Gambar halaman

dence, 57, 88, 190; on thievery of
Indians, 211.

Brown, James, manuscript cited, 211.
Brown, John, connection with Gaspee

affair, 1772, 268 69; member of
General Assembly, 1787, 120.
Brown, John Carter, Library of,
cited, 223.

Brown, Joseph, electrical researches
of, 247; observes transit of Venus,
1769, 254.

Brown, Moses, on Williams's location
on the Seekonk, 1636, 82; observes
transit of Venus, 1769, 254.
Brown, Richard, Watertown, Mass., 74.
Brown, Robert, independency of, 100.
Brown University. See Rhode Island

Brown University library, 234, 257,
278; papers preserved at, 271.
Browne, John and Samuel, expulsion
of, 1629, 70.

Brymer, Alexander, supplies British
fleet, 1773, 310, 311, 319, 321.
Bull, Henry, early settler of New-
port, 32, 331.

[ocr errors]

Bull, Henry, history cited, 8.
Burges, Tristam, pupil of William
Williams, 278.

Burial, of Canonicus, 1647, 165, 166,

191, 192; of Winthrop, 1649, 192.
Burning of Providence, 1676, 58,89; of
houses near Newport, 1776, 325; of
Warren, 1778, 274.

Burnyeat, John, on the Quakers, 76.
Burr, Rev. Aaron, president of Col-
lege of New Jersey, 269.

Burr, Aaron, candidate for president
of the United States, 1800, 130.
Burrillville, originally in Providence,


Burrough, Capt. John, observes tran-
sit of Venus, 1769, 254.

Busher, Leon, on "Religious peace,"

Caldwell, Rev. Dr. S. L., 58, 112; on

Williams's opinions, 56, 101.
California, topography of, 248, 249.
Calivance, supplied to British fleet,
324, 325.

Call, Williams's, at Salem, 1631, 72.
Callender, Rev. John, Century ser-

mon cited, 8, 9, 68, 69, 98-99,
164, 165, 174, 190, 234, 235.
Cambridge, England, Agreement at,
1629, 68, 112; Williams at Pem-
broke College, 1625,71.

Cambridge, Mass., 133; synod, 1637,
30; platform, 70; Harvard Medi-
cal School founded at, 1783, 258;
Dr. Waterhouse's residence at,
258, 262.

Canada, Stiles on, 1760, 250; rela-
tions with Indians, 216, 228.
Canal, from Easton's Pond, 334, 336.
Canoes, of Narragansetts, 143.
Canonchet, sachem of Narragansetts,
Canonicus, sachem of Narragansetts,
141, 215; spelling of name, 33;
relations with Williams, 18, 22, 85,
164, 165, 187, 202; with Rhode
Island, 159, 160, 163, 164, 165, 175,
194, 200; with Massachusetts, 160,
161, 162, 163; with the Dutch,
163; appeals to English crown,
1644, 190, 194; his land transfers,
163, 225; his influence in his tribe,
188, 189, 191, 209, 215, 218; rela-
tions with other chiefs, 166, 191;
successors to, 166, 219; death, 1647,
177, 191; burial of, 165, 166, 191,
192; grave of, 155, 192; respect
for, 192, 215.

Canton, Mass., John Smith at, 82.
Cape Cod, Pilgrims at, 1620, 15.
Cape Horn, route around, 139.
Capitalization, method of, 94.
Carder, Richard, settler of Warwick,
1643, 36.

Carolina, province of, 27.
Carpenter, William, companion of
Williams, 19; settler of Pawtuxet,
35, 195; cited by Massachusetts
government, 1650, 195; papers of,
among town records, 105.

Carr, Sir Robert, letter of Williams
to, 1665, 187.

Carthaginians, supposed visits to
America, 249.

Carver, John, settler of Plymouth,
1620, 15.

Caspian Sea, region beyond, 248.
Catechism, left by William Pynchon,
69, 112.

Cathcart, Rev. W., on loyalists, 280.
Cattle, attacked by Indians, 1676,
225; by British, 1773, 315.
Caujanaquant, deed from, 105.
Central Bridge, (over Seekonk river),


"Century sermon," of Rev. John

Callender, 1739, 8, 9, 68, 69, 79,
98, 99, 164, 165, 174, 190, 234, 235.
Ceremonies, of Indians, 155.

Chaleur, H. M. sloop, 311.
Chalmers, George, on Rhode Island
laws, 20.

Champlin, Christopher, supplies Brit-
18h fleet, 1773-75, 310, 316, 317, 324.
Champlin, George, connection with
Easton case, 1787-88, 342, 343.
Channing, William, counsel for city
of Newport, 1785-86, 329, 341.
Charles I, 15; grants Massachusetts

charter, 1629, 68, 101; arrests
the five members," 1642, 41; sub-
mission of Narragansetts to, 1644,
62; regicide judges of, 1649, 249.
Charles II, 216; exile in Holland,
244; declaration from Breda, 1660,
54, 244; grants charter to Royal
Society, 1662, 244; also charter to
Rhode Island, 1663, 42, 53, 54, 67,
86, 103, 141, 204, 244.
Charles Edward, the "Pretender,"
251, 252.

Charleston, S. C., fleet at, 304.
Charlestown, Mass., settlement of,

1630, 15, 16, 25, 69; Gorton at,
1643-44, 61.

Charlestown, R. I., Indian reserva-
tion at, 230, 235.

Charlotte, Queen, on seal of Rhode
Island College, 279.
Charlton, Mass., 274.

Charter, of Massachusetts, 1629, 68,
101; granted as to a trading cor-
poration, 99; nature of transfer,
69; Williams's attitude towards,
96, 97, 99.

Charter, of Rhode Island, of 1643-4.

See Patent, (Rhode Island), of

Charter, of Rhode Island, of 1663,42,

53-54, 86, 103, 141, 204, 244, 245.
Charter, of the city of Newport, 1784-
87, 344.

Charter, of the Royal Society, 244.
Charter rights, sensitiveness to, 76,

Chatham, Earl of, connection with

Letters of Junius, 260-61.
Cheating, of the Narragansetts, 199.
Chelone, described by Josselyn, 241.
Chemical investigations at Newport,

Chesapeake, naval battles off, 1778,321.
Child, Cromel, Varnum's relation-
ship to, 277.

Child, Martha, wife of J. M. Varnum,

China, lands north of, 249.

Choate, Rufus, 111, United States
Senator, 131-32.

Christianity, not attractive to Narra-
gansetts, 172, 174, 186-87; slow
progress in British India, 172.
Papers," cited, 8.
Chronology, Stiles on, 248.
Church, Benjamin, on King Philip,

table, of "Foster

Church of England, relation of Mas-
sachusetts settlers to, 1629-30, 69-
70; Williams's relations to, 71, 96,
97, 98; efforts for Indians, 234;
ownership of land at Westerly, 234.
Church government, Williams on, 96,
97, 173, 174.

Church organization, in Providence,
55, 56.

Cignet, of H. M. navy, 311.
Circulation of the blood, discovery
of, 1616, 244.

Circumnavigation of the globe, 1771,
252, 253.

City charter, of Newport, 1784-87,

Civil and religious freedom, 72, 97,
98, 268.

Civil war, English, 12, 39.
Civilization, not attractive to Indians,

141, 144, 151, 158, 174, 175, 184,
187, 209, 237.

Claggett, Thomas, of Newport, 246.
Claggett, William, electrical investi-

gations of, 247; religious contro-
versies of, 246.

Clambakes, of the Narragansetts, 147.
Clams, taken from Easton's Beach,

Clarendon, Earl of, history cited, 12.
Clarke, James, Claggett's opposition
to, 246.

Clarke, Jeremiah, ("Jeremy"), 87.
Clarke, Dr. John, 32, founder of
Newport, 9, 32, 198; services in
England, 54, 88, 204; procures
charter, 1663, 54; relations to Indi-
ans, 164, 198.

Clarke, Peleg, connection with Easton
case, 1787, 343.

Clarke, Walter, a Friend, 222; policy
as governor, 1675-76, 223, 224.
Clawson, John, inventory of, 106.
"Clear sun-shine," (Shepard's), cited,

Clinton, DeWitt, visits Providence,
1790, 123.

Clocks, made by Claggett, 246, 247.

Clothing, of Indians, 145, 230; of Commencement, first, of Rhode Island

Narragansetts, 152, 185.

"Coarse Harbor Island." See Coast-
er's Harbor Island.

Coaster's Harbor Island, commonage
of, 335.

Coasting trade, of Rhode Island, 302.
Coddington, William, 76; signer of
letter from Yarmouth, 1630, 70;
residence at Boston, 168; early set-
tler of Aquidneck, 31, 38, 169, 330;
land grants, 193; commission of,
1651, 87, 88, 108, 208; incorpora-
tor under charter of 1663, 88; gov-
ernor of Rhode Island, 1675-76,
208, 209; relations with the Indians,
168, 182; character, 208.
Coddington, William, town clerk of
Newport, 1716, 337.

Coddington, William, town clerk of

Newport, 1775, 1776, 324, 325, 337.
Code, (Rhode Island), of 1647, 46.
Coggeshall, James, takes sand from
Easton's Beach, 333-34.
Coggeshall, John, early settler of
Aquidneck, 32, 330; president
under patent, (1648), 87.
Coke, Sir Edward, Institutes of, 71;
Williams pupil of, 71.
Cole,s Robert, companion of Wil-
liams, 19.

Coleraine, Ireland, 273.
Colonial charters, 233.

Colonial period, scientific study under,

Colonial rights, 208-9, 233, 284-85;
Stiles on, 250.

Colonial trade, 292-93.
Colonies, American, development of,

286, 294, 298: protection of by Eng-
land, 287, 290, 291-92, 296-97; tax-
ation of, 290-91; question of inde-
pendence, 267, 288, 325.

College of New Jersey, (Princeton),

College graduates, loyalists among,

Collie, W., officer in H. M. navy,

[blocks in formation]

College, 1769, 265, 272, 273.
Commerce, early, 42, 84.

Commission, of Coddington, 1651,
87, 88, 108, 208.

Common lands, at Newport, 337, 340.
Communion, Williams's opinions on,


Communistic principles of the Narra-
gansetts, 199.

Compact, (Providence), of 1636, 37.
Compromise, in Easton case, 1788,

Comstock, Daniel, indenture of, 106.
Comstock, Samuel, on Sir Edmund
Andros, 93.

Conanicus. See Canonicus.
Concord, battle of, 1775, 114.
Confederation, of Indian tribes, 88,

188; of the colonies, 250, 267.
Congregationalists, 70, 247, 250.
Congress, Continental, 116, 267, 277,

Congress, under the constitution,

Connecticut, 215, 228, 242, 248, 268,
343; settlement of, 1635, 26; rela-
tions with Rhode Island, 22, 86, 159,
202, 205, 223, 226; relations with
Indians, 176, 217; John Winthrop,
Jr., governor of, 244: Samuel
Huntington, governor of, 329.
Connecticut valley, settlers in, 25,

Conscience, freedom of. See Free-
dom of conscience.

Constitution, of Great Britain, 283,
285; of the United States, 122;
Theodore Foster an advocate of,
1787-90, 120-22,134; principles of,
67, 68.
Constitutions of the Narragansetts,

Contentiousness, of Williams, 97; of
the founders of New England, 97.
Continental congress, 116, 267, 277,

Continental money, 118.

Contracts, for supplies to British fleet,

Controversies, in Rhode Island, 23,
204, 211; with Massachusetts, 11,21.
Convention, Mecklenburg, 1775, 268;
Rhode Island, 1650, 196; United
States, (Constitutional), 1787, 120.
Cook, Capt. George, at Warwick, 61.
Cook, Capt. James, voyages of, 248,

Cookson, Capt. Thomas, of H. M. S.

Senigal, [Senegal], 1768, 312.

Coral, grant of, 343.

Corbet, Miles, incorporator in Rhode
Island patent of 1643-4, 41, 44.
Cork, Ireland, 273.

Corn, Indian, raised by Narragan-
setts, 146.

Corporation of Newport, rights of,
335, 339.

Cotton, Rev John, writings cited, 9,
95, 97, 165, 173, 174, 182, 186; re-
lations with Williams, 73, 97.
Council, special, 1667, 205.
Counsel, in Easton lawsuit, 1785-88,
329, 341, 343.

Courage, of Williams, 187.

Court House, at Newport, 329; at
Providence, 117.

Courtesy, of the Narragansetts, 149,

Courts, Rhode Island, 199, 319, 339.
Coweset, Indians at, 214.

Cranston, John, governor of Rhode

[ocr errors]

Island, 1678-80, 93.
Cranston, John, Jr., in General
Assembly. 1716, 94.

Cranston, Samuel, governor of Rhode

Island, 1698-1727, 93, 94.

Cranston, Samuel, Jr., in General
Assembly, 1716, 94.

Cranston, Town of, originally in Prov-
idence, 23.

Crawford, Gideon, ownership of land,

Credulity, of Stiles, 248.

Creek, from Easton's Pond, 336.
Crespin, [Crispin], Capt. A., of H. M.
Schooner, Halifax, 1773, 320.
Crimes, of Indians, 181, 227; of Nar-
ragansetts, 154.
Cromwell, Oliver, incorporator in
Rhode Island patent of 1643-4, 41;
Williams's relations with, 41, 176.
Cromwell, Richard, relations with
Rhode Island, 50.

Cross, cut from English flag, at
Salem, 1628, 74.

Cruizer, H. M. Snow, 320, 321, 322.
Culloden, battle of, 1749, 251.
Cumberland, Blackstone at, 24, 25.
Curtis, William, botanic garden of,

Cushing, Thomas, in Continental
Congress, 113.
Cygnet, see Cignet.

Dacotahs, chiefs of, 217.

[blocks in formation]

Dead, Indian customs regarding, 138.
Deane, Charles, cited, 20, 63, 69.
Debts, due the United States, 124;
due Williams, 150.

Decalogue, (The), Williams's state-
ments about, 99.

Declaration from Breda, 1660, 54,

Declaration of Independence, 1776,
268, 325.

Deeds, Indian, 18, 24; given by Wil-
liams, 85, 164; Providence, 104,
105; destroyed in King Philip's
War, 225.
Depositions, by Roger Williams,
1682, 164; by Theodore Foster,
1821, 183; by witnesses in Easton
case, 1788, 333, 334, 337, 338.
Dexter, Dr. Aaron, professor in
Harvard Medical School, 258.
Dexter, Gregory, town clerk of Prov-
idence, 109; member of church at
Providence, 57; military service,

Dexter, Rev. Dr. Henry M., on

Roger Williams, 16, 47, 70, 72, 73,
77, 80, 81, 95, 96, 101.
Dexter, Samuel, U S. Senator from
Massachusetts, 123.

Dexter, Stephen, son of Gregory,


Diana, (schooner), 322.
Diary of Dr. Stiles, 250.
Dickinson, John, influence of, 285.
Dickinson, Jonathan, president of
College of New Jersey, 269.
Dighton inscriptions, Stiles on, 249.
Diman, Professor J. Lewis, on Roger
Williams, 49, 55, 71, 73, 81, 96;
on Williams's relations to the Mas-
sachusetts authorities, 98, 99; on
the principle of the separate func-
tions of civil and religious govern-
ment, 102, 103; on King Philip, 92.

"Discharge" of John Whipple, Jr.,
for town records, 1678, 103 7.
Diseases of the Narragansetts, 150,

Disputation, between Varnum and
Williams, 1769, 281-98.

Dissections, early American, 252.
Division of the town of Providence,
23, 85, 86.

Docket, of Theodore Foster, 117.
Doctrines of Roger Williams, 96, 97,


Domestic fowls, among Narragan-
setts, 146.

Domestic service, few Narragansetts
employed in, 210.
Dorchester, Mass., settlement of, 16,

Dorr, Henry C., on early town of
Providence, 20, 22, 84.
Douglass, Dr. William, "Summary "
of, 9.

Dracut, Mass., 272, 276, 277.

Dramatic performances, 1798, 127.
Drift-way, leading to Easton's Beach,

Drowne, Henry T., papers owned by,
116, 117.

Drowne, Dr. Solomon, graduate from

Rhode Island College, 114; surgeon
in Continental army, 132; corre-
spondence with Theodore Foster,
116, 124, 126, 128, 129, 132; resi-
dence at Foster, R. I., 132.
Drowne, Rev. Dr. T. S., papers
owned by, 133.

Drunkenness, of the Indians, 180,

206, 226, 227, 234, 237; of the Nar-
ragansetts, 199, 200, 203, 206, 207,

Dublin, Ireland, 273, 275.
Duc d'Hanovre, (corvette), captured
1758, 321.

Dutch of New Netherlands, confed-
eracy with Indians, 205; plunder-
ers of Narragansett Bay, 177; trade
with Indians, 144, 176, 194; with
the Narragansetts, 160, 163, 176,
177; other trade, 176, 177, 178,

Dutch Island, naming of, 177; own-
ership of, 193, 204; Indians at, 179.
Dutch West India Company, trade
with Narragansett Bay, 160, 193.
Duvill, Capt, H. M. navy, 311.
Dwight, B. W., work on Dwight fam-
ily cited, 112, 114, 115, 116, 121,

Dwight, Dorothy, mother of Theo-
dore Foster, 112.

Dwight, John, settler of Dedham,
Mass., 112.

Dwight, Timothy, president of Yale
College, 113.

Dwight family, 112.

Dyer, Samuel, relations with Nicholas
Easton, 332, 333; death, 333.
Dyer, Samuel, supplies provisions to
British fleet, 1775, 324, 325.
Dyer, Samuel, deposition in Easton
case, 1788, 332, 333.

Dyer, William, early Newport set-
tler, 32, 108.

Dyer family, Bible of, 333.
Dyre. See Dyer.

Early attempts at Rhode Island his-
tory, (by Hopkins and others),


Early records of Providence, 103-7.
Early votaries of natural science in

Rhode Island, (C. W. Parsons),


East Greenwich, 270, 325, 326; Var-
num a resident of, 276.

East India Company, relation of to
American colonies, 310.
Eastern Navy Board, 301.

Eastern tier of towns, accession of,
1746, 86.

Easton, John, governor, 1690-95, 332,
333; will cited, 332.

Easton, John, land-owner in New-
port, 1788, 334.

Easton, Jonathan, will cited, 332.
Easton, Jonathan, Jr., agrees to set-
tlement, 1787, 343.
Easton, Gov. Nicholas, early settler
of Newport, 1639, 330; gives name
to Newport, 330; lands allotted to,
1644, 329, 330-31, 337; assistant,
1640, 330; fined 5 shillings, 1640,
330; president, 1650, 87; calls con-
vention, 1650, 196; governor, 1672-
74, 335; will cited, 1675, 332.
Easton, Capt. Nicholas, 338, 339;
applies for gate, 1706, 335, 336;
applies for bridge, 1716, 336; will
cited, 1763, 332; death, 337, 338;
will cited, 1770, 332.
Easton, Nicholas, nephew of Capt.
Nicholas, 329, 332, 333, 337, 338;
inherits Easton property, 332; for-
bids trespass on Easton's Beach,
1785, 329, 339; lawsuit of, 329,
339, 341, 342, 343, 344.

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