Hertz, Rachel, case of, who swallowed several hundred needles, 241* Hippesley, sir J. Coxe, death and memoir of, 246
Hohenlohe, prince, miracle by, 131
Holman, a tailor, case of his refusing to
support his daughter, 78 Horse-racing in France, 36; in Russia,
House of Lords, case of Bayley v. Manle, 59; list of undecided appeals and writs of error, 186
Howison's "Foreign Scenes," extracts from, 225; description of the city of Havana, ib.
Hume, Mr., his motion against the Irish church establishment, [80] Hungary meeting of the diet, [155]; speech of the emperor of Austria to the diet, 92*
Huskisson, Mr., motion respecting our colonial commerce,[89]; ditto abolition of fees in colonial ports, [104]; ditto on the Combination laws, [91]; ditto re- specting the diminution of duties, [106]
Jealousy, singular and dreadful instance of, in a soldier at Genoa, who, after kill- ing and wounding several persons, de- stroys himself, 166
Jerningham, dowager lady, death of, 231 Jeweller, action brought by, to recover balance of a bill, nonsuited, 12 Jesuits' college at Stonyhurst, 279* Imports, colonial, at Liverpool, compared
with the rest of Great Britain, 185 Improvements: project for forming a street between Lincoln's-inn-fields and Strand, to be called Lincoln's-Iun Place, 151
India, navigation to, by steam, 171 Inquests: hon. J. H. Stanhope, 3; Red- mond Barry, 85; J. Tietjen, killed by an elephant at Exeter Change, 153 Ionian Islands: tranquil state of, [183]; aots relative to ecclesiastical establish- ment, ib.; change in state of landed property, ib.
Joint-stock companies, table of, and list of advertisements of, [2]; proposed bill relative to, [88]
Josephs, Mr. E, expelled the Stock Exchange, 121
Ireland: Catholic Association, [1]; see Parliament; new Catholic Association formed, [45]; bill for regulating elect- ive franchise in, [67]; proposed provi- sion for the Catholic clergy, [69]; committee of the Lords for inquiry into the state of Ireland, [71]; poverty of the peasantry, [72]; their dependence
on the landlords, [74]; tythe system, [75]; abuse of legal proceedings, [76]; civil ejectment bill, [77]; other topies of investigation, [78]; motion in par- liament respecting religious animosities, [79]: state of charter schools, [80]; report of the select committee of the House of Lords on the state of Ireland, 42*
Iron boat, 133
Islands, discovered, 253*
Isle of Man, disturbances at, on account of potatoe tithes, 157
Italy: Papal states, [181]; Naples, ib. Judicial curiosity, 158
Judge, Mr., editor of the Cheltenham Journal, assaulted by colonel Berkeley, 36
Judges, regulation of salaries of, [86]; in. crease of salaries of, in France, 53 Juries, Mr. Peel's bill for amending the laws relative to, [88]
Kelt, rev. H., death of, 266 Krudener, Mad., death of, 215
Lacepède, count de, naturalist, death and memoir of, 283
Land, minute division of, in Ireland, 42° Launch of the "Baron of Renfrew," Quebec, 93
Law proceedings, exparte publication of,
Lens, J., death of, 271
Levant company, surrender of charter of, [113]
Libel, action for, against the editor of the Dublin Star, 20*
Lilford, lord, death of, 266
Lime, oxalate of, its electric powers, 260° Lincoln's-Jun Place, project of a new street to be so named, 151
Linquiti, Chevalier, death of, 281 Lion fights at Warwick, Nero, 105; Wallace, 108
Lisbon, regulations relative to goat-own- ers, 133
Maddock, rev. T., death of, 226
Malines, jubilee in honour of St. Roin- baut, 115
Manifesto of the emperor Nicholas of Russia, 96; of the Greek nation, 106* Marriage, singular one, of a prisoner tried
for rape, and the prosecutrix, 120 Mars, Mademoiselle, anecdote of, 8 Martyn, rev. Thomas, death of, 255 Mechanical arts, 266*
Mechanics' Institution, London, 77 Meeting at the Mansion House, 169 Meteor in Guelderland, 258* Mexico: recognition of its independence, [14]; meeting of congress, and presi- dent's speech, [199]; treaty of com- merce with Great Britain proposed to congress, but not ratified, [205]; close of the session, and president's speech, ib.; military defence, navy, judicial administration, [206]; voluntary sur- render of two Spanish ships, [208]; surrender of the castle of St. Juan de Ulloa, ib.; inland navigation, 34 Meyer, Dr. J., death of, 268 Mezzofauti, prof. (celebrated linguist), account of, 280*
Middleton, explosion of a mine at, 4 Miloradovitsch, prince, shot in an insur- rection at St. Petersburgh, [162] Mine, explosion of, at Middleton, 4 Mines in Spanish America, 285* Mining shares, &c., estimate of payments on, 48*
Miracle, effected by prince Hohenlohe, 131
Miramichi, New Brunswick, dreadful fire and hurricane at, 135, 174 Missionaries: East Indies, 46; North America, ib.
Missolonghi, siege of, [191]; surrender of the fort of Anatolico, [192] Money-market, panic in, [123]] Monte Video, success of the Independents against the Imperialists, [179] Moore's Life of Sheridan, extracts from, 166
Moretti's fulminating acid, 261*
Morris, Miss, and two other females burnt to death, 109
Mostyn, lady, killed by her horses running away, 10
Mountain, Dr., bishop of Quebec, death of, 263
Murder: Francis Baker, esq., by Mr. Desha, son of the governor of Kentucky, 18; John Ryan, by his wife and Patrick Cusack, 28; at Oporto, 33; Frances Smaller, 37; Mary Ann Hallenborough, 38; at Constantinople, 48; in Switzer- land, 53; of a sealing party, in New South Wales, 63; Josephine Duprat murders her husband, 64; Behier mur- ders his wife, and a girl, 90; horrible murder at Paris, 91; Chevalier, 112; James Read, by his wife, ib. ; murder in the forest of Facq, 134; murder of M. Keller, 156; singular murder of a child, by cutting off its head, ib. ; at Frouquet, 164; in La Bresse, 168; at Genoa, 166; A. Hogg, 3*
Murray, lieutenant-governor of Demerara, Mr. Serjeant Rough's petition against,
Musical festivals at York, comparison of receipts, 1823 and 1825, 131
Naples: death of the king, [181], 218; reduction of the Austrian troops in the Two Sicilies, [182]; pretended miracles, ib.; assassins executed, 55; quarantino regulations, 80
Natural Philosophy, 228*
Needles, case of a Jewess, at Copenhagen, who swallowed upwards of 300, 230° Netherlands: distress occasioned by in- undations, [148]; speech at the close of the session of the states-general, ib. ; decrees for the regulation of education and the universities, [149]; letter from the court of Rome to the archbishop of Mechlin, [150] note; opposition of the Catholic clergy to the decrees, and liberality of those of Luxemburg, [150]; new duties imposed by France on the manufactures of the Netherlands, ib.; new session of the states-general, [151]; insurrection in Java, [152]; engage- ment near Samarang, [153]; king's speech, 89; financial embarrassments in India, ib.
New Brunswick; fire and hurricane at Miramichi, 155
Newcomen, lord, death of, 220
New Orleans, gigantic organic remains discovered near, 247*
Newgate, annual state of, 339 Newspapers, transmission of to the colo- nies, 110
Nicholas, emperor, see Russia. Northumberland, duke of, goes to France as ambassador extraordinary, 59 North West Expedition, court-martial re-
lative to the loss of the Fury, 148; ac- count of the expedition, 149, 251′
Obituary: Madame Krudener, 215; We- witzer, 217; Ferdinand IV. of Naples, 218; Thomas Green, ib.; Dr. Dixon, ib.; sir Leonard T. W. Holmes, 219; George Dance, architect, ib.; lord Newcomen, 220; sir J. Frederick, ib.; J. Cox, ib.; lord Thanet, 221; Dr. Tilloch, 222; duke of Gotha, 226; rev. T. Maddock, ib.; J. H. Parry, 227; Mrs. Franklin (Miss Porden) ib. ; sir T. F. Heathcote, 228; adm. Purvis, ib.; lord Braybrooke, 230; dowager lady Jerningham, 231; sir James Ers- kine, ib.; John Young artist, 232; rev. Dr. Elmsley, ib.; Mrs. Barbauld, 234; W. Owen, R. A., 235; rev. R. Bland, ib.; sir James Graham, 236; earl of Balcarras, 237; rev. J. Pridden, 238; G. Saverio Poli, 240; H. Fuseli, R. A., 241; lord Glastonbury, 243; baron Denon, 244; sir J. C. Hippis- ley, 246: Dr. Fisher (bishop of Salis- bury), 247; earl Whitworth, 248; Domenico Corri (composer) 251; lord Kilmaine, 252; sir J. G. Egerton, ib. ; George Chalmers, 253; Dr. Andrewes (dean of Canterbury), 254; sir W. W. Pepys, 255; professor Martyn, ib.; princess Borghese, 258; Dr. Rees, ib.; sir Thos. Bertie, 261; Dr. Mountain (bishop of Quebec), 263; Peter Tuchan (giant), 264; rev. H. Kett, ib.; Snow- don Barne, 266; lord Lilford, ib.; lady St. John, 267; duke of St. Alban's, ib.; Dr. J. Meyer, 268; earl of Craven, ib.; duchess dowager of Dorset, 269; sir W. E. Taunton, 270; sir Frederick Henniker, ib.; sir W. Geary, 271; John Lens, ib.; lieut.-col. Downman, 272; lord Radstock, 273; earl of Donoughmore, 275; Constantine De- metriades, ib.; col. Campbell of Glen- lyon, 276; earl of Carlisle, 277; col. James Capper, 279; Miles Barne, 280; Mrs. W. P. L. Wellesley, ib.; sir T. Stepney, ib.; chevalier Linquiti, 281; rev. P. R. Dobree, 282; Lacepède, French naturalist, 283; Walter Fawkes, 285; sir J. Stewart, ib.; George Cal- vert, 256; hon. A. Waldegrave, 287; general Foy, ib.; duchess of Rutland, 288; Dr. J. Nott, 289; dowager mar- chioness of Bath, 291; David, French painter, 292
Ogle Castle, East Indiamau, shipwreck of, 155
O'Gorman, Mr., secretary to the new Catholic Association, his intemperate speech, [45]
Oporto, murder at, 33
Organic remains, discovered near New Ouroux, M., artificial anatomy contrived Orleans, 247* Owen, Mr. (of Lanark) lectures at Wash- by, 245* ington, 17
Owen, William, R.A., death of, 235
Palin, John, trial of, for stealing four Paraguay, [212]; British subjects obtain bank notes, of 1,000/. each, 151 Parkins, ex-sheriff, Byrne versus, 7* leave to quit the country, 56 Parliament: opening of, by commission,
[3]; King's speech, [4]; lord Dudley and Ward's, [5]; Mr. Brougham's, [8]; Mr. Canning's reply to, [12]; debates on the Roman Catholic Asso- ciation, [17]; Mr. Goulburn's speech, [18]; sir H. Parnell's and Mr. Peel's, [23]; Mr. Plunkett's, [26]; Mr. Canning's, [32]; petition presented by Mr. Brougham from the members of the Catholic Association, [40]; bill passed against the Association, [42]; petition of the Catholics presented by sir F. Burdett, [46]; Mr. Plunkett's speech, [47]; Mr. Peel's, [49]; motion car- ried, and committee formed, [51]; Catholic relief bill, [52]; Mr. Peel's speech, [54]; duke of York's speech, [58]; Mr. Brougham's comments on, [61]; bill passes the Commons, intro- duced into the Lords, [64]; bill rela- tive to Elective Franchise in Ireland, [67]; committee of inquiry into the state of Ireland, [71]; Mr. S. Rice's motion respecting religious animosities in Ireland, [79]; Mr. Hume's motion against the Irish church establishment, [80]; abuses in the charter schools of Ireland, ib.; abuses in chancery, [85]; judges' salaries, [86]; laws relating to juries, and bankrupt laws, [88]; joint- stock companies, ib.; Unitarian mar- riage bill, [89]; usury laws, ib.; Scotch law proceedings, [90]: combination laws, [91]; report of the committee on ditto, [96]; bill passed on, [97]; corn laws, [98]; alterations in our colonial policy, [99]; diminution of duties proposed by Mr. Huskisson, [106]; financial situation of the country, [115]; reduction of duties, [118]; assessed
taxes, [120]; private bills, [121]; close of the session, and king's speech, ib.
Parr, rev. Dr., memoir of, 151'; account
of Sheridan while a school boy, 167* Parry, captain, court-martial on, relative to the loss of the Fury, 148
J. H. death of, 227 Patents, list of, 268*
Payments on foreign loans, mining shares, &c., 48*
Peel, Mr., speech on the Catholic asso- sociation, [23]; on the Catholic relief bill, [54]
Peru: defeat of the patriots, [209]; their subsequent success and victory obtained by Sucre at Ayacucho, [210]; libera- tion from the Spanish yoke, [211]; constituent Congress opened by Boli- var, ib.; Mr. Rowcroft, the first con- sul, shot by a sentinel, 12; note of the government council to the executive of Rio de la Plata, 144"; articles of capitulation of the Spanish army, 148* Picton, general, monument to, near Caer- marthen, 119
Piracy, St. Christopher's, 15* Plunkett, Mr., speech on the Catholic claims, [47] Poetry, 287
Poland: the states convoked by the em- peror Alexander, [156]; his speech on the first sitting of the Chambers, 93* ; ditto on the closing of ditto, 95* Poli, G. Saverio, death of, 240 Police: Hatton Garden; singular charge respecting a scheme for throwing per- sons down in the street, 132 Marlborough-street; assault upon Mr. Brookes, the anatomist, 172 Union-hall; singular case of imposi- tion, 33
Portsmouth sixteen persons drowned at the launch of the princess Charlotte, 129
Portugal change of ministry, and influ- ence of British policy, [174]; recog- nition of the independence of Brazil, [175]; change of commercial system, ib.; trade with England, 13 Prices: stock, 333; sugar and hay, 334; corn, ib.; butcher's meat, 335 Pridden, rev. J., death of, 238 Prison discipline, 286*
Privy council, report of, on Mr. Serjt. Rough's petition against lieut.-gov. Murray, 9*
Public Documents, 34"
libraries in France, 286*
Purvis, adm, death of, 228
Quarantine at Naples, 80
Rabbits, quantity of, sold by a single poulterer, in Leadenhall market, 188 Radstock, lord, death of, 273 Railway, suspension, at Cheshunt, 266* Rape: C. Wood, 5; G. Batty, 37; W. Cherry, 39
Rees, Dr., death and memoir of, 258 Reports of the select committee of the House of Lords, on the state of Ireland,
Reprieve, singular anecdote, and fatal mistake respecting, 276
Rheims, coronation of Charles X., 70 Rigaudier, Denis, trial for murder, 112 Rio de la Plata, new United Provinces of, [212]; their independence recog- nized by Great Britain, [216]; treaty with the United Provinces of, 84"; communication to the minister of Bra- zil, 105; note from the government of Peru, 144*
Ritzebuttel, hurricane and inundation, 14
Robbery, extraordinary system of, by prisoners, 112
Rochester cathedral, tomb of bishop John de Sheppy, discovered, 8
Rodios, M., letter, in the name of the provisional government of Greece, to Mr. Canning, 56*
Roman Catholic relief bill, sir F. Bur- dett's, 34*
Roman boat discovered at Glasgow, 279* Rome: ceremony of opening the sacred gate by the pope, 2; execution of two Carbonari, 160
Rough, Mr. serjt., his petition against lieut.-gov. Murray, 9*
Rowcroft, Mr., British consul in Peru, shot by a sentinel, 12
Russia, illness and death of the emperor Alexander, [157]; oath of allegiance taken to Constantine, [160]; his renun- ciation of the throne, ib. ; accession of Nicholas, [161]; military insurrection at St. Petersburg, [162]; alleged con- spiracy ib.,; revolt of Mouravieff Apos- tol, [164]; he is taken prisoner, ib.; line of policy adopted by Nicholas, ib. ; speeches of the emperor Alexander to the chambers of Poland, 93, 95; mani- festo of the emperor Nicholas, 96*; letter of the grand duke Constantine to the emperor Alexander, renouncing his right of succession, 98; answer to ditto, 99; Alexander's manifesto re- specting the succession, ib.; Constan- tine's letter to his mother on Alexander's
death, 100*; ditto to the emperor Ni- cholas, 101; the emperor's order to the army, 109; convention with Eng- land respecting commerce, fisheries, &c. 64°; devastations committed by wolves, 286*
St. Alban's, duke of, death of, 267 St. Domingo, see Hayti. St. John, lady, death, 267
St. Nicholas, miracles by, in Spain, 94 St. Petersburgh, horse-races at, 125
St. Rombaut, festival in honour of, at Ma- lines, 115
Saline water from a spring in Windsor park, analysis of, 261.
Salmon fisheries report on, 248* Santa Maura, earthquake at, 8 Sardinia, attack on Tripoli, 142 Scotland, law proceedings in, alterations of, [90]; report on the Salmon fish- eries, 248*
Sculptors, Venetian, 199* Scythe, the Flemish, advantages of, 264* Sherbro, king of, &c. convention with the governor of Sierra Leone, 87⚫ Sheridan, anecdotes of his early life, from
Moore's "Life" of him, 166*;, Dr. Parr's account of him, 167"; play of "Jupiter" written in conjunction with Halhed, 171; letters from his wife to him, 177; his latter to the prince of Wales on the king's illness, 181*; letter from captain Payne relative to the same event, 182; wagers and bets made by Sheridan, 187* Sheriff's, list of, 189
Ships; loss of the Kent Indiaman, by fire, 22; loss of the Mechanic, Steam-boat, 61; trial of the crew of the Criterion, for revolt, 128; launch of the princess Charlotte 129; recovery of the Chris- tiana brig, off Margate, 137; loss of the city of Glasgow Steam packet, 141; loss of the Comet Steam packet, 142; wreck of the Baron of Renfrew, ib.; loss of the Fury 148; of the Ogle Castle East Indiawan 155; number of vessels arriving at Hamburgh 185 Siamese, physical character of, 231"; manners and customs, 215; funerals ceremonies, and treatment of the dead, ib.; laws, 219′; adultery, 220*; theft and debt, ib.
Sidi Mahmoud, envoy from Tunis, his reception at Paris, 60
Sivori, Chevalier, his attack on Tripoli,
Sierra Leone, convention between the go- vernor and the Sherbro Bulloms, 87; population, &c. 281°
Song of the Greeks, 288* Spain: Zea Bermudez appointed minister, [166]; dismissal of Ugarte ib.; em- barrassment of the finances, [167]; dis- turbance at Seville, [168]; decree is- sued by Ferdinand ib.; Zea Bermudez offers his resignation, [170]; nume- rous arrests, ib.; plan for placing Don Carlos on the throne, ib., Bessieres' insurrection and death, [171]; other revolts, ib.; consultative Junta formed, [172]; Zea and his cabinet dismissed, [173]; succeeded by the duke del Infantado, ib.; surrender of two ships to Mexico, [208]; ditto castle of St. Juan de Ulloa, ib.; capitulation of the army in Peru, 148
Spanish patriots, stanzas to the memory of, 287*
Speech of the king of the Netherlands,
89; of the emperor of Austria to the Hungarian diet, 92; of the emperor of Russia to the chambers of Poland, 95*, 95*
Stanhope, hon. J. H., suicide of, at Caen Wood, 3
Steam-carriage, Copenhagen, 53
-vessel on a new principle, 139 - navigation to India, 171 Stemberg, Made. Ungern, case of her substitution in infancy, 29 Stepney, sir T., death of, 230 Stock Exchange, fund at, 121 Stonyhurst, Jesuits' college at, 279° Storm, dreadful one at Collereto, 105; violent one in the metropolis, 114 Substitution of one child for another, case of, 29
Suicide: hon. J. H. Stanhope, S; fanati- cal instance of at Berne, 111 Suicides, list of, in Westminster, 185 Sumner, Dr., epitaph on, by Dr. Parr, 161; character, 167* Sunderland, disturbances al, 117 Superstition in England, 89 Sweden, public affairs of, [153]; prose- cution against the editor of the Argus, [154] Switzerland, opening of the Diet, [155] ; murders in, 53
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