, 278-281; await a larger
realization, 285 f.

Messianic programme, the, in the
Maccabæan age, 262 ff.
Messianic prophecy, not limited to
predictions of the Christ, 7; peri-
ods of, 9; threefold division of,
9f.; an interpretation of Jeho-
vah's purposes of blessing, 1of.,
13, 30

Methods of studying messianic
prophecy, 3-5; the historical
method described and justified,
5-7, 273, 274
Micah, Book of, 101; prophetic
activity of, 104

Monarchy, its origin in Israel, 47,
75; a stimulus and centre for
messianic prophecy, 50, 72; pre-
figured in pre-Mosaic hopes, 27;
in Mosaic oracles, 40, 46, 142f.,
145; hopes relating to it in psalm
literature, 57, 70, 72; comparative
neglect of in expectations of earlier
prophets, 96; idealized by Isaiah,
125 f.; in Jeremiah, 141 f.; in
Ezekiel, 163 f.; in post-exilic age,
193, 219; in Maccabæan times
and after, 255, 265
Moral element in messianic proph-

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